InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ England here I come! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Hope you guys liked that little chapter sorry it was so short! I'll try to make them longer, but I really didn't want to go on, it would just mess things up.

Disclaimer: Sorry didn't say this last time and I'm only gonna say it ONCE! I DON'T OWN INUYASHA OR ANYOTHER CHARACTERS OR PROPS FROM THE SHOW OR MANGA! There happy?

Chapter 2:England here I come.

'I stood between platforms nine and ten now for twenty minutes where was that blasted girl! I'm gonna give her an ear full when she gets here!' I thought and then I remembered me trying to explain all of this to a very unhappy hanyou.
"I forbid it!"
"You can't forbid me from doing anything! you're not my father!"
"But I am your mate!"
"Too be! Mate to be!" I yelled at the infurated Inuyasha, with fire burning in his golden orbs. I loved when his eyes were a lit like this, but I had to stay firm I told Heromine I would go and I wouldn't break my word, not even to the man I loved.
"SO?! I'm still gonna be! And I say NO!"
"FIne then I'll leave without your concent!"
"Oh no you won't!"
"Watch me!" I said in a sweet voice as I dived for the well and he dived for me, but I was too quick. Of course when I landed on the other side I landed on te crown of my head. Then hurriedly climbed up the rope latter closed the wooden doors over the openning over the well and sealed them with demon wards. "Try to get through that dogboy." I said with a smirk as I dusted off my clothes then went inside to grab my bag and plane ticket.
~~~~End of flashback~~~~
"KAGOME!" I heard and turned to see my cousin running towards me and two young men trailing after her. "Come on you sissies!" She yelled behind her speeding up and then came to a dead hult about a foot from me. Then stopped them too, almost running right into her.
"Bloody hell Heromine I don't need a heart attach at the age of 17." A red headed boy said, and she just gave him a small glare that seemed to shut him up, I smiled at all of this.
"Mushi Mushi." I said politely.
"That means hello." Heromine said and the two boys just gave her a dead pan look.
"We know Heromine we took Japanese too." The boy with shaggy black hair said, slightly ruffled, and I looked into his eyes, he had the greenest eyes I had ever seen, and a scar on his forhead, oh yes I heard about this one, he must be the Harry Potter.
"Nice to meet you all." I said maturely, giving a bow and they all just stared at me funny making me giggle again.
"Oh Kagome this is Harry Potter and Ronald, Ron Weasly. Guys this is my second cousin through marriage Kagome Hig.. Higa..."
"Higurashi." I corrected and she gave me a smile of thanks.
"Hi." Both the boys said in unsion. They were both very hansome and I could feel Ron scanning me over and noticed Harry elbow his friend and gave him a slight stern look.
"It's ok, I've been looked over before, you have no clue how it is in the Fuedal era, always so formal or scandrals." they both gave me questioning looks and cocked their head to the side reminding me of Inuyasha and I giggled again, I would miss Inuyasha, but I wasn't worried I trusted him, he would wait for me.
"WOAH! KAGOME IS THAT AN ENGAGEMENT RING?!" Heromine screeched grabbing my hand. Inuyasha had worked a deed for a young lord and got gold as his payment then came back to my era and pawned it in for money and since it was a mortal tradition in my era he bought me engagement ring, to show he really could offer me something, at first I turned it down, but he insisted, so I finally had to except. Coming back to reality as all three heads were ducked staring at the gold ring with three diamonds the biggest inbetween the other two on a twisted band I blushed tomato red. "Who is he?!"
"Nobody." I quickly stammered as the looked up into my even redder face.
"He's gotta be someone pretty important for you to get engaged this young and put your studies at risk." Harry and Ron both rolled their eyes at this comment.
"Can we talk about something else please?!" I pleaded.
"Fine, but I better get all the juicy details later." Heromine pointed her pointer finger at me. I simply nodded finall y feeling the red heat fading from my face. We walked back the way they came and climbed into an old nineteen fifties car, with a light bluish faded paint job. "Hurry Ron we have to meet your mother and get all of our supplies and Kagome's." Ron sighed and slowly started the engine driving for about a half hour until we got to an old pub and walked in, it was strange, it was dark and weird people in weird clothes were every where. A few of them nodding towards Haryy and Ro and Heromine, and giving me questionable looks then we came to a cracked wooden table and there sat a big burly man as he noticed us he stood up and I realized he was much bigger than I thought, but I wasn't scared, I mean after you've dealt with someone like Narakunot too many things scare you.
