InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone!! I'm glade you all like my story. Well NE ways I got a new username as some of you hopefully know. So yea now on for the disclaimer and the chapter.

Disclaimer: yea yea you all know I don't own Inuyasha. He is own by the wonderful, bestest, most wonderful (you get it right?) Rimiko Takahashi-sama.

Well on with the fic. ^_~

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Last time:

"Oh, well ya see my grandparents are the lords of the North." Kagome said quietly but blushing furiously.

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Chapter 3

Once Sango herd this she was very shocked. (lots of people are doing that lately, no?) `Why didn't Kagome ever tell me that? She said she told me everything…but she didn't.' Sango could have sworn Kagome told her everything.

"Sesshoumaru, what are you doing here?" yelled Inuyasha as he popped out of no where.

"Why do you care little brother?" Sesshoumaru answered with another question.

"Well if you have nothing to do here, leave.:" Inuyasha ordered. Sesshoumaru was quit amused that a mere half-breed was trying to order him, Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, around.

"Are you trying to order me around little brother?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, now tell me what are you doing here?" Inuyasha said again. At this point Inuyasha was starting to get nervous because Sesshoumaru kept looking at Kagome with lust-filled eyes. (Hey all you pervs. there are NO LEMONS in this story. So toooooo bad. Sesshoumaru just has lust-filled eyes ok?)

So instead of waiting for an answer he was never going to get, he just walk up to Kagome and gave her a look that said `we-need-to-leave-now-or-you-will-die-and-how-I'm-fitting-all-this-in-one-s tare-I-don't-know.'

Kagome looked at Inuyasha confused at first, but then got the real message that said "leave-now-or-die.' So Kagome nodded her head and they left with everyone else up in front of them.

"Inuyasha, why is Sesshoumaru still following us?" asked Kagome getting pretty nervous.

"I don't know Kagome. He never usually bothers us when we are here in my forest. But once you trans…" he then stopped in the middle of the sentence and was looking at Kagome with wide eyes. (that happens a lot too…doesn't it?)

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Hey all I'm gonna stop now cuz its 11:32 pm on a skool night. And I rly rly rly need to sleep cuz I haven't gotten the best sleep in the world for the past 2 weeks. I just found out that my cousin is in the hospital. She has something the matter with her lungs. So please pray for her. And if you do, thnx.

Well peace out ya'll,


AKA Inukaya. ^_~