InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Christmas Carols ❯ I Saw Kikyo Kissing Inuyasha ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Last idea for today!


Disclaimer: Still don't own Inuyasha!


I Saw Kikyo Kissing Inuyasha


Kagome: I saw Kikyo kissing Inuyasha

Outside in the sacred tree last night

I gasped when I saw

Inu grabs Kikyo's butt

He really must be learning from Miroku

So then I ran out

And I yelled 'Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit!'

And the both fell to the ground

And I kicked Kikyo though the night!


OK, I'm out of ideas for today. I'll post more tomorrow since I need to have this done by Friday since I won't be on Saturday.