InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Heart and Inuyasha's Feelings ❯ Chapter 7- A Miko's Voice and a Hanyou's Tears ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Kagome?" the raven-haired man spoke her name softly as he ascended up to the well towards where she was sitting. Her long black hair was blowing across her face in the gentle breeze, along with the long white sleeves of her haori and the small, black tie that hung around her neck. Kami, she really is beautiful...even in those clothing, I never thought it possible but...

A look of a slight sorrow replaced the expression of shock on his handsome features as Inuyasha approached the weeping miko. Kagome gasped lifting her tear-streaked face from her hands as she gazed up into his dark, grey-blue eyes. Inuyasha was standing just a few feet away from her, gazing at her. As he watched her, she noticed his eyes...they looked so tender, like the time she had seen him look at her when she caught him with Kikyou. That had been the day Kagome realized she was truly in love with Inuyasha.

The hanyou lifted a foot, attempting to step closer, but Kagome just let out a strangeled sob and turned her back towards him. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow in confusion, not quite understanding what had just happened. Why was she turning away from him? Was she in shock that he was still alive? Maybe she didn't believe it, or did she still not understand what his purpose to see Kikyou had been? The hanyou hoped against hope that she would understand about why he'd gone to see Kikyou. It's not like he had been off searching for her. When Inuyasha had picked up her scent, he felt that this was the perfect opportunity to tell Kikyou what he needed to do.

"Kagome? What are you doing all by yourself out here? You're injured too, and you should be resting," came the hanyou's voice from somewhere behind the miko. "Let's go back to Kaede's hut so you can get some more rest. This can't be good for you," Inuyasha suggested. She tried to quiet her sobbing and turned her head away from him, not wanting to him to see her tears. She didn't want an angry Inuyasha baring down on her for crying.

"I-it's nothing," Kagome tried to remain calm and wiping at her tears. The young miko was doing her best not to allow her voice to shake or jar with emotion too much. She knew that Inuyasha hated it whenever she expressed any kind of feelings such as sadness, so she figured it best to try and compose herself before he really got upset.

"I...I just needed to go for a walk is all," the girl began to babble, trying her best to keep her feelings held back. "It felt too cramped up inside of the hut, and I thought it might be a good idea to stretch my legs, especially my injured one. We don't want the muscles in my leg going weak from a simple injury now do we?" the miko stated, but still kept her back turned to Inuyasha. Kagome didn't know why, but she was finding it very difficult to face him. Maybe it was because of all this Kikyou nonsense that the girl was struggling like this?

"Well, I still think you shouldn't be up and about like this," the hanyou replied, walking closer to Kagome until he was standing next to her. He gazed down at her to try and catch a glimpse of her face, but the miko only turned away.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I face him? I had it in my head earlier that I was going to tell Inuyasha that I can't be with him anymore. Here he is now and here's my perfect opportunity but something is holding me back. Why can't I tell him? Is it too hard to say goodbye and never look back? Can I really just go on and live my life without him? At this very thought, Kagome only felt the intensity of the pain she had in her heart rise. It felt as though it were wrapping it's invisible hand around it and clenching it until the priestess could hardly bare it. Kagome bit her bottom lip and continued to fight against her emotions, closing her small hands into tight fists against the well and trembling all the while.

"I'm fine...I'll be fine," Kagome told him through clenched teeth.

Now Inuyasha was extremely confused. Why was Kagome denying him the way she was? He could feel that the girl was stiffening, not wanting to be near him, but the hanyou as stubborn as he was, wasn't about to give up that easily. He placed his hand on her arm and felt Kagome recoil from his touch.

"Kagome, please listen to me," Inuyasha began but was cut off as Kagome lept up from her spot on the well.

"NO! That's just it! I can't do this!" she exclaimed, whirling around and facing him now. Her eyes blazed furiously as the light became brighter in the sky.

