InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Im sooo sorry!!!! ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Krys: Hey guys I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!


::glares evily at Inuyasha::

Inu: ::backs away ever so SLOWLY::

Krys: ::smirks::

Inu: ::gets all scared::

Shippo : Krys...calm down please!!!!

Yea Krys....calm down, remember what happended last time?

Krys: ::remembers:: Oh, yea, I don't want THAT to happen again....

I don't think ANYONE wants that to happen again.........

::knocked out::

Sango, why'd you knock out Miroku if he didn't touch you yet? 0_0;;;;

I'm just NOT in the mood for anything today.

(Lol. Sorry I love him and I gotta have him, Kurama and Yusuke here.): Hn...She's in heat.

::blushing furiously:: Why you, you little shrimp, your'e going to DIE for that one!!

: Hn. ::jumps and avoids Sango::

Why am I here now? I thought this was an Inuyasha fanfic!

Kurama : Please, Yusuke, be politer. (Is politer even a word????? >.> <.< ^.^;; It is now I guess.......)

Sesshoumaru: ::stays quiet watching everything with amusment shining in his eyes::

Shippo: Krys, why not tell the real reason your writting this authour note....

Krys: ::sighs:: Blah! Ok....Well, as many of you hopefully know, it's almost the end of the school year-----

Everyone minus Sesshou and Hiei: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W00T W00T!!!! OH YEAA!!! PAR-TAY!!!!!

Krys: SHHHH!!!!!! Well, yeah, thats good and all, BUT theres one bad thing. It means FINALS are coming up soon. In 17 days to be exact(It's Monday and our finalls start on...someday...). Which also means I need to STUDY!!! Ugh....I'm going to die!!!!!!

Shhhh...It's OK Krys.....I know how you feel.

Krys: Well,next Monday I don't have school, so that'll give me a chance to start typing up chapter 13. And who knows, maybe I'll even get it out!! But, I'm not promissing anything, I still gotta study.

Onna, get away from me!

Sango: Not until I kill you jerk!

Kurama: Sango, please leave him alone, you know how he acts. After all, you are paired up with him in all those cross-overs. ::sweatdrops a little::

Sango : Yeah, so what's your point.

Kurama: You were just actting, right?

Sango: HELLS NO!!!


Kagome: I thought he was mine....

Krys : Nope, you got Sesshoumaru I decided to have you paired with him.

Sesshoumaru: ::raises an eyebrow:: Oh really....

Krys: Yes, really, now you better shut up before I tell everyone about the I saw you in a p----

Sesshoumaru : ::He puts his hands over my mouth:: OK, OK, just shut-up about that... ::little anger mark thingy::

Krys: ::bites Sesshoumaru's hand:: DON'T touch me Fluffy-boy..

Hiei: Since when do I belong to you?!

Krys : Since I said so.


Krys: ::goes over and huggles Hiei::

Hiei : ::blushes but ignors it::

Kuwabaka: DUDE!! The shrimp is BLUSHING!!!!

Krys: Who let you in?!

Kuwabaka : I don't know....where's Urameshi(Did I spell that right?)?

Krys: OH!!!! GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!!

Everyone minus Hiei and Sesshou: What?!

Krys: I got 2 turtles...I know they ARE illegal, BUT I didn't buy them, they were given to me by my cousin' for my birthday last month. ^_^ there sooooooooooo kiwaii!!!

Kurama: What did you name them?

I named them Mikey and Raph.

Mikey: Like, yeah, did someone like call me?

Raph : Yo, how'd we get here?

Sango: OH! So those Turtles that Krys is ALWAYS talking about!!

Krys: DUH!! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the BEST!!!!!! Oh yeah, by the way, in my last chapter, for the reviewer who live in Virgina, what I meant when I said "I don't want to go!!" was, that not because I don't like it, it's just that I don't really like my aunts who went there also. Soooo yea, the trip SUCKED ASS!!! We didn't even go to the graduation!!! All we did was stay at the camp! WE DROVE FOR 9 HOURS STRAIGHT FOR NO REASON WHAT-SO-EVER!!!!!!!!! And Susan, STOP GOING ON MY USERNAME!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrr.....OK I am now done rantting, I gotta go anyways and go to sleep. Soo Buh-Bye everyone!! Until next time!!!!!!!!!!

Raph: You still neva told us how we got here!!!

Mikey : Raph calm down dude. Let's just stay here until her story is over.

Raph: But what about Shredder?!

Krys: Raph, I love you and all, but just can it.....

Raph & Mikey: ::they both shut-up::

Japaness Words~*~