InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Fourteen: Rin's day out ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Trust

A/N- Yes I know Kagome will go back and get her children. But she needs some items from her time. And she wants Rin to see the wonders of the future. r I like to say thank you Akahana7272 for being the first beta reader to this chapter. Then thank you to TheSparkledMoon for beta reading it again.

ChapterFourteen: Rin's day out

It has been almost a week since Kagome took Rin to her time. She was finally getting out of the weird hospital as Rin called it.

"So Rin are you ready to look around?" Kagome asked.

"Rin's ready Kagome-chan," Rin replied to her.
As she followed Kagome out of the room that she had been kept in, she looked around the hall. Truth was, it was still very scary to her, but as long as Kagome-chan was there, Rin would be okay.

"Kagome, Rin you ready." Taytai asked as she signed Rin out of the hospital along with Souta and Grandpa.

"Yes, we are mom," Kagome replied to her mother as she walked towards her more with young Rin following her. They all went out the door, Rin grabbed onto Kagome's hand.

"Rin it's okay." Kagome said.

"Rin says it so big" Rin replied. She looked all over the place, but she didn't take her hand from Kagome's.

"Yes Rin it is big." Kagome replied to her.

When they got to the car, Kagome spoke softly, "Rin, this is called a car this is what we use to transport us from one area to a different area of the city. Souta get on the other side." Kagome motioned to Souta and then led Rin to her side of the car and opened the door.

Once Rin had been helped into the car Kagome explained what the seat belt was used for. Taytai turned the car on and drove away with Rin looking out of the windows at the buildings and all the other cool looking places.

Seeing Rin's curiosity, Kagome began to teach Rin about each and every building, telling her their names and functions until they arrived home fifteen minutes later.

Rin walked up the stairs to see the view around her and looked down upon Kagome with a smile.

"Rin, sweetie," she called at her.

"Yes Kagome-chan?" Rin replied to her.

"I'm going to show you around the shrine first, and then we going to eat something at home. Next we need to go shopping, but before I do all that with you I'm going to go see Sango and let her know that you are okay, so she can tell Sesshomaru."

Kagome walked to the well house and opened it up. As she jumped into the well, the pink light surrounded her, taking her to the feudal era. When she landed and the pink light faded, Kagome looked up to see the blue sky. She smiled and climbed the ladder that Inuyasha had made for her.

After she got up to the top, she smiled when she found Sango looking up at the sky. "Sango," she said.

"Kagome," Sango looked over to her.

"Hey, did you get the list I asked for the last time?" She asked.

Sango nodded her head at her, as she gives her the paper with the list. "How's Rin?"

"She just got out of the hospital and she is fine. I'm going to show her around a bit more and get the items on the list and others. Go and tell Sesshomaru that Rin is fine and tell Inuyasha to come over to my time." Kagome replied.

"Got it." Sango replied, as she watched her friend jump in the well and the pink light came and went fast.

Sango looked at Kirara as she transformed into her big cat form, and took off into the sky as they rode back to the palace of the moon.

Kagome climbed up on the ladder in her time and when she got to the top, Rin was waiting for her. Smiling at her, she took Rin's hand and guided her through the grounds, telling her all about her shrine. When the two arrived back at the house, Kagome showed Rin the inside and taught her about the devices in the house.

They ate some lunch; Kagome got her mother's car keys. "See ya mom, be back soon. Tell Inuyasha where to stay if he comes here and we're not back." Kagome replied.

"So Rin, I need to get some items at the store before we can go and get some toys, Okay?" Kagome said once they were in the car.

Rin smiled and nodded her head. It was fun to be in the future, but she missed her daddy very much. Kagome parked the car and the girls got out and walked into the store to get some items.

Going down the med's row, Kagome got the items she needed to go back, some acetaminophen, children cough and cold medicine, and lots more. It wasn't until they went down a different row that Rin asked a question, "Kagome, Rin wants to know what those are." Rin asked as she pointed to a box of tampons.

'Mmh, Rin I'll tell you when you are older. What age are you now?" Kagome asked.

"Father, I mean Sesshomaru, says Rin is almost thirteen," Rin stated to Kagome.

Kagome signed at that thought she did place at the age of twelve on the hospital file. So she would be at marrying age soon, I wonder what Sesshomaru would do with her. Looking at Rin, she smiled.

"Okay, since you are that old already I will tell you," Kagome said, as she launched into the whole talk about being a female and its problems. Until Rin said "Rin has got them about a couple months ago."

Kagome nodded her head at her, as she then asked what she was using.

"Rin using nothing but a cloth," She spoke with a tad bit of red face.

"Rin that's nothing to be embarrassed about, it is life, but would you like some pads?" Kagome asked.

