InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ Shock from Totosai; Kikyo’s Involvement ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: Thanks for the support yall! Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. I’ve been busy with my other fan fiction stories.

Sesshomaru: Humph. Slow human wench.

Turtlequeen2: *glares* You wound me dear Fluffy-sama.

Inuyasha: F…Fluffy…s…sama?! Hahaha! Fluffy! Hahaha…that’s priceless! *rolls on the ground laughing*

Sesshomaru: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! *claws start glowing green*

Inuyasha & Turtlequeen2: O.O

Turtlequeen2: Um…I’m going to go now…see ya! ><; *runs off*

Inuyasha: Hey, that’s just dirty! Keh! I’ll do this quick then. I’m glad that Turtlequeen2 does NOT own me!

Sesshomaru: YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME HUMAN! *runs off after Turtlequeen2*


Recap on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

Inuyasha and Kagome begin to fight Seiko until Yukio takes Kagome hostage for information of the well. Sesshomaru then barges in just in the nick of time! Unfortunately, Seiko escapes with Yukio. Kagome and Inuyasha finds out about Seiko’s plans. Sesshomaru then, discovers their secret.

This time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

Chapter 7

Shock from Totosai; Kikyo’s Involvement

Kagome and Inuyasha arrived in Sengoku Judai with heavy hearts because of Seiko’s escapement.

Kirara mews at the sight of them. “KAGOME,” Shippo shouted, jumping onto her in excitement, oblivious to everyone else’s depressed moods.

Kagome couldn’t help, but smile at Shippo’s innocence. “I brought some things back for you Shippo-chan. Don’t worry,” she said with false cheerfulness. He smiled with glee and ignored the growling hanyou.

“Sango-chan, Miroku-sama, we’re back,” Kagome called out.

Miroku and Sango walked out with smiles on their faces. “I’m so relieved that you two are alright,” Sango said, as she ran over to hug Kagome.

“Keh! It’s not like we would’ve died! We still have that bastard, Naraku to kill,” Inuyasha sneers.

“Of course, but from the looks of the battle we had last with Yukio, we were worried on how strong Seiko and Yukio were,” Miroku said in seriousness.

“Where’s Kaede-baa-chan,” Kagome asks.

“She’s in the village, taking care of the ill,” Sango explains. “Perhaps you should enlighten us on how the battle went?” Kagome and Inuyasha followed the their friends into the hut to talk. Shippo and Kirara soon followed.

“We met Seiko and Sesshomaru in her time,” Inuyasha explained. All of them had wide eyes.

“SESSHOMARU,” everyone besides, Kirara, Kagome, and Inuyasha gasped.

“Yea, Yukio must have told him about us, hoping he would figure out about the well for him. I’m surprised the bastard lived for that long,” Inuyasha continued on. “Seiko and Yukio are planning on bringing Naraku to Kagome’s world.”

“But that’s not impossible isn’t it? Only you and Kagome are strong enough to cross over through the well,” Sango said.

“Not quite Sango,” Miroku responds. “We do not know for sure that it will only let them over. Besides, Naraku also has most of the Shikon-no-Kakara, so it’s possible.”

“The only good thing is that they don’t know how to use it or if they can travel through it or not,” Kagome adds.

“Yea, but its too bad they escaped though,” Inuyasha sighed.

“What does Sesshomaru have to do with this,” Miroku asks.

“Sesshomaru wants to kill him. Apparently, Seiko’s been wanting to get back at us since Father died. Must be one of my Old Man’s enemies,” the hanyou says.

“Interesting,” the monk murmured.

“I have to go to Totosai’s place to fix Tetsusaiga,” Inuyasha then says.

“What happened to it,” Sango asked.

“Seiko used an energy whip and cracked it,” he growled. He got up to leave. The rest got up with him.

“You guys want to go,” Inuyasha asked incredulously.

“There’s nothing going on around here,” Sango said.

“I guess you can help if Yukio or some other bastard shows up,” the hanyou, scratching the back of his head in thought.

“Yay,” Shippo cheered. He was about to jump onto Kagome until Inuyasha caught him by the tail.

“What makes you think that you’re going, runt,” Inuyasha growls.

“If Kagome is going, then I am,” Shippo protested, crossing his arms over his chest while he was upside-down.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome says sternly, preparing to ‘osuwari’ him if need be.

“Keh! The runt would only get in the way. If Seiko or his servants come, it would be too dangerous for him. He might get scared,” he teased.

