InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey ya'll! I finally decided to write another chapter.

So yea R&R.

Disclaimer: you all know I DON'T OWN INUYASHA OR NE OF THE CHARACTERS…I only own Inukaya, this keyboard and the screen.

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Last time:

"Hmm…I wonder how the bit…oops… I mean Kikyo will take this." Inukaya said purposely and was smiling because her little brother finally had the common sense to open up to Kagome. (heh heh sry again but I did say Inuyasha was younger than Inukaya right? O.o; sry if I didn't!)

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Chapter 5:

When Inuyasha finally pulled away, Kagome was as red as a ripped tomato. And boy was that red! Well anyways Inuyasha, he was calm, and red, but still calm.

Then Kagome backed up, walking into Sango during the processes. "Oops. So-sorry S-Sango." She said absolutely shocked.

Inuyasha saw this and thought she rejected him. His ears went down and Kagome couldn't take the pathetic look on his face. She walked up to him and was ABOUT to kiss him on the cheek, but then they felt the wind get stronger.

The first thought that came to everyone's mind was Kagura, but then they remember that they defeated her with the help of Inukaya.

Then they were all praying that it wasn't Koga. But who was it that jumped out from the bushes and went right to Kagome?

"Koga what do you want with us NOW?!" said/yelled Inuyasha.

"Shut up half-breed!" Koga said turning his attention back to the miko-youkai.

"Kagome I heard a rumor that you turned full youkai! Is it true?!" he said excitedly.

Before Kagome screamed at Koga, she covered Inuyasha's ears. Then she said telepathically (Kagome can do it…b/c I said she can. This'll probably one of the only times that she will be doing it.) `Sango please cover Shippo's ears.'

Sango looked a bit surprised at first but then she saw Kagome smile, and she nodded, picked up Shippo, and covered his ears. (how she did that all at once…I don't know).

She looked at Inuyasha to see him smile then took Kagome's fingers out of his ears and covered them himself. Kagome then walked up to Koga and screamed at the top of her lungs (cover your ears people…ok??!!) "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE KOGA? DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM AN ELF?!"

"Well it kind of does because of the ears." Koga said shocked and pointing at Kagome's ears at the same time.

At that point Kagome's face was red. Not from embarrassment…oh no…from anger. And man was she pissed! "Koga, does the tail mean anything to you? Or maybe even the markings on my face? ANYTHING?!" said Kagome calm yet mad at the same time.

At this point Inuyasha had to cut into the fight. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Kagome so he had to stop it some how. And man did he have a plan! (hey it rhymes!!) "Koga, you are such a freaking idiot. (I'm sorry I had to say that to all Koga lovers, I like him in all but I had to say that I couldn't think of anything else really. DON'T KILL ME!!!) Said Inuyasha as he wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist.

"Hey half-breed, get your hands off of my woman!" Koga said growling deeply.

"Oh shut up wimpy-wolf. (T-T) Kagome said. After that she leaned into Inuyasha's embrace.

Koga was shocked at what he just heard. From Kagome nonetheless. His woman! Man he was so pissed now/ he was looking at Kagome and Inuyasha both with wide eyes. He didn't want them to know that he was mad. He didn't want to hurt Kagome, well not as bad as he wanted to hurt Inuyasha for messing up Kagome's mind. (oh please…)

Koga was so mad/shocked that he didn't even notice Inuyasha and Kagome walking away. Hey they needed to get to the village you know!

Since Koga didn't notice them walk away he was left there, standing. Looking like a complete moron.

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"HAHA! That was so cool!" Kagome said. "Maybe now Koga will leave us alone." Inuyasha said.

After that was said he picked up Kagome bridal-style, and went to run and catch up to the others.

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A/N: well peoples sorry for thee late update and all but I was pretty busy. Oh yea before I forget to tell ya, my cousin is okay now. Now I have the problem, I have impetigo or something like that. It isn't that bad in all but it HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!! And its itchy too but I'm not aloud to scratch it. >.< its not fare!!!!! ::sigh:: ok well peace out people!

PizzaholicKrys ^_~