InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ A New Addition ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
Adding in a new character! Woo! In case you haven't noticed, I'm an equal pairing author.
Kagome unconsciously tapped the end of her pen against her notebook. She knew she couldn't afford to allow her mind to wander, not in this class, but she just couldn't keep her attention on the teacher. Slide after slide the teacher droned on while her notes remained untouched. The lack of constructive notes was going to be difficult later, but right now it seemed so unimportant. Her mind was off thinking about other things, like how her sex life had all but come to a screeching halt. She idly worked the ring on her finger, spinning the small diamond around. To say her entire sex life had come to a halt was a fair bit dramatic. Inuyasha had boundless youthful energy to spare in that department. Rather, all the meaningful sex, the extraordinary sex, the sex that left her breathless and craving more, had all ended exactly two weeks ago. While she knew she shouldn't blame Sango, part of her couldn't help it. If she hadn't decided to leave for a brief out of state internship, none of this would be happening. Without her, everything was… normal. After months of threesomes and watching Inuyasha and Sango, it was a bit of a shock returning to `normalcy.' Doing something with Miroku was out of the question. She loved him, but messing around with him -alone - didn't appeal to her at all. He seemed to understand and never mentioned anything when they passed each other on campus. Thinking of him gave her a twinge of grief. If the boredom was driving her mad, she could only imagine what he was going through. He always had a ramped up sex drive and there were another two weeks to go before Sango returned. It was always possible he wasn't alone, but she doubted it. He was with Sango before anything else. He joked about chasing after other women to annoy her, but it would be a cold day in hell before he touched another woman without her permission. Miroku was every bit as loyal as Inuyasha. And Inuyasha… he was yet another casualty of Sango's departure. He didn't miss the physical component, but rather the mental and emotional impact her departure left on his partner. Kagome knew he worried about her. He had asked her countless times if something was wrong. She felt terrible about her actions with him. She did her best to fall into the moment, but nothing seemed to excite her. No matter what they did, her heart was never in their lovemaking.
Class ended and immediately Kagome regretted her note-taking decision. She barely had the first fifteen minutes of lecture written down and a major part of the upcoming test was based in today's class. Sighing, she miserably began collecting her things.
“Something wrong?” a female voice asked, causing her to jump. Turning her head, she found Kikyo standing there, her notebook held tightly against her chest. She had met Kikyo a year ago. Being in the same major, they ended up in a lot of classes together. Both had seen the advantage of knowing someone in class, so a small friendship had been formed.
Giving her a smile, Kagome shook her head. “No.”
“Well, you seemed to be zoning out the entire class,” Kikyo said with a grin. “Guy trouble?” she asked, eyeing the ring on her finger.
“Oh! No! It's nothing like that!” Kagome answered quickly, hand automatically moving to the ring. Looking up at her, Kagome was struck by how similar they looked. She had been told it countless times, but she never really bothered to believe it. Looking at her, she could finally see it. Long black hair, brown eyes… most of the time she had a serious expression on her face, but other than that and some proportion differences, they could have easily passed for sisters. If it were her, Inuyasha might— Kagome looked away quickly, eyes wide. God what am I thinking? Her relationship was complicated enough without adding another complication to it. She was already asking a lot from Inuyasha letting her watch him with Sango.
Kikyo noticed the quick movement. Tilting her head slightly, she gave Kagome a puzzled look. “Oh?”
“Y-yeah,” Kagome mumbled out, sounding dumb.
“Well… if you say so,” she said slowly. Kagome could tell Kikyo wanted nothing more to pry but was holding herself back. While they were friends, they weren't that close, not yet anyways. Each day was a steady improvement as they grew more comfortable around each other, but it wasn't quite up to the closeness Kagome shared with Sango. Kikyo decided to change the subject. “Well, you doing anything tonight?”
“Hmm?” Kagome said, mind snapping back to the present. “Oh, no, I don't think so.”
“Well, how about I come over?”
“Huh?” Kagome's heart skipped a beat, a panicked expression crossing her face. Is she somehow reading my thoughts? Just a moment ago, she had been thinking about having her and Inuyasha… She didn't finish the image. She was flustered enough as it was.
Kikyo frowned. “For the notes,” she said, holding her notebook out. “You need them right?”
“Err, yeah,” Kagome said, flushing deep red. Of course she was talking about that! Kagome, you're such an idiot! “Thanks.”
