InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter thirty-three: Inuyasha and Kikyo mating night ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- Just about done now. Four more left with this one. Thank you to my beta reader named TheSparklingMoon for beta reading this story for me.

Chapter thirty-three: Inuyasha and Kikyo mating night

The barrier went down; Sesshomaru was the first to get to Kagome. He took out his sword and willed it to listen to him. He finally saw the pall-bearers forming around Kagome's dead still form, with two strikes the pall-bearers were destroyed. The breaks of Kagome's bones and cuts from Naraku's attacks disappeared as he flew to her.

Sesshomaru waited for her to come around. As her blue eyes opened wide and she smiled at him, he grabbed her around her waist and gently kissed her lips. He pulled away from her and gave her a glare that said, "Never do that again." Then he let her go and saw her give hugs to Kikyo, Inuyasha, Miroku and Kirara. He was glad she was back in his life. She stopped when she saw the jewel of four souls, pure black as it was tainted. Gently picking it up, the jewel shined as it turned back to pure, with the large missing space of jewel shards that she has.

"Kagome, let's go home," Sesshomaru stated at them all.

Kagome turned to him and smiled as she nodded her head at Sesshomaru. "Let's" She went over to him and waited to be picked up.

Sesshomaru picked her up and encased her to his form while he flew back to his palace. Kagome sighed at the jewel, her mind went to what wish could she make that wouldn't be selfless. She knew no wish would be selfless as all wishes are selfish. She sighed again as she looked at Sesshomaru.

Then she felt different as she looked down to see a village that was burnt down recently. She felt for any kind of life and gasped when she only felt energies of young ones.

"Kagome what's wrong?" Sesshomaru asked when her heard her gasp.

"The village….."

Sesshomaru looked down to actually see two children on the ground holding each other. He descended down a bit away from the two children he had seen. After landing, Kagome saw old dried blood on the huts around her and Sesshomaru smelled the blood as he nodded his head at Kagome, and they began to walk.

Kagome went around the village and saw the two children, stopping a little away from them, Kagome called out,"Hello."

The two children looked up at her and each of their eyes showed hungriness, sadness, anguish, with tears on their faces. Kagome could see one was a male and another was a female, siblings she thought as she saw the brother standing in front of her sister. That indicated to her that he was the older sibling that protected his younger sister. It still shocked her that they only looked around...well the brother around five or six summers old and the sister was around three or four summers old.

"Who are you?" The older boy asked as he was still in front of his sister.

"My name is Kagome, What's yours?" Kagome stated then asked the brother.

"I don't know. Why are you here?" the brother stated then asked again.

"I'm worried about you, and that is the reason I came here," Kagome blurted at them both as she smiled at them too. "This is Sesshomaru," Kagome pointed to Sesshomaru as he came back and nodded his head at them.

"Sesshomaru, go see where Inuyasha is." Kagome asked him to do.

"Hai, I can do that, I will be back soon." Sesshomaru confirmed. Then he went to see where he saw.

The little girl asked, "Can we trust you and him?"

Kagome smiled at the question "What do you think? Little one,"

The girl came out from behind her brother and looked at Kagome very closely to see if she could hurt them.

"I don't think you would hurt us," The little girl stated at her.

"I will never hurt children, I would kill myself before I would ever do that," Kagome confessed at them.

"Really?" The brother asked this time.

"Children I love them so much, that it pains me to see children that are hurt or abused by their parents," Kagome blurted out. "My question is. Would you like to come with Sesshomaru and me to the palace of the moon to live as wards or my adopted children?"

"Sesshomaru, the great demon of the west…" The brother said in awe.

"What does...adopted mean?" the little girl stumbles over the word as she asked.

"That means that you and your brother would be my children until you are old enough to look after yourselves." Kagome answered to the question.

"So… you would be my new mommy?" The little girl asked.

"Only if you want me to be your new mommy," Kagome answered.

