InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ IMPORTANT!!!! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey guys! I'm not going to be able to update for awhile because if any of you were watching NEWS channel 12 then you would know. But, just incase you weren't, then I'll tell you……

Today (Wednesday) we were going to have a protest against our principal being fired. But we found out one of our teachers {no names mentioned} found out about it, so we moved it to yesterday (Tuesday). We were all out side from about 7:00 am-10:30 am. The first 2 periods, and about 35 minutes into 3rd. Well it was all very, very COLD!! But we also had fun. Lol. We had Z100, 95.5, and KROCK have shout out things to us. And we also had ABC 7 news, and NEWS 12. Heh, heh. Fun, fun.It was the coolest EVER! But, about 10:30, we all had the go back in, because there were about 9 cops there, PLUS the fire dept. was on stand be JUST incase anything happened. Lol. But, anyways, we were all told that there would be NO CONSEQUENSES!!! BUT THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS LIED!! About 500-600 kids in the school were either put down for cutting, OR absents!! ::mutters under breath "I hate those fucking bastards!! I hate them all!":: OK, well, that is outta my system now…but….there is another kind small, little, and other problem that I have. Because of this, I GOT GROUNDED!! Gr…I HATE THIS!!!! Just because I was TRYING to HELP MY PRINCIPAL!! ::mutters again "I fucking hate them all"::

Well, once I get ungrounded, WHICH WILL BE NEVER!!!!!, I'll update. Also, I would like to get MORE reviews! It seems like you guys don't even LIKE my story…..PLEASE REVIEW!!

Well, until next time I update…

Ja Ne!