“I never get scared,” Shippo said bravely and all of them smile at his cuteness, all except Inuyasha, that is.

Kagome thought this over for a minute then said, in a serious tone,” Unfortunately, I have to agree with Inuyasha on this one. We have to deal with three evil guys now, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“But-,” Shippo started, but got cut off by Miroku.

“But Shippo, who would we have watch the village? We have to count on you to do the job,” the monk said, smiling.

“Well,” Shippo thought, tapping his small, clawed hand to his chin. All of the sudden, Inuyasha dropped him onto the floor hard. The kitsune stared up and glared at him. “What was that for, you jerk?!”

“You’re staying,” Inuyasha huffed.

“Humph. Fine, but only because I have to keep watch of this village,” Shippo said, crossing his arms over his chest. Kagome picked up Shippo and hugged him to her.

“Bye Shippo. Next time I go back to my time, I’ll be sure to pick up extra Pocky for you,” Kagome said, smiling. Shippo looked content at the thought of the junk food he would get.

“Lets go then,” shouted out the impatient hanyou. Kagome glared at his rudeness, but complied, picking up her backpack and her archery set.

Inuyasha let her get on his back, and off they went, with Miroku and Sango following behind on Kirara.

******3 Days Later******

The group finally arrived at Totosai’s cave with surprisingly, no youkai attacks on them. Inuyasha set down Kagome and went into the mouth of the cave.

“Hey, old man! You here,” Inuyasha demanded. Out walked the old demon swords crafter, with his long hammer in hand.

“Ah, Inuyasha! What have you done this time,” Totosai sighed.

“The Tetsusaiga got cracked. I didn’t do it purposely. That bastard, Seiko, used his energy whip and cracked Tetsusaiga,” Inuyasha growled out.

“Seiko you say,” the old man asked in thought.

“Yea, you heard of him?”

“I think so. Come in so I can examine Tetsusaiga. Your friends can come in too.” They all followed behind Inuyasha and Totosai.

They all sat in the middle of the cave, as he checked out the damage on the sword.

“Your father would be so disappointed at the bad care you put in his fang,” he said. Inuyasha punched the back of his head, leaving a big bump behind.

“Just work on the sword so I can go kill Seiko,” he demanded.

“Inuyasha. Don’t be so rude,” Kagome said, sternly. The hanyou just snorted at her, making her glare at him. “Please Totosai-oji-san, can you tell us what you know about Seiko,” she asked kindly.

“Who was I talking about,” he asked, walking towards them. The rest of them sweat-dropped and fell over.

“SEIKO, OLD MAN,” Inuyasha shouted impatiently, a vein popping out of his head in anger.

“Oh yes, him.” Inuyasha rolls his eyes and would’ve hit him again, if it wasn’t for Kagome’s glare. He continued,” Your father was enemies with him. He was a worthy opponent of your father. Is he still alive?”

“Yea. Why the hell else would I be asking you now,” Inuyasha asked, yelling.

“No need to shout,” Totosai says, beginning to work on the sword. He put Tetsusaiga on a flat slate and pounded away at it with his hammer. He blew fire out of his mouth to mend the crack.

“Does he have a weakness,” Miroku asks.

Totosai looks up from his work and then says,“ Not that I know of. You truly are a fool, Inuyasha, if you are fighting him. Your father barely got out alive the last time he fought him and he was a thousand times stronger than you are now.” Inuyasha slumped at the mention of his father’s strength.

“Well, I’m going to kill him regardless. He’s threatening to bring Naraku to Kagome’s side of the Bone Eater’s Well.”

“Who?” Kagome’s mouth dropped. He forgot about her?!

“KAGOME,” he shouted, extremely annoyed.

“Ah, yes Kagome,” Totosai says, suddenly remembering.

Inuyasha, suddenly smacked his neck at a certain flea youkai. “Well, if it isn’t Myouga the Flea,” he sneered at his retainer.

“Inuyasha-sama, it’s been a long time since I last saw you. I heard that you are fighting the Great Seiko,” the flea said, jumping up ad down in Inuyasha’s hand.

“Keh! I don’t understand what all of you old men are going nuts about! I just fought him and he ran from me,” Inuyasha huffed.

Myouga looked very shocked as well Totosai.

“Actually, it was Sesshomaru and you,” Kagome corrected. Then their eyes got wider.

“YOU WORKED WITH SESSHOMARU,” they both exclaimed.

“Hell no! More like he got in my way,” he said stubbornly.

