InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jailbirds ❯ Emotional Wounds ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I apologise to all those on that had to read the < i> codes etc, but I could have sworn, they used to work here…
Oh!! Ok, I'm full of nervous energy, cause I'm getting exams results tomorrow, so I'm trying to use it up by writing this chapter.
She didn't
Everything inside of me froze up, all except my heart which was now beating louder and faster than I ever remembered it.
My stomach lurched back into action making me feel momentarily sick and weak.
My thoughts slowly got back on track, as I searched frantically around our small room hoping miraculously to find whatever answers I needed there.
Kagome moved over slightly, placing her hand under my chin and clicking my jaw shut with a giggle. I never noticed opening it.
I stared at her.
She smiled at me, and tilted her head to the side innocently awaiting my answer.
I hadn't got one.
Well I had, but not one that would lend itself to words at the present moment.
What do I say to her?
I looked over at the shoji, for what reason, I do not know.
She won't…
“Sango are you alright?” Kagome asked softly rubbing my shoulder.
She's so nice, I don't want her to hate me…
I glanced back at her, the patronising smile of encouragement still present.
“I uh, I…”
Will she even believe me, I don't think Miroku or Kagura even believe me, and they don't hate me… then again, they don't have to sleep in the same room as me…
“Will you, would you…”
“What Sango?” She nudged when I didn't continue.
How do I phrase this… don't scream, hit me, or fall off the bed trying to get away…? That would definitely go against me… I think I know…
“Promise me…” I rasped, when had my mouth gone dry? I swallowed.
“Promise you'll hear me out before judging me, I swear by all that is holy and sacred it's not what it seems… Promise!” I pleaded with her, my eyes beginning to water.
“Ok, I promise, take your time…”
I watched as she suddenly tensed up, her jaw falling slack, her eyes flittered across the room, I found the whole thing quite comical, and let a small giggle escape as I pushed her jaw back up.
Don't laugh Kagome! That's mean!
She looked back at me, the perfect portrayal of a dear caught in the headlights, not that I ever bothered learning how to drive, it's a waste of time in this city…
I just smiled and waited, she'd answer when she was good and ready.
“Uh…” I quirked an eyebrow at her dumb answer.
She wasn't even looking at me, she was looking at the bathroom screen. I was puzzled since it was only a plain screen, this country had millions of them, and most were way more interesting than that one…
“Sango are you alright?” I petted her shoulder, she might be a bit slow in the head…
“I uh, I…” she furrowed her brow as if considering something.
“Will you, would you…”
Will I, won't I what?... hello, earth to Sango...
I gave her a few second before I prompted her, “What Sango?”
“Promise me…” She rasped and swallowed. I said nothing.
“Promise you'll hear me out before judging me, I swear by all that is holy and sacred it's not what it seems… Promise!”
She sounds so serious, she's…begging me…
“Ok, I promise, take your time…” I'd at least hear her out.
Here goes everything…
I took a deep breath, I could potentially lose a friend, new as our friendship was, I was already quite attached to her, I never had any friends on the outside, only a few in here, I didn't want to lose her…
“Kagome… please, if you want to know, bear with me… it's hard for me, you must understand…”
She nodded, “Ok, if it's that hard for you, you don't have to tell me, it's none of my business really… I shouldn't have asked.” She had the good grace to blush.
“No,” I put my foot down, Father would be ashamed of me, afraid of telling the truth!
“I'm going to tell you, you'll… you'd find out sooner or later anyway from someone else… it's best you hear it from me, that way, you can be sure of the proper story, the truth, but it is up to you however, if you want to believe me or not, I can understand if you don't… no-one does…” A tear dribbled over the edge of my eyelid before I could catch it.
Kagome took my slightly trembling hand in hers and rubbed her thumb back and fourth along mine.
“It's hard when there's no-one on your side, I know, but you say your words with such conviction, I'd believe you if you said the sky was yellow with multi-coloured poka-dots for clouds.” She smiled genuinely at me, it was a novel thing to me, no-one was ever that nice to me, even those I knew all my life…
I giggled despite myself.
“I don't know how long or boring this will be, would you like me to wake you up when I'm finished?” I smiled, noticing, I'd finally stopped shaking.
What was it Father always used to say? `Always stand by your truth Sango, even if everyone else says your wrong, you know better than them, and can rub it in their faces later when your proven right', I don't know if I can ever rub it in anyone's faces, but I do know I'm right! Kagome can take it or leave it.
“I won't fall asleep on you, if I do, you can ask one of those bitches to come back and strap me! Damn things still burn!”
I took another deep breath.
“Well, I was put in here for murder,” I waited for her reaction, that sentence was a dosey, but in fairness to her, she didn't even gasp as she waited for me to continue, true to her word of hearing me out, “They convicted me of killing four men, one, my own brother,” at that she did gasp.
“I know probably everyone in here will claim they're innocent, I am, and I will stick by it, because I would never kill anyone, least of all my younger brother…” I tightened my grip on her hand, I wasn't going to cry.
“After my Father died seven years ago, we were both very upset, my mother died when we were both still very small, so he was all we ever had besides each other… I took over the dojo, and I was swamped with bills and other maintenance, I wanted to make everything work so Kohaku, that's his name, could go to college, he was so bright, such a good worker, he helped out when he could, but I always made sure his school work came first, I was never one for school, but he was, and he could have been very successful too, but after Father died in the accident, a car crash, he was trying to rush home so he could make Kohaku's Baseball game, and it just…” I broke off with a sob.
