InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Saving a Lonely Monk ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
Kagome hadn't felt this elated since Inuyasha asked her to marry him. Her classes were going well, Sango was coming back in a few days and best of all, sex with Inuyasha was the best it had been in months. She owed a lot to Kikyo. Without her, Kagome would be nothing more than a ball of nerves. For the past week, Kikyo had been a regular visitor in their home. After a few times over, Kikyo finally relaxed enough to reveal a wild side as fierce as Sango's. It had been a joy to watch, but Kagome had to admit she enjoyed the sensual, loving side more.
“Are you coming over tonight?” Kagome asked, hurrying over to where Kikyo was still gathering her books.
“You don't want too?” she said, disappointment showing on her face.
“It's not that I don't want too…” Kikyo glanced around to make sure no one was in earshot. Even still, she lowered her voice. “I've been over every day for the past week. He's your fiancé. I figured you would want a night alone with him.”
“Are you kidding me? You have no idea how great this past week has been!”
Kikyo let a smile creep across her face. “I think I have a pretty good idea. Inuyasha is… quite a man.” She chuckled softly. “If he wasn't already taken, I'd try to take him for myself.”
“Well you can't have him,” Kagome started. After a slight pause, she finished. “Without me there that is.”
Kikyo swung her head from side to side. “I can't believe him though. After all he does with me and he still has energy left for you.”
“Amazing isn't it?” Kagome bubbled. “Though I have to admit… he doesn't do it nearly as much with me as you or Sango.”
Her friend's head tilted to the side. “And you're okay with that?”
“Of course. It makes our time together that much more special.”
Kikyo didn't look convinced. “If you say so…”
There was a low buzzing in Kagome's pocket. Frowning, she struggled to fish her phone from the pocket of her tight jeans. She took a second to check the caller ID before flipping the phone open. “Hey Sango.”
“Kagome, you have to do me a favor!” Sango's voice sounded concerned, almost desperate.
“Calm down a second, what's happening?”
“It's Miroku!”
“Okay, hold on a second,” she said softly before holding her hand over the receiver. Kikyo was looking at her curiously. “I need to take this. I'll see you at the house later?”
Kikyo let out a stage sigh. “If I must,” she laughed lightly, giving a short wave as she headed towards the exit.
Kagome held the phone back up to her ear. “Okay, tell me what's going on.”
“I think Miroku's going crazy!”
“He isn't `going' crazy,” Kagome teased with a small giggle, unable to resist the temptation.
“Kagome, I'm serious.” From her tone, she was serious.
“I'm sorry. What's he doing?”
“I think he's really lonely. I knew I shouldn't have accepted this damn internship.”
“Now hold on just a minute Sango. You've been dying to get a chance to work for Galtech.”
“Yeah, but you know Miroku. Sex is his everything. Today he called and asked if he could have a one night stand.”
“Did you give it to him?” Kagome knew exactly how Miroku was. He could have easily gone out and had a one night stand and no one would have been the wiser but instead he asked permission first. There were a lot of people who would find it appalling and disrespectful, but not in Kagome's eyes. She had a lot of respect for his self control.
“Of course not.”
“Oh,” she said, wishing that she had heard a different answer.
“You think I should have?”
“He's your boyfriend Sango. That isn't something for me to decide.”
There was a heavy sigh on the other side of the line. “I really don't feel comfortable with the idea of him with other women.” You let him screw me all the time, Kagome thought, deciding it was best to keep that thought to herself. “Well, other than you that is,” she corrected as if she read Kagome's thoughts.
“Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No, I was wondering if you could… you know…`comfort' him.”
“You want me to sleep with him?” Kagome hissed, not believing what she was hearing. It was one thing to mess around with him with Sango there. It was quite a different thing to do it alone. She wasn't too terribly comfortable with the idea.
“I know you don't like it—”
“It's not that I don't enjoy it, rather I feel it might be a little awkward with you not there.”
“Please Kagome. It's only this once. I'll be back in a few days and I promise I'll make it up to you. Anything you want.”
Kagome sighed. “I'll do it, but you don't owe me anything. I'm doing this as a friend, to both of you.”
“Thanks Kagome! Thank you so much!”
“Yeah… no problem.” After a few more thanks and a goodbye, Kagome snapped the phone shut. “No problem at all.”
