InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Inu-Yasha Stories ❯ In the Sakura Orchard ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

[Author's Note: The 3rd installment of my 'Inuyasha Hentai Stories'. This one is about Sango and Miroku, considering they haven't gotten a sexy scene and it was implicated in 'Cherry Blossom Beach'. This one is around the same time Kagome and Inuyasha are being…ahem… preoccupied. I don't own Inuyasha and co. and this story is rated NC-17 so those underage…go away. Shoo! All others enjoy this little hentai story about Sango and Miroku and…how Sango finally comes around! Enjoy!]

In the Sakura Orchard

Miroku sighed to himself; his face still stinging from the slap Sango had given him. He hadn't even touched her intentionally this time. He moved ahead, feeling Sango fuming behind him. He just hoped she calmed down soon.

They continued going through the orchard, looking for the missing Kagome and Inuyasha. Suspecting they had finally gone all the way in their relationship, Miroku had tried to convince Sango not to look for them. But she had been more worried about Kagome than Inuyasha. Miroku understood, gave in, and grabbed her arm in consolation. Or so he thought. Seemed her arm had moved out of the way when he wasn't looking and he ended holding her side…and perilously close to her breast. His face still stung. After a few more minutes of silence and her glowering, he just couldn't take it anymore.

Miroku turned around and faced her. "Sango." Her eyebrow arched but her angry look didn't disappear. She just grew suspicious. She gripped onto Hiraikotsu, as if he would really try to hurt her. He signed deeply. At least she hadn't brought Kirara. He looked up and met her eyes. "Honestly, I didn't mean to touch you there. I was going for your arm to offer some reassurance that Kagome-sama was all right. It wasn't my intention to uh…"

"Feel up on me, Houshi-sama?"

Miroku stiffened at her tone of voice and then sighed again. He turned around and continued forward. "Hai, hai. I apologize."

Sango blinked at him in surprise. Apologize? He never apologized for copping a feel. Her eyes narrowed as she followed him. Was he planning something…? Sango kept her eyes on him as they continued farther into the orchard, the sun setting. But he didn't say anything more. Or maybe he really hadn't meant to touch her? She frowned, not understanding really well why that thought would upset her. Could he really have meant that apology…?

Her attempts to read into Miroku's words eventually fell away as petals from the sakura trees began to fall. She looked up and let out a small sound of wonderment at the vision of sakura glowing in the fading red sunlight. The pink trees were haloed with red-gold light, dark violet stealing away farther above them. The coming night breeze picked up and gushed through the branches, sending shimmering sakura petals down upon the demon exterminator and the monk.

Sango stood there, captivated. It had been a long time since she had seen anything so lovely. Lately, she found nothing beautiful…

"So beautiful…"

She nodded at Miroku's softly spoken words. The glory around her was breath taking. "Yes, yes it is, Houshi-sama." Sango turned her gaze away from the trees for a moment and toward the monk. She blinked in surprise when she met his fierce gaze. A shiver ran up her body from the heat and intensity in those eyes. He…was looking at her, not the trees…

He gave her a little smile and turned around, continuing to walk. She stared after him, her entire body tingling with awareness. She shook her head, trying to clear it of the cobwebs that had spontaneously appeared. "Houshi-sama…" Had he meant her…? Her face flamed at the thought. Did he actually call her beautiful? She shook her head again and started after him, trying to regain her mental capacities. No, he must have been looking at something else when he said it… But deep in Sango's feelings she knew for certain he was looking at her, and the mere implication of that made the feelings she so desperately wanted to squelch for the monk come again to fore.

It had been happening repeatedly since the first time they met. She didn't want to admit it, but she had to or go crazy. She definitely liked him and cared about him. Every time he stole a feel, she felt humiliated and embarrassed, but sometimes… Sometimes he would have a moment that she thought that maybe he felt something more for her than he did all the other girls. One phrase came to mind.

"Sango is the one I like the best…"

Right after he said that he felt up on her butt, completely ruining the moment. Sango sighed. She really didn't know if he was serious about her or not. Especially since he is still asking women to bear his child.

