InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ A Public Display ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
“Is something wrong?” Inuyasha whispered softly, gently running his hands along her exposed stomach. Kagome didn't immediately respond, scooting herself closer to him. The top of her head pressed against his chest. With the covers on, it was almost too hot, but she made no effort to move away. She figured it had been easy for Inuyasha to figure out something was troubling her. Her attention wavered during Inuyasha's lovemaking with Kikyo and even she had to admit her resulting sex with Inuyasha was a letdown.
“Did I not do something right?” he pressed after her silence.
Is he worried I'm angry? “No! You were perfect!” she replied quickly, moving her head away enough to look up at him. “I just - have other things on my mind.”
“Oh?” There was a curious tone to his voice.
Now or never Kagome, just tell him! She bent her head down, pressing it against his chest once again. “I - I had sex with Miroku today.” She braced herself for his reaction. She didn't know what to expect. Anger was the most likely one. The seconds ticked past slowly, her heart racing in her ears. Say something, her mind cried. Anything!
Kagome pulled her head away. There wasn't a trace of anger on Inuyasha's face. Rather, he looked expectant, like he was waiting for the rest of the story. “And…” Her voice trailed off. And what? She only thought that far. She wasn't expecting this sort of reaction.
“Did you use a condom?”
“Of course!” she answered quickly. There wasn't a chance in hell she would have done it otherwise. She wasn't on birth control.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
Her face reddened. “Yes.”
“Then what's the problem?”
“Y-you're not… mad?” she asked cautiously.
“Well… I do wish you talked to me about it first. As for actually sleeping with him, I can't really say anything about that, can I?” A grin touched his lips. “Besides I figured something like that was happening when you came home smelling like soap after going `shopping.' I thought it had something to do with you and Sango.” It disappeared quickly. “Just… limit your activities to him please? I don't like the idea of you prancing around, spreading your legs for anybody.”
She craned her neck upward to kiss him. “Don't worry; I had no plans for that.” A devious smile crept across her face. “Of course, you are more than welcome to prance around, just let me watch.”
He scrunched his nose. “Eh… I think Sango and Kikyo are more than enough, don't you?”
Kagome shrugged. “I guess… for now,” she added in teasingly.
“Gods woman, you're insatiable,” he complained with a roll of his eyes.
“You love it.”
“Yeah… yeah I do.” They kissed again. “You do realize you have to make it up to me, right?”
She grinned. “I know.”
This time, the sex was fantastic.
The train was more crowded than usual this particular afternoon. Kagome was still trying to figure out that was a positive or negative thing. She knew one thing for certain; she wished no one was on the train. It was probably the most daring thing she had ever done with Inuyasha. They were crammed next to the door, Inuyasha behind her. To those not in the immediate area, it probably looked like he was being a gentleman and shielding her from the other passengers. Kagome was wearing a skirt with nothing on underneath. Her face was beet red pressed against the door, biting down hard on her lower lip. Behind her, Inuyasha was making small, quick humping motions against her. She wondered how many people knew they were having sex. The forty-something year old salary man next to her certainly did. He gave them both a disapproving cough and glare, but said nothing more. No one would, not with Inuyasha there. Being a hanyou, he was given the same space as a yakuza member. People just pretended he wasn't there and let him do as he pleased. On the other hand, law enforcement always seemed to watch Inuyasha like they were expecting him to start ripping people to shreds at the drop of a hat. It was just as much a blessing as it was a curse.
People had a lot of misunderstandings about hanyou's and demons in general. She admitted that she had as well until she started dating Inuyasha. People saw them as inferior to humans. Others saw them as superior. For Kagome, they were neither. They were just different and there was no purpose in comparing. She was getting married knowing full well she might not ever have children. The first time Kagome had slept with Inuyasha, she had mentioned the use of a condom. His exact words were, “What's the point?” She had always known demon-human relationships rarely resulted in offspring. Something about different chromosomes or some other biological thing she never bothered to fully research. As it turned out, a hanyou was even less compatible with humans. When she looked up the reasoning, she couldn't make heads or tails of all the big words the medical community bestowed upon it. Even with that, Inuyasha hated using condoms with a passion Kagome could never understand. He simply refused to use them… ever. His first time with Sango, they had butted heads over the subject. Sango was obstinate about using a condom saying he either used one or the deal was off. That was how the current compromise where he pulled out was reached. Kikyo was the opposite of Sango. She was ecstatic when she heard it.
