InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blood ❯ Die Kikyou ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10
Die Kikyou!
Please remember that I had seen few episodes before this was written
Everyone sat down at the table to enjoy the dinner that Kaede and Kagome had prepared. They all ate with zest, except Inuyasha. He mostly played with his food. Night had fallen and Sango and Miroku had gone outside to enjoy a clear night of star filled skies.
Inuyasha took the opportunity to step up to Kagome and with all seriousness in is his voice, he asked Kagome to go outside and keep Miroku and Sango company.
"I must speak with Kaede alone, Kagome."
With a questioning gaze Kagome did as he asked and sat on the porch with Sango and Miroku. In hushed whispers, they tried figure out what was going on with Inuyasha.
'This is unusual,' Kagome thought to herself. `Inuyasha rarely seems to respect anything Kaede might have to say.'
Inside the hut, Inuyasha, though fidgeting in his nervousness was determined to get an answer to the question that had been plaguing him since he and Kagome had cemented their relationship.
"Kaede, I must ask your advice concerning Kikyou. I broke my promise to her. How could Kagome ever really trust me, even though I chose her as my mate?" Inuyasha asked lowering head, sadness in his voice.
"Tell me of this promise Inuyasha."
"Kikyou had bound Kagome to a tree and made her invisible to me. Kikyou thought that I hated her in her new body. But, I told her that I didn't care what she looked like, that her soul was what I cared for. I promised Kikyou that I would join her in the depths of hell just to be with her. Kagome heard every word and saw Kikyou and I kiss. Then I fell unconscious as Kikyou began to take me to hell with her. If it hadn't been for Kagome's scream, I would not have woken up. I was scared for Kagome and jumped out of Kikyou's arms. Then Kikyou drifted away as I ran after her. I didn't know that Kagome had seen us until she yelled and sat me. Then she stomped her way home."
"I see." Kaede sighed. "Ye told Kikyou that ye would go to her. Did ye make the promise to her heart, her soul, or to her clay form?"
"Come Inuyasha.” Kaede ordered, “Ye must open your eyes."
Inuyasha wondered what Kaede was up to, but he followed her to the door anyway.
"Look at that young woman over there." She insisted, pointing to Kagome strolling across the field with her friends.
"Do ye love her body or her soul?” Kaede asked in all seriousness.
"Both," Inuyasha stated with pride warming his heart.
"Now, where did that soul she harbors come from?"
"Kikyou!" Inuyasha gasped.
"All that the clay body of Kikyou has is the souls of dead women and memories from the bones her body was made of. She is a fake, not my sister, but a demon made by a witch. Ye love Kikyou's soul and Kagome's heart. It is Kikyou's soul that resides in Kagome. It was to Kagome that ye made this promise. Kagome knows this and her only desire is to love ye and be beside ye as Kikyou once did. She wants ye to live, whereas, the demon Kikyou only desires to kill ye and take ye to hell with her. Doest thou think she will love ye once ye are in hell with her? She consorts with Naraku and Sesshoumaru when she should be by your side. What doest this tell ye, Inuyasha?"
A vague sense of understanding passed over Inuyasha's features.
"Thank you, Kaede. Thank you so much!"
He took a deep breath and grabbed the old woman, holding her firmly to his chest, a lone tear rolling down his face, eyes closed, relieved. Kaede thought he would never let go. But finally, he freed her. Smiling, he pulled her back to him again in a tight hug. Kaede could barely breathe. She never expected this kind of behavior from Inuyasha.
'He must truly love her,' Kaede thought, knowing that her Kagome would be in good hands.
Just then, the three friends walked in through the door, opening their eyes wide in shock as they beheld Inuyasha hugging the old woman.
'What is this?' they all thought in unison.
"I told you to leave us alone WENCH!"
"Humph! Baka!" was Kagome's only response as she held Sango's and Miroku's hand leading them out the door.
"What was that all about?!" they whispered to each other as they strolled away from the hut.
Inuyasha stepped away from the old woman and motioned her to sit. He sat beside her, a frown marring his face.
"I have one more question. Did Kagome make you promise not to tell me what happened while I was transformed the last time?"
Kaede sat in silence, staring at him with a strange look on her face.
"What is it, Kaede?” Inuyasha demanded.
"I am bound by oath to Kagome. Only she can tell you."
"Damn it all old woman! I need to know. Let me tell you what happened while we were in the forest."
Inuyasha relayed everything that had happened, how Kagome had wept violently in his arms. Kaede stared down at her hands.
"Look at me old woman! Did I hurt Kagome?!"