Abruptly, Sango bumped into something. She blinked trying to reorient herself and realized she bumped into Miroku. He had stopped and she had been so consumed by her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed. "Houshi-sama, why did you stop?"

He turned around and Sango felt her heart speed up. He was looking at her like that again. It made her senses come alive whenever he did. "Sango…" he whispered.

She desperately tried to regain her mental faculties. The safest place for her feelings was behind her anger. "What the hell are you trying to pull you lecherous Houshi?! What are you-Mmfph…"


Miroku didn't waste a second. Before she could resist, or even grasp an idea of what was happening, he skillfully penetrated her parted, surprised lips and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. His lips caressed hers, suckling, and his tongue met hers. He swallowed her gasp and deepened the kiss. He wanted as much of her possible before she pushed him away.

When he had seen her standing there, the red glow of the sun illuminating her, sakura petals falling around her, he had become so painfully aroused that it took quite an effort to calm himself down without drawing Sango's attention. She looked so beautiful, so heart stopping in that moment that he had quickly began to walk away, lest he do something he would regret.

But after thinking and thinking about it, and being unable to get Sango out of his head, Miroku just couldn't take it anymore. Then he heard her sigh. His body took over his mind then, and he decided to condemn himself and the consequences.

Miroku heard a soft thud from somewhere, but he wasn't capable enough at the moment to decipher where. When Sango's arms came around him and she began to return his kisses, a brief flash of understanding entered his mind and just as quickly disappeared. She had dropped Hiraikotsu.

She melted in his arms, the tension leaving her body as she touched his tongue with hers and then began to earnestly return his kisses. Miroku's head was reeling. Her fingers dug into his robes and he could feel her body grow hotter against his. Sanity fled then and he dropped his staff so he could gather her closer. Neither heard the jingling of the staff as it fell to the floor. Sango…

A sudden crack sounded in the forest, startling the two out of their embrace. Miroku quickly whirled toward the sound, pulling on the rosary around his Kazaana. A wide-eyed doe stared at them for a moment before disappearing back into the forest of sakura. Miroku sighed in relief…but the relief was short lived. He felt Sango's stare at the back of his neck and it wasn't a pleasant one. He sighed again, picked up his staff and walked to the nearest tree. He leaned his staff against the tree and then sat down before it with another sigh.


"Hai, hai. But I'm not apologizing for that, Sango." He knew it was the dumbest thing he could possibly say, but it was true, he wasn't going to. After a few moments of silence, Miroku took the chance and looked up. To his surprise Sango didn't look ready to kill him. In fact, she wasn't even looking at him. She was looking up at the now dark sky and her face was red. Was she…blushing? The thought warmed him. Maybe she actually did feel something for him…? Nah, too much to hope for. She was embarrassed probably. But still…

"Sango…?" he queried hesitantly.

He watched her take a deep breath and then lowered her gaze to his. He gut twisted at the expression on her face. Sango…

"Houshi-sama. Why… Why did you kiss me?" Her voice was quiet. Her words almost swept away by the wind.

Miroku stared at her and his body reacted more fiercely. She has no idea what she does to him, does she? She was so damn beautiful. He told her the truth. "Because I couldn't help myself."

Their eyes met over the distance and she began to walk toward him, leaving Hiraikotsu where it lay. She knelt beside him, never breaking the contact with his eyes. "I don't understand, Houshi-sama."

He smiled. "What's there not to understand, Sango?" He broke their eye contact and looked up, gazing through the branches of the moonlit sakura into the starry sky. "I want you. Have since I saw you. Why do you think I try to feel up on you so much? I know you and Kagome-sama think it's just because I'm perverted, but I like touching you. The slaps are worth it." He gave a light shrug. "I've come to accept that you don't like my attentions, but sometimes I just can't help myself."

"Oh… Is that so, Houshi-sama? Because I find that hard to believe that since you ask any pretty woman you see to bear your child. How am I special? I'm just another one of those women," Sango said skeptically.

