InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha: A Kid on a Journey ❯ Fighting Demons ( Chapter 4 )
Welcome back! I still know that this story isn't being that sucsessful but I'm trying to save it! You heard me last chapter, I'm NOT giving up on this! Now please R+R this and show me you care!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own InuYasha! Did you think I did?
Fighting Demons
InuYasha and Mikomi were walking down another path. They were still searching for Akuryou (DUH!). "So how do you think Kikyo and Kaede will be?" Asks InuYasha for the 100th time.
Mikomi sighs. "For the last time InuYasha, I think they'll be fine!" Mikomi was getting annoyed. InuYasha couldn't stop asking the same stupid questions. This was going to be a LONG journey.
InuYasha glared at Mikomi. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO RUDE!" He yells. Why did Mikomi have to get all hyped up from one question? What was his problem?
They continued to walk. InuYasha then smells demons. "Mikomi, I smell demons! Lots of them!" Says InuYasha. He then runs in the direction he smells the demons.
"How many demons are there?" Asks Mikomi as he rns after InuYasha. He was OK at fighting demons, but not a pro!
"I think there is over 20!" Says InuYasha. Great! He was still young and haven't fought many demons before. And Mikomi was still young too! How would they handle this many demons?
The two boys keep on running, till finally they reach the demons. "HOLY CRAP!" Yells Mikomi, "THERE MUST BE ATLEAST 30 OF THEM! INUYASHA! ARE YOU A GOOD DEMON FIGHTER?" He needed as much help as he could get.
"I'm OK, but I'm not that good yet!" Says InuYasha, "You?" Crap! So many demons! This would be hard!
"I'm about the same as you!" Says Mikomi. Damn! To many demons! They would have a handful.
"Well, we'll just call this warm up for Akuryou!" Yells InuYasha. He then charges in towards the demons. Mikomi follows.
"I hope you know what your doing!" Yells Mikomi. How the hell were two boys spost to take out this many demons? They would need a miracle! "Oh Kami, help us!" Mutters Mikomi under his breath.
"ATTACK!" Yells InuYasha. He then punches one of the demons. Mikomi then follows by whaking some with his staff. "DON'T GIVE UP!" Yells InuYasha as he claws a demon. Mikomi kicks one.
"THEY AIN'T DIEING!" Yells Mikomi. He then takes out some talisman and throws them. They kill about 3.
"WAY TO GO!" Yells InuYasha, "DO THAT AGAIN!" This wouldn't be that hard!
"Thoughs were all I had!" Say Mikomi as he whakes a few more with his staff.
"KUSO!" Says InuYasha. This could take forever! He does a spin kick and knocks down a few demons. "HOW ARE WE SPOST TO KILL THE REST?!?!?!?!
"Do you have any weapons?" Asks Mikomi. He whakes a few more.
"No!" Says InuYasha. He claws a few more.
"OH KAMI HELP!" Yells Mikomi. He punches a demon. This was going to be REALLY hard!
"KUSO!" Yells InuYasha as he is knocked down. He punches a demon that tries to finish him off.
"INUYASHA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!?!" Yells Mikomi. He whakes some demons off InuYasha. Darn, if a miracle doesn't happen, they could die!
"I'M FINE!" Yells InuYasha. He then claws a demons brain out.
"GREAT! DO THAT!" Yells Mikomi. They might have some hope.
"It's not that simple!" Yells InuYasha, "They have hard skull! It's hard for me to get that deep!" He kicks a demon that aproches.
"Kuso!" Curses Mikomi, "We're doomed!" He whakes more approaching demons.
"JUST KEEP FIGHTING!" Yells InuYasha. He jump kicks some demons down.
"Why did we even get in this?" Asks Mikomi. He kicks some demons.
"To practice for Akuryou! Plus these demons might try to kill someone!" Yells InuYasha. He claws more demons. This was taking forever!
"OH! WE'RE GOING TO DIE BEFORE AKURYOU!" Yells Mikomi, "GREAT!" He whakes more demons. They wouldn't stay down!
"WELL IF WE CAN'T DEFEATE THEM, WE'LL HAVE NO CHANCE AGAINST AKURYOU!" Yells InuYasha. He then fails to fend off a demon and gets knocked out.
"INUYASHA!" Yells Mikomi. He then fails to relize a demon and gets his staff knocked outta his hands. "Oh Kami, we're doomed!" He mutteres, "If you save us, oh Kami, I'll be ever so grateful!"
Just then to older boys wearing black jump suits with swords and other weapons comes and slays the demon. They then turn to InuYasha and Mikomi.
"THANK YOU, KAMI!" Yells Mikomi. He then looks at the two boys that just saved them.
Wow! That was an interesting chapter! Any guesses to who the two boys that saved them are? Any? R+R! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!