InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Spring Break: And Then There Were Three ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning.
This is not a story for everyone and I started writing it knowing that. Normally, I am very much Inu/Kag pairing. There is no end to the selection if that is what you want to read. Part of the reason why I am writing this is because it is different. Kikyo is not evil in this story and nor will she be evil. To those that are like me and are enjoying this story, thank you for your continued support.
“I want to have a threesome.” Kikyo's sudden proclamation took the group by surprise. They had been eating breakfast when she suddenly blurted it out. Kagome's nearly dropped her fork at the sight of Kikyo's determined eyes as they bore into her. “With you and Inuyasha,” she finished. Miroku's eyebrows went up, rubbing his chin as he looked between Kagome and Inuyasha.
“What brought this on?” Sango said quietly, still shocked from the announcement. It was understandable. Kikyo had been opposed to threesomes since day one. Watching was fine for her, participating was out of the question - until now. Sango had no idea about the conversation she had had with Kagome the day before. Does this mean she's made a decision? Kagome kept a close leash on her optimism, not wanting to get ahead of herself. Kikyo's decision to have one was probably influenced by her talk with Kagome. After all, if she agreed to it, threesomes would be a regular occurrence among other things.
Kikyo's face reddened as the realization of her sudden outburst hit her. “Well, since everyone else here has them…”
Sango frowned. “Just because we enjoy them doesn't mean you should feel pressured to have one. We respect your preferences… Most of the time,” she teased with a sly smile. Kikyo's blush only deepened.
“I know, but I want to do this. I want to see for myself if I can - enjoy them.” Her eyes fell on Kagome once more. Yep, she is definitely giving a great amount of thought to my offer. The weight of yesterday seemed to hit her all at once. If Kikyo and Inuyasha agreed, they would be together for a long time if things worked out. While it was obvious Kikyo could never get married, she would, for all intents and purposes, share the same status as she did in Inuyasha's eyes. Not to mention Kikyo would no longer be just a friend to her, but something far more significant. Kagome didn't even want to think about having to explain her new polygamous relationship with her mother. That was a war for another time far, far into the future - one that she wanted to avoid at any cost.
“Well congratulations!” Miroku announced loudly, slapping Inuyasha on the back. “You get to pop her threesome cherry.” The three women turned to glare at him, Kikyo's face red with embarrassment. “What?” he asked, looking innocent.
Sango peeled her eyes away from her boyfriend to focus on Kikyo. “Are you sure you want to?”
Kikyo nodded, a determined look in her eye. “This is probably my only opportunity to be in one. It's not going to hurt to at least try it once.” A thin wisp of a smile appeared. “Who knows, I might enjoy it.”
“Damn right!” Miroku cried out happily. “Then you can join me and Sango!” Sango glared at him. He shrunk a little in his seat. “Or not,” he muttered weakly.
Kikyo chuckled nervously. “One thing at a time,” she said, her eyes moving over to meet Kagome's. “I really want my first to be with you and Inuyasha.”
Kagome saw Inuyasha staring at her from the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she met his questioning gaze. “I'm fine with it,” she answered his unspoken question. In fact, she was more than fine with it. The idea excited her. Yes, she had shared Inuyasha with Sango countless times, but that was just them having fun. With Kikyo, it would be something more - or so she hoped. She had to remind herself that Kikyo hadn't agreed to anything yet.
Sighing, Inuyasha nodded his approval. Kagome was left to wonder briefly if he was against it and agreeing from peer pressure. “Tonight then,” he said with a curt nod.
“Actually, I was hoping to do it earlier than that.”
An eyebrow rose as he looked at her. “Oh? How much earlier?”
Her face turned red once more. “After breakfast,” she answered in a small voice.
Miroku erupted into laughter, causing the others to follow his example. Kagome didn't quite know what was so funny about the situation, but it was a refreshing laugh. Even after they stopped laughing and resumed their breakfast, Kagome realized that no one had declined her request.
Even thought Kikyo had wanted to start immediately after breakfast, it took her over an hour to build up the courage. Saying she wanted to do something and actually doing it were two different things entirely. When things finally did happen, they happened quickly. Kagome had expected them to do it in the privacy of one of the bedrooms. Instead, she found herself in the living room, watching Kikyo's breasts bounce before her as she sat atop Inuyasha's mouth. She let Inuyasha take her first, hoping it would help relax her. He wasn't terrible with his tongue, but he had a long way to go to match the talents of Sango and Miroku.
