InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Secret Buttons ❯ Spring Break: The Final Night ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Lemon warning. Going all in on this chapter. I'm guessing this was something everyone figured was coming.
When Kagome awoke, sunlight peeked spilled through the cracks in the blinds. Beside her, Inuyasha snoozed peacefully. Running her hand against his bare chest, he stirred slightly, but didn't wake. Not even a gentle rub of his ears caused him to wake, even though his ears twitched angrily whenever she touched them. Her stomach gurgled hungrily. Sighing, she carefully wiggled her way out of Inuyasha's arms and got out of bed, stretching the sleep from her body. Unlike the previous night, the air was chilly, causing her flesh to rise in bumps as she rubbed her arms with her hands in an attempt to keep them warm. For a second, she debated putting clothes on but decided against it. Things would heat up soon enough. As she walked past the closed door to the other bedroom, she slowed to listen for signs of movement. Silence answered her. Considering how energetic the three had been last night, it was to be expected. Kagome was a little taken aback by Kikyo's acceptance of an additional partner in bed considering how much she had been against it. Perhaps it was because it was something new. Kagome had been the same way the first time Sango joined her with Inuyasha. While threesomes were still fun, the excitement she first felt for them had cooled.
Well I'm going to have to reignite that passion because I'm going to be having a lot more of them. She wasn't too worried about it. They had spent the better part of yesterday afternoon trying different positions with each other. The memory still excited her. Nothing had been settled on, but it was a positive start. Folding her arms below her breasts, she wandered into the kitchen and began to search for something fast to eat, her stomach reminding her she hadn't ate since breakfast yesterday. Still, she couldn't focus on food, not when there were other worries. Worries like how she was going to breach the subject to Inuyasha. How would he react? He loved Kikyo, he admitted that much, but would he go along with her proposal? She had already been asking a lot from him. To many guys, Inuyasha was living a dream. He was engaged to the woman he loved and had her permission - encouragement even - to sleep with other women. Inuyasha wasn't that sort of man. He didn't take enjoyment in sleeping with the other women, at least, not directly. Instead, his enjoyment came from her enjoyment of watching him do it. It was a weird bond between them, but it was a deep bond solidified by love for each other, no matter what.
Grabbing a yogurt from the fridge and a spoon, she stood in the kitchen and ate in thought. It was difficult thinking about how to tell Inuyasha, but she knew this was the easy part compared to what would have to happen next: telling her mother. She didn't want to think about that, not one bit. Sighing, she sucked yogurt from the spoon before scooping out another. She almost wished she had been happy with the normal relationship she had shared with Inuyasha when they first started dating. A smile crossed her lips as she thought about all she had been through since that conversation with Sango that had brought all this to be. Almost, but not quite; she decided she liked things as they were.
“God, I wish Sango or Kikyo would do this,” Miroku moaned, leaning back against the cool tile of the shower wall. Kagome couldn't respond as she busily sucked on his cock, her free hand gripping the shaft that she could not fit comfortably in her mouth. Behind her, Inuyasha steadily pumped himself into her. Warm jets of water pelted her bare back as she struggled to handle both men in the shower, streams of water running across her body. Her wet hair clung to the sides of her face as her head bobbed up and down on Miroku's cock.
Inuyasha responded with a low grunt, expressing his neutral position in the matter. His hands tightened on her hips, pulling her against him as he drove himself deeper inside her. The wet slaps of skin against skin added to the sound of the showerhead above them as it dumped water onto the three. She was getting better at this. It was still up in the air if it was a positive thing or not. She didn't choke nearly as much as she did when the three had first done this. It didn't matter who was on what end of her, their thrusts always pushed her against the other man, forcing her to take more of their cock than she was comfortable with. Kagome was still deciding if she enjoyed taking both men at once. The only reason why she was doing it now was because they ambushed her in the shower, practically begging for her to help them. Apparently, they had been watching Kikyo and Sango. The two women had apparently taken it upon themselves to 69 in the living room. The men had watched, fully erect for five minutes before they could take the women's moans no longer. The two women obviously had not wanted any interruptions, so Inuyasha and Miroku sought her. Kagome had almost refused to go along. It had been the puppy-dog look on Inuyasha's face that had crumbled her resistance. How could she say no to a face like that? So here she was, feeling slightly guilty about her actions as she did her best to pleasure both men equally.
Miroku came first. Hands on the back of her head, it took a great deal of control from him to not force himself down her throat. Instead, he simply gasped loudly, closing his eyes as his cock twitched in her mouth, shooting jet after jet of his warm cum into her waiting mouth. She swallowed as much of the bitter liquid as she could stand, wrinkling her nose as the remainder ran from the sides of her mouth. Pulling her lips from his softening cock, she opened her mouth as she lifted her head to collect some of the running water into her mouth. Swishing the water around her mouth, she spin away from where the now content Miroku stood, a satisfied grin on his face. It took a few more minutes for Inuyasha to finish. He was silent behind her as he buried himself into her and released his load into her. She sighed he twitched inside her, more in relief that they had finally finished than in pleasure. Just like the last time, she was nowhere near having an orgasm of her own. She knew it was partly because it wasn't that exciting for her. Still, Inuyasha seemed to enjoy it. If he didn't, he wouldn't be here. He wasn't the sort of man who would do something he didn't like simply to relieve his pent up sexual needs, especially not with her. If it made him happy, she was willing to do it, even if it didn't bring her any satisfaction.