"Aww Heromine, Harry, Ron, ready for another year of Hogwarts?" He asked with a sweet smile and a kind voice, and I let go of my bow that i placed on my back with my quiver of arrows. I hadn't even realize I grabbed it, but the man did and he gave a sigh in my direction. "Afraid you were going to shoot methere for a moment preistess. I stared wide eyeed at him.
"Ho... how did you know I was a priestess?" I stammered.
"You can feel the pure energy and power flowing off you, it makes you feel very warm and cuddily if I do say so myself." I smile at this kind admition. "I'd be Hagrid." He said sticking out his hand and I just bowed then shook. "where are you from anyway?"
"Japan, she's my cousin." Heromine said with excitement. "This is Kagome Higu...Higa..Higsh..."
"Higurashi." I said calmly.
"New student then?" I nodded. "Well I'll be your Magical creatures professor. And hopefully close friend." He winked at me then looked past us. "Aww Ron your parents are here." Hagrid said the shook what I guessed was Ron's father's hand and gave a small hug to hismom the Hagrid excused himself and had to leave.
"Harry dear nice to see you again, and who is this?" She turned to me after giving Harry a hug.
"Mrs. Weasly this is my cousin, Kagome Higa... Higu."
"Higurashi!" Ron, Harry, and i all yelled at her. I was really getting sick of her messing up my name, I wouldn't dare let my mind wandering and thik if she would do this all year the thought haunted me.
"Well nice to meet you deary, you will stay with us tonight then ghet the train in the morning. Have any of you got your books andd supplies for this year?" She asked as the led us, to a back room with a brick wall as she produced what I guessed as a wand and tapped a few bricks and was amazed when the wall's bricks started to rotate to form an arch way and what looked like a very busy shop street. "Alright all of you give me your lists for this year and I'll get them and you can have a little fun, maybe show Kagome the ropes." She suggested as Heromine found mine in my back pack without even asking and handed both her's and mine to Mrs. Weasly.
"Come on let's go check out some pets, maybe Kagome will want one." Harry said trying to think of something to do.
"What kind of pets are allowed?" I asked unsure and felt the rustle in my bag again relieved that nobody else seemed to notice.
"Cats, rodents,owls, and toads or frogs, never realy knew the difference." Ron said as the walked into the pet shop.
"Any kind of cats?" I asked still a little nervous as the rustling got bigger.
"Well Pally Thomas brouth a white tiger one year and they let her keep it, it had to sleep with the magical creature shed, by Hagrid's house, but ya I guess. It did eat an owl though." Heromine said walking over to the cats. "Why you want a cat? Don't you have a really fat cat at home?" She giggled ightly imagining a cat not able to walk and short stubs as legs and paws.
"Ya, well I hope they let me keep Kirara then, she's not from this era, but she is a cat...demon." I coughed the last word, but the others heard me clearly.
"Demon?!" Heromine hissed in a whisper, and I nodded.
"You're a really odd bird you know that?" Ron asked. I just gave a small smile.
"Can we see it?" Harry asked excited, i hurried out of the store and into a dark ally, then pulled Kirar out of my bag and their faces faultered. "That's it?" Harry asked looking at the cute little cat.
"Well she can transform bigger, she might if you ask her." I said politely, as Kirar sniffed at the three new people.
"Ok, Kirara will you please transform for us?" Heromine asked and Kirar gave a od and jumped out of my arms in mid air transforming and landing in her bigger form.
"Bloody hell." Ron swore and I laughed at their frightened expressions.
"Kirara." I called her back and she transformed back into her small version and jumped into my arms.
"That's a big cat." Ron said shakily.
"Where did you get her?" Heromine asked carefully patting her head and then as Kirara leaned into her touched she relaxed and did longer strokes.
"From the fuedal era, Inuyasha said I needed protection so Sango let me take Kirara, I think he was disappointed, because I think Inuyasha thought he'd be able to come with me."
"Inuyasha... dog demon?" Heromine said a little unsure and I nodded.
"Actually half dog demon, half human."
"A dog demon did it with a human?" Ron asked and I looked at him questionablly then laughed.
"Yes, but not that kind of dog and yes tha kind of dog, anyway they are giant dogs that are mostly in their humanoid for. Looks like a human with marks like tatoos and pointted elf ears." I laughed and they all gave a small smile at their foolishness.
"WEASLIES!" Was yelled through the street and they all hurried to see Mrs. Weasly with a stack full of books taller than her, we quickly took our books and followed her to a fire place as we used a formula called flew powder to get back to the weasly.
Night passed quickly and then it was day and we were late for the train, after using that strange portal and finally just made the train.