InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ Shopping and a Surprise ( Chapter 4 )

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Chapter Four: Shopping and a Surprise
The Goshinboku cast its magnificent shadow over the Higurashi shrine. Standing in the midst of the shadow, head up towards the top of the tree, was Inuyasha. Instead of going inside to wait on Kagome, he decided that it would be best to meet her outside.
Kagome rose from the bench she was sitting on. Inuyasha staggered backwards. Her bangs hid her eyes, but he knew that her eyes held the intensity of a fierce storm. Nothing good could come out of this.
“Go home! We'll talk about this later!” She yelled at the top of her lungs.
A chill shot up his spine. He braced himself for the pain he was about to experience. Kagome would definitely “sit” him a couple hundred times for what he did. But he still couldn't understand why she would be mad at him? Yeah he did go out into the city when she told him not to, but he only disobeyed her because he felt she was in trouble. What other explanation could there be when she was late getting home?
The wind started blowing. Unlike the fierce wind he thought would come, this one was gentle. It swept his hair up and off to the side. A familiar scent reached his nostrils. He glanced over next to him and saw that Kagome stood right beside him. He moved his eyes away from her and back up to the top of the tree.
“I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. It was really immature of me to do.” Kagome apologized softly.
“Heh, whatever. I guess you had a right to be upset.”
Kagome turned her head. Inuyasha did the same thing. For a moment, amber eyes met chocolate eyes. They peered into each other, silent understanding between them. Just as quickly, they broke their connection. What caught their attention was the old tree. The spot where Inuyasha had been pinned to for fifty years was still visible.
“I wonder how things would be if we had never met each other that night.” Kagome mused.
“Heh, I know one thing. I would still be pinned to that damn tree.”
Kagome giggled. Inuyasha turned around and glared at her. “It's not funny,” Inuyasha tried to convince himself. No matter how hard he tried, a faint smile formed on his mouth.
For a few more minutes, they stood at the base of the sacred tree, side by side, thinking of the past, the past neither one of them would change for the world.
“We're home!” Kagome called out.
“Welcome home,” her mother answered. “How was school?”
Kagome slung her backpack off her shoulder and threw it down in the kitchen. “It was fine.”
“That's good to hear.”
Inuyasha followed Kagome into the kitchen and sat down at the table.
“Hey, Inuyasah.” Souta greeted. Souta really liked, and looked up to, Inuyasha. He was the big brother Souta wished he could have. “I heard that you're going to go to school with Kagome.”
“Yeah, so what?” Inuyasha snorted.
“Why would you want to go to school? I wish I lived in the feudal era and didn't have to go to school.”
“Whatever. I just want to see what Kagome keeps complaining about. It's starting to get really annoying.”
Kagome sent an evil glare towards Inuyasha.
“Everything's set, Inuyasha. I called the school today and enrolled you,” Mrs. Higurashi announced. “You'll have all the same classes as Kagome. Hopefully that will make things a little easier for you.”
“Feh, how hard could it be?” Everyone grinned at each other. Inuyasha had no idea what he was in for.
After dinner, Kagome, dragging Inuyasha along, ran out of the kitchen towards the front door. “We'll be back in a little bit,” she called out.
Everyone was stunned at their abrupt exit. No one, even Inuyasha, had time to chew and say goodbye.
“Where are you dragging me?” Inuyasha asked, annoyed at not being able to finish his dinner.
“We're going to go shopping,” Kagome explained.
“Feh, couldn't it of waited until after dinner?”
Kagome looked back at the hanyou staggering behind her, closed her eyes, and smiled.
After walking a little ways down the street, they came to a shop full of nothing but male clothes. Kagome peered in quickly before grapping Inuyasha's arm and leading him into the store.
“This looks promising,” Kagome said, looking around. Inuyasha noticed she had that look on her face again, mischievous grin sneaking up.
Inuyasha looked around the store. All the clothes here seemed so…weird to him. Then he looked down at his haori. Maybe those clothes weren't so weird after all. It seemed all the humans he saw on the street wore these clothes and he knew that Kagome wanted him to look like them. Anything for Kagome.