When Rin nodded her head at her, Kagome placed some different sizes of pads in the cart. She also picked up the tampons that she and Sango use and she placed some extra diapers just in the cart case. Sango will have a baby soon and will need diapers, bottles, and some other items too.

"Kagome. Is Mizuki my sister?" Rin asked.

That stopped Kagome from walking. She really hadn't really thought about that. Yes they would be but not just because Sesshomaru thought of Rin as a daughter, she did too. Kagome turned to Rin and gave her a hug and whispered "Yes she is."

Rin's face just lit up with a bright large smile, as they continued to shop at the store. Soon Kagome and Rin were at the register to pay for the items that she brought. Kagome placed a few items on the belt showing Rin how to do it before Kagome went to the cashier and smiled.

When Rin finished putting the items on the belt, she brought the cart near Kagome and they refilled the cart with items in the bags. Kagome looked at the total price; at least the government was paying her for the rape and the children that came from it too.
Walking out of the store with Rin back to the car, they placed all the bags into the trunk. Rin placed the cart into a cart place and ran back to the car and got in. Kagome started the car, and drove off towards the toy store down the road.

"Kagome, Can Rin ask you a question?" Rin asked.

"Yes you may, Rin." Kagome replied back to her.

"Why are you mad at Sesshomaru?" Rin asked.

'Rin... I'm not really mad at him, I'm mad at his beast within him." Kagome said.

"Why?" Rin stated.

"That is a long story and not appropriate to talk with you yet." Kagome said.

"Kagome-nee-chan," Rin called out with big brown eyes.

"Rin not that story right now, I will tell you when you are older." Kagome said.

"So the beast did something to you and you're mad at him." Rin stated again.

"Yes," Kagome said as she parked the car again at the toy store. "Let's go"

Rin got out and grabbed onto Kagome's hand, and walked to the glass doors that can open up, automatically. She walked in and got two carts, one for her and one for Rin to push. Walking into the girl section of the store, she looked at all the dolls and stuffed animals, when Rin spoke out. "Kagome can Rin get this?"

Kagome looked over to Rin to see what she was pointing to, it was a Barbie doll with a princess dress on. She smiled at look at it. "Sure Rin but pick six of them, ok"

Rin nodded at she picked up one. She then grabbed two more and placed them into the cart along with four others. She looked over to Kagome and noticed that her cart was getting filled with more dolls and doll clothes. She smiled at her as she went back to her cart and placed the last two in. Seeing others dolls like hers but with different types of clothes, she smiled at Kagome.

"Okay I think that is it for you and Mizuki right, let's get some toys for the boys," Kagome said.

"Boys?" Rin asked confuse.

"Oh yeah sorry, but I forgot that you haven't met your younger brother Toga" Kagome said.

~In the Feudal Era~

Sango just got to the palace of the moon when Sesshomaru met her outside. Bowing to him, she started to talk when Inuyasha yelled" Where's Kagome?"

"Yeah where is my woman?" Koga called after Inuyasha.

"Koga," Sango said.

"Demon slayer where is my woman?" Koga growled at her.

'Wolf, leave my palace or get escorted out," Sesshomaru ordered as he ground his teeth together.

"No! Not until my woman is with me," He said in a defiant tone.

"You are so dead now," Inuyasha replied as he had a grin on his face.

Sesshomaru growled very loud at Koga and attacked him; Koga was on the ground with an angry Inu lord on top of him in moments. "Wolf," Sesshomaru said as he broke his arm making it snap. Koga winched from the pain, as Sesshomaru let go of him. He got up and with a glare, walked out of the palace of the moon, with Inuyasha laughing his head off.

'Sango," Inuyasha started to say.

"Inuyasha I was getting to that before Koga came" Sango said.

"Demon slayer," Sesshomaru ordered her to start talking.

"Kagome told me that Rin is fine and she needs to get some items before coming back. Inuyasha she said to meet her at the well and go to her side and wait." Sango replied.

"On it," Inuyasha replied as he left.

"Sango, right?" Sesshomaru said.

'Yes, Sesshomaru-sama," Sango replied back at him.

~In the Present~

Rin looked so happy that she had siblings; she pushed her cart to the next row to see boxes with pictures on them. "Kagome-nee-chan what are they?"

'These are games to play and use your brain," Kagome replied. She took a look at some of them, and grabbed trouble, hungry hungry hippos, sorry, snake and ladders, twister, checkers and many more that were within reach. Placing them into Rin's cart, they went down the rest of the row and into the next one. She found some books that were in two sections, learning section and just the fun reading. Rin was having so much fun as she looked at each book before grabbing some extras to have.

Kagome grabbed some coloring books, coloring pencils, and markers before heading off into the boys section. She looked around to see action figures and other boy toys; Kagome placed six of each one that Rin and she decided on before going to pay for them all.

