InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Christmas Carols ❯ Miroku is Coming to Your Village ( Chapter 4 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here's the next carol.
Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha.
Miroku is Coming to Your Village!
You better watch out
You better look behind
You better watch your butt, I'm telling you why
Miroku is coming to your village
He's checking out girls
And checking them twice
Gonna find out who's beautiful or not
Miroku is coming to your village
He grabs girl's butts
He asks them to bear his child
Sango really beats him up
But that is not enough
Oh you better watch out
You better look behind
You better watch your butt, I'm telling you why
Miroku is coming to your village
I still got one more idea for today!