InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Old life and new life ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust 
A/N - Here is the next chapter. I do like Kikyo just for a bit now but she is still a bitch. Sorry if 
anyone likes her. When it comes to Kagome's part it will have a faster timeline from just a day to 
four in half months. Also in my story, demon pregnancy only lasts for six months but if more 
than one is coming than its five months. Okay bye 
Chapter&nb sp;Two: Old Life and New Life 
When Sesshomaru woke up, the emotions he felt coursing through his large body was 
overwhelming. The weirdest part was that the emotions he felt were not his. 
He felt pain, sorrow, anger, panic, confusion and then pain all over again. These borrowed 
emotions were getting on his nerves. He wished he knew whose emotions these were. Suddenly 
he let out a blood curdling scream. He was annoyed by all these feelings and he wished they 
would just pick one already. Then just like they had started, they stopped. He sighed in relief, his 
shoulders slouching as he walked into his private bathroom to get rid of this awful feeling. 
"Jaken!" Sesshomaru called. A few minutes later there was a cautious knock on the door before 
the toad demon entered. 
"Lord Sesshomaru-sama, what can this humble servant do for you?" Jaken asked swiftly. 
"How long was I&nbs p;gone from the fortress?" Sesshomaru looked at Jaken with a stoic look. 
"About six days, my lord," Jaken responded, quickly and softly. 
"Are you sure?" Sesshomaru asked, sternly looking at his servant. When Jaken nodded, 
Sesshomaru waved him away with his hand. "That is all for now, and make sure Rin is fed and 
sent to her lessons," Sesshomaru stated, uninterested as he thought, 'Where was I?' 
"Hai, Sesshomaru-sama." Jaken nodded before leaving his master's presence. 

Sesshomaru contacted his beast. "What did you do?" 
"Hn, tell this Sesshomaru."  
"No,"the beast growled, going farther into the back of his mind. 
X+X+X The Inuyasha Gang X+X+X 
Inuyasha heard screams coming from the hot spring, but Sango stopped him from going to 
Kagome, running to find her sister-friend herself. Sango felt a barrier around the hot springs and 
when she attempted to get through the barrier, she was shot back, knocking her unconsciousness 
until the morning when Miroku and Inuyasha came to look for her. 
"Sango!" Miroku yelled, f inding her body lying on the floor.  
"Inuyasha, look for Kagome," Miroku yelled at his friend. 
"Stop telling me what to do. I'm on it," Inuyasha shouted before running to the hot springs, 
smelling Kagome's blood. He sniffed the ground around the hot springs but couldn't smell 
anyone besides her. Thinking she was hurt and headed for her home, he raced towards the well, 
the air still smelling of her blood. Ignoring the smell of her blood, he jumped into the portal to 
Kagome's time, but the light didn't come. Inuyasha jumped in and out of the well until he heard 
Shippo, Miroku, and a now conscious Sango approach from behind. 
"Have you found her yet?" Sango asked, afraid of the answer she was sure to come. 
"I can't get through the well! Miroku, what's going on?" Inuyasha growled. 
"I see," th e monk said. Getting off Kirara and walking over to the well. Miroku checked it out, 
nodding his head. Before he turned around he whispered a chant, placing his hands on the well. 
"It looks like Kagome has placed a seal on the well that will reopen to us in one year's time. For 
now, let's hope that she's okay and gets some rest," Miroku stated, already beginning to walk 
towards Kaede's village. 

"Let's hope," Sango whispered, following the monk and turning back to let Shippo catch up. 
'Mama,' Shippo thought. He ran into Sango's arms to cry. Walking back to Kaede's village, they 
all left Inuyasha standing by the well. 
"Kagome, I wish that you could have told me. Please come back to me…I mean,us." With 
nothing& nbsp;else to say, he walked off to the village, looking up to the sky seeing the soul collectors 
calling him to Kikyo's area. Unable to help himself, he followed them to her location. 
"Kikyo," he whispered, spotting her. 
"Inuyasha," she said back. "Where's Kagome? I don't sense her anymore." 
"She went back to her time for a year. I told Kagome about my decision about taking you as a 
mate. She was okay because she didn't feel a mate's love but a brotherly-sisterly love for me. She 
told me to tell you that she doesn't have any hard feelings for you anymore… But she's unable to 
tell you this herself because something happened to her last night. We were coming this way to 
tell you. Kikyo, do you know what happened to her?" 
"No, I don't know Inuyasha. Let's wait a year for her return and have her give us her blessing." 
Inuyasha nodded in understanding before Kikyo went on. 
"Is the young fox, Shippo, okay? Kagome always talked about the young one. She felt like he 
was her own son. You are going to take care for him until she gets back, right Inuyasha?" 
"Yes I'm going to take care of him," Inuyasha said. "Also I have talked to Miroku and Sango 
about us mating. They are willing to set aside old feelings for you." He jumped to her, placing a 
small kiss on her lips. 
X+X+X Modern Era X+X+X 
Four and a half months since Kagome had come home â€“ and since the time she found out that 
she was pregnant â€“ she had read all of the pregnancy books, but nothing could tell her why she 
was so big for four months. Not the books, her mother, or her grandfather knew about demon 
Going in blind wasn't the way she liked to do things, but since Sesshomaru was back in the 
feudal era, she couldn't ask him. But then again, he didn't even know what he had done to her. 