Kaede looked up at him with pain and sadness in her eyes. She did not want to break his heart, and she would not.
"I'm sorry Inuyasha; I will keep my vow to Kagome."
The old woman's expression said it all. Inuyasha knew that he was the one who had slashed Kagome, cut her to ribbons, killed her. His face turned to stone as his chin fell to his chest, sitting there, feeling like he was going to throw up. Slowly he turned, shuffling to a dark corner and began tapping his head into the wood. As tears streamed down his face, the tapping turned to pounding.
`How could I have done that to her? I have never hurt her before. How…'
"Stop it Inuyasha! Do not let Kagome see ye like this! It would break her heart. Just as ye protect her, she protects ye. Don't ye understand?"
Kaede yanked him from the corner and slapped him in the face, hard.
"What'd you do that for?!"
"Straighten up, suck it up, and grow up!
She wiped the tears from his eyes with her apron all the while staring at him with deep concern.
"Now, ye go out there and call her a bitch for coming in here against ye wishes just as you normally would! Go! Now, you baka! Don't ye dare break my Kagome's heart!"
Not wanting to be the cause of anymore pain to Kagome, Inuyasha straightened his clothes and washed his face with a damp cloth.
"Thank you Kaede," he quietly whispered and then strode outside, taking a deep breath as he straightened his back, lifting himself to his full height.
"Come here, bitch! Didn't I tell you to leave me and Kaede alone?!" he yelled striding up to her with a scowl on his face, noticing the shock on Kagome's.
A grin spread across his face as he stood above her. Leaning down and softly grabbing her butt, he whispered in her ear.
"Now bark, bitch."
Kagome giggled, giving out a barely audible yelp.
Sango and Miroku could hardly believe what they had just witnessed as Inuyasha led Kagome by her hand to the forest.
"Have no fear Sango! They will be bickering soon enough," Miroku stated confidently as his hand crept toward her lovely behind.
Kaede smiled, watching through the door that was slightly opened just enough for her to peek.
Inuyasha pressed Kagome's back into a tree, kissing her deeply, then pulled away to gaze into her eyes, visible depths of eternity in the moonlight. Gazing beyond Inuyasha, Kagome sucked in a breath as her eyes widened in shock.
Kikyou had lit in a tree just behind them. Inuyasha turned, his expression full of anger and hate.
"What are you doing here Kikyou?"
"You have broken your promise to me. Do you think I did not see you mating with her?"
"Watching us is unforgivable, Kikyou. But you deserved it after what you forced Kagome to see!" Inuyasha growled with all the power his voice could carry.
Kagome pressed herself further into the tree, tense with fear, questioning the outcome of this meeting. No, her fear did not arise from what Kikyou do to her, but from what Inuyasha might do. Would he go to Kikyou?
"She will never trust you. Our kiss will always be in her sight. You will never have her heart completely," Kikyou proudly stated.
Inuyasha hurt for Kagome, knowing that if he did nothing, Kikyou's words would be the truth. He looked back to Kagome, seeing the fear in her eyes displayed in how she trembled. His resolve to relieve Kagome of her fear and pain led him to unsheathe Tetsusiaga. It was not only for Kagome, but also for the fact that Kikyou, or rather, this monster, had deceived him. She was a demon, not the woman he had loved.
'Damn that witch,' he thought angrily as a low growl vibrated from his belly and resonated in his chest.
"I made that promise, not to a piece of clay, but to a loving soul I once knew. That soul is no longer in you, Kikyou. You're just a piece of clay with the souls of dead women inside. You are worse than a demon. The soul I loved, and still love, is standing right here behind me! Right there!" Inuyasha exclaimed, pointing his clawed finger at Kagome.
Kagome gasped as she heard Inuyasha's words. `Since when did he come to this understanding? Was it his talk with Kaede?'
Tetsusaiga's flame grew as Inuyasha stepped toward Kikyou.
"You are mine and I am yours. She will never have you!” Kikyou yelled as she threw a ball of lightening toward Kagome.
Testusiaga blocked the attack while Kagome sank to the ground in shock. It had happened so fast and she hadn't even felt the sudden rise in power that such a display would require.
"Die Inuyasha!” Kikyou screamed, stretching both arms in front of her electrifying the air with her power.
Tree limbs began to crackle and fall, one toward Kagome as she sat, head down, hands clasped to her chest, breathing in pain. Inuyasha could hear the limb that traveled toward her and jumped back to grab and swiftly carry her to safety. Kagome's world blackened as she fainted into oblivion. These past few days had taken so much out of her that another confrontation so soon was just more than her mind and body could tolerate.
