InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone…I feel rly bad for the late update. But as I said I was busy and crap. So yea R&R please!

Disclaimer: Roses are red, Violets are blue, me no own, so you no sue. ::takes bow:: thank you thank you ::falls flat on face:: ow…..

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Last time:

After that was said he picked up Kagome bridal-style, and went to run and catch up to the others.

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Chapter 6:

While they were walking, in the distance they could hear a faint `slap.' Then aloud "PERVERT." Then another loud `slap' then finally a `thud.'(::dryly:: boy can you guess who that is…)

"I guess Miroku will never learn." Kagome said as her and Inuyasha walked by the monk that was monk that was sprawled out on the ground with a very large and very red handprint on his face.

"Oi Sango. You know you might end up killing him with that hand of yours." Inuyasha said once they caught up with them.

Sango was blushing after Inuyasha said that, and Inukaya was giggling.

"Heh heh, yeah maybe your right. I should take…an…easy…MIROKU!" She yelled as Miroku went flying into a nearby tree. "On second thought, I'm not going to take an easy on him." She said the rest and continued walking.

"Boy, Miroku just doesn't know when to quit. Does he?" Shippo said with a sigh.

"Nope he doesn't." Inukaya sighed also. (Is it just me or have I not used Inukaya that much in the story?)

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Ok you guys I know this a rly short chapter and all but I have a project due next week, and I haven't started it yet. >.<

Well peace out,