Shaking her head, Kikyo chuckled lightly. “What is up with you? It's like your mind is somewhere else.”
“Yeah, I guess it is,” Kagome said, grabbing the rest of her things and getting out of the seat.
“So… eight tonight?”
“That's fine.”
“Great, I'll see you tonight!”
“Yeah,” Kagome said, watching Kikyo move off in the opposite direction. Taking a deep breath, Kagome released it slowly, shaking her head from side to side. Oh boy, what am I thinking? Tilting her head back, she looked up at the ceiling. Sango, hurry back!
The studying was going as well as it could. Rather than studying, it was more like tutoring with Kikyo lecturing her about paying attention in class. After nearly three hours, Kagome felt like she was finally able to grasp the material well enough to hold her own on the test. So they took a break, eating a few snacks before the TV. Inuyasha was out with Miroku at a party. Kagome didn't know why there was a party in the middle of the week, but college life didn't have to make sense. They watched a documentary on army ants in silence. She didn't know why they were watching it other than the fact they both liked the Discovery Channel.
“So… about today,” Kikyo started slowly, finally breaking the silence. “Why were you zoning out in class? It's not like you.”
“Well…” Kagome stalled, not quite sure what to say. She was still trying to think up a lie when Kikyo interrupted her.
“You don't have to tell me if you don't want too, but we have been friends for over a year now.”
Kagome sighed. “I know, and I want to, but it's incredibly personal. It's because we've been friends for a year that I'm finding it difficult to tell you. I don't want anything to affect our friendship.”
“Kagome, if that's all that's worrying you, you can stop. Whatever it is, I'm sure I've heard worse.” She pursed her lips in thought. “No, at this school, I have heard worse.”
Kagome giggled. It was true. There were certainly some perverted people at this college and the population was small enough that word tended to go around. Yet another reason why I shouldn't tell her anything. She trusted Kikyo as a friend, but she wasn't so sure about giving her all the tools she needed to destroy her reputation. Yeah, Kikyo probably wouldn't tell anyone, but if they ever got into a fight and in the heat of the moment let some things slip… Or maybe I do need to tell her. Sharing the heavy things like this would bring their friendship to the level so far only reserved for Sango.
So Kagome thought. Then she thought some more. Finally, she decided. “Have you found sex with your boyfriend boring?” she blurted.
Kikyo was surprised by the bluntness and was silent for a few seconds. “Once or twice,” she finally answered. “It was one of the reasons why I broke things off with him.” There was a longer silence as she chewed the question over. Her eyes suddenly widened. “You're not saying with Inuyasha—”
“No! Well, yes... Maybe just a little.”
“Kagome!” Kikyo cried, sorrow in her voice. Her voice lowered to a low whisper. “Are you having second thoughts?”
“No!” Kagome shouted, louder than she had anticipated. “God no!” she repeated firmly. “I mean, I know what's wrong.”
Kikyo looked confused. “Then what's the problem?”
Kagome could only give her a weak grin. “Are you sure you want to know?”
Her friend seemed to think about it for a few seconds, and then nodded. “Yeah, I'm ready.” So Kagome told her. Everything. The secret threesomes with Miroku and Sango, her agreement with Sango to have her sleep with Inuyasha, the excitement she felt watching Inuyasha with another woman, everything there was to tell. It took the better part of an hour, but when she finished, it felt like a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, Kagome let it out quickly and was silent. Kikyo sat there, a stunned look on her face. “Wow,” she finally managed.
“Yeah,” Kagome said, face reddening as the realization of what she had just spent the last hour talking about hit her. “You see why I hesitated to tell you?”
“Yes,” Kikyo answered, slowly nodding. She looked up, eyes meeting. “And thanks for telling me.”
Kagome blinked. “That's it?”
“`That's it?'”
“You're not going to… say anything?”
Kikyo was silent for a moment. “There really isn't anything to say on it. I mean, you're happy with all that… right?”
Kagome flushed red. “Yeah.”
“Then there isn't a problem. I mean, it's a little extreme for my tastes.” She smiled. “But I'm not living your life and I respect your decisions on how to live yours.”
Kagome relaxed. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.”
There was a long silence. “So… what's so special about Sango?” Kikyo asked.
“Yeah, you said you enjoy watching Inuyasha and Sango um… together. I was curious if there was a reason why.”