The moment the sun's rays hit Inuyasha, he would be transformed back, but he was still a human and now those human emotions were beginning to fill his insides with a burning sensation. This was unpleasent to the hanyou and he kept watching the sky, waiting for the first ray of light to hit him so he could be rid of this pathetic feeling. In the meantime, he'd just have to take control of himself and be strong. Inuyasha always felt inadequate when he was in human form, so maybe once he was back to his original, half-demon self he'd feel better about talking to Kagome and getting things figured out. However he questioned the priestess's actions. Why was Kagome being like this to him? What did she mean by she couldn't do this? What could he, Inuyasha, have possibly done to make her talk to him like this? The hanyou turned human drew back from the fierce look in the girl's eyes, slightly frightened and a little hurt that she would be so harsh.

"You can't do what, Kagome?! I don't understand a damn word you're saying!" Inuyasha snapped back, trying to sound bold.

However frustrated he may be, his voice wasn't filled with the normal, harsh tones used whenever he became flummoxed. No, not this time. His voice was filled with the essence of confusion and hurt, and much to Inuyasha's dismay he felt disheartened. The hanyou was still in human form, still being cursed by his human transformation and what was worse, human emotions. Inuyasha was apperceptive to hurt and of course bewildered by the look Kagome gave him. The harsh tones she used with him wasn't even the way she acted. I mean sure, there had been plenty of times where the two fought, argued and jumped down each other's throats, but this was different. This wasn't his normal miko at all. Was she possessed by something?

"I mean I can't do this anymore, Inuyasha! It's just too much!" Kagome stepped backward from him before she turned and begin to run back towards Kaede's hut. When she got there, she'd gather her things, say her goodbyes to Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara and Kaede. She'd give the jewel shards to Sango to protect and tell her to give them to Inuyasha for her. Kagome couldn't take the pain anymore. The images kept replaying over and over again in her mind as she fought on the forcing onslaught of the horrible memories of Kikyou overwhelming her mind.

"This will end your interfering," Kikyou stated softly, removing her fingers from Kagome's flesh. Kagome's entire body had been endoused with a soft and yet bright, glow, but the girl still could not move.

Once Kikyou released her reincarnation, the soul collectors swarmed around Kagome and pinned her glowing body to the tree Kikyou had previously been resting in as she gathered the souls of the dead to animate her clay body. 'I can't move!' Kagome panicked to herself inside of her head. The little miko couldn't even bring herself to speak as the shinidamachuu pressed and wound themselves around the tree, forcing her tighter to it's trunk. Kagome watched as a single soul collector flowed through the air and lowered itself next to the undead miko, dropping a glowing orb into the woman's hands.

"Inuyasha has come," Kikyou stated with a small, wicked smile on her pale face. The glowing orb disappeared into the woman's body. She released the barrier that was held up and tilted her head, continuing to stare coldly into Kagome. It almost felt as if the woman's gaze was freezing her to the very core. "I fear he has not come to save you. His purpose lies in seeing me," Kikyou told her as her facial expression changed into an almost annoyed one. "You will not interfere."

The two were about to continue speaking when they sensed Inuyasha's presence. The red-clan hanyou appeared before the two and Kagome tried in vain to make Inuyasha talk to Kikyou. Inuyasha walked right past her as if he didn't even hear nor see her and approached the undead miko. Kagome listened as he spoke Kikyou's name softly, and then she realized that Kikyou had rendered her not only paralyzed but invisible as well. Inuyasha couldn't see nor hear Kagome, and his eyes were all for Kikyou now. What would she do? She had to make Inuyasha realize that Kikyou was most likely about to put him in danger from the hatred of him that filled the very depths of her clay and bones.

It was then that Inuyasha realized that it was Kikyou who had been taking the souls of the dead women. The priestess went on explaining that her body was made of the bones and soil from her gravesite. She told him that in order to remain on the earth, she must devour the souls of the dead to keep her existing...that and her hatred for him is what fueled her actions. Kagome acknowledged that the words stung Inuyasha.

"That's just ludicrous!" the hanyou exclaimed, staring at the woman. "You may very well despise me, but the feeling's not mutual! Kikyou...I NEVER STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU! NOT EVEN FOR AN INSTANT!" Inuyasha admitted. The words echoed over and over again in Kagome's mind. It felt like her heart was breaking.

"Hmm," Kikyou stared back at him, only this time a look of sorrow crossed her face and Kagome felt her heart lurch painfully. 'I thought so...Inuyasha has never forgotten about Kikyou. Sure, why would he have? Still, it's hard to hear it said outloud...Inuyasha's been...taken away from me!'

"I could never hate you or think less of you! It's your spirit I care for, not your appearance!" Inuyasha continued as Kikyou turned away from him, gazing down at the ground.

"Truly Inuyasha, you wouldn't?" Kikyou questioned him and she now turned back towards the hanyou, approaching him with an outstretched hand. She reached up and tenderly rubbed his face. "You wouldn't despise me if I used these hands to steal the life from you?"

Inuyasha stared at her in shock and seemed as though he were trying to speak. Kagome could tell that he was surprised by her words and was rather hesitant about having his life taken. Before giving the hanyou even one chance to reply, Kikyou leaned up and gently touched her lips to his. Inuyasha just continued to stare in shock as the undead woman's cold lips kissed his. 'She's kissing him!' Kagome thought to herself and she watched the priestess release her lips from him, placing him under her spell. Kikyou threw her arms around the hanyou's waist, resting her head against his chest.

"Inuyasha! After meeting with you I renounce my position as a shrine priestess! I became an ordinary woman. I longed to embrace you like this when I was alive." Kagome's heart lurched again as she watched the hanyou place his arms around Kikyou as well, holding her close to him.

"Inuyasha, you're going to take her back...sure you are. It's only to be expected," Kagome spoke outloud, though nobody but Kikyou could hear her. "What am I doing here watching them like this? I'm such a fool! Oh great, now I'm probably gonna start crying. I can't believe what an idiot I am," Kagome told herself, her voice brimming with tears.

"We are unable to turn back the hands of time, so please, allow me to embrace you a little longer," Kikyou told him, doing her best to trick the hanyou into a trap Kagome felt was about to happen.

"I can't save you. I can't do anything to help you except stay like this," Inuyasha replied softly. "If only time could stand still."

"Would you agree to that? If I did stop time?" Kikyou asked, contiuing to hold the hanyou. The priestess squeezed him tighter, pulling the conciousness from him.

"Yes...I don't care. As long long as I'm...with you," Inuyasha replied before he was rendered unconcious in the undead woman's arms.

"Ugh! I can't watch! I'd be happy to leave you two alone if you'd just release me!" Kagome called out, trying to get them to hear her. "I'll just go crawl under a rock or something..." she told herself more than anything, feeling hurt and upset by the hanyou's actions right in front of her. "Hey! Are you listen-," Kagome cut off her own words by a gasp as the light around Kikyou and Inuyasha began turning into black streaks and the ground underneath them began to cave. White, glowing orbs flowed all around the two as their bodies slowly began lowering themselves into the massive hole growing in the forest floor.

"Inuyasha! I will never let you go. Come with me, into the depths of Hell!" Kikyou told him as she began pulling him under with her.

"He's being dragged down with her!" Kagome exclaimed, realizing the hanyou was in danger. "Inuyasha snap to it! You've got to get out of there!" the little miko tried desperately, but it was all in vain. "It's no use, he's unconcious!"

Kagome felt a new energy fill her body and she stared angrily at the dead woman dragging the defenseless hanyou downward into Hell with her. "Listen Kikyou, 'cause I know that you can hear me! Inuyasha said he wanted to be with you! I didn't hear him say he wanted to go to Hell with you! Inuyasha is going after Naraku for decieving you both 50 years ago! He still has things to do! Inuyasha wants to live to fight Naraku more than anything! And he's determined to stay alive until he avenges your death!"

Kikyou released Inuyasha for a moment to turn and gaze coldy at the younger miko. She pointed one finger at the girl, a small glowing orb appearing at the end of it. She raised her hand and released the orb, sending it zooming towards Kagome. It hit the girl who cried out and winced from the blast. Kagome just couldn't bring herself to believe that somebody could be so angry. Kikyou glared at the alive priestess and questioned that if Inuyasha got his revenge, would that revive her, but sadly no, it would not.

"Come, Inuyasha. Come rather than staying here and living with my memory," Kikyou said softly as he began to pull Inuyasha back down again. "You and I share the same desires."

"You're downright evil! The poor guy's unconcious remember! Otherwise he'd never follow you! I'm telling you....HANDS OFF OF HIM!" Kagome exploded at the undead miko. It had infuriated her that Kikyou tricked him. Kagome was shocked at the own power that filled her veins and the light that endoused Kikyou was shockingly bright. The orbs began leaving the woman and she stared at Kagome in shock. The young miko continued to cry out to the helpless half-demon. "WAKE UP! DON'T LET HER TAKE YOU! INUYASHA! INUYASHAAAAA!!" Kagome cried out in desperation.

The little priestess continued to watch as Inuyasha finally came to, opening his golden eyes slowly. "That's...Kagome's voice. Is she here? Kagome? KAGOME!" the hanyou exclaimed, finally coming back to conciousness by the sounds of Kagome's voice. He lept out of Kikyou's arms as his vision fell on the trapped miko and ran towards her. He used his iron claws to split apart the shinidamachuu and free Kagome. He stared at her in shock.

"Kagome, what in the world do you think you're doing here!" Inuyasha questioned her.

"Me!? I'm the one who should be asking that question!" Kagome shot back and Inuyasha leaned back from her.

"'s, hard to explain," the hanyou stammered nervously, knowing that Kagome was hurt and angry.

The light around Kikyou disappeared as the souls fell back into her body, one by one and she was lifted in the air by the shinidamachuu. "Does that girl mean more to you than I do?" Kikyou questioned him.

Inuyasha and Kagome both blushed, for he could not give her an answer. Kagome wasn't sure if he just couldn't find the courage to say that in front of Kagome or if he didn't know the answer. Either way, she felt like her heart had been stomped all over after witnessing what she did. The two watched as Kikyou was once more lifted up by her soul gatherers. "Inuyasha, never forget the feel of my lips against yours, for it was real," Kikyou told him before she vanished into thin air.

Kagome had taken it upon herself to go and find Kikyou, in hopes it would make Inuyasha feel better, considering she had been captured by Naraku. She peered around from a tree as she saw the undead miko standing just before her.

"Kikyou," Kagome said in a relieved voice walking forward. Kikyou lowered herself to the ground, picking up her bow and an arrow from the quiver which lay on the ground. "Kikyou! You're okay!"

The woman lifted her bow silently, placing an arrow on it and drew it back, staring that familiar cold, black stare down at young miko advancing towards her.

"We've been, so worried about you," Kagome stated uncertainly as she watched the woman drawing an arrow. What on earth was she doing?

Kikyou released the arrow, firing it directly at Kagome. It zoomed so fast that miko didn't even have time to move. Her eyes widened and she gasped as the barely missed her face. Instead, the arrow sliced her cheek open. It landed just on the ground behind her, creating a massive hole. Before Kagome even had time to move, the ground dissapated from underneath her, and she began falling down into the blackness of the hole. Kagome reached her hand out and grasped a long tree branch that had been hanging from the hole, hoping against hope that her strength would hold out until Inuyasha got there. The malevolent priestess approached the hole, glaring down at Kagome, who could only just utter her name in shock.

"Naraku finds himself frightened of you. He tries to control me with a shard of the sacred jewel, hoping that I might be turned against you," Kikyou told her lazily.

