InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Diary ❯ Close ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello InuYasha fans! I am back with chapter two! I hope you are enjoying this one so far. Thanks for continuing to read my fanfictions!

Disclaimer: I Sadly Do Not Own InuYasha or His Friends

Warning: Some sexual content - not a full lemon

Chapter 1 recap: 

Shippo hops over to the couple, who seem to still be frozen in place. He picks up Kagome's diary and hands it to her. "Here you go Kagome!"

Kagome blushes again, a slight pink this time and takes it. "Thanks Shippo." She turns her head to Sango and says, "Will you come with me to take a bath?"

Sango nods her head in the positive and follows Kagome to the nearby hotspring.

InuYasha growls at Miroku and bites out, "What do you want?!" Miroku has been staring at him and it really irritates the hanyou.

"Nothing Inuyasha. You just seem to be acting strangely, that's all."

InuYasha growls again and can feel his arousal still evident within his hakama. He acts as though he is still pissed off at Miroku and stomps off into the forest, opposite to where Kagome and Sango had gone.


Chapter 2: Close

Sango and Kagome have been bathing in the hotspring in silence for quite some time now. Kagome had placed her diary on the rock right next to where she is sitting, but made sure it wouldn't get wet.

"Kagome, what's wrong? What exactly is going on between you and InuYasha?"

Kagome slightly blushes and looks down at her hands. She glances at her diary and blushes an even darker shade of pink. She doesn't know just how much InuYasha had read of her diary and she doesn't even know if she wants to find out. 

'What if he read that I'm in love with him?!' Kagome puts her head in her hands and shakes her head, as if she is trying to get rid of the memories of the last hour. "Sango. I write all my adventures and everything in my life in my diary. Everything we all have done the last year is in this book."

Sango is slightly confused. She doesn't understand what could be wrong about InuYasha reading it if he already lived it. "So, what's the problem?"

"I .. " She pauses because she hasn't admitted her true feelings to Sango yet. She planned to, but she didn't know when or how. She figures now would be the best time. "I also right all of my secrets and .. feelings in it."

Sango is beginning to understand. Even though Kagome hasn't yet said out loud that she likes InuYasha, it seems pretty obvious to her. She nods in the affirmative as if to say, 'continue.'

"I wrote.. I wrote that I'm in love with InuYasha.." Kagome blushes a deep shade of crimson now. That is the second time she has said out loud that she is in love with the half demon.

Sango hugs her friend and says, "did InuYasha read it? Is that what the whole thing was about?"

Kagome pulls away from her friends' embrace to look at her. She shakes her head slightly in the negative and responds. "I don't know how much of it he read. I just saw that he flipped to the page I had written in today. I saw him pause in his tracks as if he read something surprising. Uggghhhh. What do I do?"

"I'm sorry Kagome. I'm sure it isn't that bad. What was it that was happening after the book fell. It seemed a little.. odd."

Kagome looks away slightly and blushes again. "N-nothing really. We just fell. I guess we were a little shocked, that's all."

Sango decided not to pry into it too much, if Kagome wants to tell her, she will. They continue their quiet bath with no interruptions.


InuYasha is by himself, deep into the forest. 'Damn girl. How do you do this to me?' He looks down at his very evident erection and silently curses the gods.

He sniffs around the area and comes to the conclusion that there is no one nearby. He made it about a mile away from their camp. He had initially figured that a long walk might help ease his arousal, but he thought wrong. He can't stop thinking about the miko that caused this. When he landed on top of her like that and looked down at her lips, it took everything in him not to kiss her right there. Then he smelled the spike in her arousal. How can he just ignore that?

InuYasha jumps high into a secluded tree to get a better look around. No sign of any humans or demons so he makes himself comfortable. His back against the tree, sitting on a very big branch.

'I can't just go back there with it this easy to see.'

InuYasha pulls down his Hakama just below his groin. He lightly touches himself and immediately, the black haired priestess comes to his mind. He closes his eyes and thinks of her beautiful features. 


InuYasha starts to stroke himself while imagining being on top of her. The more he does this, the harder it is to keep quiet.


His eyes are still shut tight and he is continuously getting faster and faster with each passing second. He strokes up and down his shaft harder and faster then before. His senses are dulled and his mind is going blank. The only thing coherent in his head, is the face of the miko. Her scent, her clothes, her body. He can't stop thinking of her in this way.

