InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome: Heh heh, Umjust read the story.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*the readers:

"" Talking

'' Thinking
* Telepathies
Story end
~*~ Scene change


~*~*~*~*~*~*Down stairs~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Hey Yuji, wake up, we need to talk." Kagome said walking down the stairs. "Yes Kagome we do need to talk." Yuji said and ran toward Kagome with a knife.

It was like everything was happing in slow-motion. Yuji was coming at her (Kagome), next Sesshoumaru runs in front of her, and last Sesshoumaru is on the floor clutching the butcher knife that is in his gut right now.

"Oh my God! Sesshoumaru! Are you OK?" yelled Kagome as she ran towards him. "Of course he's not OK. He just got stabbed with a knife." She said to her self angrily for asking such a stupid question.

Sesshoumaru started to breath hard. 'Whats the matter with him? This cant be the Sesshoumaru I know...can it?' Kagome thought to herself. She looked over to Yuji with tears in her eyes and stood up. "I can't belive you Yuji, you tried to kill Sesshoumaru." Kagome said in a wisper.

Sesshoumaru then stood up and grabbed Kagome around the neck. Kagome gasped and look at Sessoumaru. His eyes were red, and he looked like he was struggling with himself trying to keep control.

Kagome then saw it. It was the Shikon, the FULL Shikon in his head. She went to feel around her neck, it was gone. *Shit Sesshoumaru! C'mon! You can keep control of your body can't you?!* She thought to him. 'I've gotta get Sango, hopefully they can get through the well.' *SANGO! Help me! Please try to get through the well, I really need your help! Naraku has control over Sesshoumaru, and the Shikon is in his head!*

Kagome's air supply was then cut off from her and she couldn't breath. She then saw Yuji with the knife once again and she ran towards her. Kagome was stabbed in the chest by her. She looked down as far as she could, because of Seshoumaru's hand, and saw the blood. Then she saw black. Sesshoumaru listened for a heartbeat, but found none.

~*~The Fuedal(is that spelt right?) Era, Kagomes time, also a few minutes before~*~

Sango and Miroku had received the meesage from Kagome and ran to the well. They jumpped in and got sent to her time. They ran to her house and waked in on Sesshoumaru holding her and Kagome having the knife in her chest. That was all they were able to see before Sesshoumaru discarded her and looked towards them. Yuji then ran towards. Sango had barly enough time to block the attact with her own weapon. Sango was knocked from her feet and thrown into Miroku who was thrown into the wall from the force of the ataact and having Sango thrown into him.

Sango got up and threw some powder at Sesshoumaru. He then started coughing up some blood. "Sango what did you do to him?!" Miroku asked her.
"Well, I threw poisin powder at him. What else could I do?"

"Well you COULD have thrown it at Yuji too!"

"I'm really sorry to say this monk, but I 'M ALL OUT!! I only had enough for Sesshoumaru!"

Yuji was starting to get tired of this, she charged toward Sango and Miroku for the final strike. But before she could strike them, someone blocked her and they took the hit instead.

"You will leave my friends alone!" The figure said. Sango and Miroku looked up surprised to see.....
Well I'm going to stop here becasue well, I'm just mean! Lol. Well you guys I have good news and bad news. Good news first. Good news is I found Microsoft Word, Bad news is I can't download it onto my computer from the CD. It's being dumb. But I can update using the notepad thingy. It's just that I wont really beable to spell check, space it out right, and all that other fun stuff. And also I would have to say that this chapter came out better then I thought becasue I have the evil sickness WRITTERS BLOCK!! grrrr....
Why'd you kill me?!
Yeah, why DID you kill her.
You'll see. Don't worry something else will happen and everything will hopefully be in the right place. Lol.
Why'd you let that little welp and half-breed try and kill me?
Stuff-it, you'll find out later on.
Did you just tell me to 'Stuff-it'?
Yes, now shut up.
Oh! Kryst are you going to tell them about Mikey?!
Oh yeah! Guess what everyone! I GOT A LITTLE TURTLE!!! I named him Mikey from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!!! I kow I'm obsessed with TMNT, so sue me.
walk in::
walk back out::
By the way Krys...
Yes, Inuyasha?
Did you ever do the disclaimer?
Oops...nope never did ^_^;;
minus Sesshou: ::anime fall::
Well do it before the lawers come back.
Ok ok! Shessh! I don't own Inuyasha what-so-ever. OK THERE HAPPY?! ::walks away sadly::
Well you guys, she will update again soon. But she will be in Virgina this week-end, so don't expect it too early.
the distance readers hear "I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then it all goes quiet::