He shook his head. "No, you're not, Sango." He paused before continuing. What did he have to lose? Miroku took the plunge. "I used to have one reason to ask women to have my child. Now I have two."

"Houshi-sama my opinion of you isn't getting better."

"Before, the main reason was to make sure if I failed to lift Naraku's curse, I would have a child to carry on the mission and the line wouldn't die with me. Now… if I die without bearing a child it is fine with me, because there is really one person I want a child with." He paused when he heard Sango become still. I hope this works… "Now, my reasons are because of habit and because the one I want hasn't answered me yet. Because she hasn't told me whether or not she wants to bear my child, I still have hope that maybe she'll change her mind about me and grant me her child." Miroku smiled to himself and then turned to Sango. "You see, Sango, I don't just want her to have my child. I want to have hers."

Sango's face was flaming red. Miroku didn't know what she would say to that. He didn't know if he had doomed himself or saved himself, but right now, with his body reacting to her, her scent wrapping around him and her brown eyes glittering at him, he even didn't care. He wished the moment would freeze. But he didn't get his wish.

"Houshi-sama. Who is this girl you care so much about?" Sango asked quietly.

Miroku blinked at her surprise. Was she…serious? Didn't she already know? "Ah… Sango? Haven't you heard a word I said?" She stared at him in total seriousness. He sighed and shook his head. "I thought I had made myself perfectly clear." He smiled at her. "You, Sango. You."

Miroku blinked in surprise when he felt the warm body suddenly surround him with its warmth. He looked and saw Sango curled around him, her body shivering. He wrapped his arms around her. He hadn't been expecting this. Sango. "Sango?"

"Houshi-sama," she began, muffled against his chest and shoulder. "Never touch another woman again and never ask another to bear your child…" She took a deep shuddering breath. "…And I'll bear yours."

His eyes went wide with that little announcement. He grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her away for a moment so he could look down into her eyes. "Are you serious, Sango?"

Her eyes shook as she met his. "Hai."

Miroku clutched her to him and burned her lips with his and the passion that suddenly ignited in him. It had been so long for him… He couldn't say no to the demands of his body unless he heard Sango's no. He tore away from he kiss and she moaned.

"Houshi-sama…please… I'm burning up." Miroku looked down at her desire-filled eyes and almost lost control. Her body was trembling in his arms.

"Sango. Tell me now, yes or no. I want you… very, very badly. Tell me, what you want. Please."

Sango made a decision right then. They were in the middle of the orchard, but at the moment, she didn't really care where they were. She knew enough about men and women to know that he was at the breaking point…but then, so was she. That kiss had consumed her so much that she had been fighting to keep her hands off him. Sango closed her eyes. Her people were gone. Her only family was controlled by the one who killed them all. All she had from her old life was Kirara. She opened her eyes and stared at Miroku's desperate, handsome face. Her heart ached. It was time to make a new life and a new family.

She moved between his legs and placed one of her hands tentatively over him. His sharp intake of breath and the hardness she felt beneath her palm burned away any other doubts she may have had. Her breath became labored and she stared into his flaming dark eyes, her body trembling. She leaned forward until her lips were a breath away from his. "Make me a new life, Houshi-sama…"

The half groan, half growl he emitted sent electricity up her spine. He grabbed her arms and pulled her against him, swallowing her lips in his kiss. Sango's mind fell away and all that was left was her fiercely beating heart and the need of her body. His fingers worked away at her armor and clothes with disturbing skill, as if he had taken them off her thousands of times before. He grabbed her thighs and lifted her up against him, spreading her legs so they were on either side of him. She sat on his thighs, his robes riding up on his body, and she completely naked on top of him. She felt her hair brush her back and shoulders and she wondered for a brief moment when he had undone her hair. In the next instant, all thought fled as his mouth closed over her breast.


