InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Loss ❯ Sango Packs a Punch ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: One reviewer left a suggestion, just to let the rest of you know - I'm an open book - any ideas you have I'll listen too. A chance to improve is worth 1 million ideas.


Thought or Flashback

Song Lyrics

(And I'm going to try this one out for timing.) [] - Begin the song.


Kagome woke up once again to a feeling of being alone. She remembered falling asleep with Inuyasha. But now, she was alone. She fished through her bag long enough to find her CD player. She left the hut and found that everyone was asleep outside the hut.

It must have been a warm night. She thought to herself, grabbing her bow set she went off for a quick walk in the woods. Just to clear her mind.


Inuyasha woke up and was immediately hungry, Kagome was nowhere to be found.

With nothing but an empty stomach. Everyone else was awake.

"Where's Kagome, I'm hungry." He said, sitting up.

"She went out." Sango answered simply. "She'll be back soon."

"Why did she leave? She knows I want breakfast as soon as I wake up."

Sango became angry, but suppressed it. "She has a lot to deal with right now. Just be patient."

Inuyasha was angry now. He knew he shouldn't be, but he couldn't figure out why.

"But I'm hungry now. Get her back here."

"Why are you so impatient?" Angry seethed through Sango's voice.

"Because Kagome knows better. Besides, what could she have to deal with that's more important than food?"

Inuyasha stopped speaking as he realized why she might of taken off. Ironically, Sango's fist connected with the side of his face at the same time. Inuyasha hit the ground, suppressing the urge to put a hand to his swollen side.

"Sango?" Miroku blinked, stunned by the sudden reaction.

"How could you even ask that question?! How can you deal with your family in another time, another place while you travel around with some jackass because you feel bad about breaking some damn piece of glass?! It's over Inuyasha! The jewel is long gone! We have enough where there is no threat anymore. Kikyo is dead! She doesn't love you, and if she ever did it would surprise me because she has tried to kill you only ten times! And what the hell Kagome sees in you, I don't and never will. But she sees something, and I'm trying hard to see it, really, I am, and I just don't. You're a jerk. You think only of yourself. You're hung over on a dead women. You rush into everything and nearly get yourself killed numerous times! And who always is there when you wake up?! Kagome! So shut up! Sit down! And wait for your damn breakfast!"

Flames had long since erupted from Sango's body and were now stabbing at the fallen and scared hanyou. Over the number of years they had been traveling together she had never exploded as she just did.

It scared Inuyasha to the bone.

Does Kagome really see something in me?



Kagome walked through the forest, looking at the trees before setting down in a grassy field.

Any moment everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute all the world can wait
Let go of your yesterday

Kagome sighed looking up into the cloud-ridden skies above her. "There's so much I missed out on. Chasing these shards, dealing with Inuyasha and the others… is it really worth it?"

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longi
ng and take control?

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can
deny and start to try 'cus it's your time, time to fly

Who am I kidding? I wouldn't give this up for the world… well, it is the world, but that's not the point. I just have to face it, I've fallen in love with Inuyasha and I can't live without this era… is it possible that…

All your worries, leave them somewhere else
Find a dream you can follow
Reach for something when there's
nothing left and the world's feeling hollow

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longi
ng and take control?

And when your down and feeling low,
just want to run away
Trust yourself and don't give up
You know you better than anyone else

Any moment everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute all the world can wait

Let go of yesterday

Forget about the reasons why you
can deny and start to try 'cus it's your time, time to fly

Any moment everything can change

Kagome's thoughts were cut off by a voice behind her.

"Is it really worth it? Kagome… you're not going to leave us are you?"

"Huh, Miroku? What are you doing here?"

"I, ah, came to look for you after a certain incident back at camp."

"What did you do, grope her again?"

"No, but she did a number on Inuyasha."

This got Kagome's attention. "What did Sango do?"

"Well, Inuyasha was complaining about you not being around to make breakfast and long story shortened, Sango got fed-up with him bad mouthing you. She hit him once in the face and proceeded to yell at him. He is still sitting in the corner whimpering like a dog."

Kagome sighed. "Just like him. All talk, but confront him and- wait, she hit him?"

"Right in the cheek."

"Wow… he must of really said something."

"No more than usual." Miroku admitted.

Kagome sighed packing up her things. "Come on, let's go save him from her wrath."

"Don't be in such a hurry. She went to the springs to relax."

Kagome began to walk until she noticed Miroku lagging behind.

"Upfront you. I don't want to deal with two hurt men."

Miroku sighed. "I get no credit for good behavior?"

"Not when it overlaps the bad." Kagome said, waving a finger at him.


Kagome entered the hut and found Inuyasha fast asleep, sitting up, in a corner of the room. Miroku wasn't kidding. She must of really said something.

Kagome slowly approached and sat next to him. She gently rubbed his ears until they twitched and he woke up. "Kagome?" He said.

"I'm not Sango, don't worry."

"Why would I?"

"Don't play tough. I heard about what happened."

His ears drooped. "Oh. And I guess your hear to gloat about it."

"Nope. I just hope you learned your lesson."

He only nodded. "Sango knows something I don't." He suddenly said. "She said that she doesn't see in me what you do. Kagome… what do you see in me anyway? I'm a hanyou, let's face it, I'm not worth much."

Kagome looked at him sternly. "Don't ever let me hear you saw that again."

"But Kagome, it is true!"

"No! I won't hear of it! You are worth more to me than anyone else."

Inuyasha was a little shocked. No one had ever said that to him before.

"You never answered by question. What do you see in me?"

"Inuyasha, now just isn't the time ok?"

"What has been going on with you lately. I get an undeserving sit, you were moping around for the rest of the day. If your going to sit me at least let me know why…"

"It's about time I told you anyway." She sighed. "Inuyasha when I went home I found out that my grandfather had passed while I was here. It's just hard. You know how it is."

"More than you know." Inuyasha mumbled as her hand snatched his and she threw herself into his chest, crying.

Let the cycle of grief begin

Let the tears fall freely

Show no shame for your fears


A/N: So, how am I doing?