She sighed. Going in for check-ups, she always had to lie about what month she was in until one 
doctor said that she was having twins. The thought of twins scared her, for she would not only be 
having a baby boy, but a baby girl as well. 
One day Kagome and her mother went to the baby clothing shops, and shopped until they 
dropped, buying new baby clothes from reds to pinks to purples and any other color one could 
imagine. When they arrived home, Souta and Grandpa came down to help them gather all the 
bags, taking them upstairs and placing them in the dresser next to the cribs. 
Kagome placed her feet up in the bathtub, relaxing from an all-day shopping spree with her 
mother. She was so happy to hear that her father â€“who had long since passed away â€“ and her 
mother had made an account for her, saving up a lot of money for when she was older. After ten 
minutes, she was just getting out of the tub when she felt pain in her stomach area. 
She sat on the side, holding her stomach. Kagome screamed in pain as she watched bloody water 
drip to the floor. Taytai rushed in and saw the blood stained water. "Father! Souta! Get the bags 
ready now," she yelled, helping Kagome into a long nightgown and rushing her to the car. 
Kagome was in the back with Souta, breathing hard now as her brother wiped sweat from her 
forehead. "Sis, hold on." 
When they all got to the hospital, Kagome was having very close and consistent contractions, 
meaning that it was time to give birth to the little ones. 
"Souta, Grandpa, can you stay out here? Mom, can you come with me?" Kagome asked though 
gritted teeth. 
X+X+X Sesshomaru's POV X+X+X 
Sesshomaru felt something ripple through him with instant pain. Not knowing what it was, he 
tried his best to ignore it as he continued to read the scrolls on the desk. 
X+X+X Kagome's POV X+X+X 
"Kagome, sweetie, push hard," Taytai instructed as she held the hand of her daughter. 
"Mama it hurts,"& nbsp;whispered Kagome, crying from the pain. 

"I know sweetie but you need to push harder. One, two, three, PUSH!" she urged. 
With two pushes, Kagome leaned back as her body rested for a few moments. "Again, Kagome 
push!" With five more pushes, one of the babies came out, leaving one still inside of her. "Push 
again, harder. The second one is easier." With two hard pushes the second one came out quickly. 
The nurses cleaned the twins, the doctor made sure that Kagome was okay. She fell asleep before 
the twins were placed in her arms. Kagome slept for a few hours, stirring only to the sound of 
crying from her babies. 
When the doctor saw that Kagome was awake, he quickly went to fetch her children for her. 
"Miss Higurashi, your son and daughter," the doctor said, giving the babies to her, one in each 
"Oh mama look, they are so cute and small," Kagome whispered. 
"Yes there are," she replied. 
When Grandpa and Souta came in, the whole family gave her a hug and kissed the twins. "So sis, 
what are their names?" 
Well I thought on it long and hard and I have decided that my son's name is Toga and my 
daughter's name is Mizuki," she said, giving them each a kiss on the forehead. She moved to give 
a long look on both twins, seeing the faint marks of Sesshomaru's bloodline. What shocked her 
the most was that both twins were full-blooded demons. Why, she didn't know, but the 
possibilities were scary. 
Toga and Mizuki opened their eyes for the first time. Kagome noticed that Toga had eyes like his 
father and Mizuki had eyes like hers. 
"Mom, I'm tired. When can I go home?" Kagome asked. 
"Let's see," Taytai replied, heading towards the doctor to ask him. "We'll be leaving now, okay?" 
"Yes." Kagome almost raced out of the bed. Her mother, Grandpa and Souta left the room, 
leaving her a moment alone. Kagome looked down at the twins again, whispering, "The heirs of 
the Western Lands…are my&nb sp;son and my daughter." 

A/N-Well I ho pe you like this one. Chapter three soon will be done very soon again. I hope and I 
will what about six to eight reviews for this chapter or not. Either way I still would place my 
chapter three up. Bye. 
&nb sp;