InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Inu-Yasha Stories ❯ Cherry Blossom Beach ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This is for those who asked. I was only going to do one, but since you all insisted… heh, heh, heh. This is for you. It takes place after my first one ^.~ It's a bit longer, with a bit more depth to the story and to the feeling behind it. Very lemony if I may say so myself. ^_~ And I'm sure you'll all notice that I really like water. I also go the idea from the opening sequence. Heh, heh. ^____^x Enjoy!]

Cherry Blossom Beach

Kagome sighed as she walked through the cherry blossom orchard. Where the hell was Inu-Yasha? The thought ran through her mind for the millionth time. She had gone back to her time for a bit and he hadn't come to pick her up like he usually does. She looked down at the light pink kimono she was wearing that was decorated with sakura branches and flowers. She'd also come back in such a rush that she hadn't even changed into any normal clothes after the school festival.

She lifted her head as she walked, searching amidst the trees for any sign of him. When she had returned and had gone to Kaede's to find out about Inu-Yasha, her kimono surprised the group. She'd explained the reason, but Sango had told her that she should wear them more often. Shippou said she looked pretty and Miroku tried to take a cheap feel. Sango luckily had come to her rescue. Kagome's eyes narrowed. Maybe she should get a 'sit' rosary for Miroku and give to Sango so she could have fun with it. She giggled to herself and then shook her head, forgetting her laughter. But, even so, they hadn't known where Inu-Yasha was. All they knew was that Inu-Yasha had been missing for a day and a half. The only excuse he'd given them was,

"I'm going out to think. AND DON'T ANY OF YOU DARE FOLLOW ME!! FEH!!!"

Kagome sighed again, her eyes narrowing. Where the hell was that idiot? Ever since… Her face flamed up and she stopped in her tracks, not noticing the sudden strength of the wind billowing her hair wildly and as well as cherry blossom petals about her. She lowered her head and covered her flaming cheeks with her hands. Ever since that night… He'd been acting different. Not too different, but still different… Kagome wrapped her arms around herself and looked up to the bright blue sky, the sakura petals floating over her.

That night had been a mistake. She knew that now. She should have never done what she did; she should have stifled herself and have dealt with it. She was sure she'd confused the heck out of Inu-Yasha, especially since he was still indecisive over her and Kikiyou. He didn't seem to realize that this Kikiyou wasn't the one he knew… The kind Miko he loved would never have taken any human lives…or try to take his after she found out the truth. Kagome shook her head. There was no point arguing with herself over it. She knew what she felt in her heart…she knew that despite the knowledge that the night between them had been a mistake, she still would never regret it. She'd keep the memory of it for the rest of her life.

But she was sure Inu-Yasha was regretting it now. He hadn't been the same since.

Kagome rubbed her sleeve over her eyes, trying to stop the tears before they started. When she found Inu-Yasha, the last thing she wanted him to see was bloodshot eyes and a red nose from crying.

Inu-Yasha saw Kagome shake her head and then continue walking through the orchard. He cursed colorfully beneath his breath. She wasn't going to give up… Then again when had Kagome ever given up? He groaned and shook his head, his hands clenching into fists. Didn't the stupid girl realize what she was doing to him?!?!?! After that night… Oh, gods, that night… He'd only gotten worse. He'd thought wanting her before had been bad?! It was nothing next to now! After touching her, knowing her… The intense need had double…no, better make that tripled! He'd never, ever felt this way before with another woman! He'd wanted Kikiyou (never as powerfully as Kagome, but he still had)… but this?? This wasn't normal! Every time Kagome got close, her scent became more powerful and memories of that night would rush through his mind, making a battle of sheer will for him NOT to grab her and take her right there!

His eyes softened as he continued to watch her walk. He knew his lack of control was hurting her. The sheen of tears in her eyes as she looked up at the sky was only one insistence, but he'd seen it plenty of times already. Kagome probably thought he hated her… When that was the last thing, he was feeling. He'd left the village so he could think it through without having the other three trying to decipher his thoughts. Now here she was…and all he wanted to do was hold her… and drag her onto the sakura-covered floor with him…

ARGH!!! DAMNATION!!! Screw this. Inu-Yasha straightened. He was through with having to fight himself over this constantly. So, he wanted Kagome. More than he had wanted Kikiyou, more than he'd wanted any other damn woman in existence. SO WHAT?!?!?!?! He looked down and saw Kagome was farther along than he realized. He followed her, hopping silently along the trees. He'd just about had it with situation. He'd made his choice.

