InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: yea yea yea blab la bla..i don't own Inuyasha…though I wish I did but sadly…I DON'T!!!! ;-;

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"Ahhh! Inuyasha HELP!" Kagome screamed as she was attacked by a neko-youkai. Haha, poor wench. Too bad your little hanyou can't come and save your pathetic human life." The cat demon said as Kagome screamed for help once again.

"What?! What do you mean he can't come?! What did you do to him?!" Kagome said panicking now she didn't know what to do.

Nakura laughed at Kagome's outburst of questions. "I didn't do anything to him." Nakura smirked. "Maybe you should ask Naraku." She suggested off hand.

Then Kagome herd a familiar scream. `Shippo!' Kagome's mind screamed. She then saw Nakura go after Shippo and had no other choice. She had to do it.

Kagome started to chant like Miroku. Then a light surrounded her, and next the Shikon no Tama started to glow. Next her body started giving off a light that lit up the entire sky.

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`Finally I'm done with one of Naraku's puppets.' Inuyasha thought just as he herd a scream from Kagome calling for him. "Kagome, I'm coming." Inuyasha said as he got off the ground.

Inuyasha finally got to were Kagome and Shippo where, when he saw a light. The light was so bright, he had to shield his eyes. `What's that?' Inuyasha wondered. `and why does it smell like Kagome is in there?'

The light had finally disappeared, when Inuyasha finally opened his eyes, instead of seeing Kagome there like he thought he would, he saw a beautiful inu-youkai.

`She's beautiful.' Inuyasha thought. But what had Inuyasha very puzzled was why did that demon have Kagome's scent? It can't be Kagome because she human and she's demon. Inuyasha knew that it wasn't her because of that. But, he is wrong.

In the blink of an eye, Kagome defeated Nakura. `Man, Inuyasha is going to kill me since I didn't tell him about this little…um…secret of mine.' Kagome thought since she knew Inuyasha was there and saw the whole "performance".

Inuyasha and Kagome both herd Sango, Miroku, and Inukaya all running up to them. Once they got there they all were staring at Kagome like she was a goddess or something.

Everyone was speechless. They were all looking at her and she was staring to get very nervous. Well they all were minus Sango. Kagome told Sango when they were at the hot springs. But what surprised Sango was not that Kagome was a demon, but what she looked like.

She is gorges. There aren't really any words to describe what she looks with out the description. And even then can you put the right word in as to how beautiful she is.

She still has her black hair, but instead of the natural blue streaks in her hair, she has purple. Her eyes are Ice purple and she has a black tail that goes around her shoulders and just misses the ground by an inch. The marking on her face are two pink stripes on her cheek both sides, and a six pointed star on her forehead.

`Wow, I never imagined Kagome to look like this.' Sango thought.

The first person to awake out of there "trance" was Miroku. He then went up to Kagome and said:

"Hello Miss. Have I told you, you are a very beautiful demoness? And I was wondering if you would do me the honors of baring my child." Once he was done saying this Sango was giggling and Kagome was on the floor laughing on the ground uncontrollably.

Sango then lost her control on laughing and fell of the ground. While she was laughing, everyone was looking at her and Kagome like they were crazy. Even though Miroku asked Kagome to bare his child…again, Kagome couldn't hit him this time for being perverted. It was jus to funny.

Then Inukaya went up to Kagome and got her off the ground and sniffed her. She then looked up at Kagome and smiled. Then she walked up to Miroku and waked him in the head, and then started laughing herself. (A/N: does that make sense?)

Kagome was back on the ground laughing and everyone at this point, minus Sango and Inukaya, thought that they were just nuts.

Miroku was very confused at this point. He was not expecting uncontrollable laughing as an answer, he was expecting to get slapped. `Why are they laughing?' he thought. `Did the new demon put a spell on them or something?' Miroku was about to ask that but his mouth worked a lot faster then his mind could even register.

"What's wrong with all you people?!" Miroku yelled/asked. From that all he got was stares from everyone.

Then Inuyasha corrected him. More like: Human, Hanyou, and Youkai. Miroku just shot him a death glare and Inuyasha just shot one right back at him.

Inuyasha manages to calm down Inukaya enough to ask her to explain what was going on. Inukaya tried to tell them that the demon was Kagome, but all she got out were muffled sounds that sounded like: Kagome, her, and demon. Everyone was confused about this since she was laughing and talking at that same time.

Then Shippo came running up to them and was yelling something about: the light, Kagome, and the demon in front of them. But no one was able to understand him because he was to far away, was running, and out of breath.

"What are you talking about Shippo?: Inuyasha asked once Shippo got up to them and caught his breath.

"That demon" Shippo said pointing at Kagome. "is Kagome." He finished excitedly.

Miroku and Inuyasha were in shock…again. `How much stuff can happen in one day?' both Inuyasha and Miroku thought at the same time. Shippo was happy that his "mother" was a demon now. Instead of a human.

`Maybe that's why she smelt better than most humans.' Inuyasha thought. "Well, Kagome, how long have you been a demon without telling us?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome did an anime fall, then got back up. Completely ignoring Inuyasha's question, Kagome asked: "Well, Inuyasha, how long have you been a demon?" she said rolling her eyes. Kagome was not expecting an answer.

Being Inuyasha he didn't catch on *that* quick. "All my life…why?" (A/N: hey its Inuyasha pples ^_^;)

This time everyone did an anime fall.

"Boy Yash, you're dumber then you look." Inukaya said to her brother. "HEY WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" yelled Inuyasha

"Okay. You guys, Sango and I are going to go back to the village. If you want to know answers to your questions, ask them at Keade's." Kagome said feeling completely ignored.

Kagome started to walk away from the group and pulled Sango along side her. Then Inukaya ran up to them and they started talking like everything was normal.

Inuyasha and Miroku, along with Shippo were all walking behind them. All lost in there own thoughts.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

`How could Kagome hide this from me?' Inuyasha thought.

"So, Kagome, why didn't you ever tell anyone you are a demon?" Inukaya asked snapping everyone out of there thoughts.

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well that's it first the first chapter tell me how ya like it kk?

PizzaholicKrys ^_~

BTW this is my new user name. So if I say "Inukaya" @ the end of some of the chapters sorry hard to break old habits. Lol. Kk thnx bye bye