InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Christmas Carols ❯ Jingle Bells ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

OK! Here's the next carol. I'll try to make this one more Christmassy.


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!


Jingle Bells


It's Christmas in Feudal Japan

And we're fighting Naraku

Inuyasha slices his head off

And we all cheer

Kikyo then shows up

And tries to claim Inu

Then her head gets blown off

By Kagome's arrow, oh



Jingle bells, Kikyo smells, Naraku laid and egg, Jaken lost his wheels and Kagome took ballet! Hey! Jingle bells, Kikyo smells, Naraku laid an eye, Jaken lost his wheels and Kagome took ballet!


Then Sesshomaru comes

And Inuyasha fights with him

While the rest of us

Beat up Jaken

Jaken complains

And we shrug our shoulders

So we kick the green thing through the night, oh


Jingle bells, Kikyo smells, Naraku laid an egg, Jaken lost his wheels, and Kagome took ballet! Hey! Jingle bells, Kikyo smells, Naraku laid an egg, Jaken lost his wheels, and Kagome took ballet!


Koga comes racing in

And tries to claim Kagome

Then Inu yells at him

While Kagome breaks up the fight

Koga then leaves

Inuyasha gets sat

Isn't this a fun Christmas

In feudal Japan, oh


Jingle bells, Kikyo smells, Naraku laid an egg, Jaken lost his wheels, and Kagome took ballet! Hey! Jingle bells, Kikyo smells, Naraku laid an egg, Jaken lost his wheels, and Kagome took ballet!


Hope you liked this. I got more ideas I'm going to post in a few minutes.