InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Christmas Carols ❯ Naraku the Demon ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Welcome back to Inuyasha Christmas Carols! Please enjoy the second Inuyasha style Christmas carol!


Disclaimer: Nope! I don't own Inuyasha.


Naraku the Demon


Naraku the Demon


Was only half-demon

Like Inuyasha!

And if you ever saw him

Saw him!

You would never guess he was half demon

Like some president!

All of the other demons


Used to beat him up

Like bullies!

They never let Naraku


Kill any humans with them

Like Darth Vader!

Then on some cold night, lots of demons came to him

In their underwear!

And they fused bodies with him and became powerful

Now all the demons fear him

Fear him!

And hide in fear

In fear!

Naraku the demon


Is gonna be killed some time

Like Kikyo!


Hope you enjoyed this! Sorry it wasn't very Christmassy! I'll post the next carol soon.