InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Smells ❯ Kagome Smells - Back To the Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome Smells - Back To the Past
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
Her three days were up.
She glanced out the window towards the well house. If she didn't hurry up, a very angry hanyou would come bounding out of there to take her back.
Kagome immediately detected the change in her own scent. “They say people can't smell themselves, but youkai can,” she thought, wistfully. She pondered the last three days in school and her scent began returning to normal.
She had been right about Hojo. He was a nice guy, but not her type. Out of curiosity she had investigated him a little further (especially in light of the seventh grade boy who had a crush on him), but Hojo had proved not to be gay. Just, well, dull.
It had been an ego boost to detect just how many boys reacted when she walked by. Kagome had even experimented a little by wiggling her hips a little more when she walked.
The scents had gotten spicier, and even a little heady. Then there was one that smelled like anger. Confused, Kagome had turned around to find another girl leading a boy off by the ear. She had gotten a little ashamed of herself and since then kept reminding herself not to “flaunt it.”
Her real shock had occurred only a few hours ago. After gym class, right after everyone had gotten out of the shower, one of the girls remarked that for someone who was sick from school so much, she looked remarkably fit. In fact, the girl had said, she had a great body.
Kagome hadn't known what to say, so she bowed politely and thanked the girl. Before she looked up, there was that spicy scent again. It reminded her of Sango's response to Miroku, but it was coming from this girl standing before her. Kagome thanked the girl again, turned back towards her own locker and walked away, hoping the girl didn't see her blush. Unfortunately, however, she must have put a little wiggle in her walk, because the girl's scent spiked as she watched the miko's butt retreating.
Kagome returned her concentration to packing her bag. She had been mortified that she had encouraged the girl…and Kagome certainly wasn't interested.
The only good thing about the episode was that it gave her something to think about if her own scent spiked around a certain hanyou. “But, on the other hand,” she thought, I should keep things as normal as possible or InuYasha will suspect.”
Kagome frowned. This was going to be complicated.
“Would ya stop buggin' me? She said three days. Three days.”
“Go back and get her, InuYasha,” yelled Shippo. “It's your fault she went home in the first place!”
“Look, runt. She'll come back in the afternoon `cause that's when her school is over.”
“I'm sure InuYasha is right, Shippo,” said the monk. “It's not as if she would stay away because he did anything to upset her.”
“Knock it off, Miroku…or would you like to see how much of your shakujou can reach were the sun don't shine?”
“No need to get testy, InuYasha.”
“Maybe she would appreciate it if you went to get her, InuYasha,” said Sango. “You could help her carry her bag…or something.”
Shippo hopped onto the taijiya's shoulder and leaned forward into the hanyou's face. “Just go apologize, baka. Obviously she left because you upset her.”
“Feh! I didn't do anything.”
“Baka InuYasha! Baka! Baka! Baka!”
Miroku and Sango looked at each other as a string of muffled curses erupted from the now prone hanyou. The monk walked the short distance to the well, peered down into it until his eyes adjusted to the light and then looked back at Sango. “Yes, Lady Kagome is back.”
“If you guys are done fooling around up there, how about a hand? This pack is heavy.”
“Of course.” Both Miroku and Sango helped Kagome out of the well. As soon as the miko had her feet on firm ground, a small ball of fur flew past the monk and taijiya, almost succeeding in knocking Kagome off her feet.
“You came back!”
“Of course, Shippo.”
“Bring me anything?”
“Hmmm. Some new crayons and some more paper.”
Shippo looked up hopefully. “Candy?”
“Did I forget candy?” Kagome took pity on the kitsune child. “No, I think I brought some. I'll dig it out of my pack when we get to Kaede's.” Kagome turned to InuYasha, who was finally being released from his subjugation spell. “Let's go, guys. I'm sure dog-boy will bring my pack when he recovers.”
And with that, Kagome turned and led the way back to the village.
Kagome gave a little sigh of relief. At least the hanyou had made her return easier. Sure enough, just as she had feared, her renewed proximity to InuYasha had triggered scent changes she was sure the hanyou would detect. Fortunately, her anger at InuYasha's treatment of Shippo had allowed her to disguise her response.
If she was lucky, all he had smelled was her anger. And if she could stay at least a little angry at him all the time (something she didn't think would be difficult), she might be able to mask the effect he had on her…or at least confuse him about it.
She would talk with Kaede about the situation. Maybe she could help. Mama Higurashi had urged the young miko to use her new power to determine InuYasha's true feelings towards her, but Kagome felt she would be happier rid of it. Maybe Kaede could help.
It had taken a lot of doing, but they had finally gotten rid of InuYasha. Kaede had sent the hanyou after a medicinal herb that would take a full day to retrieve.
“And what is it ye wish to talk about, child?” Kaede listened patiently as Kagome reported all the trials and tribulations she had undergone as the result of acquiring InuYasha's sense of smell.
“I don't know what to do,” said Kagome. “I'm learning not to let it overwhelm me, but it's weird to be able to tell so much about someone from their scent.”
“I see.”
“You know that old saying about smelling fear? I can smell fear.”
“And you can smell other things, too. Is that it?”
Kagome replied weakly, “Yes.”
“And this nervousness of yours must relate to InuYasha, elsewise ye would never have insisted on sending him off.”
“Is it possible to remove this power.”
“Aye, it is possible.”
Kagome felt like a weight had been removed from her shoulders. “What do I do?”
“Cut off your nose.”
Kaede sighed and sat down, motioning for the young miko to sit beside her. “What do ye know of youkai mating?”