Kagome moved so she could sit beside me in an embrace, I was so thankful she was still listening…
I sniffed, no use crying now, you big baby! “sorry…”
“No, no take your time… I lost my Father in an accident as well, he was at a business meeting in Kobe, when the earthquake struck in `95, and the entire building collapsed on them, it still hurts me…”
I nodded. She might understand then…
“Well, Kohaku always felt it was his fault, and went into a kind of depression, his school work began to suffer, and he just fell into the wrong crowd, meanwhile I was too busy to even notice… I just yelled at him for his bad grades, which probably further distanced him from me…”
I didn't realise that I hadn't continued straight away, when Kagome gave me a little shake, my mind still dwelled on Kohaku…
“But the crowd he fell into, I don't know… it started off just a bunch of loser kids causing petty troubles, but they eventually went into deeper stuff, and at that point it was too late for him… I came home from shopping one day and found a note left by him, he was still the nice boy he always was inside, just lost… the note said he had to take care of something, not to worry about him if he didn't come home… naturally I was manic with worry, but I knew where he was, I had to pick him up from the place a few times before, it was a set of bachelor apartments the gang used for all sorts of deals.
“When I got there, I had finally decided I was going to do something to help him, get him some professional help and move away, out into the country or something, I was negligent to my reasonability's for far too long… and then I heard gun shots, six of them, and I ran the rest of the way up the stairs…” God it's still too much…
I cried and sobbed into Kagome's arms and shoulders, she hushed and rubbed my back while I let it all out, everything I had been holding in this past year and a half flooded out, I was so glad someone wanted to listen to me, even though I didn't deserve it, I was a horrible sister, I didn't listen to Kohaku when he needed me… and now he's gone and I'm in here…
Eventually the lights went out and my sobbing faded, Kagome patiently held me, and told me senseless things, like `it's gonna be ok', `it's not your fault', etc, but I was glad for them anyway… I still owed her the rest of the story.
“When I got there, the door was open, I went in and they were all on the floor, the three strange men were probably dead already, I never checked, because Kohaku was lying there with a hole in his belly, and the blood… it wouldn't stop,” I sobbed about to start blubbering again, but I was determined to get it all out, tears later.
“He was barely conscience, I pulled the gun out of his hand, and knelt beside him trying to stop the blood with my jacket, there was so much, and it smelled so bad, all the blood… but he, he stroked my face, and said sorry…” Tears just rolled uncontrollably down my face and I wept for him again.
There was a banging on the door, “Ladies, quiet now and go to sleep.”
I felt Kagome sigh underneath me, “I guess Miroku's gone home, eh Sango?”
I don't know if it was meant to cheer me up or just take my mind of Kohaku for a minute, but I still had to finish.
“I was hysteric, trying not to let him die, but he told me to run and leave him, and then he stopped breathing, I heard the sirens, and I didn't think, I just ran, I climbed off the balcony out the back, and ran through the alleys, I was about, a block away I think, and I realised that I never dropped Kohaku's gun, I threw it out of my hand and kept running, but I was eventually cornered by the police… and there's no way to prove I didn't do it…. I only have my word…”
Kagome's head bobbed against mine, as she nodded.
I sniffed sitting up, wiping the remains of the tears away. Too many tears today.
“And the papers, made me sound so awful, they made up all these stories about me and my family… it was terrible.”
I waited for her response, it seemed to take forever, but she gave me a small smile and leaned forward to hug me.
“I believe you, I really do, I love my own little brother to bits, and if anything ever happened to him, I… I don't know what I would do. I was always thought to believe, innocent until proven guilty, and until someone shows me a video tape of you shooting them all, I'll stand by your side in this.”
She doesn't exactly believe completely in me, but, I can't ask for anything more without proper evidence… it's enough though… it's good enough.
Aww how sweet…” a man's voice came from outside, thick with sarcasm, “now will you two just shut up and go to sleep, don't make me come in there…”
“Yes sir”, we both drawled, and crawled off the bed to change into our night clothes.
“No more warnings, you only got them tonight because I was in a good mood…” with that he walked off.
I crawled back onto my bunk after changing, and was surprised to find Kagome climb up behind me…
I arched a brow in askance.
“Well I thought you might want some company, I know I wouldn't want to sleep alone after telling a story like that.” She whispered and moved to settle between me and the wall.
This must be like one of those sleepovers little girls have… first time for everything I suppose…who knows, she might keep the nightmares away…
“Uh, thanks…” and I snuggled down falling asleep quicker than usual.
I bet ya all seen that Sango/Kohaku thing coming a mile away didn't you? I know, I'm kicking myself right now for my unoriginality…
A quick note before you complain about the lack of detail in Sango's story, sorry, I had to put that in bold, just in case anyone missed it, but if you were telling Sango's story, in that emotional state, you'd hardly give perfect vivid detail, in fact, anyone would be lucky to even get the story in proper order, but never fear, The whole story, will come into play, and more detail and background etc added as the story goes on, just be patient, good things come to those who wait…
Big thanks you's to my reviewers:
Scorpinac: Did you guess it? It was pretty obvious wasn't it? Sigh, I've failed as an author to twist her crime properly… forgive me!!!
Bianca: Didn't I already answer about Inu in my last response to you…?
YoukaiObsessed: Yeah, the spam code thing I guess you mean < i> etc, yeah, I could have sworn used to allow those codes, I had to go back over everything… sigh… swat instead…
neshee: He's around somewhere don't worry, he'll be in it when he's in it…
Psychotic gun wielding bizatch: Phew! That's one long name!! did this satisfy you? It did nothing for me…