InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Ten: Kagome's Tears ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

Sorry for the wait. My beta reader for this story is not emailing me back and I can't wait. Also thank you to the voters on the last Author's note. Prince Neji is done. Thank you to all the voters that voted Kagome's Trust to be done before all others. And I will be placing the chapters when I get them back from the betas on the site. Without more to say, here is chapter ten.

Chapter Ten: Kagome's Tears

While Kagome lay on the bed that was made from white linen, the blanket felt it was made from the purest silks in the land. Kagome looked up to the ceiling and then looked at her friends as tears were coming down her face. Placing her slender hand to her cheeks, she wiped the tears away. She closed her eyes, soon feeling her miko powers go through her body, healing the wounds within moments. Kagome heard a gasp of surprise. Opening her eyes, Kagome saw Koshi looking at her with shock and a surprised look that spread across her face.

"Milady, you can heal? What are you?" Koshi asked as she sniffed at her.

"I'm a miko human, Koshi. I have got to go and save my children," Kagome replied, standing up from the mattress and stretching. Kagome stopped, looking at her friends before turning to Koshi. "You can't tell anyone that I can heal," Kagome said to Koshi. The look on the doctor's face was priceless as Koshi's mouth opened and then closed. She couldn't find what she wanted to say.

Just settling with her head, she nodded to Kagome as her mouth was still not moving to speak out loud.

"Thanks Koshi," Kagome murmured gratefully, muttering a spell under her breath with two fingers close to her mouth. She healed her friends' wounds.

"Lady Kagome, thanks," Miroku said as he stood up. He walked over to Kagome and gave her a hug. Getting pulled back by Inuyasha, the monk looked at Kagome and Sango, both standing in a room that made them look like angels.

"Kagome," Sango whispered to her, giving her a hug. Kagome let go of Sango as she walked to the door.

"Inuyasha, let's go," Kagome called over her shoulder to the Inu-hanyou.


"No, not now. I feel my children in danger, I'm going," Kagome argued, looking at Inuyasha with a glare. "Move your ass now."

"Kagome, no. Please talk to Sesshomaru about the pups," Inuyasha said, his eyes were in the puppy mode.

"Fine," she stated as she walked out of the hospital wing and towards the halls. She passed painted pictures of the past western rules with their mates and heirs as she continued to wander, trying to find Sesshomaru.
After thirty feet or so, Inuyasha's voice called out from behind her. "By the way…"

"What?" Kagome asked sternly but also afraid but from what she didn't know.

"Mmh," he hesitated.

"Slip it out Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted at him, placing her hand on her hips. Looking at him, she willed for him to continue to talk or at least finish what he was going to say before this episode came about.

"The mark on your shoulder isn't completed and it will need to be completed by the next new moon. That is in about three days," Inuyasha explained. Kagome's face went white at the idea about her mark and how it was not yet completed. "Kagome, are you okay?" he asked, as he could see that she was as white as a ghost.

"Are you sure?" Kagome asked, a shiver running through her body when she thought about the night she was raped.

"Yes, that was what Sesshomaru said for me to tell you," Inuyasha replied.

"What no! Inuyasha, I will never have this mark completed. I will stop before I get carried away. What is this mark all about?" Kagome asked.

"Kagome, that mark claims that you are Sesshomaru's mate," the half-demon explained.

"No, please say it is not true," she murmured.

"Sorry Kagome but it is true. You are his mate now," Inuyasha whispered to her.

"You're sorry? No! Inuyasha you're not! You would you try and get me out of this but instead you're taking his side!" Kagome yelled.

"I can't do anything about it. If I could, I would, but I can't," Inuyasha said, looking at Kagome's face as he lowered his head towards her.

"But you could still help me out like finding my children and stopping Sesshomaru from continuing with this mating thingy. But no, you will not," Kagome said. "Let me tell you, that you will never feel the pain that I was in when he raped me. It felt like I was being ripped apart as he continued to pound into me when I tried to stop him from raping me." Tears came down again, raining on her face and her chin, soon falling to the ground.

"Kagome, I'm sorry that you were raped and I wish I could have stopped him!" Inuyasha whimpered to her and he pulled her into a hug while she cried out her sorrows.

"I may have forgiven Sesshomaru on his part because it was his beast's fault, but I will never go into a mating or relationship with him based on him raping me and having children. I won't do that. Please stop him from this mating thing. I want to be in love," Kagome whispered to Inuyasha, crying harder into his shirt.

"Shh it is okay, Kagome, it's okay," Inuyasha said as he rocked her back and forth, her tears coming to a stop when Sesshomaru walked into the hallway with a sad expression on his face. "Sesshomaru," Inuyasha whispered, seeing his half-brother's face.

"Inuyasha, place Kagome in the room next to mine," Sesshomaru ordered, walking away from them slowly. His shoulders were down a little bit from the solid statue-like figure Sesshomaru usually was.

As Inuyasha picked up Kagome, he soon followed Sesshomaru down the halls to a door when his half-brother stopped.

"Please gave her to me," Sesshomaru said, holding his arms out.
Nodding his head, Inuyasha placed Kagome's still sleeping form into Sesshomaru's waiting arms. He stood back he watched Kagome struggle into the embrace. Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome, a purr-like growl rumbling from his chest to calm her down. Bringing Kagome into the room, he walked over to the bed and placed her down on it.

A/N-Hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Next one hopefully will be done soon again but don't push it. Now that I'm only going to work on one at a time. This story should be done soon. Bye