The shinidamachuu gathered themselves around Kagome's body and lifted the girl up and out of the hole, bringing her face to face with the undead woman. "The jewel shard in your chest-" Kagome began but was cut off by Kikyou once more.

"Surely the priestess who wants to guard over the sacred jewel of four souls has not fallen so low as to be controlled by a mere shard," she replied, staring coldly. Kikyou reached a hand out and grasped the necklace around Kagome's neck that held what pieces they had acquired of the Shikon jewel and ripped it from her. Once she did so, the soul collectors released Kagome from their hold as the vines of the tree branches shot upward, winding themselves and grasping onto the helpless Miko, pulling her back into the hole.

"KAGOME!" cried out Inuyasha's voice as he lept down to where Kagome lay. She was laying on the roots that created the dangerous illusion, dreaming of a nightmare. Kagome stirred as she heard the hanyou calling her name and he jumped down to where she was.

"Inu...yasha?" Kagome spoke softly, uncertain if she were still in a dream or not. She had been dreaming of Inuyasha and Kikyou being in love with each other and she, Kagome, had been left all alone.

The hanyou moved around to the ground of her, helping her up off of the ground. "Kagome...those roots cause some kind of an illusion," he explained to the girl who was gazing down at the ground. "Seems like you got away from it okay," Inuyasha added in a relieved voice.

"Uh...uh huh," Kagome lied. She didn't want to tell Inuyasha what had happened. She didn't want to tell him what Kikyou did to her. The hanyou placed an arm around her waist and took a massive leap, bringing her out of the hole. They landed safely on the ground just in front of it. Kagome stared upward as fear filled her entire body. Kikyou was standing before them, looking malicious.

"Kikyou! Those are Kagome's jewel shards!" Inuyasha yelled incredulously at the dead priestess, not daring to believe what he was seeing. The hanyou inclined his head to stare at Kagome who was still on her knees on the ground. The girl had a look of complete horror on her face and her arm rested over her stomach as she began breathing heavily. "Kagome?" Inuyasha asked her in a worried voice. He turned and stared back at Kikyou. "You didn't...DON'T TELL ME IT WAS YOU!"

"What's wrong Inuyasha?" questioned Kikyou as she clutched Kagome's necklace in her hand, the light from the jewel was glowing a soft purple. "Tell me, why is it I feel you're unhappy to know I'm well?"

Inuyasha bared his teeth at the undead priestess. "ANSWER ME! JUST WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!"

"I tried to kill her," Kikyou replied truthfully. "Just what is it you plan to do it about it? Will you kill me?"

The hanyou continued baring his teeth at Kikyou, growling furiously as he did so. Kikyou ignored his anger and continued on. Kagome had to admit she was grateful Inuyasha was by her side. Atleast she didn't have to face Kikyou alone again.

"Tell me, when Naraku had you under his spell, just what was it you thought about?" she questioned him, but Kikyou already knew the answer. Inuyasha had been thinking about her, back 50 years ago when they were decieved by Naraku. The woman began to snicker and then burst out into malicious laughter. "Now, could you have said that if you were going to kill me?" The shinidamachuu gathered around Kikyou and lifted the woman into the air. She gazed back down at Inuyasha. "Embracing death together, now that's a day I'll wait for," Kikyou added before she disappeared with the soul collectors.

Both Kagome and Inuyasha watched the woman disperse before the hanyou turned and gazed at the frightened miko, still on the ground. "Kagome...tell me what she did to you," Inuyasha demanded.

"She took the sacred jewel back from me," Kagome answered, not wanting to give him the answer he wanted. "I'm sorry."

"That's not what I'm asking! Did Kikyou really try to-," Inuyasha began forcefully but he was cut off by Kagome's voice which sounded as though she were on the verge of tears.

"THEN DON'T ASK ME!" she cried out, balling her hands into small fists.

"Huh?" Inuyasha stared down at her, not wanting to believe that Kikyou really tried to kill Kagome, but it was true. "Kagome..."


