InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter thirty-one: Naraku's plan and Kagome's kidnap ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N Here is chapter 31, enjoy it. Bye

Northern Family is Tiger – Lord Kenta, Lady Masa and Prince Tenga

Eastern Family is Crane – Lord Daigoro, Lady Cho, Prince Yuudai and Princess Megumi

Southern Family is Bear - Lord Susumu, Lady Sun-Hi, Prince Rei and Princesses Salima, Hama, Ima and Jin

Chapter thirty-one: Naraku's plan and Kagome's kidnap

Clouds of purple mist surrounded the palace where Naraku was at. Kanna showed Naraku what was going on at the palace of the moon.

"That damn bitch," He snarled at the mirror, then stood up and went out down towards his new detachment. He slid the door opened and stepped into the room.

The detachment looked up at him, stood up, and walked over to him. Dressed in a blue and silver kimono, the detachment was a replica of Kagome because of the blood he took from her, he grinned at the detachment.

"Naraku," The detachment said as she bowed to him.

"You know the plan right?" Naraku asked.

She nodded her head at him and smirked, "Yes, I do know the plan and I'm ready to do my part,"

"We go now," Naraku replied as he picked up a small sliver tiara from the ground near the detachment that had red, green and blue gems on it. The tiara was to block her reiki from him.

"Yes Naraku," Detachment of Kagome replied as she followed him out of the room.

…Palace of the Moon…

Golden eyes woke from under lids. Scanning the room around, Sesshomaru shot out of his bed and growled under his breath. He remembered that his mate was poisoned and Lord Kenta knocked him out.

"Oi, fluffy calm down. Kikyo and Miroku are done healing Kagome, but she needs her rest." Inuyasha stated to his right side. He turned to see his half-brother sitting watching him. "I would like to know who poisoned her in the first place."

"This Sesshomaru does too, but let's meet with Lord Kenta and the rest of the lords," Sesshomaru told Inuyasha. Inuyasha saw him nod and left the room.

Sesshomaru quickly got dressed and walked out of his room to see Inuyasha standing there talking to the monk Miroku.

"Inuyasha, let's go," Sesshomaru replied.

They walked together into Sesshomaru's office and waited for the rest of the lords to come. Soon knocks were heard on the door, "Come in"

The lords walked into the room and bowed to Sesshomaru, then took a seat in front of the desk.

"This Sesshomaru apologizes for not staying at the ball last night but my mate, Lady Kagome was poisoned and I need to get the herbs and items within the potion to heal her," Sesshomaru stated to the other lords.

"Lord Sesshomaru is your mate okay?" Lord Daigoro asked, and then growled lowly at them," who would do such a thing to Lady Kagome?"

"This Sesshomaru has an idea but without prove of it, This Sesshomaru can't go against them or her," Sesshomaru replied.

**************************Princess Hama****************** *******

Hama woke up with a yawn and a stretch and then smirked. That entire human should be dead by now, but she wondered if she would be found out. A servant came into her room and walked her to the bath on the floor. Cleaning her body, she smirked again, and quickly got her servant to get her dressed into a red and yellow kimono. Walking down the floors looking for Sesshomaru, she overheard some demonesses that were cleaning.

"So Lady Kagome is going to be okay?" One asked.

"From what I heard yes, she will be okay," The second one stated.

"That's good," The last one said.

"The bitch survived the poison but how?" Princess Hama thought to herself. She walked to the hospital wing and into the room.

"I just heard about Lady Kagome!" Princess Hama replied, "What happened?"

Koshi looked at Princess Hama, smiled at her, and then bowed to her before replying," Lady Kagome was poisoned by someone last night at the ball," She looked over at Kagome and wondered who would have poisoned her.

A knock came from the door. Koshi went and opened it to see a servant asking for her to come and see one of his sisters that had gotten sick. Racing to her cabinets, she got all her items that she would need to help the servant that was sick. Bowing once again to the princess, she left the room.

Hama stood over Kagome with a glare of hatred running through her. She looked around the room, then back at Kagome to see her eyes were wide open.