Inu-Yasha abruptly stopped. He'd made his choice? Kagome? But…why? Was it because they'd made love…? Was that the only reason? There was no way he was giving her that reason! But… Inu-Yasha put a hand over his heart and the sudden pain there. Having to choose was killing him…but everything in him was telling him to go for Kagome. It was then that he remembered the talk he'd had with Kaede before he left.

"Inu-Yasha. Why did you choose Kikiyou-one-sama?"


"Na-se…? Why did you choose Kikiyou-one-sama? You've been given a second chance at life. Why are you choosing to die with a shadow of my sister?"

Inu-Yasha turned his face away. "What do you mean, Kaede-ba-ba? She let herself die so we could be together in the afterlife, although she hated me… I should be dead. What's wrong with dying with her?!"

"And what about Kagome-chan?"

Inu-Yasha stayed silent.

"You're wrong, Inu-Yasha. Dying with this form that wears my one-sama's face is not the right thing to do. Kikiyou-one-sama's soul has already been reborn. So, you'll go to hell, with no one but yourself."

Silence. "Then what do you expect me to do, ba-ba?!" he abruptly shouted. "I can't leave Kikiyou like that! Do you just want me to desert her?!"

"The only one that is truly the Kikiyou that was my one-sama and your love is Kagome. My one-sama was never the cruel monster she is now. I refuse to believe that it is truly she. Once she found out the truth about Naraku, she should have passed on peacefully… But it is hatred, insanity and obsession that keep that creature still moving. It is not the spirit of my one-sama. Don't you remember, Inu-Yasha? Kagome had been a lifeless shell when her soul had entered that makeshift body, yet somehow she called it back… Once it threatened you."

Inu-Yasha gulped. "What are you trying to say?"

Kaede shook her head. "It is your decision. I just want to make you aware of the consequences of your choice. I don't think you've realized it yet, but Kikiyou-one-sama was your soul mate. And now that her soul has been reborn in Kagome, sheis your soul mate. Choose wisely, Inu-Yasha. Kikiyou-one-sama is dead. Kagome lives. Which will you choose? Life or death?"

Suddenly, what Kaede had said made sense. Was that why his heart ached when Kagome was near? He'd knew Kagome so much more than he had known Kikiyou. She'd rarely laughed or joked around or teased him. Their relationship-to say the least-had been intense, and brief. He closed his eyes tightly as he remembered Naraku's words,

"Was the love between you and Kikiyou so weak that your trust in each other could be so easily broken? You both hated each other. That is the truth, stripped of all lies and masks."

NO!! That isn't the truth!!! He NEVER hated Kikiyou…but it wasn't the same as what he felt with Kagome. If Naraku ever tried to pull one of those tricks again, it would NEVER work on him and Kagome! NEVER! Because…

Inu-Yasha's eyes widened in realization. Because… he trusted her. He'd trusted Kikiyou, but their love had still been so new, so raw… Yet, with Kagome…He could never doubt her. He knew that girl would give anything to see him happy, to see him safe… Inu-Yasha smiled lightly. He knew he could put his heart and his life in Kagome's hands…and never have to worry about being hurt. But Kagome had given him her heart and he'd only tossed it aside while thinking thoughts of an already dead woman. Kagome had healed his heart, and all he'd done was damage hers.

He sped off quickly after her. Kagome…

Kagome's eyes narrowed in annoyance at the ocean before her. All right. This'll work. Go through at least two miles of orchard only to hit beach. And the entire way, no Inu-Yasha. She shook her head. Damn fool, she thought to herself. He probably smelled you a mile away and hightailed it. I think he's trying to send you message. "Leave me the hell alone, Kagome". Damn. She sighed deeply and cursed herself mentally. Oh…

"DAMMIT, INU-YASHA! If you don't want to see me or talk to me that's fine!! But dammit, don't leave me hanging like this!! At least TELL me you don't care!!!" Kagome bellowed to the skies.

"But what if I do care?"

Kagome whirled about to see Inu-Yasha standing right behind her. He was covered in sakura petals. Her eyes narrowed.

"You were in the orchard the whole time, and you didn't eve-!"