InuYasha is getting closer and closer to his release and without thinking, he yells out the name of the woman he can't seem to stop thinking about.


His hand is now filled with the white liquid that he is so used to seeing. Every time something happens that makes him feel this way, he leaves and has to relieve himself before going back. He can't stop thinking of her like this, even though he has tried many times before. He even went to see Kikyo just to get his mind off of Kagome. That never worked, even when Kikyo had kissed him, he didn't feel anything. Now he just runs away as if this is going to help.

InuYasha looks around and is relieved to see that there is still no one around. He pulls his Hakama back up, jumps down the tree, and rushes to the nearby river that he had smelled out before finding this spot. He quickly washes himself up and heads back to camp.


"What's going on, Miroku? Everyone is acting so strange lately." 

Miroku smirks to himself. He is pretty sure he knows what is happening but he also knows that if he says anything inapproriate, he will have to face the entire group. He sighs to himself.

"Oh nothing, Shippo. Just grown up stuff."

"Why won't you tell me? You never care about hiding anything." Shippo gives him a stern and confused look.

"Because I am not in the mood to be slapped today and since this has to do with InuYasha, I don't want to be killed either."

Before Shippo could rebuttle, said half dog demon walked back and sat down in front of a tree. "Hey look. The monk is finally having some sort of sense."

Miroku sweat drops and smiles, "see what I mean?"

Shippo jumps over to InuYasha. "What's going on? My mother and father used to lay like that all the time and it didn't cause a huge deal with them."

Miroku snickered over in his spot by the fire but stopped and looked away innocently when InuYasha glared at him.

"Shippo, drop it before I make you." InuYasha growled out.

Before anything else could be said a loud angry voice was heard echoing through the trees, "SIT!"

InuYasha's face goes plummeting into the ground. Shippo and Miroku are both laughing at their dog friend. 

"OWW! What the hell did I do this time?!" InuYasha got up off the ground and rubbed his head.

"I heard you threaten Shippo!" Kagome yelled at him.

"Would you rather me explain .." He stopped at the almost confession.

He was close to talking about what had happened earlier. He knows Kagome had to have felt him when he was on top of her and in turn, he smelled her intoxicating scent. He knew that this would be even more awkward if he explains the situation out loud. He looks away and blushes slightly.

"Feh.. nevermind." InuYasha hopped up in the tree and turned his back on his friends.

Sango ignores that wierdness and decides to change the subject. "So, I'm going to make something to eat. Miroku, will you help?"

"Sure thing, Sango." He walks over to her and rubs her bottom as he says, "anything for you."

Sango's anger flared and her fists clentched. She held back on knocking him out cold and settled on slapping him sensless instead. Miroku was left sitting down on the cold ground, rubbing the red handprint on his cheek.

"On second thought, Kagome?"

Kagome thinks for a minute and says, "Umm, do you mind teaching Shippo how to cook this morning?"

At that, Shippo gets extremely happy and starts to hop up and down with excitement. He loves to eat but he always wanted to learn to cook.

Sango smiled at the kitsune and said, "sure. Come here and I'll show you what to do."

Looking around at the group, Kagome decides to go underneath her sleeping bag with her diary. This time she is completely covered, so InuYasha can't sneak up on her while she is busy writing. She puts her book light on her diary page and starts to write.


Dear Diary,

Today has been such a strange day.. And it is only morning. Last night before I went to bed, InuYasha was trying to see into my diary. I thought I had convinced him not to, but I guess he had tricked me. Once I went to sleep, he decided to sneak into my bag and take it!

I am so embarrassed. I have no clue what he actually read. I have written so many things about him in here. I am fairly certain he only flipped to the page I had just written in but who knows what he saw while I was asleep.

Even if he only saw my most recent entry.. I don't know what that would mean. I basically wrote down that I am completely and utterly in love with him. Could my embarrassment get any worse than that? 

If he had read those words, how would that affect our relationship? He is like my best friend and I feel like I would just die of embarrassment. 

Maybe he didn't see that part.. He hasn't said anything about it, but I am afraid to ask exactly what he did see. If I ask him and he tells me that he knows how I feel.. I don't even want to imagine it.