It wasn't nearly as awkward as she thought it would be. It helped that Miroku picked up on her anxiety and didn't do his usual lines. He was a perfect gentleman as he took her on the bed usually reserved for him and Sango. It wasn't too long before Kagome started to get into it, wrapping her legs around him to pull him in closer. A thin smile appeared on his lips as her feet locked behind him. They both relaxed at that point, losing themselves to the warmth and pleasure of each other's bodies. Both were fairly quiet, just a few grunts and moans as Miroku thrust into her at a moderate pace. But they both became a little too relaxed. Getting lost in the moment, Miroku leaned down and brushed his lips against hers before locking them together. He quickly pulled away when he realized she wasn't kissing back. Stopping mid-thrust, he wore a horrified look.
“I-I'm sorry,” he said quickly. If Kagome didn't have her legs around him to keep him in place, she was sure he would have taken off.
“It's okay,” Kagome said softly, running her tongue over her bottom lip. “I have nothing against you Miroku but—”
“I should have asked. I got so caught up in it—”
“Kissing is a little too intimate for me,” she finished.
“That I didn't think about my actions.” Both were still frozen in place, him half inside her. Suddenly, they both broke out into laughter. As their laughter tampered down, Kagome spoke.
“We don't have to stop,” she said with a slight shake of the hips.
“Yes ma'am,” Miroku said with a grin and continued. A few seconds passed before his eyes lowered to her chest. “You mind?”
A wide smile crossed her lips. “Not at all.”
Looking like a kid who had just been given five dollars in a candy store, Miroku bent forward to cup his mouth over her left nipple. Sucking gently, he brushed his fingertips lightly against the skin of her right. A moan escaped her lips. He continued his assault on her nipple, tongue flicking it lightly as his hand pinched the right softly. Her orgasm took her by surprise. It was the first time Miroku had ever gotten her to that point. It felt sinful, enjoying the touch of another man. Miroku's thrusts grew forceful, quickening slightly. His breathing was harder as well. His wouldn't be too far behind hers.
“I'll pull out,” he whispered, sweat beading on his forehead.
Kagome responded by tightening her legs around his waist. “It's fine,” she responded faintly, mind still floating from the wonderful bliss of her orgasm.
“You're wearing a condom,” she said, cutting him off. “It's fine.”
He didn't argue any farther. Bucking his hips against her, he slammed himself into her and gasped loudly as he came. Miroku didn't stay inside her long. Carefully pulling out, he quickly tied the end off and tossed the used condom before collapsing to the bed. The impact of his body against the bed caused Kagome to bounce. Together, they both lied on their backs, sweat glistening on their bodies as they caught their breath. The lull in action gave Kagome the opportunity to think. Without his strong desire to playact impregnating another man's wife, Miroku was actually enjoyable in bed. The absence of Sango helped tremendously - not that she had anything against her.
Still, there was a twinge of guilt at the enjoyment she felt. Kagome never felt guilt when she was with Miroku and Sango. With a third person, the entire experience felt less intimate. Even though she refused Miroku's kisses, the fact that the atmosphere had gotten to that level proved to her that she had gotten dangerously close to a line she wasn't comfortable crossing. In her mind, if she had kissed Miroku, she would have been cheating on Inuyasha. Yes, Inuyasha kissed both Sango and Kikyo, but in not so many words, she told him to do it. She enjoyed watching him do it, but it wasn't her.
She heard Miroku's soft snore. There probably wouldn't be an encore today. Taking a quick breath, she got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. She needed a hot shower and time to think. Today's experience with Miroku had told her the `game' she and Sango had been playing was over. She needed to tell Inuyasha.
I am trying to keep the plot skeletal in this story. PWP is fun, but I think a little sprinkling of conflict here and there improves the story. Have no fear, there will be no angst bombs falling from the sky.
SplendentGoddess, to be honest, I completely forgot to clarify the second condition. Doh! In a nutshell, Kikyo didn't want a wild tumble like Sango but for Inuyasha to make `love' to her as if she were Kagome unless she specified otherwise. As for the whole who-cums-in-who, that will hopefully be explained in the next chapter.
And thanks for all the reviews! Nothing makes me happier to know that people enjoy what I write. Thank you and please continue!