The little girl smiled as she cried and then launched herself at Kagome's opened arms. "There, there honey,"

The brother looked at Kagome then his sister, and questioned "I will be your son?"

"Hai, you will be my son, as your sister will be my daughter. Sesshomaru is my mate, he would be your father," Kagome slowly said at them both.

The two children hugged Kagome tight with tears coming down their faces.

"Little ones, would you like new names?" Kagome asked after she saw her friends and her mate.

"Hai," They both said.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled out, scaring the children.

"Inuyasha sit boy," Kagome got up from the ground. "Don't yell so loud,"

Kikyo giggled at Inuyasha's face as she stood beside Miroku and Sesshomaru. She then looked at Kagome to see two young children by her as their clothes were too short for them and in rags. Her heart growled at this and thought what kind of parents would leave their children looking like that. Kikyo knew in her heart Kagome took them as her children and she longed for her own.

"Mommy who are they?" The little girl asked.

"The one on the ground is your new uncle Inuyasha. Sesshomaru come here," Kagome told them.
Sesshomaru walked over to his mate and kneeled down to the children level, as he stated in a clearly tone, "Hello, you children," Sesshomaru knew and heard what Kagome said and would do anyway, as he smiled gently at them.

"Daddy," The little girl stated as she bashfully hugged him.

"Father," the brother stated as he smiled at him.

"Daughter, Son," Sesshomaru replied to them as he saw smiles that could, and would light up the dark.

"But who are they?" The brother asked as he pointed to the other two.

"That is Auntie Kikyo and Uncle Miroku," Kagome stated as Kikyo and Miroku came over to the children.

"Hello little ones," Kikyo said as Inuyasha got and also smiled at them, and then sniffed the air. "Sesshomaru,"

Sesshomaru smelled it also, and nodded his head at Inuyasha. "Kagome and the rest stay here,"
Sesshomaru took off with Inuyasha following him both were out of sight as Kagome glared at Sesshomaru's back.

"Let's go," Kagome stated.

Kikyo and Miroku knew that Kagome was mad, as she gently took the children's hands and took off in the same direction as Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

"Mommy, are you mad?" the brother asked.

"A bit son, but not at you or your sister, I'm just a bit mad at Sesshomaru," Kagome stated as she thought over what he saw and saw the look in his eyes.

Hearing growls sounds, Kagome looked at Kirara and asked "Kirara you smell something?" Growled again as she jumped off of Miroku shoulder.

"Kirara," Kagome stated clearly at her.

Soon the growls stopped as she meowed at Kagome, and then showed the rest what direction they needed to be in. They walked for an hour before they walked into a clearing with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha standing there and Kagome sensed that something was wrong.

"Kirara, protect the children. You two stay here," Kagome ordered.

They nodded their heads at Kagome as they watched Mommy and the rest go to Father and Uncle.

"Sesshomaru what happened here?" Kagome asked as she walked more into the seeing blood, bodies, and body parts all on the ground. It was a massacre and Kagome felt sick when she saw a female on the ground with her eyes ripped out and her arms and legs missing. Placing down the urge to retch, she looked around to see two cribs not far off from her. She walked over to them to see twin's girl's demon pups laying there.

"Sesshomaru" Kagome cried out as he appeared right beside her.

Sesshomaru looked at Kagome, then at the crib. Seeing twin's demoness pups, he looked at the wounds they had and his heart dropped as both had the same wound over their naked chest, arms and legs. All was not lost because he heard "Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump" In their chest cavity. "Kagome, they are alive," Sesshomaru stated gently to her.

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru, "Are you sure?'

He nodded his head at her as he saw her bright smile. She placed her hands over them both, summoning a bit of her reiki that had come back, and healed the twin girls. Crying after they woke up, Kagome took them both and started to rock them back and forth humming to them to calm them down.

"Kikyo over here," Kagome heard Inuyasha choked out. She could hear him sniffing, "It just be bad if Inuyasha had sniffs." She thought sadly.

