InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Return to the feudal era ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Return to the feudal Era
“Sess, Inuyasha, Can someone get these bags” She yelled. Inuyasha came upstairs to get them
“Sure thing Baby” He smiled, using some of the new words from TV shows.
“Thanks” She said.
“I'll be ready in 2 minutes” She said.
“Mom, Grandpa, and Souta” She said. They were all seated in the living room.
“I may never return here again but I love you” She tried to stay strong.
“We know that honey, we love you too” Mrs. H said.
“Don't worry about me or how I am in the feudal era, even if the well closes” She said. They all embraced for possibly the last time.
“Love you sis” Souta said. She smiled at him.
“Kagome, hurry up” Inuyasha yelled.
“Where did you go?” She asked.
“To drop off the bags” He said.
“Are you ready?” Sess asked.
“Of course” She lied,
“Be ready, our enemy strikes once we arrive” She warned.
Sess jumped first, then Kagome & Finally Inuyasha. `My sweet little miko, I want you, all of me inside you'
“I sense jewel shards, a lot of them coming towards us fast” Kagome said. IT was Naraku's puppet.
“Miko, you look awfully delicious” He said, glancing at her.
`He seems to be trying to upset both my mates'
“Naraku” Inuyasha said. He stepped farther in front of Kagome, equal with Sesshomaru.
“Do not worry Miko, I will be inside you, I will get you for my mate” He teased. Sess & Inuyasha started growling at Naraku.
“Do you wish to hurt me?” He asked.
“Hell ya” Inuyasha yelled. She saw Sess transform first, his eyes bled crimson red, his face growing longer, look like a German Sheppard. Then Inuyasha changed, he didn't change as much as Sess did but his claws and fangs sharpened and got stripes across his cheeks and wrists. He looked so much like Sess.
“If you attack me, it will hurt Kagome” Naraku warned. Inuyasha lunged at him.
“Iron reaper, soul stealer” Inuyasha yelled. He managed to nick Naraku's arm. Instantly Kagome cried out. Her arm slowly started bleeding.
“Stop, please” She begged.
“Gotta go, Inus, goodbye Mate” He ran off. Yasha was the first one back to her.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you” He whispered.
“It's alright” She said.
“You forgive too easily” Sess said.
“Maybe I do” She whispered. She was afraid of him; his eyes still had traces of red.
“Can you walk?” Yasha asked.
“Yeah” She put on a brace face. She managed to walk but it wasn't graceful like she usually does.
`Foolish hanyou nearly injured my mate' Sess walked in front of them, Inuyasha was beside me.
“Yasha, I don't feel well” Kagome murmured.
“Carry her” Sess ordered. He slowed down his walk to allow them time to catch up.
`I can hardly breathe, I feel a heavy pressure on my chest'
“I…can't…breathe” She choked out. Both mates stopped.
“Explain” Sess said, truly concerned.
“A weight on my chest” She murmured.
“Do you think Naraku's behind it” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes” She said, gasping for air. `Damn you Naraku harming my mate and causing her pain'
“We cannot stop” Sess said. They weren't far from his castle but now being forced to walk, it took awhile.
Close to the castle, Kagome began to feel better.
“I feel better” She announced.
“I still want you to see a healer” Sess said.
“I want Kaede, being a miko she may be able to see what type of magic Naraku is using on me” She requested.
“Who is this Kaede?” Sess asked.
“A miko healer who lives by the well house, she trained me” Kagome explained.
“Inuyasha can get her” Sess said.
“What?” He exclaimed.
“Please Yasha, I'd really appreciate it” She smiled.
“Keh” He ran off to get her.
“Sess, Are you ok?” She asked.
“I should be asking you” He said.
“You became a huge dog and you were scaring me” She said.
“Are you still afraid? Because I don't want you to be” He asked.
“No I'm ok” She answered.
“Why didn't you attack Naraku?” Kagome asked.
“Because I knew it was a trap” He answered.
“I hope Kaede can fix me, I know this is Naraku's doing” She said.
“Mommy” Rin & Shippo grabbed onto her legs. She slowly rubbed their heads.
“Hey pups” She smiled.
“We never want you to leave” Rin said.
“Me neither” She said sadly.
“Kagome, my sweet” Kouga said. Sess let a bit of poison drip from his claws.
“Why are you here?” Sess asked.
“A group meeting has been called, Naraku has been wreaking havoc on our lands, and the lords of the North & South are here” Kouga said.
“Greeting Lord Sesshomaru, & Lady Kagome” Trevor said.
“It's a pleasure to see you” Kagome said.
“Nice to meet you Lady Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru” The southern lord said.
“A pleasure milord” Kagome replied.
“My name is Lord Troy, it's an honor to stay here” He said.
“Did any ladies come on this trip” Kagome asked.
“No Lady Kagome, only Ayame from the Eastern Lands” Trevor said.
“Ayame, such a pleasure to see you” Kagome said.
“There pleasure is all mine” Ayame said, faking a smile.
“Momma, who are these people” Rin asked.
“The Lords from the Eastern, Northern & Southern Lands & Lady Ayame” Kagome said.
“Welcome milords” Rin said. Then the kids scrammed off.
“Are those your pups?” Ayame asked. “
Yes, our adopted daughter, Rin and our adopted son, Shippo” She said.
“Can't you have pups” Ayame asked.
“Ayame, don't insult Lady Kagome” Kouga hissed.
“It's ok, I have a pup named Kashia” She answered.
“Whose is it?” Ayame asked.
“Mine” She replied.
“Who's the father?” Ayame asked.
“Sesshomaru's” Kagome answered, growing annoyed.
“Oh, I assumed it was Inuyasha's” Ayame said.
“Why is that?” Kagome snapped.
“No reason at all” Ayame said.
“I brought Kaede who are these people?” Inuyasha asked.
“The lords of the other lands & Lady Ayame” Kagome answered.
“Kagome, please sure these lords to their rooms” Sess said.
“Certainly, come this way Milords” Kagome said. She put them all together.
“Ayame, I am putting you with Kouga, there is a 2nd bed nearest to the wall, and do you mind?” Kagome asked.
“OF course not, you only do what you want” Ayame said.
“What is your problem?” Kagome hissed.
“Nothing Lady of the West” Ayame smiled flakily.
“You better back off, all of those questions were unnecessary, and if it wasn't for the other lords present, I would purify you and I still can” Kagome threatened.
“Ayame, are you ready?” Kouga asked.
“Yeah, we just had a little talk, she is” Kagome said, nodding her off.
`What is wrong with her? Being rude & insulting me'