Inuyasha liked the thrill of having sex in public but he never went too far. This was probably the farthest they would ever go, for which Kagome thanked all that was holy. If embarrassment could kill, she would have been dead long ago. Besides her rear, no other skin that could be called indecent was exposed. An older teenager was riding along beside them. Kagome did her best not to look towards him. The grin he wore told her he knew full well what they were doing. Closing her eyes, she struggled to keep her breathing steady as he steadily thrust himself inside her. The experience reminded her how much she disliked being taken from behind. She wanted to see the man she was having sex with. It just seemed so impersonal like this.
Opening her eyes, she saw her reflection in the window. A cold hand gripped her stomach. Is it me or does everyone in this car know what we are doing? It certainly seemed like it. Every eye looked to be on her. Her rational side downplayed the thought. The car was far too packed for people to notice except the few in the immediate area and besides the teen, they were doing their best to ignore it.
“Inuyasha,” she breathed. People shifted inside the train car as it turned along the track, pressing Kagome harder against the wall. A gasp escaped her lips as the movement caused Inuyasha to push deeper inside her. “Inuyasha,” she tried again. “People are watching.”
“Relax, you're tensing up,” he whispered, pressing himself against her.
“Relax? How do you expect me to relax in this situation?” she hissed. One of her hands clamped against her mouth to muffle a moan as Inuyasha gave her a hard thrust.
“I'm almost there,” he gasped, his mouth next to her ear. “Just a little longer.”
Kagome didn't know if she could last a little longer. The embarrassment was overwhelming. Her heart was racing, but not in excitement. It felt like she was on the edge of a panic attack. Forcing herself to close her eyes, she gripped the first thing she could find and clamped down on it, taking deep, steady breaths as Inuyasha shoved himself into her in painfully slow, but powerful strokes. He grunted in her ear as he came. He didn't have time to enjoy his orgasm. Quickly stuffing himself back into his pants, he straightened Kagome's skirt a few seconds before the door opened. The flow of people nearly bowled them over as they stepped out into the platform.
“You okay?” Inuyasha asked concerned as he rested a hand on her shoulder. She took deep breaths, nodding, eyes locked on the floor. He took a quick look around before guiding her over to a wall that was out of the way from the foot traffic. “Sorry, this was all too intense.”
Kagome shook her head, gripping his arm tightly. “No,” she managed to gasp out. “I can do this.”
“Kagome…” he whispered, pulling her into a hug. “This was the last time, I promise.”
She pushed herself away from him. “No! I'm fine!” she said firmly. Taking a shaky breath, she straightened. A few more breaths and the shakes left her. “See?” she said, holding her head high. “I'm fine.”
“Don't force yourself.”
“I can handle it.” Inuyasha didn't look convinced. “I can,” she repeated. “I made it through that didn't I?”
“I'll get more comfortable the more we do it.” She held up her hand before he could speak. “You do a lot for my sake, let me do this for you.”
“What you ask of me doesn't send me into a panic attack.” She glared at him. It must have finally clicked that he wasn't going to win this argument because he finally sighed in defeat, scratching his neck. “Fine, but we should start with something smaller and work our way up. Okay?”
“Sounds great!” she said, giving him a light peck on the lips.
He grinned. “So uh…”
“You may want to clean up.”
Blinking, Kagome looked down to find the remains of their recent activity running down her leg. Red faced, she rushed off towards the nearest restroom.
Another day, another chapter. I'm really excited about all the reviews. It just makes me want to write more! Thanks so much for them! Please keep them coming.
Now I have to go off and try to figure out a quirk for Sango and Kikyo…