"Sesshomaru..." Kagome started as she looked around for him to find that he was healing three human children by licking their wounds with his tongue making them heal. She then turned to Miroku who was now walking her way with a baby within his arms. "Kagome," Kagome nodded her head at Miroku as she took the baby and saw large vertical cuts around the baby's belly. Summoning up her reiki, she healed the baby within her arms. Kagome was breathing hard now, but she gave back Miroku the baby and picked up the twins.

Kagome looked back at Sesshomaru to see him bringing two of the three human children that he healed, to her. She then looked at Kikyo to see her walking with two babies that were hanyou's. This village had demons, humans and hanyou, maybe that's why they were attack the badly.

Sesshomaru tried using Tessaiga to bring back some of the parents but the sword wasn't working at all. He healed some more hanyous, kits, pups and cubs from around the village and bought them back to Kagome. She had the rest of them around her with Kikyo making sure that they are okay.

After the last pup was healed by him, he walked over to Kagome as she held onto the twins that she found before.

"How could someone do this?" Kagome asked, crying out.

"A group," Inuyasha snarled out loud as he held onto a new born pup.

"Kirara come," Miroku said and Kirara flew out as she landed with the two siblings. They looked around the village and cried a bit at the dead people.

"Honey's it's okay," Kagome told them as to confront them. "How are we going to all get them back to the palace?"

"I can send out a signal," Sesshomaru stated, he was enraged by what happened to this village.

Kagome nodded her head at him, so he could do it. Looking at him,, she felt his youki rise up and go outwards towards his palace.

Sesshomaru looked back at his mate and knew that she would probably adopted more, but he didn't mind as he had an heir Toga. He knew from what his mate and his beast talked about that she wanted a big family. So now he wondered how many pups would he get by the old fashioned way?

He smelled some of the older children, kits, cubs or pups would be awakening soon, as he looked over all of them there was six hanyou's that were cubs, seven that were pups and three that were kits. Nine human children, twelve full demons four were pups, four were cubs [felines], and two were bunnies and the last two were eyas [Hawk babies].

One by one the older children woke up and they screamed as they saw Kagome and the rest.
"Don't be afraid, little ones," Kagome calmly stated to them as she showed her smiled at them.

"Who are you?" The oldest asked.

"My name is Kagome, the demon behind you all is my mate Sesshomaru, the male to my right is my friend named Miroku, the other male is Sesshomaru's younger brother Inuyasha and this is his mate named Kikyo, We sensed trouble, we came and this…"Kagome pointed around them all. "is what we found," Kagome stated at them again.

"This bad guy with a group came and killed the men first, then the females, and then us," the oldest sadly said to them.

"Could you tell us what he looked like?" Kagome gently asked.

The second oldest from what it look like nodded his head," He had long black hair; the rest had black or brown hair. The sharpest black eyes with a cruel smile, with long robes of black and red with a symbol,"

Sesshomaru growled at the description, and then asked calmly to the children. "What did the symbol look like?"

The oldest remembered the symbol and drew it on the ground. After he was done the symbol was a star with eight arrows pointing in all directions.

Then Sesshomaru growled loudly scaring the children. "Sesshomaru, calm down mate,"

He gave a look at Kagome, but didn't say anything to her as he stated clearly "That is Taromaru's symbol, he was the Southern lord before, my grandfather and the rest of the lords over threw him. He was making a war to destroy all humans, demons and hanyou that didn't summit to his rule."

"How is he alive?" Miroku asked.

"He never was killed by anyone. He escaped into the main land, from what my grandfather told my father that told me," Sesshomaru recalled to them.

"So he's back," Kagome stated.

"It seems so now," Sesshomaru pondered.

"Lady Kagome," The oldest stated.

"Just Kagome and what are your names?" Kagome stated firstly then asked.

"I'm Shin, "The oldest supplied out to Kagome.

"I'm Naoko," The second oldest supplied.

"I'm Kei,"



"Aya," they said one after thee another.