“I know they mate for life and that it involves the sharing of blood. Sango told me that much.”
“Not all youkai mate for life.”
“Inu-youkai do, however.”
Kagome sighed in relief and then became flustered as she realized what she had revealed to the older miko. “P-Please don't tell anyone!”
“Your secret's safe with me, child.” Kaede turned serious again. “During youkai mating, if your auras accepted each other, sharing blood would allow you to share powers and characteristics ye each have.”
“Such as InuYasha's sense of smell?”
“Aye. We have learned something of importance.”
“Which is?”
“We now know your auras accept each other. Have ye noticed any change in your miko powers?”
“Good. Most often a miko's powers would be rendered impotent by such a bond.” Kaede looked at Kagome meaningfully. “InuYasha knows this.” The old miko returned to a more conversational tone. “Your powers appear not to be affected.”
“So I could (Kagome blushed very deeply) mate with InuYasha and retain my powers?”
“Ye would still be able to sense the jewel shards.”
Kagome bit her lower lip. It infuriated her that InuYasha might be keeping her at arm's distance because he thought he might lose his “shard detector” if he didn't. On the other hand, she had to admit, she still wasn't any closer to knowing InuYasha's true feelings. “And you say there's no way to get rid of this youkai sense?”
“I'm afraid not.”
InuYasha had found the herb Kaede asked for and was on his way back to the village. He hoped it had something to do with curing headaches, `cause the way Kagome was acting was sure giving him one. That was for sure.
Just before she had gone home to her family, there had been that incident with the tall flower and the wind. While the hanyou prided himself in not being a hentai like the monk, he was not against enjoying what chance brought his way. So when Kagome had bent over and the wind had lifted her skirt, InuYasha had enjoyed the view.
And where was the harm, anyway? Her back was to him. She would, of course, assume that he would do the honorable thing by looking away. And, with his youkai reflexes, by the time she turned around, he would be looking away.
He felt hurt that she had acted like she had caught him red handed, staring at her butt. He had been staring at it (and it was a very nice butt), but that was beside the point. Wasn't it?
InuYasha began to feel guilty. Was this some kind of new Miko power Kagome was developing? Early on, there were times Kikyo pinned him to trees with arrows that he thought she could almost read his mind.
“Read my mind?” InuYasha recoiled. “No! She mustn't see that!” What if Kagome could see his dreams? The hanyou made a mental note to sleep farther from Kagome, but still close enough to protect her…and the others, of course.
“Oh, hi, Sango.”
“Kagome.” The taijiya joined the miko, who looked deep in thought. “What are you doing?”
“Kaede said the only things I could do were to either cut off my nose or to practice with this new power and learn all I can about it.” Kagome's shoulders slumped. “But that's not the problem.”
“What is the problem, then?”
“I should have realized it before, Sango. I don't know why I didn't. InuYasha's had this power all his life. He can smell my fear when I'm in trouble, he can smell my anger when he's chasing Shippo or trailing after Kikyo like a lost puppy…”
Sango bristled at that one.
“…and he can sense it when I lust after him!” Kagome began to sob.
“Lust?” thought Sango. “Oh, come on, Kagome. You're not like that hentai monk!”
Kagome looked up at Sango and sniffed. “You lust after Miroku.”
“I do not.”
“What about that morning by the campfire? The scent was coming off you in waves.”
“Th-That,” stammered the taijiya, “didn't mean anything. That was a dream, and dreams don't count.”
“Maybe if he'd stop looking at other women and asking them if they'd bear him a son…”
“Double ha!” Kagome gave a little sniff. “I can smell it on you. Just talking about Miroku has your scent all spicy.”
“I don't think so.”
“I'll prove it to you,” pronounced the miko. “You in?”
“I…I guess so. But you'll be sorry. I do not lust after…”
Kagome interrupted. “The next time Miroku takes a bath? You're coming with me! We're gonna spy on him.”
Sango's eyes got very large.
“Ah, ah, ah. No backing out now.”
“Welcome back, InuYasha. Are those the herbs for Kaede?”
“Keh. Yeah.”
“Odd,” said Miroku.
“Feh. What's odd?”
“Why would Kaede send you after herbs for impotence?” Miroku smirked at his friend. Is there something you're not telling us, InuYasha? I know many secrets of love. Perhaps I can help.”
InuYasha growled. “Save it, bouzu. I don't need help with that!”
Miroku chuckled and then turned serious again. “I was about to take a bath, InuYasha. Perhaps, after your dusty trip, you would care to take a bath, yourself.”
“Nahhh, I don't…really…need one.” InuYasha stopped talking as he watched the monk go through the gyrations of smelling his own armpits…among other simulated checks of his own hygiene…all the time pointing at the hanyou. “Okay, okay. I get it. I'll drop this off at Kaede's and meet you at the hot springs.”
“Are you certain?” asked the taijiya.
“Yup, that's Miroku…headed for the hot springs,” answered Kagome. “I can even smell some of that soap I gave him. It's Miroku, alright.”
“I…I've changed my mind. I'm not going.”
“You're going.”
“Kagome, I…”
All of a sudden, Kagome got a worried look.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“'kay.” Kagome smiled. “We're going to do this another time.”
“What's going on, Kagome?”
“Nothing…nothing. InuYashaistakingabathtoo.”
Sango's eyes narrowed. “He is, huh?”
A/N: What's this? Kagome was going to force Sango to spy on a bathing Miroku…and then InuYasha's going to take a bath, too? Sounds like Kagome may be getting in over her head.
Please read and review. As always, reviews = inspiration for more chapters. Thanks!