“Then it would make more sense that Seiko ran away, considering that Sesshomaru is a strong demon like his father,” Myouga muttered in thought, apparently forgetting that he was Inuyasha’s hand until it was too late. The hanyou angrily squished the poor retainer between his fingers and flicked him away.

“Whose side are you on Kagome,” Inuyasha then demanded.

“I’m on yours, baka! It’s just that you can’t take all the credit. Sesshomaru helped out too,” Kagome said.

Miroku and Sango looked on in interest. It worried them how they talked about Seiko, like he was strong like Naraku or more so. Totosai finished up his work in a couple of hours and handed him his sword.

“Thanks,” Inuyasha mumbled, taking the sheathed sword and tying it to his haori.

“Try to be more careful. I don’t know how long it’ll be until I’ll need another fang from you, the way you carelessly wave Tetsusaiga around,” Totosai lectures. Inuyasha just rolls his eyes. He fells Myouga on his neck again.

The hanyou smacks his hand down. “So you’re coming? I’m surprised,” he says truthfully.

“Yea, usually, you won’t even come around when you hear of danger,” Kagome mumbles.

“You wound me. I always am around when Inuyasha-sama needs my assistance,” the flea responds.

“Yea, until danger comes and then you’re off again,” Inuyasha says.

Miroku and Sango find the scene humorous. They take off on Kirara, waiting for them to catch up. Inuyasha then runs below them at top speed, with Kagome on his back.

******Meanwhile in a nearby forest******

Shinidamachuu fly over the tops of the trees, signifying the nearby presence of the miko, Kikyo. She walked calmly through the forest, wondering about the uprising of more strong demonic aura. ‘This aura seems almost like Naraku’s. I can’t seem to understand where it is coming from, though everywhere the aura ends up, Inuyasha’s aura is there too. Inuyasha therefore must be fighting it. I shall have to ask him about this development.’

All of a sudden, she sensed an evil presence and jewel shards. The same aura one she kept feeling for the longest time. She instantly drew out her arrow and strung it on her bow. She aimed it toward the area where she sensed it at.

“I know you are there, youkai,” she said coldly.

“Ah, so you’re Kikyo,” came a maniacal voice. A figure stepped out of the shadows.

“State your business,” she demanded, still not lowering her bow.

“Naraku sent me to kill you,” he said calmly.

“You work for Naraku,” she said, surprised. Surely, it was not another one of his detachments. This one seemed stronger than his usual.

“In ways, yes. Not too fond of the man myself, but my master works with him so I have to comply.”

“Who’s your master?”

“My, you ask so many questions for a miko. Tell you what: if you leave out of here alive, then you can ask him yourself. But, seeing that you won’t: I’M GOING TO SEND YOU BACK TO YOUR GRAVE!” He charges at her, but then jumped to the side as her arrow pierced his side. He growls in anger and pull outs his sword. “Perhaps I should absorb your powers!”

“Just try it. My arrows are not ones to be controlled by the likes of you.” She rapidly shot out another arrow, putting most of her energy into the attack. The bow had strong purple light surrounding it as it flew towards her opponent.

She stares in shock as his sword held her arrow into place onto the blade and sucked in all of the powers from it. “Impossible,” she murmurs, with wide eyes.

He smirks, saying,” Unlike most demonic swords, mine can suck in pure energy and taint it to my liking. Tell me: How does it feel to be killed by your own arrow?!” He begins to power-up his sword and points it at her. Paralyzing her into place. All she could do was scream.

******With Inu-Tachi******

It was near sundown when the group decided to make camp. As they began to relax, Inuyasha caught the scent of two familiar people.

He jumped out of the tree and then heard the scream that sent chills up his spine. “Kikyo,” he exclaimed. The rest of them heard the scream too.

“That’s Kikyo’s and Yukio’s scent,” he shouted. The rest of them grew alert. Even though Kagome hurt from him wanting to protect her, she knew that it had to be done. She prepared to go with him along with the rest of them. She would do what it takes to make sure that Kikyo was safe for Inuyasha’s sake. Then she sensed the familiar pull of Jewel Shards. ’Inuyasha, you better be careful. Yukio has even more shards than before!’

Inuyasha ran at full speed towards Kikyo’s scent, but before he got her, he saw a bright blast of energy rip through the trees. He screamed,” KIKYO!”


To be continued…

Muahahahahaha…cliffy! Sorry I just couldn’t resist!

Next time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date: What will happen to Kikyo?! Will Inuyasha be on time?! What is Naraku planning to do? What surprises shall be in store? FIND OUT NEXT TIME!


Ja ne!