Inu-Yasha's kiss silenced her. He wrapped his arms quickly around her pulling the soft body wrapped in silk against his. Kagome's eyes were wide in shock as his mouth moved over hers, slowly stealing away her will. His tongue licked her lips, his teeth lightly nibbling. Her tense body relaxed, melting against his and her eyelids began to drift closed…

Kagome pushed him away in a rush. Na-na-na-na-nani-o?! Her breathing was ragged as she held him away, her head shaking so she could clear her mind. "Wh-wh-what are you d-d-doing, Inu-Yasha?! You avoid me for…for…weeks!! And now th-th-this?! Wh-wha-?"

He grabbed her again and kissed her silent. He dragged her to the floor, his hand already working on the obi of her kimono. She'd looked so lovely in it, with all the petals in her hair and on her clothes…but she was even lovelier without it.

He tossed the sash aside and opened the silk, his hands running along the length of her now exposed skin. He growled at the little straps of clothing that were still in his way, but he neatly sliced them off, tossing both into the wind and towards the ocean that was crashing gently behind them. He stared down at her, her arms still in the kimono and lying beside her head. Her nipples had puckered in the cool ocean breeze and her breasts were heaving with her ragged breaths. His eyes trailed down her body, to the dark forest of curls protecting her essence from him. A wicked smile twisted on his lips as his gaze traveled down her long sleek legs. Legs that were quivering with the heat of his gaze. A sakura petal drifted and landed on her belly. Inu-Yasha ran his hands down her skin, his thumbs moving over the beaded nipples pulling a gasp from her throat. He groaned and bent his head to take one in his mouth.


His hands slid down her sides as he turned his attentions to the other breast, leaving the previous wet and aching with kisses. He slid his hands between her warm thighs and pushed them apart, kneeling between them. He bent her legs up, and left her breasts, his tongue dragging down the length of her abdomen until just before the nest of curls. Inu-Yasha heard her breath catch and he smiled against her belly. He lifted his head up and slid one of his fingers into her, groaning as he felt her muscles clench around the intrusion. He pulled his hand away from her and stared into her eyes. He licked finger that had been inside her body and moaned at the taste. Kagome shuddered at the sight.

Inu-Yasha bent his head once more, caressing her belly with his tongue, dipping into her bellybutton loving the feel of her quivering beneath his touch. The scent of her desire and her need filled his nostrils. He would have a taste of her…now. His hands traveled from her hips to beneath her and cupped her cheeks in his hands lifting her up to his lips. He met her glazed eyes over the expanse of her exposed body.

"I want a taste of you…Kagome…"

And he set his mouth on her.

Kagome arched her back with a hoarse cry. Oh, kami-sama, it was building, building, building. This incredible heat…Her skin was aflame and with his mouth there…licking her, tasting her, damnation he was practically eating her! The light blue of the sky spun crazily before her eyes, she couldn't even see straight. Her hands flew into his hair, digging her nails into his scalp. He growled against her and Kagome choked on a gasp. Her hips moved against him, her body clenching with each stroke of his tongue, each nibble of his teeth. Tears slid out of Kagome's eyes as she pressed him tighter against her. Her heart was hammering wildly against her chest, as if it were trying to escape. She could barely breathe. Every gasp she uttered was broken bits of his name. His tongue thrust into her wet opening and a broken cry burst from her throat. Dear stars, he was drinking her!! Her eyes were blurry, her body burning and all the pressure was focused right there, right where he was… He nibbled on the gem of her desire, where all that pressure had gathered, and she exploded with his name creening from her lips.

Inu-Yasha held her, licking her nectar as she shook in his arms, the waves of her orgasm rocking her body. She was still trembling in the throws when he released her and hurriedly tossed off his clothing. He moved over her, his mouth and lips wet with her, licking up her body. He pinned her hands above her head as he suckled on her breasts. He dragged his tongue across her collarbone and up her neck, sucking on the rapid pulse beating against her skin. She gave a light moan and he lifted his head, licking across her lips. Kagome opened her mouth and his tongue snaked in, kissing her wildly, madly.

With one hand still holding her hands in place, the other drifted to her legs and took each one, putting it over his shoulders. Kagome gasped as she felt the cool sea breeze on her exposed flesh and the heated engorged flesh of the man loving her against her. Inu-Yasha pulled away from the kiss to stare down into her eyes…Just as he began to push into her body.

Kagome gasped as her body desperately tried to adjust to his girth. She clenched against his flesh, pulling him in deeper and deeper. He groaned her name, his brilliant enflamed eyes closing as he pushed into her completely, their bodies rocking against each other. Kagome moaned his name, her body clenching and unclenching about him, milking him. Inu-Yasha drew in a deep ragged breath and began to pull out of her, dragging against her, before pushing himself completely into her once more.