Now, Kagome just need to get some items for her friends. She got Sango and Kikyo their items and next was Miroku and Inuyasha. She was debating about getting Sesshomaru something or not.She wondered if she should but she didn't know about Inu mating ritual. She would have to ask about that, and she knew that her pups are wondering who their father was. She knew this day would come and that they would know would come soon, but she wasn't ready.

"Kagome-nee-chan you okay?" Rin asked.

"Oh, Sorry Rin. Yes I'm okay, now just two more stops to get Miroku and Inuyasha something too." Kagome replied.

Rin nodded her head at Kagome, as she looked outside the window of the car. Kagome turned into a place to park the car. Getting out again, they went into a store and Rin looked around to see lots of books. Rin pulled on Kagome's hand, "Kagome so many books," Rin said.

"Yes Rin, many books. Would you like to look at some books while I get some for Miroku?" Kagome asked.

Rin nodded her head at Kagome and followed her into the children section. She saw Kagome leave to go and get some other books. She looked around and saw some pink colored books; walking over to them, she picked one up and looked at it.

An hour passed and Rin had some books around her until Kagome came back to her, and she looked up to see Kagome smiling down at her.

"Rin do you like those books?" Kagome asked.

"Rin does like the books," Rin replied.

Nodding her head, Kagome opened a purple bag and placed the books that Rin had around her, got some doubles, and some boy's books as well. She walked with Rin to the counter to ring them up and Kagome looked at Rin and smiled again.
They got into the car again, and drove over to the other side of the road; they got out again, and went next into a large store. Kagome went right to the ramen section and picked up about twenty chicken and beef, pork flavors noodles. She looked to the side to see some very large bags that were on sale for much less than they were before; Kagome grabbed ten of them and brought them to the checkout.

Going home, Kagome looked over to Rin and wondered if she should tell her about what had happened, but realized that wasn't the time to think about it. She pulled up to the underground parking lot, parked, and got out. Kagome grabbed a few bags, Rin following her example and bringing them up to the elevator. They placed them in and got more to fill up it, and they stopped after the second trip to the car and brought up the items that they have in the elevator.


"Hey Inuyasha, can you help us to bring this to my mom and ask her to bag them in the large bags we have here?" Kagome asked.

"Keh, sure what did you buy?" Inuyasha said as he looked at all the bags. Taking all the ones out the elevator, Kagome and Rin went back to the parking lot and to get the rest. After two trips, Kagome and Rin went back up to see Inuyasha waiting for the next load.

"Man Kagome you think I'm a pack mule," Inuyasha muttered under his breath.

"Yes I do, just kidding Inuyasha," Kagome giggled as she said it.

"Keh," was all that Inuyasha said to her as he took the rest to her mom, as the girls just walked to the house at a slow pace.

Hey mom, here is the bank card so when the checks come in you can place them into the bank for me," Kagome said as she handed over the card.

"Sure Hun. Rin did you have a fun trip?" Taytai recalled.
"Rin had a very good day," Rin said as she smiled with happiness.

Taytai smiled at her, as she thinks when Kagome was that age. "Good Kagome. Would you like all that together or not?" Taytai asked.

"Yes mom, all of it please. And yes Inuyasha you will need to get Sango to come with Kirara," Kagome said as she gave Inuyasha a look to get Sango now.

Inuyasha raced back into the well, as he went to get Sango from Sesshomaru's palace.

~In the Feudal Era~


"What Inuyasha?" Sango yelled out.

'We need your help with some bags?" Inuyasha asked.

"You just asked?" Sango stated as her eyes widen in shock.

"Just come will you. Kagome, sent me here to get you." Inuyasha said.

Nodding her head, Sango and Kirara flew into the air with Inuyasha jumping in front of them.

~In the Present~

Kagome took a few bags to the other side on, jumping back in, she saw Rin smiled down at her.

"Almost done Rin,"

Rin nodded her head at Kagome as she got the next two bags ready in her hand. Kagome came up and grabbed them from her as she got two more. She went over the side again and landed on the other side. Climbing out, she saw Inuyasha and Sango coming to her.

'Kagome,' Sango called down to her as they landed.

'Hey Sango, Could you take them to my hut?" Kagome replied.

Sango nodded her head, as she grabbed four bags out of the ten that was there, while Inuyasha watched. "Okay Inuyasha take the rest, I'm bringing the rest of the bags."

Within a few moments, Kagome got all the bags on the other side and went to get Rin, jumping in Kagome landed and climbed up to Rin.

'You ready?" Kagome asked. As she took out a jewel shard and handed it to Rin, she nodded her head and climbed up to Kagome. Jumping together, they both landed on the other side.

'Kagome, got Rin?" Sango asked.

"Yeah," Kagome said.

They climbed up the ladder and smiled at Sango. As they started to talk as they wait for Inuyasha to come, Kagome sensed a jewel shard.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed this long chapter.