InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Loss ❯ A New Inuyasha ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This was a first for Kagome. Normally when she woke up Inuyasha was out with Kikyo or asleep in a tree. Sometimes right above her asking about breakfast. But this time, he was next to her, still asleep and with an arm wrapped around her.

The cute little ears had long since gone flat agaisned his head as he slept. A rare thing as he was always alert. She shifted enough to remove herself from his grasp and walked outside the hut.

It was night time.

She found Miroku fast asleep a little ways away from the fire and Sango tending to it. A sleeping Shippo and Kirara a little ways to her left.

Sango looked up hearing the door being pushed away. Seeing Kagome a small blush became apparent on her face. "Miroku says he told you about what I did…" She said. "Sorry Kagome, I didn't really want to hit him…"

"It's ok. He didn't know. Besides, one of us would of eventually." She said, sitting down.

"I just can't get over the way he talks about you. It is almost like he doesn't care at all."

"He does, it's just his way of showing it. You know what his past was like - it's just harder for him to open up."

"I guess. But that still doesn't make it ok."

"Agreed. Just let it go. In time he'll change. Just look how far he has come."

Sango looked back down to the fire. He really does care, and tonight was a big step in the right direction.

But a step in the right direction or not, they were still a long way off.

Kagome sighed as Sango yawned turning her back to Kagome. "I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." Kagome nodded, getting the bucket of water and putting out the fire. She returned to the hut to find that Inuyasha was still asleep. She grabbed a book and a reading light and sat back down next to him, leaning on his figure.

But after a good half an hour she couldn't get into the story. She loved the story, truly she did, but she couldn't get into it right at this time. She shut the book and sighed.

"Something wrong?" Kagome jumped a mile when Inuyasha's voice whispered to her.

"Inuyasha? When did you wake up?"

"Little over fifteen minutes ago."

"Oh. No, nothing wrong. Just feeling tired."

"How can that be? You slept longer than I did."

"It's just been a long day." She said, she then stood up.

"Thanks Inuyasha. I'm gonna go to bed now."

Kagome sucked in a big breath of air when she felt him pull her down.

"What do you think you're doing?" She hissed as she fell down right in his lap.

"Just stay with me tonight. I know what it's like to lose a family member." His voice was soft and silent. Something only seen every once and a while and was usually followed up by some dumb ass jerky remark.

But not this time.

He's talking about his mother. Kagome said to herself. She picked herself up and leaned back into his chest. His arms encircled her and held her closer to him. Kagome only felt slightly uncomfortable.

After all this was the first time she had gotten any emotion out of him. Kagome wasn't sure just what to think.

But, for the first time in what felt like a million years she felt secure, and she wasn't going to argue with that. She had always felt good around Inuyasha. It was nice to know that someone is always watching after you.

And she had to face it herself; she had fallen for him. No doubt at all about it. She loved him, every little bit. The ears, claws, fangs - sometimes even the attitude.

She gasped a little when he suddenly tipped over, laying them both softly onto the futon on the floor. He pulled her closer again and put his chin on top of her head. Taking in a deep breath of her scent he closed his eyes.

"Get some sleep Kagome. We'll sort things out in the morning."


A/N: Sorry it's short. It just a filler right now.