Her hands thrust into his hair, holding him close as he paid homage to her with his mouth. The burning, aching sensation between her thighs became fiercer and her inner muscles worked with the need to have him inside her. When he pulled his mouth away, she moaned. He bent her head to his and kissed her lips lingering.

"Don't you think you should call me Miroku now, Sango," he whispered hoarsely against her lips. She smiled and kissed him, boldly thrusting her tongue in his mouth. She reveled in the way his body shook and the groan that rumbled from his chest. Instinct had taken over and only the need to be with him filled her mind.

Her hands dropped from his hair and shoulders down his chest. His robes had come undone somewhere along the way. Her fingers ran over his muscles, down to the part of him that seemed to throb in synch with her need. She braced herself on his chest, and with the other touched the head.


She ran her hands down the length of him. He was always touching her, now it was her turn. She gripped him in her hands and felt him thrust against her hand. She bent down and kissed his chest, licking his nipples like he had hers.


She stiffened as she felt his fingers against her. The calloused tips rubbed against her core, making the burning there transform into a building, flaming pressure. A broken cry escaped her lips and her grip tightened over him. Miroku groaned and thrust a finger inside her heat. Her hips bucked against him and she fell forward, her body sprawling on his. His fingers left her and he grabbed her thighs, lifting her up over him.

"San…go…" He took a deep ragged breath as he began to lower her. She had braced herself on his shoulders. "This…will hurt…"

She kissed his lips softly. "I know. I'm ready."

Miroku trembled and lowered her down onto him. Sango threw her head back with the sudden pressure of him entering her body. She trembled as her body tried to accommodate the invasion, adjusting to the desired but foreign object entering her. The sharp pain of him breaking her virginity was brief. It was quickly replaced by the strange sensation of him filling her body. Her internal muscles clenched and unclenched around him, responding to instinct and need. She wanted…more…


His name on her hoarse voice broke the last of Miroku's desperate control. His mouth closed around a breast, and his hands began to lift her up, removing himself from her. Then he brought her down again. Sango let out a cry as his pace increased with each thrust. She moved against him of her own volition, bringing their bodies together with a hard slap. In a frenzy, she tore off the last of Miroku's robes, grasping onto his sweaty skin with her fingers and nails. Her mouth found his and their kiss moved to the rapid rhythm of their bodies. Harsh, fast and deep. His hands were on her rear, caressing her, bringing her hard against him, touching her as their bodies met. The nerves in Sango were near to exploding and she thought the pressure would destroy her if she didn't find release soon. She slammed into Miroku, over and over again, his heavy testicles rubbing against her, the tip of him brushing her womb. So close… Suddenly, the pressure burst in her body and waves of pleasure shook her so fiercely all she could do was scream his name. She was barely aware of him stiffening beneath her and of his own hoarse shout as he found his release within her.

* * *

Miroku had no idea how long they lay there, their bodies still connected. That had been the most fierce and powerful orgasm he had ever experienced in his life. He didn't think he could have anyone besides Sango anymore. She had officially ruined him of any other woman. His hands rubbed up and down her back, holding her too him and warming her. He knew they should leave the orchard soon, who knew what youkai could be lurking at this time of the night…but he didn't want to leave right now. Nothing had ever felt so right as this did.

He looked down at Sango's sleeping face and wondered for the millionth time what would happen to them now. Kagome-sama and Inuyasha were sure to find out. After all, he promised Sango that wouldn't ask anymore women to bear his child, or touch another woman either. They would notice right away if he didn't. That and the fact that it was very unlikely that he would be able to keep his hands of Sango for any given amount of time.

Miroku kissed the top of her head and noticed she was waking up. He wondered which huts were uninhabited in the village…

Sango awoke to Miroku moving beside her. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear. She smiled and hurriedly did as he said, gathering her clothes and heading back to the village.

Luckily, she knew of one home that housed no one. She led him there, but as they entered she couldn't help but think what would become of them now. Miroku pulled her into his arms and chased away her thoughts with his kisses.

Tomorrow they would worry about the future. For tonight, there was only one thing. Each other.