But then something very unusual happened. As I was wrestling InuYasha for my diary back, we sorta fell. He fell directly on top of me and I couldn't move even if I tried.. That's to say.. I guess I didn't want to move. 

We have never been in such a .. sexual .. position before. I was just inches from his face. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. I could have sworn I saw him glance down at my mouth.

I felt himself harden above me. As soon as I felt that, I was even more confused then ever. But just because that happened, doesn't mean he feels anything but a sexual attraction, right? I am in love with him, I want all of him.

I have thought about that so many times. At first I thought it was just because I was physically attracted to him. But I soon realised that it is much more then that. When we were in that awkward positon, I couldn't help but get turned on by it. I really hope he didn't notice.

Sometimes I notice that I will be staring off in his direction, zoned out. Usually this happens after a big battle and he is without his haori. The only thing on him is his Hakama.. and I'll even imagine taking that off of him. Gosh, I don't know why I feel this way! He is my friend, that's all that it's meant to be.. I am supposed to help defeat Naraku and then go home.. That is my fate.

But I can't seem to stop my mind from wandering in his direction. It seems that almost every battle, he just has to be half naked. And I am the one that needs to bandage him up.

I am so in love with him.. his body, his face, his ears, his eyes.. the way he protects me and the way he stays by me. The way he looks at me sometimes seems to be more then just a friend.. but I guess it is all in my head.

InuYasha may be rude and annoying and act like a jerk at times.. but I can't help but wish to be closer to him. In every way possible. Mind, body, love. I need to forget about it so it doesn't hurt as much when I have to go home forever..

Forever.. I guess that is what needs to happen. I'll go home and this entire adventure will be just a distant memory.. like a dream.

All of my memories of him will be a dream.. Like the first time we met at the tree of ages. He looked so peaceful.. The day I first saw him as a human. I admit I missed his ears and eyes, but seeing him as a human did not change the way I thought about him. It still doesn't.. The first time I saw him as a demon. It kind of scared me but somehow, I felt as though he wouldn't hurt me.

I remember when he came to rescue me in Kagua's castle. He ended up being transformed into his demon state. His human half was to be trapped in the mirror forever. They yelled at me to stay away from him, but I didn't listen. I told him I loved him.. sort of. I said I love him as a half demon. Which is the truth. I would never want him to change. I wouldn't want him to become a human, or a demon. He is perfect the way he is. I made sure to tell him that.

I kissed him that day. I don't know exactly what I was thinking. I just knew I missed the way InuYasha is supposed to be. I didn't want to see him turn into something he is not. When I kissed him, I felt more then just his lips to mine. It felt like it was meant to be that way. When he kissed me back, it felt as though my dreams had come true.

Then it was over. We defeated the enemy but we never spoke of the kiss again. I was so embarrased that I didn't want to bring it up. He never spoke of it so I thought he either didn't remember, or he didn't feel the way I did.

Now everything seems to be changing. I am getting more and more drawn into his orbit. I am spending more of my time in the Feudal Era because I want to be around him. I am constantly feeling a physical attraction to him and I can't stop thinking about my love for him. 

If only today didn't happen. I wouldn't be so confused right now. How can he make so many emotions run through me at once? He makes me mad, sad, happy, confused, aroused, in love, everything seems to flow through my veins at just the sight of him.

Part of me wishes I kissed him today. When he was so close to my face, I could have. If I did, then everything would have been answered. He either would kiss me back or pull away. Then I would know for sure how he feels. I wish I had the courage to tell him... I love him so much.


InuYasha is still up in the tree, smelling the air as his dog ears twitch. His eyes are closed as he tries to focuse on the different scents hitting his senses. He is absolutly confused. He knows Kagome went to write in her stupid book again but this time he decided not to confront her on it. That is until all of these emotions radiating from her body started to reach him.

He can smell her sadness, but also happiness, and even anger.. He smells arousal. 

'Great. What the hell is she writing about now?!'

He glances over at her and sees that she is still fully covered by her sleeping bag. He wishes he could just know what is in that damn book. How is Kagome aroused? How is she happy and sad and angry all at the same time?

