InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey guys…I'm really sorry that I'm not updating a lot it's just that my report…which I STILL didn't finish, and its due on Mon., and all my homework that I have to do. It's really hard for me. Heh heh sorry. And today I wasn't in the best mood b/c I just found out my friend is cutting up her wrists…wow, I have a bad life. Well I'll try to update more often now, but with school and everything that's going on, it'll be pretty hard for me…well I write as much as I can now, but it won't be to much, ok IM SO SORRY!!! Well on with the fic……

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters. I only own Inukaya and my keyboard.



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Last time:

"Nope he doesn't." Inukaya sighed also. (Is it just me or have I not used Inukaya that much in the story?)

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At the Village!!(yay! finally!)

They were all settling in when Kagome had a great idea "Hey guys, wanna tell scary stories?"

"Sure…why…not…" Inukaya said unsure.

"OK cool. Let me go and put Shippo to sleep and then we can all start." She said getting up and walking to the other room that just appeared there. (^^;)

"Hey Inuyasha, what the hell is she talking about?" Inukaya said quietly but almost yelled.

Inuyasha just shrugged his shoulders and said "We'll have to ask her when she comes out."

"Gee what a lot of help you are Inuyasha." Inukaya said sarcastically.

Kagome then came walking back out of the room the so suddenly appeared there and had a nice evil little smirk on her face…which by the way everyone missed…and sat down.

"OK Kagome you start." Inuyasha said

"OK well I have a better idea." Kagome said STILL smiling evilly WHICH NOONE STILL NOTICED!!

"Well spill it then wench." He said

"OK sorry I was trying to get into the moment."


"Well Kagome what is it?" Sango said very excited.

"OK sorry. How about we play T or D? (Truth or Dare for you people who don't know what TOD is.)" Kagome said.

"Yeah, OK, we will play that, after you explain to us what that is." Miroku said Kind of excited.

"OK, yeah good idea." Then Kagome started to explain the game rules.

~*~*~*~*After a long explanation that I don't feel like explaining~*~*~*~*

"Get it now?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah I do." Miroku said.

"Yup" said Inukaya

"Sure" Inuyasha

"Yeah sounds easy." Sango said.

"OK, good. Truth or Dare." Kagome said to Sango

"Um…Truth." She said.

"OK. What do you really think about Miroku?" Kagome said grinning evilly.

"I think he's a pervert. Duh." Sango said just a little to fast. That was easy to tell she was hiding something.

"Sango…tell him what you told me or lose a piece of clothing." Kagome said back to Sango.

"OK, OK. What I really think about Miroku is, he is a really great guy. I think he is very wonderful, but still a pervert." She said honestly and blushing like crazy.

"Really Sango? That's what you think about me? Miroku asked disbelieving every bit of it, but still hopefully.

"She's head over heals for you Miroku." Kagome said.

"Well any way now that the two lovers admitted their feelings for each other, may we continue?" Inukaya asked politely.

"Yep." Kagome nodded and then said "OK Sango your turn."

"OK. Um….Inuyasha truth or dare." (A/N ok I'm not gonna right there names when its only 2 pple who are talking kk?)


"I dare you to…" she was then cut off by Miroku covering her mouth and telling her one….

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And I'm gonna stop there now and let you all suffer. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Yes I know I am very evil. But deal with it, its just me.

Well peace out ya'll!


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BTW have any of you ever try to play Flash Flash Revolution? IT'S THE GR8EST THING IN THE WORLD!!!! You've gotta try it out. If ya E-mail me I'll give ya the web site.