"What about the rest?" Kikyo asked.

"They just came into the village," Aya replied.

Soon they all heard sounds of marching coming in their direction and the children looked scared. Soon the western soldiers came into the clearing land there were around twenty soldiers that walked out.

"Milord," The general Dai said as they all bowed to them.

"This Sesshomaru orders to you help carry the young ones back to the palace." Sesshomaru ordered them.

"They are Sesshomaru's men, they are here to help," Kagome stated as she held onto the twins, then got up from the ground.

"Milady," they bowed to her.

Soon the children were carried by soldiers of the west with the rest walking all the way back to the palace.

Hours later, the whole herd got to the palace and they placed all the pups, cubs, eyas, and the infants into the hospital wing where the older children and Koshi waited for them to wake up.

….Sesshomaru's office….

"Lord Kenta, Lord Daigoro and Lord Susumu, this Sesshomaru has bad news," Sesshomaru stated.

Their nodded their heads at them, "Taromaru is back,"

Lord Kenta shouted in rage," That demon is back!"

"Taromaru!" Lord Susumu snarled at the name.

"How do you know it is him?" Lord Daigoro asked.

"Naraku is gone now, on the way back, my mate found two human children in a burnt down village. She talked to them and while she did that, this Sesshomaru and Inuyasha smelled lots of blood coming from a village in the area. We went to check it out and saved most of the children that are in this Sesshomaru's hospital wing. Some of the older children told us of a symbol and drew it for us. It was a star with eight arrows pointing in all directions." Sesshomaru stated.

"That's him," Lord Kenta replied. "Lords we need to get home and prepare for battle,"

"Before that, We also need to trail Princess Hama, as she tried to kill my mate with poison and then almost killed her again while she was still too weak to defend herself." Sesshomaru stated.
Lord Susumu looked down at the ground and sighed at him "Let's get this done,"

They all nodded their heads and went into the dungeons where Princess Hama was after her father gave her a beating. Once they got to the lower steps, Princess Hama was looking at them with a busted lip with dried blood on her chin, with slashes across her stomach and arms.

"So I guess this is it," Princess Hama replied sharply at them.

"Be silent," Lord Kenta snarled at her.

"Father are you just going to let him talk to me like that?" Princess Hama asked.

"You are no daughter for mine, my daughter would have listened to her mother," Lord Susumu seethed out at her.

"We the four lords of the land, pass judgment on you, the second princess of the southern land Princess Hama, your sentence is …."


Kagome raced down the steps as she glared her eyes at all the lords then looked at Princess Hama to see that she was beaten up badly.

"Mate, this didn't concern you," Sesshomaru stated at her.

"Yes, it does, she tried to kill me but jeez ... let me think oh yeah all my friends at the beginning tried to kill me too. Oh and this, you tried to kill me too." Kagome snarled at him. "You lords are way low even bad; you say you protect your lands and its people. But this..." Points to the princess, "even lower than before…think about this you are giving her the easy way out by death. She had very everything handed to her on golden or silver palters, banish her, make her live like commoner for the rest of her life."

Then Kagome left them to think it over, "We decided against death, your sentence is eternal banishment from all the lands. You have one week to get of the area and a month to get to the main land," They all said as they walked away from her, as her body sunk to the ground crying with tears streaming down her cheeks. Two guards arrived and dragged her out of the cell and out of the palace of the moon.

…Hospital wing…

The older children faced the others and waited for them to walk up, one hour passed, then two hours passed but still not one of them was showing signs of waking up any time soon. Four hours later, Kagome came back and looked over each child. She used her reiki to see where the damage is or was.

Soon the first signs of life begin with the others. Waiting for them to wake up, Kagome sat down with Koshi aand wondered about the children.

"Lady Kagome, are they going to be okay?" Koshi asked.

"Hai, they will be," Kagome told her.

One by one the younger children woke up and told what happened to their village. Tears came from the group as Kagome's was heart torn in two at the sight of it.