He walked over to a rack with clothes hanging on it. He picked up one of the hangers and observed the shirt hanging on it. It was white with black letterings. What the letterings meant, he had no idea.
“Hey, Kagome,” Inuyasha called. “What about this one?”
Kagome looked the shirt up and down. “That's a good pick. What I want you to do is pick out three or four shirts and pants.”
Inuyasha started to sweat. She trusted him to know what he should and what he shouldn't buy? Whatever she wanted him to do.
Inuyasha searched the store up and down, left and right. At the end, four shirts and four pants hung over his arms.
“Good job, Inuyasha,” Kagome smiled, hands clasped together. “Now you need to go to the very back of the store and try them on.”
Inuyasha nodded and headed in the direction her finger pointed. Four stalls lined the back wall. `I guess I just need to pick one and try these things on,' he figured. Picking the one on the far right, he opened the door and stepped inside. The first thing he noticed was a big mirror hanging on the wall in front of him. `This should help me figure out what I want.' On the side walls were hooks. He looked at the hangers in his hands and figured that he should hang the clothes there.
After figuring out what everything was, he picked one shirt and one pair of pants to try on first. He unwrapped his haori and laid it on the ground. He picked up the shirt and forced it over his head. So far, so good. Then he pulled the pants up his legs and buckled the front. `Heh, this isn't so hard,' he scoffed.
He repeated the procedure with each of the garments he picked out. Every one of them seemed to be a good fit. They were also fairly comfortable. He put back on his haori, unlocked the fitting room door, and stepped out.
“How was it?” Kagome asked with a smile.
“Do they fit okay?”
“Do you want to get them?”
Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders. “Sure.”
They walked to the front of the store to check out. The boy sitting at the register had been staring at Inuyasha ever since he walked in. Who wouldn't stare at someone wearing a red haori and who had pointed ears at the top of their head?
Kagome handed the boy the clothes. After ringing them up, Kagome reached into her purse and brought out her change purse. She motioned for Inuyasha to grab the bags with the clothes while she paid the boy. After paying the store, Kagome and Inuyasha walked out, the boy still staring at the hanyou.
Their next stop was the pharmacy on the other end of the street. They walked in and Inuyasha was suddenly took a step back. The smell was nauseating. Alcohol, cleaner, any scent you could think of bombarded Inuyasha's nose. He shook his head and continued on in. To Kagome, everything smelt as it should be, all nice and sanitized.
Kagome led Inuyasha towards the beauty section. She stopped and looked up and down the hair care aisle. Inuyasha observed all the strange bottles, some of which he took off the shelf and opened to smell the contents. The aroma inside the bottles thrust itself out and up Inuyasha's nose. Everytime this happened, Inuyasha let out a great big sneeze. This was beginning to be too much for him.
“Kagome, I'm going to go outside and get away from all these smells.”
Knowingly, Kagome nodded. “Just stay close to this store,” she called after him.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it,” Inuyasha huffed. She trusted him to pick out his own clothes, but not to go outside.
After a few minutes, Kagome walked out of the pharmacy with a bag in her hand. Inuyasha offered his arm to carry the bag. She helped guide it up his arm. Once she let go, Inuyasha gave out a grunt. The bag was heavier than he thought.
“What all did you buy in there?” Inuyasha incriminated.
“Oh, just some things for you and me,” Kagome chuckled.
Inuyasha's eyes began to sparkle. “You bought something for me?”
“Yup,” Kagome nodded.
“What d'ya get for me?”
“It's a surprise,” the mischievous grin popping back on her face.
Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. He like surprises, but he didn't know if he would like this one.
Yay for cliffhangers! I know ya'll hate `em. I hate to read them, but I sure like to write them. I guess it's my way for getting back at the people who did them to me. Muhahahaha! Anyways, this is the next chapter. I surprised myself this time. I didn't think I would get it up this soon. This story is really coming together well, I think. Thanks for the reviews! Let's keep them going!