InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Miroku's Quirk ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
Mir/San/Kag pairing. Never wrote this pairing before so… what the hell. More craziness. I know it's OOC but I hope you enjoy.
Miroku was a little quirky. It was one of the reasons why Kagome loved him. Not that Kagome could judge him. Her tastes were just as far out there as his, maybe more. While Kagome enjoyed the sight and tales of her lovers experiences with other women, Miroku was a man who loved to partake in the forbidden act. The idea that the woman had promised to be faithful to another drove him wild. Kagome had no clue why he found it so appealing, but then again, most people would find the idea of watching your future husband screw another woman appalling. Couples usually split after an incident like that. For her, she couldn't get him to do it enough.
There was one thing Kagome could always count on whenever Sango brought her home. Nearly the entire time she was there, she dominated Miroku's attention. “Oh gods Kagome,” he groaned as he frantically pounded himself into her. For the most part, it always seemed like he was desperate when he was with her. Like he had to finish in record time or she would run away. “I can't believe you keep coming back!”
By now, Kagome was use to Miroku's sex banter. At first, it had been a little unnerving, especially once she became engaged. Now she knew it was nothing more than him upping his excitement level. If she was in a really giving mood, she would play along. Today she remained silent, or rather, was forced too. Threesomes with Miroku and Sango were her least favorite. With Inuyasha, it was mostly her riding him with his tongue keeping Sango happy. With Miroku, the positions changed, but the general roles remained unchanged. Today, she was on her back, Miroku between her legs while Sango straddled her face. Kagome had no desire for women. A kiss or two was fine, but anything more disgusted her. If it had been anyone other than Sango, she would have flatly refused to participate. Since it was Sango, she reluctantly did her part. After all, they had an agreement. She still worried about the quality. It was half-hearted after all. Sango repeatedly waved the concerns aside, saying that she was better than both Inuyasha and Miroku. Kagome was positive her friend was exaggerating. Even if it was the truth, she didn't know if it was something she wanted to be proud about.
“Your fiancée can't do it for you so you come to his best friend eh?” Miroku continued, voice strained slightly by the physical activity. This time, Kagome couldn't help but roll her eyes. Whatever makes him happy, she thought as her attention returned back to Sango. Unlike when she was with Inuyasha, Sango was reserved. The only hint that she was actually excited was her heavy breath and the occasional moan. Running her hand up her friend's leg, Kagome gently brushed her outer lips before spreading them slightly to give her tongue better access. It was a difficult process with Miroku's forceful thrusts. Sango didn't seem to notice. Moans escaped more frequently as Kagome wiggled her tongue along her lips, trying to reach every place she could manage. Sango's legs tightened around her head as she reached up to gently run her thumb near her clit. By her ragged breathing, it was only a matter of time for Sango. Miroku on the other hand…
“What would Inuyasha think of you if he saw you like this?” Kagome almost laughed. She doubted he would react the way Miroku envisioned. After all, he couldn't be too mad considering he was screwing Sango. Granted, she was the one pushing for it, but still, it was only fair.
Leaning forward, Miroku put a little more force in his thrusts. His breathing was getting heavier. “I'm close Kagome,” he grunted. She redoubled her efforts on Sango, hoping to push her to the edge around the same time Miroku did. “How about we leave your fiancée a little present? Shall I grant you the honor of carrying my child?” It wasn't the first time he'd said this. The condom prevented this of course, but it still sent a jolt through her each time he said it. Had she ever mentioned that Miroku was a little quirky? Raising her legs, she wrapped them around him, pulling him into her. His last few thrusts were slow and forceful before letting out a gasp as he slammed himself as deep as he could go. Above her, Sango clamped her legs tightly against Kagome's head as she climaxed. Kagome was still as the two rode the bliss of their orgasms. She never got close to having an orgasm when she was with Miroku and Sango. Her heart just wasn't in it. She wasn't complaining. After all, she was here for them, not herself.
As the pleasure of their orgasms faded, they began to move. Sango rolled off her while Miroku waited for Kagome to release him. Taking extra care to ensure the condom came out with him, he pulled out. Propping herself up on her elbows, she watched as he tied the end and tossed it towards the wastebasket. Their eyes met and he immediately flushed several different shades of red. “I… didn't go too far did I?”
Kagome shook her head. “For the last time, it's fine.”
“I don't want you to be uncomfortable.”
What's there to be uncomfortable about? You only fantasized about impregnating the fiancée of your best friend. That was Miroku for you. Kagome might have been worried if he wasn't the most perverted of the bunch. So long as he wasn't serious about it, what harm was there in a little play acting? Sure, it was odd but at this point, Kagome was convinced they were all odd so none of it really mattered.
“I'm fine with it, really.”
Miroku took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. “If you say so…” He still didn't sound entirely convinced. “If you don't mind me asking… why are you doing this?”
“You mean why am I sleeping with you?”
“Yeah. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but you are engaged.”
Because if I don't, Sango won't sleep with Inuyasha. Before she could answer, Sango interrupted. “Stop worrying so much Miroku,” she said calmly as she rolled onto her back, eyes locked on the ceiling.
He scratched at the back of his head. “Yeah, sorry. I just feel a little guilty doing this behind Inuyasha's back.”
“Don't be,” Kagome said. Sango's doing the same thing. It wasn't that they were keeping things a secret because of malice. Rather, it was more entertaining like this. The forbidden feel and secrecy made the experience far more thrilling. Eventually, they would break the news to them. Kagome wasn't too concerned about their reactions. After all, they couldn't get angry at each other without being hypocritical about their own actions. “I'm going to take a shower. I told Inuyasha I wouldn't be too long.”
“Okay,” Miroku said, trying his best to get a rise of his deflated member. A smile touched her lips as she rose to her feet. It was just another reason why Inuyasha was better. When Kagome slipped into the bathroom, Sango was making no move to help him. Shaking her head, Kagome closed the door.
Sometime during her shower, Miroku had managed to get himself going again. Kagome exited the bathroom dabbing her hair with a towel as Sango rode Miroku. It wasn't the wild, passionate sex she had with Inuyasha. Her movements were slow, sensual in nature. Miroku was calmer too; his hands caressing her sides as she silently ground against him. Not wanting to disturb them too much, Kagome tried her best to remain silent and steer her eyes clear of them as she gathered her clothes and began dressing. Sure, she could have left the room, but at this point, what was the point? She had just slept with both of them. Watching them have sex seemed insignificant.
They were locked in a kiss when she finished dressing. “I'll catch a taxi home,” she said, backing towards the door. Both were too engaged to notice. Shaking her head, Kagome backed out of the room. Grabbing her `shopping bags,' she stepped outside, taking a deep breath of the cool air, thoughts of Inuyasha filling her mind.
I've decided to expand this into a `story.' As it turns out, this is exactly the sort of project I need to write at the moment. No drama, no angst, none of that, just simple craziness. I'm going to keep the chapters short like I have been.
If you like it, please leave a review. I'm going to continue making chapters as long as this holds my interest and the best way to keep my interest up is to give me reviews to read. Also, I know that everything is OOC, but I am doing this for enjoyment reasons.