"Kagome, where do we go from here?" Shin asked.

"I would like you all to stay here, if you are okay with being adopted, which means having a new family?" Kagome stated.

Shin smiled and asked, "This adopted means a new family for all of us, right?"

"Hai, it does, "Kagome said at them and smiled.


"Hai, Mizuki," Kagome asked as she saw her daughter waking into the hospital wing.

"My head hurts," Mizuki replied.

"Oh," Kagome stated as she walked over to her daughter and looked at her head. "Just a head cold," she then picked her up and rocked her back and forth.

"Who is that?" The brother asked.

"This is my real daughter named Mizuki," Kagome stated. "I have two real children, one boy and one girl and then I have two adopted children, one is a full demon kit named Shippo and a human girl named Rin, and my real son's name is Toga." Kagome smiled at them. "And hai I will love the ones that are adopted by me and my mate."

The older ones thought about it as they looked at Kagome but they all looked at the door to see two other females walking into the wing.

"Auntie Kikyo," The sister said.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Kikyo,"

Sango stood up next, "I'm Sango or Auntie Sango, and Kagome are you okay?"

"Hai, I'm fine," Kagome stated at Sango.

Shin asked" Can you take anyone?"

Kagome smiled" Hai can but not all,"

Shin nodded his head at her, and then turned to Sango and Kikyo.

"Could one of you be my new mother?" Shin asked.

Kikyo and Sango smile at him and nodded their heads," Kikyo,"

"My adopted son," Kikyo smiled as he held out her arms for him to come into them.
Shin walked over to her as he was enveloped into a hug.

Then the rest asked "Save me," Naoko sadly smiled.

Sango stated," Do you want me to be your mother?"

Naoko nodded his head at her, "Then come here," Sango stated as he came over to Sango and gave her a hug. "What about my younger sister and brother?"

Sango smiled "Hai I will their mother too,"

Two more children ran over to her. Then the doors opened to see more people walking into the room.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome stated as she got up and walked over to him.

"Kagome," Sesshomaru stated at her and he gave her a hug and a kiss.

Kagome lips let go and she smiled at him. She moved close to his ear and whispered, "I trust you," She then backed up as she watched Sesshomaru smile at her.

"Kikyo," Inuyasha said as he came close to her.

"Inuyasha this is your adopted son," Kikyo replied.

"Hello, Shin," Inuyasha grinned.

"Father," Shin said.

"Miroku," Sango stared to say.

"My adopted children," Miroku smiled at them all as he also went to the baby in the crib, "Lady Kagome, this is also our adopted girl," Kagome nodded and smiled.

Lord Kenta smiled at them as his mate said "Hello, can I be new mommy?"

Many of the children nodded their heads as Lady Masa smiled and she clapped her hands. Hours later all the children had a new family.

Kagome took the small ones up the stairs with Sesshomaru helping out. Within minutes servants came to her aid. "Milady, Milord,"

"Please wash the new children and make sure they are in bed soon as have had a long day," Kagome stated to them, as they nodded their heads.

"Kagome," Sesshomaru said" We need to talk,"

They went into his room as he turned to her. "How many pups are we going to have and not adopted?"

"Sesshomaru, I trust you and your beast, but for now I'm not ready to have any more pups until a sign or a feeling comes to me. That goes for us mating fully too," Kagome replied as she looked down at the ground.

Sesshomaru smiled at her words as he walked closer to her, placing his finger under her chin, and lifted it up, "Kagome, I will wait for you, " He kissed her lips again gently and passionately then let her go

Kagome smiled at him and walked out of the room. Soon messages were sent out to Kaede, Koga about the final battle with Naraku and telling them he was defeated. Meanwhile, all the children were in bed for the night.

….Inuyasha and Kikyo…..

"Kikyo are you ready to become my true mate?" Inuyasha asked.