"I'm tired of hearing you order me to die bitch! Go back to the ground you came from!" Inuyasha yelled, swinging Tetsusiaga.
The ground roared as flames swept toward Kikyou. Her escape seemed effortless even though she had nearly been licked by the flames.
Kikyou grinned in cold triumph. "How could you Inuyasha, after the love that we shared?"
She raised her glowing hands toward Inuyasha. At the last moment, she suddenly redirected her attack toward Kagome.
"Shit!” Inuyasha exclaimed as he swung Tetsusiaga into the oncoming path of lightening.
The crashing sound of Tetsusiaga meeting Kikyou's attack brought Kagome to consciousness. She gasped as at the sight of Kikyou throwing another bolt at Inuyasha which blasted him quite a distance before he crashed into the trunk of a tree. Tetsusiaga dimmed as it fell from his hands.
`No. She can't win. I won't let her have him. He's MINE!'
Kagome jumped up and ran toward Kikyou.
Inuyasha lifted his head and sharply drew his breath. Then it all came out in a rush as he watched helplessly, Kagome running toward Kikyou. Everything was happening as though in slow motion and he knew that he would never reach her in time.
"Noooo! Kagome...!”
Kagome screamed at Kikyou as she ran with all her might, blinded by the tears in her eyes, while drawing her arm above her head,
"Inuyasha is mine! Go to hell you bitch!"
Inuyasha could see the jewel shards around Kagome's neck glowing brightly. With all of the life in her, Kagome put as much of her soul as she could into the ball of lightening suddenly appearing in her hand. Throwing it with all of her might, the glowing orb grew larger and brighter as it left her hand, rushing toward Kikyou and gaining speed. Kagome stumbled and fell as it left her. But, she never took her eyes off of it. As Inuyasha looked on, Kikyou burst into a thousand pieces, the souls of the dead women streaking away to freedom.
Kagome let her head fall to the ground, her chest heaving. She had done it. She had saved Inuyasha.
Inuyasha ran to her, dropping to his knees as Sango and Miroku raced up behind them.
"What happened? We saw the lights and heard the thunder. We came as quickly as we could," Miroku said through pants.
"You wench," Inuyasha spoke softly as he kissed Kagome's temple, "You are truly amazing."
"What happened?!" Miroku demanded.
"Miroku, Kikyou has been shattered. Would you clean up this mess so it can never come back to haunt us?” Inuyasha asked, already knowing that Miroku would grant his request.
As far as Miroku was concerned, the monster in the likeness of Inuyasha's lost love had been a curse on them all. He was elated that Kagome would no longer be left lying in her sleeping bag while Inuyasha ran away to Kikyou whenever she made her presence known. No more pained sniffles in the darkness. No more of his friend being torn in half by confusion. Miroku felt as though a giant weight had been lifted from the group. It didn't matter that each time that he used his wind tunnel, he was brought closer to his time of death. This was well worth every bit of it.
Inuyasha lifted Kagome to her feet and could feel her trembling, so he gently picked her up into his arms and stepped back along with Sango. Everyone watched as Miroku removed the prayer beads from his right hand and unleashed the wind tunnel with which Naraku had cursed his family. Though the use of it caused the hole in his hand to grow and would one day swallow him unless he killed Naraku, he would do anything for the happiness of his friends. They would never have to see Kikyou again. Kagome would never be haunted by her again. Inuyasha would not be torn by Kikyou's claims of betrayal when she knew damn well that Naraku had changed shapes to fool the two into believing that they had betrayed each other. It was Naraku who had killed Kikyou and caused the Shikon jewel to be tainted with evil. Evil that only Kagome could purify.
And everyone watched in gratitude, knowing the price that Miroku was paying for ridding them of this evil.
Inuyasha whispered into Kagome's ear, "I know what I did to you. No one broke their promise. I am so sorry Kagome. Can you ever forgive me?"
Kagome put her arms around Inuyasha's neck and gazed into his eyes with a tenderness that bathed his heart with healing warmth.
"I never blamed you, Inuyasha, but if you need to hear me say it, I forgive you. Now I must go home and tell my mother that we have mated."
Inuyasha, with his golden eyes glowing, perhaps from Tetsusiaga's power, searched Kagome's. He sighed, relieved that she seemed to have no fear of telling her family.
Reviewer Recognition
I Lurve You All
I do not own Inuyasha. He is only my toy as are the other characters associated with him. Kaiaela, the child Midoriko, Kalen, the child Oberon, Eolande, and Mr. Sesshou are solely my creations and whom you all will eventually meet on your journey through the twisted mind of this author