Kagome's face was instantly several shades redder. “Well, no. It's not really the fact that it's Sango. Things sort of just ended up this way.”
“So it could be anyone?”
“Not anyone, but it doesn't have to be Sango.”
“I see…” Kikyo said, trailing off. “Well, I think I may have a solution to your little problem.”
Her eyes widened. “You're not saying—”
“Only if it's okay with you,” Kikyo added quickly. Giddy, Kagome grabbed her hands and squeezed them tightly. Her excitement caught Kikyo off-guard. Despite her outwards appearance, Kagome couldn't help but worry some. She didn't ask what Kikyo's motives were. What did it matter? She agreed to help in a time where Kagome thought she was going to lose it. The thing Kagome worried about was Inuyasha. She had to make an agreement to fulfill Inuyasha's outdoor fantasies to get him to agree to fool around with Sango. Now I just need to convince him once more…
Convincing him was far easier the second time. It took three days; two of them were spent devising a way to bring up the subject. It turned out he was willing to do anything in order to, “get you excited in bed again.” If sleeping with Kikyo ignited the passion between them once more, he was ready to do it. There were a few conditions to Kikyo's participation. When she first brought it up, Kagome was worried that the cost would be more than she was willing to pay. As it turned out, she could live with them. Kikyo was adamant about threesomes. Under no circumstances would she be a participant. Kagome was more than happy with that condition. She had far more than her share with Sango. The second one… well, Kagome could live with it. At this point, she would agree to just about anything, the excitement overwhelming her. And finally, the day came.
Kagome sat cross legged on the bed, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the sweat glisten on Kikyo's skin as she made slow grinding movements atop Inuyasha. It was a completely different experience for her. The wild, raunchy sex with Sango was replaced by a slower, gentler pace. Sango's wild cries of passion were replaced by Kikyo's soft, moist moans. Kagome loved watching Sango with Inuyasha, but this was on an entirely different level. The erotic sight reminded her of two lovers rather than two simply enjoying the act. It was mesmerizing.
Still making her minute movements atop him, Kikyo bent forward. Inuyasha automatically leaned up to meet her waiting lips, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in closer. Kagome could hear their heavy breaths as they broke for air before resuming their kiss. Kikyo gently pulled away, running her hands through her hair as she made tiny hopping movements. Inuyasha ran his hands along her smooth stomach up to her pert breasts, cupping them. A moan escaped her lips as she looked away from him, increasing her pace. The closer Inuyasha came, the more impatient he got. Groaning softly, he made several quick thrusts into her before giving one last great upward buck. Kikyo froze atop him, a thin smile on her face as she caught her breath. She gave a quick glance over to Kagome, her smile widening. A few seconds and Inuyasha collapsed back against the bed, taking large gasps of air. If Kikyo had an orgasm during the experience, Kagome didn't notice.
The three were silent as Kikyo lifted herself from Inuyasha's rapidly deflating cock. White liquid dribbled onto the bed and down her leg. It was understandable; it was the third time he had cum in her in the past hour and a half. When Kagome realized Kikyo was gathering her clothes to get dressed, she snapped out of her daze. “You can use the shower if you want,” she said softly.
Kikyo seemed to think about it for a minute and then shook her head. “I really should be going.” She dressed quickly before looking back over at the two. “Thank you. It was… interesting.”
“No, thank you,” Kagome said with a smile.
“Err, yeah,” Inuyasha muttered awkwardly.
Kikyo gave them a wide smile. “Until next time,” she said with a small bow.
“Soon,” Kagome promised. With that, Kikyo left, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome in silence.
“So…” Inuyasha said after a nervous cough. “I didn't mean for it to get so intense but when she started kissing me—” He was cut off by Kagome's kiss. He blinked in surprise as she backed away wearing a giant smile.
“That was amazing!” she squealed.
“It was?”
“Yes! We have to have her over more often.” Her eyes wandered down to his semi-erection. “You think you have enough for one more?”
There was a glint in his eyes, his cock twitched in anticipation. “For you? I believe I do.”
Lots of talking in this one, but I couldn't resist putting some plot together. Three days, three updates! I'm on a roll!
Thanks for everyone who takes the time to write a review. My stories are never super popular (especially one as nutty as this) so I cherish every review I get. Hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter!