InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's things that all girls need to know ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome's twelve things that all girls need to know.
By: Neo Staff
Disclaimer: Okay, so my friend comes up to me and said, “Do you own Inuyasha.” I thought for a while then decided to confuse the heck out of her by telling her `yes' in English and `no' in Japanese…shows you how slow she is.
Kagome: “Hello everyone, my name is Kagome and I'm an author. The book I wrote is called…”
Inuyasha: “Feh! You're no author.”
Kagome: “Sit boy!”
Inuyasha: “Oh, son of a bit—“
Kagome: “Good boy!! Now, stay. Anyways, as I was saying, my name is Kagome and I'm an author. I wrote the book called `Kagome's twelve things that all girls need to know.' It might not be famous now, but it will be.”
Inuyasha, muffled: “Yeah, in your dreams it will be.”
Kagome: “SIT BOY!!!!!!”
Inuyasha: “No! Not again!!!! NOOOOOOO—“
Kagome: “This time stay! Like I was saying again…I don't remember. Well, I'd like to tell all of you a few things that are in the book. You girls out there, these are a few good things to know and use.”
Shippou: “Kagome? Can I listen?”
Kagome: “Well, uh…some of these things you might not understand Shippou.”
Miroku: “Lady Kagome, I would like to listen as well, if you don't mind.”
Sango: “Yes, Kagome-chan, so would I.”
Kagome: “Uh…okay…here goes. So here are the top twelve things that all girl need to know:
1: Girls in white shirts + water + boys = disaster for girls and fun for boys.”
Miroku: Hmmm…Sango, darling, would you like to go to a party thing today…there'll be some water to drink there and…”
Kagome + Sango: “Shut up Hentai!!!!!!!”
Kagome: “You know, Sango, while I read these you could, oh, you know…beat the crap out of Miroku…I don't think anyone minds.”
Sango: “It would be my pleasure Kagome-chan.”
Shippou: “I'm confused.”
Kagome: “It's okay, Shippou…we all are.”
Inuyasha: “Shut up and get on with the rest of them, wench.”
Kagome: “Why don't you shut up? Fine, I'll read the rest of them if there are no more interuptions…agree?”
Everyone: “Yes, Kagome”
Kagome: “Good. Now…here are the rest of them:
2: Flirt a little, get a lot.
3: Girls who live in glass houses should dress in the basement.
4: A little bit of flirting goes a long way.
5: Girls in white shirts should not go to parties with boys…and water.
6: And God said, “Let there be boys!”
7: Just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean that you still can't get free stuff off him.
8: Girls don't like guys…we like what guys give us!
9: Girls + guys + money + shopping = one broke dude.
10: Boys are girls with defects.
11: Boys + money = “Hi Big Boy.”
12: And God said, “Let boys be simple creatures…that girls can get stuff off of!”
Everyone: “………”
Kagome: “Eh…that's it…”
Shippou: “Kagome?”
Kagome: “Yes, Shippou?”
Shippou: “I'm still confused. What does `Big Boy' mean?”
Kagome: “Uh…look at the time!!! I have to go and uh…study…BYE!!!!”
Inuyasha: “Kagome, wait!!! I'm confused to!”
Miroku: “Sooo, you finally admit it.”
Inuyasha: “You're soooo dead, monk”
Sango: “Go get him, Inuyasha!!!”
Shippou: “Sango? What did all of that mean?”
Sango: “I have no idea. Lets just watch Inuyasha beat the crap out of Miroku, okay?”
Shippou: “Okay!!!”
A/N: Hi everyone!!!! RandR please!!!!
Did you like it? I hope you did. I've been slaving over a hot pen all day trying to think up some more.
I made up all of these, so far as my knowledge extends that is, in my room. I just now thought to put it in to a fanfic. If I get enough reviews, I might just make some more of these up!!! So please…REVIEW MEEEEEEE!!!!
Neo Staff. ;)