InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey yall!! I feel like writing another chapter to the story this week. I think I'm on a typing spree or something or it might just because I'm feeling generous because Halloween was 2 days ago! ^_^;; YAY!!! Ok well on with the chapter now…

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Last time:

"I don't know Kagome. He never usually bothers us when we are here in my forest. But once you trans…" he then stopped in the middle of the sentence and was looking at Kagome with wide eyes. (that happens a lot too…doesn't it?)

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Chapter 4:

"What? What is it?!" Kagome yelled the last part startling the others and they looked back.

"It's you." Inuyasha said calmly/whispering.

"WHAT?!" Kagome yelled yet again but this time scaring away some bird out of some nearby trees. (wow…that's loud. heh heh ^_^;;)

"I said its because of you." Inuyasha said again

"I know what you said but…why…how?" Kagome was nervous/scared/confused. `WHY ME?! WHY ALWAYS ME WITH THE BAD LUCK?!' Her mind yelled.

Inuyasha could tell Kagome was scared/nervous because of the change in her scent. He could also see the she was confused because of her face showing all of her emotions.

"Don't worry Kagome I'll be here…right here for you….always." Inuyasha said and hugged her to emphasis the `I'll always be by you part.'

After he said that, he pulled Kagome into a hug.

Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Inukaya stopped and walked back to wear Inuyasha and Kagome were and saw them. They could see Kagome was very, very, very red. And they were all shocked at Inuyasha's display of emotions. Mostly Kagome.

Inuyasha was very surprised himself. It was like he wasn't able to control himself when he did that. It was like his instincts kicked in for him and controlled what he did. He was happy that he didn't have to do all that because he knew he would end up messing up.

Kagome was even more surprised at what Inuyasha did next.

Inuyasha kissed her. Kagome's eyes when wide. (no she wasn't mad she was surprised for all the ppls who don't know.)

`What's he doing?! Hold on, backup, rewind, play. Ok so I was in a fight with that cat, Inuyasha came and saw me fighting, then everyone else came, then we start walking back to the village. We end up running into Sesshoumaru and I made an idiot of myself thinking he was Inuyasha. Then we just walk away from him, big mistake, and now Inuyasha and I are here, KISSING?!' She thought.

`What spell is on Inuyasha to do this? I know he would never do this. He loves Kikyo.' She thought sadly.

`Man Kagome is probably thinking I'm either under some spell or she's gonna `sit' me for the rest of my life.' He thought and was half correct.

Inuyasha then stopped the kiss and looked at a very RED Kagome.

Miroku, Sango, and Inukaya were shocked. Shippo was happy, and Kirara was looking around as if she already knew that this was going to happen. (hey I was just wondering, did NE 1 of you notice that I just kind of left Kirara out until now? Or am I just wrong? O.o;;)

"YAY! Inuyasha decided he was gonna show his true feelings to Kagome!" Shippo said very-happy like. (hehe I like my new word, happy-like, ^.^ ok I'm sorry for interrupting the story…again…for the…nvm…I lost count >.<)

"Yea, I guess he did." Said a shocked Sango.

"Heh…I knew it. I knew it all along. I just didn't know *when* Inuyasha was going to open up like this." Said the all knowing Miroku.

"Hmm…I wonder how the bit…oops… I mean Kikyo will take this." Inukaya said purposely and was smiling because her little brother finally had the common sense to open up to Kagome. (heh heh sry again but I did say Inuyasha was younger than Inukaya right? O.o; sry if I didn't!)

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Ok I'm gonna stop here now kk?? ::see angry readers:: IM SORRY!! PLZ DON'T KILL ME!!! ::I run away screaming like I'm being chased by a lion:: ::in the far distance readers here "I LOVE YOU ALL!!! BYE!!!!" then all silence::

Well peace out yall.

PizzaholicKrys ^_~