InuYasha is starting to believe his nose is playing tricks on him. No one can be that filled with emotion all at once, right? The scent of her arousal hitting his senses is about to drive him crazy.

He growls extremely loudly and jumps off his branch to land directly in front of Kagome's form.

At the vibration the ground made to InuYasha landing next to her, Kagome quickly shut her book and pulled the covers off her face.

"What?!" She doesn't understand the way he is looking at her with such confusion.

InuYasha starts to sniff around her. He knows she is trying to hide her book under the covers, but right now he wants to know what is happening with all of the random emotions. He confirms it.

"InuYasha. Why are you smelling me?"

"You're scent is different."

"Different how? What are you talking about?" Kagome slides her diary under the pillow she had brought from her era, hoping InuYasha didn't notice. Then she climbs out of the sleeping bag to stand right in front of him.

InuYasha starts to sniff around her head, neck and arms until Kagome gets even more irritated.

"Okay, InuYasha that's enough. What exactly are you doing?!"

"How can one person feel so many different emotions at once?"

Kagome starts to blush. She didn't realise he smells emotions like that. 'Oh god.' She had thought to herself.

So many things rushing through her mind at once. He can smell how she is feeling. Does that mean he knew she was aroused? Her cheaks grew even brighter in embarrassment. She steps back away from him but his hand caught her by the arm.

"What is happening with you, Kagome? Every time you write in that damn book, you put off so many different scents. It seems to be getting worse."

"N-nothing. Just drop it."

She looks away from his gaze and tries to pull her arm from him but his grasp is too strong. Instead of pulling herself away, she ended up getting pulled into him.

Now their faces are even closer then the last time they found themselves in an awkward position. Kagome glances at his lips without even meaning to do it, then back up at his amber eyes.

InuYasha puts his other clawed hand behind her back, while this one is still holding her arm.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Kagome feels the rush of heat throughout her body at just this little bit of contact.

Without answering, InuYasha leaned in slowly causing her blush to deepen even more. He almost kissed her, he couldn't help it. She is so close and her scent is driving him insane. Instead though, he covers it up by sniffing around her in order to try and pick up more clues as to what she is thinking right now.

InuYasha can hear her heart beat pick up in speed. He heard her breath stop for a second and he smelled her arousal start to rise. Not only that, but he looked into her eyes to try and see what he is missing. He can't tell but something seems to be there. Was it just lust? He can smell so many emotions but a couple of them are harder to pin point.

Kagome doesn't know what to do. She always seems to be frozen in place when it comes to InuYasha. Her breath caught in her throat, and her entire body radiated heat at just the closeness of him. She knows he can smell her arousal now. They are so close, she is beginning to feel his.

She thought back to what she wrote in her diary before;

Part of me wishes I kissed him today. When he was so close to my face, I could have. If I did, then everything would have been answered. He either would kiss me back or pull away. Then I would know for sure how he feels. I wish I had the courage to tell him... I love him so much.


InuYasha is now fully looking into her eyes, and completely stopped smelling for clues. He noticed it this time, her glance at his lips. His own heart actually started to race like never before. He looked at her mouth and then back into her eyes.


At the same time, they both went to lean in slowly. Their lips only centimeters apart now. Hot breath against each others skin. Chest to chest, feeling the heart race of the other.

As their lips were about to touch, Shippo came jumping in the middle of the two.

"Kagome! I did it! I cooked some food for us!"

InuYasha and Kagome jumped apart and said nothing. They stared at each other for a second, both wishing they knew exactly what the other was thinking. 

Shaking her head of the daze, Kagome responded. "Good job Shippo."

When both InuYasha and Kagome looked back at the others, they noticed their gaze on them. Sango's was one of understanding and empathy. She saw the exchange and how Shippo unknowingly stopped whatever it was that Kagome and InuYasha were doing. Miroku had a wide grin on his face that showed he knew exactly what was happening.

They both blushed and started to walk over to their friends. Kagome grabbed shippo and had him talk to her about what he did to help make food.

Both InuYasha and Kagome kept continuously glancing at the other, unsure on what to do or think about what had just happened.. or what had almost happened.


Authors Notes: Thanks for enjoying this InuYasha and Kagome fanfiction! It isn't going to be as long as Mating Season but I hope you like it anyway! Please R&R. :D