Running her tongue over her lips anxiously, Kagome's gaze was locked on Kikyo's swaying breasts as she slammed down onto Inuyasha. Their size reminded her of Sango's, but they were slightly smaller, more firm and pointed. She wanted nothing more than to take them in her hands, run her tongue along their smooth skin, to suck on her erect pink nipples. Yet despite the urge, she held back. Kikyo was new and Kagome knew she had to tread carefully, to let her friends comfort with things build naturally. Besides, Kagome needed to figure out this burning lust that was building inside her. She wasn't supposed to feel this way for another woman. She could tolerate being with Sango, but this, this was something else entirely. She wanted Kikyo. She wanted to kiss her soft pink lips that were slightly agape as she let gasps of passion escape between them. She wanted to feel the warmth of her breasts against hers. She hadn't felt this way about anyone other than Inuyasha. It was both exhilarating and frightening.
It was Kikyo that made the first move. Wrapping her arms around Kagome's neck, she pulled her in for a kiss. It was hot and passionate, their tongues entwining together. It was difficult to keep their lips locked together with Kikyo's up and down movements, but they did the best they could. The kiss was different than the ones she had shared with Sango. It sent shivers down her spine, her friend bumping against her, never slowing her pace atop Inuyasha. Inuyasha was making a valiant effort to give Kagome the same pleasure Kikyo was feeling, but it was a small amount of pleasure compared to Kikyo's touch.
“I told you she would like it,” Miroku's voice said softly. There was a small smack as Sango punched in the arm. It sounded as if they were far in the distance, not standing near the kitchen entrance, watching them. No one was shy about having sex in the open anymore, not when they had all stumbled upon someone or another in the middle of it this past week.
Thoughts of Sango and Miroku faded into the depths of her mind. All that filled it now were those of Kikyo and Inuyasha. They kissed for the longest time, breaking to gasp and pant for air, their lips never falling too far from each other. Their hands wandered across the others body, exploring everywhere their hands could. Kikyo's gentle touch sent chills down her back. Kagome only hoped she was making her feel as wonderful as she felt. By the moans that vibrated every kiss, she expected she was. Kikyo's pace quickened suddenly as she pulled away from Kagome to throw her head back. Her hair cascaded down her back as she arched her back. A cry escaped her moist lips as she came. Kagome grinned, her hands running across the smooth skin of her quivering friend. Inuyasha's hands reached up to grip Kikyo's waist, thrusting up into her. He came shortly after, burying himself inside Kikyo before releasing inside her. Leaning forward, Kikyo rested herself against Kagome's chest, gasping for breath, no doubt enjoying the heat of Inuyasha inside her. Without realizing she was doing it, Kagome began running her hand through Kikyo's long hair, stroking her head gently, lovingly.
Inuyasha's gentle tap against her leg reminded her of her position. With great reluctance, she separated from Kikyo as she released Inuyasha's head from between her legs. Kikyo pressed her hands against Inuyasha's bare chest, not moving from her place atop him. He made no effort to change it. Their eyes meeting, a smile washed across Kikyo's face. Leaning down, freeing a hand to keep her hair from spilling out over her face, she kissed him softly. Like she had earlier with Kagome, her tongue entwined with his. After a few seconds, their lips parted and she straightened her back, sitting atop him.
“Well? How was it?” Kagome asked, anxiety creeping into her voice. She was worried about the reply. In the heat of the moment, everything you did felt wonderful. It was only after the euphoria faded did the truth of what happened registered in your mind. What had been amazing just moments ago suddenly filled you with bitter revulsion and guilt.
A wide smile formed on Kikyo's lips. “Amazing!”
“Really?” Kagome almost couldn't believe her ears.
“Yes! I understand now why you two have them so often.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her breathing. “I almost feel foolish, suddenly changing my mind about it.”
Kagome beamed at her. “Don't be! I'm just glad you enjoyed it.”
“It's not too different than what we've been doing before,” Inuyasha said, rubbing his jaw.
“If you want, you can try it with me and Sango tonight!” If there was one thing that could be said about Miroku, it was that he was persistent. Sango slapped him gently against the arm for ruining the mood that had formed around the three, a sour expression on her face. “What? You don't want to?”
Kikyo gave him a coy smile. “I'd like that.” Her gaze suddenly fell on Kagome. “If that's okay with you that is.”
A perplexed expression formed on her face. “Why wouldn't I be?”
Leaning forward, Kikyo pressed her mouth against her ear. Her voice was low and seductive. “I agree.” She pulled away before Kagome could respond. There was no confusion as to what she was agreeing too. Kagome felt her heart racing. They were going to do it. They were going to share Inuyasha.
One more chapter left in this spring break arc. After that, I have two definite things I want to do, one being much more dramatic than anything in the story before. I'll probably do the less dramatic arc first. After I'm done with them, I don't know. We'll have to see.
Again, thanks for everyone who leaves a review. I know this story isn't for a lot of people, but I thank everyone who has stuck around this long.