“I wish this could go on forever,” Miroku said softly, eyes closed as he stepped closer to where Kagome was so he could be under the water as well. It was cramped in the shower, the three were all trying to be under the water at the same time. After several seconds of jostling around, Kagome found herself squished between the two men, her breasts pressing firmly against Miroku's chest. The grin on his face showed he didn't mind at all. The growing erection pressed against her thigh said another.
“Well, it isn't going to end anytime soon,” Inuyasha whispered behind her, snaking his hands between the two and pulling her against his chest. She could feel his erection pressing against her butt as he held her tightly. Her throat tightened at the realization that this was only a break. They weren't finished with her just yet. Normally, she loved this sort of response from them - when they were alone. A whimper escaped her lips as she looked up to find Miroku grinning. They separated enough to spin her around to face Inuyasha before closing against her tightly. No more whimpers came from her mouth; instead, loud screams of passion filled the small bathroom as both men furiously pumped themselves into her. Four hands roamed across her water slick skin, groping her, pinching her, loving her. Her arms went over her head as she leaned against Miroku for support. Her hands rested against the back of his neck as she screamed, unable to hold back against the assault of both men. Her legs gave out as she came, the first for her in this situation. Her lungs burned from the air she sucked hungrily at. None of the air stayed long, quickly escaping her as a passion-filled scream or yell. The bliss overwhelmed her, her mind focusing on nothing but the pleasure that filled it. She didn't know how long it went on or how many times she came, only that she became vaguely aware that both men had stopped their uncoordinated thrusts and warmth seemed to permeate from inside her.
Pulling out, both men separated from her, grabbing her quickly as her legs gave out. No matter how hard she tried, her knees didn't seem to want to work. She was busy gasping for air, her throat raw from the yelling as the men laughed at her weakened state.
“I think that's the loudest you've ever been,” Miroku said with a grin.
“It is,” Inuyasha confirmed, matching his friend's smile. “It sounds like you finally enjoyed it.” She scowled at him. He held up his hands in defense. “What? Don't tell me you didn't, not with those screams.” Not trusting her voice, she simply gave him a huff and looked away, refusing to look at him.
“Too bad this is the last night here.” Miroku sighed. “So much has happened. I don't think any vacation in my life is going to be able to live up to this one.”
“Well, there's still tonight,” Inuyasha offered, a small consolation.
“Yes, there is tonight,” Miroku conceded with a nod. Clapping his hands together, Kagome jerked in surprise. Rubbing them excitedly, he looked around the shower. “Since we are here, we might as well actually wash up.” A lewd grin appeared as he ran his eyes across Kagome. “Some here needs cleaned up more than others.”
Punching him lightly on the arm, Kagome laughed, the two men following. Grabbing the soap, the three helped one another wash up. It wasn't even noon and she was tired. She hoped she would get the chance for a nap. Something told her she wasn't going to get much rest this evening.
With everything the group had done the past week, it only seemed appropriate to end it with something grand. They packed what they could so they could get an early start in the morning. The packing took the entire afternoon with them pausing for lunch. As everyone moved about the house packing and putting things back in order, there seemed to be a tense atmosphere hanging around them. Kagome had a feeling everyone was thinking the same thing, though no one gave voice to the thought as if fearful it would be rejected.
It was her and Miroku who started things. She had been taking a break in the living room, finally finished with packing and her share of the cleaning when Miroku joined her wearing nothing more than a grin and holding a box of condoms. They were a few minutes into it when the other three stopped what they were doing to watch. Kagome's face was flushed red as the three watched Miroku grunt and groan as he pounded himself into her. A jolt ran through her body at the sight of Inuyasha's erection. Was he turned on watching her with another man, or the two nude women beside him? It was hard for her to know for sure which one it was. He certainly enjoyed sharing her with Miroku, this morning proved that. If that was the case, he certainly never made it obvious until now. Whenever she had been with Miroku alone, Inuyasha was always careful to avoid them, like if he didn't see it, it wasn't happening. It had always worried her, like he wasn't really comfortable with it. She hoped that wasn't the case. Despite the embarrassment she was feeling at the moment, she was aroused by his gaze, watching her moan and writhe in pleasure against another man. If he enjoyed watching as much as she did… that was too bad for him. Miroku was the only other man she was comfortable being with - so long as they kept a certain emotional distance.
“My, my, quite a naughty fiancée you have there,” Kikyo cooed softly, running a finger across Inuyasha's chest. Miroku didn't even slow his pace at the arrival of the three. He drove himself into her with single-minded determination. Removing his hands from her hip, he grabbed at her breasts, groping them firmly before rubbing them in circular motions. His touch wasn't gentle, but it wasn't painful either. A loud moan escaped Kagome's lips before she realized it was coming. Her face reddened as she clenched her mouth shut, biting her lower lip to stop her mouth from betraying her again.