Kikyo smiled and her nodded her at him then stated clearly," Hai, I would love to become your true mate,"

Inuyasha picked her up and jumped out of their window down to the eastern side of the palace of the moon. Jumping over the walls, the guards saw them and smirked, they knew what lord Inuyasha was going to do. Soon Inuyasha and his precious female were at mountains, Inuyasha raced into the cave that was at the bottom with lamps that were lit up.

Lying Kikyo down on the mat that he had placed on the ground, Inuyasha went over to place his sword down when a voice came out from the sword and a ghost form appeared with long silver hair and golden eyes, which showed gentleness within them.

"My Son," the ghost said.

"Father?" Inuyasha said in shock.

"Hai, my son, Inuyasha," Inuyasha father said.

"Inuyasha, you have found your soul mate, but to make the full bond with her is two ways. One is you go fully human but with demon powers or go as a full demon," His father stated.

"Father, why?" Inuyasha gawped out.

His father rolled his eyes at his youngest as he stated,' would you like for your mate to live as long as you do?"

"Hai, I do," Inuyasha confirmed.

"Either full human with demon powers or fully demon?" He asked again.

"Full demon," Inuyasha clearly beamed at him.

"I Toga Tashio, the former lord of the western lands give this last gift to you, my youngest son to protect your soul mate for all eternaty, I rid of you of you human blood and give you demon blood. Your marks will appear with two dark blue strips, and a smaller crescent moon on your forehead showing that you are a part of my family and my pack, Live long my son," Toga Tashio disappeared into the spirit world forever to live in peace as he watched over his family.

Inuyasha felt different now, as he turned to Kikyo that was in shock to what just happened. She quickly had a smile on her face as she stood up and gently kissed Inuyasha and waited for him to take over.

Inuyasha snapped out of whatever he was in, as he kissed Kikyo back while he gently taking off her clothes keeping them rip free. As he worshiped her body, needing her breasts and thighs all over her body as her arousal made him bigger. He rolled her over and pulled her up to her knees.
As he took off his clothes as he licked and nibble her thighs and her core that was dripping wet as her moans and groans were making it hard on him to not go fast and hurt her.

"Inuyasha just get on with it," Kikyo yelled at him.

Inuyasha nodded his head and impaled her hard as she gave a silent scream of pleasure and pain together, as he thrusted in and out. Kikyo was losing he mind as the pleasure that Inuyasha was giving her; she didn't want him to stop at all. Grunting, Inuyasha thrusted and plunged faster and harder as he felt her release closing in soon. He also felt his release coming on soon too, still plunge in and out, he stopped and moved forward as he gently grabbed Kikyo clitoris rubbing it making Kikyo trying to thrust back into him, she screamed as her release suddenly came down on her, she came with heavy breathes.

"I love you," Inuyasha whispered into her ear, while thrusting back in and out again. Starting the progress again, Kikyo once again moaned and groaned in pleasure as she felt her release coming again. Inuyasha could feel a pressure building in his lions; he knew it would be ending soon.
Kikyo cried out once again as her release was powerful wrapping her reiki all over her body it was pale pink. Inuyasha felt his own release as he thrusted two more times and buried himself into her hot and slick passage with his seed. Inuyasha felt himself locking into place while his eyes went bright red with a natural snarl from his throat; Kikyo moved her head to give him access to her neck.

Inuyasha bit down on her nice slender porcelain neck, making her whimper in pain as his fangs poured his yokai into her making her his forever. Taking them out, he turned her head over while his was still locked within her, he roughly stated" Bite me," Kikyo nodded her head as she lifted her head towards his neck and bit hard, until she felt blood in her mouth. Letting go, she licked him and soon fell asleep from the ritual that was just done. Inuyasha licked her a bit and held her to his chest, growling softly he too fell asleep.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Three more to go now. Bye

Adopting Children
Brother – No Name yet
Sister – no name yet
Twin 1 – no Name yet
Twin 2 – No Name yet

pup[female]- No Name yet

his brother- No name yet
his sister- No name yet
A baby girl - No Name yet