He began to drag himself out of her body again…

"Inu…Ya…Sha…" Kagome gasped against his lips…

And his control snapped.

He rammed into her with such force that she didn't even have time to scream. She clung to him as much as she could, crying out wordlessly as her hips lifted to meet his with every thrust. He groaned and they were driving each other into a frenzy. She was liquid fire in his arms; her body burned against his. Each hard slap of their bodies, drove them farther and farther over the edge until they were both beyond themselves. Kagome tried to break free from his hold, crying again, frantic for release from the incredible tension in her body. She was shuddering, lifting, straining toward him. He drove into her with a heavy rhythm that shifted the sand beneath them and rocked their bodies with the force. She moaned, knowing that if she didn't find relief, she would shatter; her heart would burst. Her loins clenched convulsively around him, and with one more powerful thrust, her senses exploded in great waves that lifted her entire body up into him.

Inu-Yasha released her at last and caught her hips, pushing deeper into her and thrusting harder. He went taunt and reared back, his powerful body arching like a bow as his climax shook him, his seed spilling into her welcoming body. A hoarse cry burst from his throat, a hoarse cry that was her name, before he collapsed on her trembling body.


Kagome was caressing his back gently, loving the feel of him in her body, of their skin and scents meshing. She smiled lightly. She must have really exhausted him. Usually, he wouldn't stop loving her until one or the other fell into unconsciousness… Tears suddenly filled her eyes. Usually? Where had she gotten that? They had only spent one night together, both of them assuming that it would be their one and only night together. But now here they were, lying with each other on her kimono on the sand, the tide of the ocean starting to come in over her toes. It hadn't been planned, calculated, or even thought out a little bit. It had just happened. Kagome barely stifled a sob. Now what was going to happen to them? What does he think of her now? Tears slid out of her eyes and dripped silently in to the sand. She wanted to stay like this forever, but the sun was already casting a reddish glow, the tide was coming in, and time wasn't going to stop for them…not now… Not ever.

Inu-Yasha groaned and moved over her, kissing her tears away. He had felt the sob rise in her chest, felt the ache in her breaths. Oh, kami, Kagome… He lifted his head and stared into her teary hazel eyes. His heart clenched. "G-gomen, Kagome…"

She shook her head. "I'm the one who should be apologizing, Inu-Yasha. If I hadn't done what I did that night…" her eyes watered and she hiccuped. "Then we wouldn't have this problem. You wouldn't hate me and regret what we did… You'd be able to look at me again! And I know you probably think I'm now going to be a convenient whore for your passions and-"


His bellow silenced her and Kagome stared up at him with wide eyes. He looked furiously down at her. "How…how could you even think that?! I couldn't look at you because I wanted you so much! I could barely control myself before and then after that night beneath the waterfall… Controlling myself was damn near impossible, Kagome! But I don't regret it. How could I, Kagome? And this…this…this now was not a…a…SLAKING OF PASSIONS!! This was because I wanted you and only you…at this moment…" He shook his head. "NO! Dammit! That's not what I mean! I mean…" Inu-Yasha stared down into her wide, surprised eyes and lost himself in their depth. What on earth had this girl done to him…? "I want you, Kagome. You, for the rest of my life."

Kagome sniffled and turned her face slightly away. "You only say that because I'm the first girl that you've made love to-"

"IIE!!! IT'S NOT THAT AT ALL!!" Kami, this girl was infuriating. He sighed and shook his head, wrapping his arms around her. He released her arms from the kimono and sat up, pulling her with him and against him. Her inner muscles clenched around him and he bit back a groan. He held her close for a moment.

Kagome gasped at the movements and groaned at the feel of him still inside of her. She wrapped her legs tightly around him and dropped her head against his shoulder, her breathing already ragged. Her arms wrapped around him and held him tightly, trying to absorb as much of him as possible into herself… So she could spend the rest of her life without this…and still manage to survive.

"Kagome…" Inu-Yasha whispered into her hair. He sighed and pulled back, his golden eyes staring into her hazel ones. "I'm not lying, I'm not joking…and it isn't because of what we did here or before. The only reason the first night even happened was also because I wanted you so badly I could barely even think! It wasn't only you! If I hadn't wanted you Kagome…" He eyed her suspiciously, "and don't you go saying that the only reason I felt that way was because you looked like Kikiyou! Kagome you make me laugh, you have gall to tease me! You've…" he sighed and smiled down at her. "You made me care, Kagome." His eyes gentled. "I lo-"

Kagome's finger slipped over his lips, silencing him. Tears showed in her eyes and she shook her head. "Don't say anything yet, Inu-Yasha. Not until you're sure…I know you must still be battling on who to choose inside-"

"Not anymore, Kagome."