On the other side of Inuyasha, Sango sighed deeply. “Since my boyfriend is obviously in the mood for someone other than me…” Her arm snaked through Inuyasha's, pulling it against her. He glanced over at her. “How about Kikyo and I take your mind off a certain fiancée for awhile?”
“Hear that Kagome? Is it okay if I go have wild, unprotected sex with these two beautiful women?”
“Well when you put it that way…” Sango said teasingly, pretending to rethink the idea.
“Yeah Kagome, do you mind if we borrow your fiancée for awhile?” Kikyo added, joining Inuyasha in his teasing.
The red faced Kagome didn't answer right away. Looking up, she found Miroku grinning down at her. It was apparent he wasn't going to stop and let her have an answer. His grip tightened around her breasts as he squeezed them forcefully. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth, it wasn't words that would come out.
“I'm waiting Kagome,” Inuyasha pressed, a thin grin forming on his face. Reaching back, he grabbed at the two girls asses, causing them to let out small shrieks of surprise. Kikyo gently slapped him on the shoulder. He's enjoying this! Kagome thought as she kept her mouth shut. “What do you want me to do with these two wonderful women?” His hands snaked down and began touching inappropriate areas. Both women's lips quivered against his touch as they fought to keep their composure. She mumbled an answer, her mind cloudy from Miroku's forceful thrusts and his roaming hands on her chest. “What?” he asked, leaning towards her.
“Fuck them!” Kagome cried out in a rare display of obscenity, the pleasure overwhelming her. From Inuyasha's apparent enjoyment of seeing her with another man and the actual act of being with him, it was too much for her to hold back. She was incredibly horny and she wanted release. Her legs wrapped around Miroku, pulling him deeper into her as she thrust her hips against his. If he was going to be the man who was going to give her the pleasure she desired, so be it. She looked up at Miroku. “I want you to fuck them like Miroku's fucking me!” This wasn't like her. She wondered if she had gone a little crazy. It almost made her laugh. They had all gone a little crazy.
Inuyasha wore a wide smile and proceeded to do exactly as he was told. Though she couldn't see from where she was laying, Kagome guessed that Kikyo was the lucky one first. Her gasps and cries were the loudest. Her attention wasn't on the three for long however. She wasn't with them, she was with Miroku. Looking up, she ran her hands along his sides, whispering his name as she urged him on. At first, his eyes were wide with shock at her sudden discovery of the English language's more colorful words, but eventually a wide grin replaced it. He enjoyed this side of Kagome, and his effort he put into showing her was much appreciated. She had came twice by the time he finished. They rested for a few minutes, lying side-by-side, gasping for breath as they stared at the ceiling. On the other side of the couch, Kikyo and Sango made moaning sounds of their own, the slapping of skin betraying what they were doing. Finally catching their breaths, Kagome and Miroku went over to join them.
Kagome knew immediate that this would be a night to remember. It was her first, and probably only, orgy she was going to be involved in. As she descended into the pile, she couldn't believe how different a person she was now. The old her would never be in a position to be involved in this, let alone go through with it. A pang of pity ran through her at the thought of her old self. She would never had a chance to discover how wonderful they could be.
It was a wild night. Kagome could barely keep track of what she was doing, let alone what everyone else was. One moment, she was atop Inuyasha, facing away with Miroku furiously pumping away at her mouth. Kikyo sat atop Inuyasha's face, leaned forward to greedily suck between Sango's legs. In another, Kagome was on all fours with Miroku behind her, her own face planted between Kikyo's legs as Inuyasha busily drove himself into Sango as she made out with Kikyo. Though they all tried various positions and pairings, the men were careful to never double up on anyone besides Kagome. Judging by the lust that had fallen over the group, Kagome doubted if either Sango or Kikyo would reject it at the time, but no one wanted to risk waking up with regrets.
There was a moment where the men took a break. It was amazing they had kept pace as long as they did. The women on the other hand, were still very much active. Miroku and Inuyasha watched as the women continued on when they could not. To her surprise, Kikyo and Sango seemed to enjoy ganging up on her. One would spend most the time between her legs while the other shared hot, passionate kisses with her, their hands exploring her chest and sides. When the men had recovered, they joined in once more.
It was well after dark when they finally collapsed to the floor in exhaustion. Kagome was wet and sticky from the sweat and cum of the others. Kikyo and Sango were undoubtedly the same. Neither man bothered to cum in them, instead depositing their load on their chest or some other part of the body. No one said anything, too tired and content with just enjoying the blissful post-sex euphoria. Inuyasha held her tightly against him. If the cum that covered her bothered him, he didn't show it. On her other side was Sango. Her back was pressed against her side as she clung to Miroku. Kagome was a little surprised to find Kikyo on his other side, snuggling up against his back. She expected her to be over with Inuyasha. Still, it didn't matter. Nothing at the moment did. Closing her eyes, she let sleep take her.
Bleh. Too many people to keep track of! It didn't turn out as well as I wanted it too, but oh well. I think this will be a onetime thing. But this concludes the Spring Break arc! Hope everyone enjoyed.
Thank you everyone who left reviews! Please keep doing so!