InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: yea yea bla…I don't own Inuyasha though I wish I did…like that'll happen v_v

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Last time:

"So, Kagome, why didn't you ever tell anyone you are a demon?" Inukaya asked snapping everyone out of there thoughts.

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"Well, Inukaya, its because in my time demons don't roam around freely like they do here its believed that all demons were vanished from the world because of an evil power and also because my motherwouldn'tletme" Kagome said and purposely said the last part fast so no one would understand her because that was embarrassing.

"Um…could you say that last part again a little slower this time Kagome-sama?" Miroku said after being punched in the face. (can you guess who did that? ^_^)

"Ugh…fine…my mother wouldn't let me tell anyone that I am a demon." She said blushing.

"Oh well why wouldn't your mother let you tell anyone that you're a demon?" Inukaya asked.

"Well you see Inu…ugh." Before Kagome could tell her the answer she ran into something.

When Kagome looked up all she saw were golden eyes. At first she thought it was Inuyasha, but she was wrong instead it was…(A/N should I stop here? ::sees angry readers:: OK OK I WONT STOP!!!! Ok now back to the fanfic ^__^;;) Sesshoumaru. (A/N heh heh sorry peoples but was that obvious or did you think it was Koga?)

"Oh sorry Inuyasha." Kagome said without even realizing it.

"I'm not that worthless half-breed" Seeshoumaru said. Kagome turned around and blushed "Heh heh sorry Lord Seeshoumaru I didn't realize my mistake." Kagome said.

"Who are you?" Seeshoumaru asked. "Um…I'm Kagome…why?" Sesshoumaru was surprised to say so the least. Inuyasha wench was a full demon. And a dog demon at that too. `Well little brother it seems you have been hiding this from me along time now but now that I know this…what will you do?' Seeshoumaru thought in his head.

"Why does your blood smell of the royal blood line from the North?" Seeshoumaru questioned. "What is this twenty-questions?" Kagome said starting to get a bit irritated.

"Answer my question wench." Sesshoumaru said.

"My. Name. Is. Kagome! KA-GO-ME!" She screamed.

"Will you just answer my question?" Sesshoumaru said getting a bit irritated.

"Ok fine just tell me one thing…What was the question again heh heh?"

"Why does your blood smell of the royal blood line from the North?" Sesshoumaru said again with irritation this time.

"Oh, well ya see my grandparents are the lords of the North." Kagome said quietly but blushing furiously.

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A/N: ok ppls sry for the late update but I did this while I was in skool and I would like to thank one of my friends that helped me w/ this. Ok soooooooo ill try and get another chapter up.

Well peace out

PizzaholicKrys ^_~

BTW…if NE of you wanna kno wut Inukaya looks like just E-mail me kk?