Her eyes widened as she stared up at him. He gave her a crooked smile.

"I said, not anymore. I've made my choice, Kagome. The moment I took you into my arms here, I made it. I choose life, Kagome. A life with you."

Tears slid from her eyes without her consent as one of her hands lifted to her lips to stifle her sob. Inu-Yasha bent his head and kissed her hand, nuzzling it aside so he could reach her lips. His ears twitched toward her straining to hear her brief whisper against his lips, before he caught them with his own.

"I love you."

Inu-Yasha angled his head with a groan, moving in to kiss her more deeply. His body hardened within her and his arms tightened around her as he slowly stood up. Kagome gripped onto his body, her insides clenching convulsively at the feel of him going deeper into her with his movements, her body sliding down his, taking him to the hilt. Her body was pressed tightly against his, his huge hardness filling her so completely that she threw her head back with the exquisite feel of it. The tip of him rubbed against the entrance of her womb and all she could do was cling to him desperately.

Inu-Yasha moaned in ecstasy. Oh, dear gods, this was going to be infinitely more difficult than he had thought it was going to be. He slowly walked to the ocean, each step creating a flurry of sensations so poignant and so intense that he almost doubled over from the power of it. When they were finally waist deep, the feel of the cool water lapping against their heated flesh where their bodies joined, had Kagome and Inu-Yasha shuddering against each other. They were both heaving for breath, their passions overriding every thought once more.

He gripped her hips, slowly sliding her up his turgid staff, loving the feel of her flesh clinging to his, clenching around him. Kagome tugged on his hair and gasped his name. He brought her hips back with a slam, taking him full and hard into her body, ramming into that secret place of hers that drove her insane. Kagome threw back her head with a broken cry, the red sun basking them in its light through the cherry trees, creating a glow about them as they madly rocked against each other, moving to the rhythm of the waves.

Each thrust made the water around them heat along with their bodies, making their bodies slick, and creating a drowsy sensation that had them both wild. Kagome kissed him desperately as her hips slammed against him, her nails digging into his shoulders, her tongue mating within his. Inu-Yasha slowly pulled her back, one of his fingers sliding into her opening, caressing her. Kagome's hips rocked against his in agony. He nibbled on her neck, his tongue caressing, licking, and creating a bruise from his attentions. His tongue licked up her jaw and thrust into her ear just as he speared into her once more.

Kagome screamed his name as her climax hit her with such powerful force that she swore she flew apart. She convulsed wildly in his arms, her body rocking against his, driving him over the edge. Inu-Yasha's head was thrown back with the power of it and all he could do was shout her name as he exploded into her, loosing himself in the wonder that was Kagome.

Inu-Yasha rubbed Kagome's back gently as she snuggled closer into him. She was sleeping peacefully against him, her leg draped over his waist, her arms around him and her head pillowed against his chest. He inhaled her scent and closed his eyes, thanking whatever gods were out there for giving her to him. He knew this aspect of their relationship had to be kept secret from the others, for safety reasons…though he was sure at least Miroku would guess when he saw them again. Damn perverted Houshi. Inu-Yasha shook his head. It didn't matter, he supposed. They'll try to keep it a secret, but should anyone ever find out, they would deal with it together…

"Ne, Kagome?'

"Mmmm…" she murmured, snuggling more into him and kissing his chest, enflaming his passions once more.

"I wonder where Kagome and Inu-Yasha are?" Shippou asked Kaede as she tucked him into bed.

Kaede gave him a light smile. "Hopefully, they're making up, ne, Shippou-chan?"

He nodded. "I hope so too. I hated it when my Okaa and Otou used to fight. But they always made up in their bedroom. I wonder why… Is that where Inu-Yasha and Kagome are making up? In a bedroom?"

Kaede smiled. "Maybe…"

Shippou shrugged and snuggled into the futon. "I just hope Sango and Miroku don't kill each other trying to find them."

"I doubt it, Shippou-chan."


"What the hell are you trying to pull, you lecherous Houshi?! What are you-" Mmfph…


"Because it's springtime, Shippou-chan. Young people like them have a tendency to 'make-up' a lot in the spring."
