InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha: ~Heartless~ ❯ ~The Meeting ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“I don't want to go back to school,” said Amimi on the phone talking to her best friend, Rikku. “ But you have to! We need to get that assignment in by tomorrow and we both have to present it,” said Rikku on the other line. “ Ugh… whatever, see you tomorrow,” said Amimi as she turned off the phone.
Amimi Nykotori was a 4th grader at Noshi Elementary. She had long, black hair and light blue eyes. She hated math and loved P.E. Yup, she was your normal 4th grader. Amimi was lying down on her bed thinking of tomorrow. Oh-no! I forgot I had homework thought Amimi as she bolted out of bed. When she went downstairs to get her red backpack, she heard her parents talking.
“ How can you be so irresponsible!!!” yelled her mom. “ Well, I could have done better.” her dad said. Great… another fight thought Amimi as she picked up her backpack. “ Better leave before I'm pulled into it,” whispered Amimi as she walked away. “What are you doing?” said a small voice.
“Eeeek!” yelled Amimi. “Oh…hi Owshi. Mom and Dad are fighting again,” she said to her six-year-old brother. “ They just won't stop,” said Owshi while Amimi was walking upstairs. “ Yeah,” said Amimi sadly. When she finally finished her homework, she headed outside. “ Amimi, where are you going?” asked Owshi. “ Just taking a little walk,” Amimi said in a weak voice. Why me, thought Amimi. My parents fight a lot and are planning a divorce and I might not see one of my parents ever again. I don't even know what will happen to Owshi. Then, a little tear dropped down her cheek.
“ Hey, why are you crying,” asked a small figure. Amimi noticed she was in the forest near her house. Then she looked at the figure. It was a small boy. He was about Amimi's age and was wearing a red kimono. He had white hair and two little dog-ears. “ Hey! I'm not crying,” blushed Amimi. “ Well, it looked like it. Anyway, I am Inuyasha,” said the small boy. “I'm Amimi. Nice to meet you,” she said and shook his hand. “ Do you want to play with me,” said Inuyasha holding up a yellow and blue ball. “ Uh…sure,” Amimi and Inuyasha had a lot of fun that day.
An hour later, Amimi knew it was time to go. “Here Inuyasha,” blushed Amimi. “ Keep this.” She handed him a golden locket, shaped like a heart. “ Gee. Thanks,” said Inuyasha as he put it over his neck. “ Bye Inuyasha, I hope I'll see you again someday!” said Amimi as she waved good-bye. “ Me too!” said Inuyasha as he headed near a small cave. What a nice kid. Cute too thought Amimi as she blushed heavily.
Amimi ran home and into her room. She sighed. She had never had this much fun since she was little. I wish I could see him again. She lay down on her bed thinking of the project due the next day, but her mind was still thinking about Inuyasha. After a few minutes of thinking, she fell into a deep sleep.