"Kagome come back here! I don't understand what you can't do anymore!" Inuyasha pleaded chasing after the girl, his long black hair flowing out from behind him. "Please, stop running! You're going to hurt yourself even more!"

Kagome could already feel her leg starting to give out. She was coming closer to the Goshinboku tree. The hut wasn't too far off now, but would she make it before her leg did give out? The memories of when Kikyou tried to take Inuyasha away from her into Hell, burned into her skull. The memory of the time Kikyou tried to kill her made her heart race in fear all over again, and the time Inuyasha swore to Kikyou he'd always protect her made the tears burn once more in the miko's eyes. It was all too much now. Kagome couldn't do this anymore. She couldn't go through another bout of this pain again. As she reached the tree, her leg gave out.

Kagome began to fall. She was just about to grasp onto the tree when she felt Inuyasha's strong hands catch her before she fell. She gasped and struggled away from his hold. The young priestess broke free and fell to her knees on the ground. The hanyou made to lower himself to the ground and help her up, when Kagome recoiled fiercely.

"DON'T!" The priestess cried out, allowing her long, dark waves of hair to curtain her face. "Don't touch me, Inuyasha!"

"What!? Kagome...what the HELL did I do to you?! Why won't you let me help you!?" the half-demon asked her in a confused voice.

"It's everything Inuyasha! It's always one empty promise right after another! You told me the other night that you swore to protect me! What happened after that? I find you with her again," the miko exploded, fresh tears burning her eyes again.

"What? Kagome! That is what this is all about? This is about Kikyou?! Is that it! You need to listen to me Kagome, it's important that I-," the hanyou made to explain, but Kagome had already got to her feet and was facing him, her face burning with sheer anger and heartache.

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE INUYASHA! I KNOW WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT!" Kagome screamed in frustration and anguish. It was almost becoming too much to endure. "I can't do it! I know what you're going to tell me! I know that you still want to be with Kikyou! I'm not stupid! I kept asking myself over and over again if you were really going to stay with me, but every single time you said you would, you still went off with her! My heart can't take this anymore, Inuyasha! It's tearing me apart!"

The miko placed her hand on the tree to keep herself standing, drawing heaving breaths, and trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't stop. Even when she saw the look on Inuyasha's face, she couldn't stop. He had drawn back from her somewhat, but stared at her with an overwraught expression. The half-demon had his eyebrows drawn in confusion. Kagome couldn't handle it anymore. She let her anger and pain get the better of her and before she knew it, the miko was exploding words that she didn't mean.

"I HATE YOU INUYASHA! I HATE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME! I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU! I'VE RISKED MY LIFE JUST TO SAVE AND PROTECT KIKYOU FOR YOUR SAKE, EVEN WHEN SHE TRIED TO KILL ME! I'VE DONE IT ALL AND I JUST CANNOT DO IT ANYMORE!" Kagome reached her hand up to the necklace around her neck that held the jewel shards. "I'm leaving, Inuyasha. I'm going back home. I'm making my last trip through the well, for good. I can't take your games with Kikyou anymore! My heart can't handle seeing you by her side anymore! Not after what you promised to me!"

Kagome thrust the jewel shards out towards Inuyasha, who had now turned his back to her. The miko had been so caught up in her anger that she never once realized he had turned from her. She watched his fists clenching at his sides, his body trembling before her. Without warning, the hanyou whirled around towards her to face her. He grabbed her shoulders roughly and pinned her up against the bare bark of Goshinboku tree. The rays of the sun's first light broke through the sky and landed on the hanyou. Inuyasha began to change before her, his long black hair reverting to it's normal silvery white color once more. His perfect, fuzzy, white triangular ears appeared on top of his head and as he opened his eyes, they had changed into the normal golden color they always were, but they were glistening. Inuyasha's teeth were clenched together, baring his small, white fangs on either sides of his mouth.