"Why?" Kagome croaked out as she summoned a barrier around her that was invisible to the eye.

"You took my mate; I was supposed to be his mate, not some human female miko at that, you took him away from me!" Princess Hama screeched at her. "But I did notice that your mark is only half way done. Now why would that be? … "Oh I know, Lord Sesshomaru never wanted a human, but my guess is that his beast did. So why didn't you mark him? Oh that right, you have no fangs."

Kagome was silent for the tantrum with the princess Hama, "Are you done yet?"

"Not even, Lord Sesshomaru was mine since long ago. Not even my sister has him or that crane, Megumi can have him." Princess Hama bawls at her.

"Well, Princess Hama, I'm not sorry for you at all. Sesshomaru's beast picked me and from what I understand, the male's beast has to approve of their mate choice. His beast chose me; I might not love him yet… I don't think I will or can love him, but I will protect Sesshomaru and his lands from grabbing conniving little whores like yourself or anyone that just wants Sesshomaru for his looks, land and his strength," Kagome exposed out.

…Sesshomaru and the rest of the lords….

Sesshomaru and the other lords talked about trading goods, food, and materials for cloth or clothing when he felt Kagome waking up.

"This Sesshomaru needs to check on his mate, Lady Kagome," Sesshomaru stated in a tone that said no one would dare to oppose, then he stood up and walked towards the door.

Sesshomaru got to the door; he felt the rest walking with him. Opening the door, Sesshomaru walked down towards the hospital wing. He got there and could hear the rest behind him but what shocked him was what Princess Hama was saying.

Lord Susumu had his mouth opened at what his second daughter was saying, and then he turned to Sesshomaru and bowed to him.

"You have my permission to do what you want to her, she hurt your mate," Lord Susumu stated with an icy tone in his voice.

"No, you will deal with your daughter," Lord Sesshomaru replied as he stormed into his hospital wing to see princess Hama looking at Kagome.

"Hama!" Lord Susumu yelled it his daughter as he stormed after Sesshomaru into the room.

"Daddy," Princess Hama stated.

"Don't do that, now come," Lord Susumu ordered in an angry tone.

"No, father." Hama replied as she took out a knife and swiftly started to thrust it fast against Kagome but found that there was a barrier around her.

Lord Susumu raced towards his daughter to stop her when Sesshomaru was too, but stopped when he felt Kagome's barrier sounded around her. Grabbing his second daughter around her neck, he dragged her away from Kagome and the rest. He never felt more embarrassed in his life as an adult.

….. Sesshomaru and Kagome…..

"Kagome, you okay?" Sesshomaru asked her, as he went into her barrier.

"Sesshomaru, I'm weak from what I just used, but I will be. She poisoned me to get to you," Kagome croaked out.

"I know, I heard what she did to you," Sesshomaru said with light emotion in his voice.

"She tried to kill me for you, "Kagome cried out in pain and anguish.

Sesshomaru placed his hands around her shoulder and gently pulled her close to his body, letting her cry out her pain, fear, and anguish. Soon he felt a switch in her weight; he heard her breathing going slower, that indicated to him that she fell asleep.

Moving her back on the bed, he stood up but not before leaving a kiss on her lips, and then Sesshomaru left the room in silence and back into his office.

….Naraku and the detachment….

Naraku watched this go on, and smirked at the innocent kiss that Sesshomaru gave to Kagome. He smirked again at his plan, he needed Kagome to find where his last shards were before he could and would wish to be a full demon.

"Let's go," Naraku ordered to his detachment.

They raced into the hospital wing, and found that the healer was back; with one attack, the healer was on the ground bleeding to death, and watched the vile half demon take her lady, and replace her with a fake one.

With one more look, her life slipped away from her eyes and they were dull to the world as Naraku raced out of the hospital wing with his prize.


A/N- I wondered what will happen next time on Kagome's Trust. This story is almost done. I only have five more chapters to type up and place on my account. I only need
46 more reviews to get up to my goal for this story that would be 500.