"So, you...want to leave me?" Inuyasha questioned Kagome calmly. "You don't want to be with me anymore? You hate me so much because of Kikyou, that you would leave the jewel shards with me and disappear beyond the well, never to return here?" the hanyou continued, his voice trembling. Kagome gazed up into his face and gasped as his eyes brimmed with crystalline tears.

"I-Inuyasha, I don't...I don't understand...what are you saying?" Kagome asked him in a small voice. She was still pinned up against the tree by him and it didn't seem she'd get to move anytime soon.

Inuyasha continued to hold onto Kagome's shoulders, staring down angrily into the girl. He couldn't fight the tears that had built in his eyes now and he further cursed himself for allowing his human emotions to linger in his heart, even after changing back to his half-demon self. It was so damn hard being a human, so why did the feelings have to stay? Was it Kagome's words that tore into his soul and made him feel this way? It had to of been, so maybe it wasn't the human emotions?

"BAKA!" the hanyou yelled down into the young miko's face, his voice jerking. "How can you even THINK that for one minute that I'd just let you go and never look back! How could you even think that I'd let you walk out of my life forever! I need you to be with me Kagome! I can't function when you're not by my side!"

Kagome had tears streaming down her cheeks now as she gazed upward in shock at his rare, tear-filled eyes. Did he really mean what he said? Was it all true? Was he serious about wanting her to be with him? Did he really mean it when he said he needed her? It has to be true, he's crying! Inuyasha never cries. I must have...I must really hurt him.

Inuyasha released Kagome's arms in frustration and turned away from her, seating himself on the ground and folding his arms into the sleeves of his fire rat, keeping his back towards the young woman. Kagome stood shocked for only a moment longer before lowering herself behind Inuyasha. She put her hands on his shoulders, trying to let him know she understood. Kagome had been a fool. She never should have said the things she did. How was she going to let him know that she didn't hate him?

"Inuyasha," Kagome began softly.

"Keh!" he snapped, not looking at her. His voice was still trembling as was his body.

"Inuyasha please," the miko pleaded. "I'm so so sorry," Kagome whispered. "I never meant to say that I hated you. I was just so angry because I had seen you with Kikyou. I thought you had broken your promise to me again."

"But you never stopped just one time to let me tell you that wasn't the case, did you!" Inuyasha snapped, his voice thoroughly brimming with tears now. He whirled around to face Kagome, the glistening tears that he struggled to hold back beginning to slide down his cheeks now. Kami these fucking human emotions! Ugh! "Kagome, I need you with me. I want to be with you. I don't want to be with anybody else! Don't you get that!?"

"I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never meant to say that. I don't hate you, you must know that. Inuyasha, I-," but Kagome was cut off. The hanyou was standing now, turning to face her, tears still streamed down his cheeks. He grasped her hands in his and pulled the girl into a tight embrace, holding her so close that she could hear the rapid beating of his heart.

"I promised to protect you, Kagome. I'm not going to break that promise to you. I want you with me. Unless you don't want to be with me anymore," Inuyasha stated softly into her hair.

"I...I do want to be with you, Inuyasha. I want to be with you more than you can understand!" the miko replied back softly, her voice muffled in his chest. "I don't want anything else," Kagome admitted before breaking down into his chest. Inuyasha held her close while she sobbed into his chest, allowing herself to let it out and he comforted her.

Moments later, Kagome pulled back to gaze up at his tear-glazed face and she reached a hand up to brush them away. He lowered his hand to the side of her face, brushing her tears away with this thumbs. "Kagome...," the hanyou spoke her name softly.

"Inuyasha," she replied as their noses became just millimeters apart from one another, hands still on the side of each other's faces. Closing her eyes she felt the gentle caress of the hanyou's breath against her skin before she felt the softness of his lips meeting hers. The two allowed themselves to fall into one another, lips softly brushing against each other, sinking into the feeling. The wind whispered gently through the trees and the birds sang up above in the branches as the sun's rays cast down over hanyou and miko, as though that light that shown were only for them.