InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Smells ❯ Kagome Smells - Turnabout ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome Smells - Turnabout
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
“How do I get myself into these things,” thought Kagome. Here the last thing she wanted was to stir InuYasha's suspicions, yet here she was with Sango...sneaking up on the monk and the hanyou while they bathed.
The only good things were that they were downwind of the hot springs and that the best concealment lay in the direction of their approach. With any luck, the breeze would carry their own scent away from InuYasha and mask any slight noises they made as well.
At least as long as the wind held.
Kagome looked ahead to where Sango was leading the way. What was with the taijiya? Usually she was so reserved that you'd have to drag her, kicking and screaming, anywhere Miroku might be seen, say, shirtless (not that he wore shirts in this age). Kagome could only assumed that Sango hadn't been able to resist trapping the miko after Kagome trapped her.
Kagome looked up from where she was crawling, commando style, to see the taijiya motioning for her to come forward and join her. Kagome checked the breeze and discovered her luck was still holding. “Take it easy, Kagome girl. All you have to do is avoid looking at InuYasha.” She inched up to where Sango was waiting.
The scents of Miroku and InuYasha were strong. Kagome gulped as she discovered that they were a little closer to the hot springs than she would have liked. They were almost close enough to hear what InuYasha and Miroku were saying (although, in truth, she could only pick up a word here and there).
Kagome watched as Sango inched forward to where she could see the monk and hanyou in the hot springs. Kagome knew when Sango saw them because she froze…knowing that the slightest movement could give them away to InuYasha's eyes.
The change in Sango's scent was noticeable already. The miko sat quietly back where no one at the hot springs could see her and shook her head. The same breeze that protected the two girls also carried an occasional word to them.
“…Kaede…to get…”
“I told you…………….shut up!”
“But, InuYasha………………..impotence…… .”
All of a sudden Sango's shoulders hunched ever so slightly…while her scent spiked massively. It was enough to knock Kagome out of her stupor and she glanced up in time to see the taijiya edging backwards, away from her vantage point. When Sango thought it was safe, she levered herself up on one elbow, pivoted to face Kagome and began motioning that they should leave.
The miko was back in her stupor.
Sango grabbed her friend's arm and gently pulled in the direction away from the hot springs.
Kagome sat, staring into space.
Sango tugged harder and Kagome finally allowed herself to be led away by the taijiya.
“It explains so much,” mumbled Kagome.
“What are you talking about?” asked Sango, whose blush was only then starting to wear off.
“Didn't you hear them? InuYasha is impotent!”
“Impotent!” said Kagome in a hoarse whisper.
“What are you talking about?”
“You had to hear.”
“I…ummm…was distracted.”
“What do you mean, `distracted?'” blurted out the miko. “How could you miss something like that?”
“InuYasha dunked Miroku and then Miroku stood up.”
“I mean, it's so…oh.” Kagome noticed that Sango was blushing furiously as she recalled the scene. “Well, what did you see?”
“Is he well-endowed?”
The miko just continued to look at her friend expectantly. “Well?”
Sango hung her head. “Yes.”
“What did you say?”
“I could smell your reaction.” Kagome giggled. “I figured you saw something good.”
“I have a confession to make, Kagome.”
“What is it, Sango?”
The taijiya blushed again, slightly. “I was planning on getting you to look at InuYasha. I…I figured that if you got me to look, it was only fair if you looked too.”
Kagome became downcast. “I don't think it matters now, Sango.”
“Didn't you hear, Sango?”
“I was…distracted.”
“InuYasha is impotent,” sobbed Kagome.
“…a hanyou without a hard-on.”
“Dog-boy's a dud.”
Kagome broke out of her reverie to notice her friend's extreme agitation. “Sorry, Sango.”
It took until dinnertime, but Sango was finally able to help Kagome collect herself. When Shippo came to tell them that Kaede had some stew ready, the taijiya and the miko headed back to the elder miko's hut for a bite to eat.
Miroku and InuYasha were already inside, eating, when the girls entered. Both girls dished themselves out a bowl of stew and both girls had just sat down when Kagome began first to tear up.
Of course InuYasha detected her tears immediately.
“Oi, what's wrong with you?”
Kagome sniffed and started to cry.
“What did I do?”
“Come on, Kagome,” Sango stage-whispered. “Keep it together.”
Both the monk and the hanyou stared at the taijiya and then returned their attention to the distraught miko.
“What is wrong, Lady Kagome?” asked Miroku. “Is someone giving you a hard time?”
Kagome stared at the monk for a moment and then bawled louder.
“Keh! I know I haven't done anything!”
For some reason, this caused Kagome to wail uncontrollably.
InuYasha was totally confused. “Why is she crying?” He sniffed the air. There was Sango's scent. As usual, she sported the slightly spicy quality she always carried in Miroku's presence…slightly muted due to her concern for Kagome. Miroku had the spicy and heady scent he always carried around the taijiya. And there was Kagome's scent…as spicy and heady as it always…wait…where was the spicy and heady scent Kagome always had around him?
There it was! But…a lot weaker than usual. InuYasha couldn't quite put his finger on exactly why, but this worried him…a lot. He caught her eyes with his own golden gaze. She paused and gave a great, wet sniff…and started wailing again.
“What the hell?” thought InuYasha. “What's your problem, wench?”
It didn't help when Shippo piped up. “What did you do to Kagome, InuYasha? Baka InuYasha! Baka, baka, baka!”
Kagome snuffled again. “Please stop it, Shippo. InuYasha hasn't done anything.”
“That's right! I ain't done nothin' to Kagome…and I ain't going to!”
Kagome started wailing again.
“I don't know what her problem is, but maybe a shard hunt will take her mind off it.” InuYasha, Miroku and Shippo sat outside Kaede's hut while Kagome slept inside, having finally cried herself out.
“Good thinking, InuYasha,” said Miroku. “Placing Kagome in terrifying, life-threatening situations should be enough to take her mind off just about anything.”
“What are you trying to say, monk?”
“Isn't it obvious, InuYasha? We must find out what is bothering Lady Kagome.”
“How the hell do we do that?”
“Well, the way I figure it,” Shippo broke in, “it's gotta involve you.”
InuYasha growled. “And why's that, runt?”
“Anytime Kagome's upset, it's always your fault.”
“Why, you…!” InuYasha jumped up and began chasing the kitsune. Just as he caught him and brought his closed fist down on Shippo's head, there was a `poof' and the hanyou found himself striking a stone statue. “Owwww! Damn you, Shippo!”
Sango emerged from Kaede's hut. “Calm down, InuYasha. You'll disturb Kagome…and it won't help if she awakens to your chasing Shippo, you know.”
Inside the hut, Kagome was, indeed, waking up. “What am I doing?” she thought. “Mama didn't raise me to sit around, full of self-pity. The miko began considering her options. What can I do about this?”
Kagome took a sniff of her surroundings. The medicinal herbs that were always present in Kaede's hut interfered with her new sense, but after concentrating a bit she was able to detect the distinctive scents of Sango, Miroku and Shippo. And…yes…there was the pine forest and fresh mountain stream scent of InuYasha.
He seemed to have a different scent about him now. Kagome concentrated on what it seemed to convey to her and finally got an impression of “concern.”
InuYasha was worried about her. Well, she could be glad that he cared…but where was the usual spicy, heady scent she was coming to associate with the hanyou?
Had it all been an illusion?
Her mind traveled back to what had upset her and groaned: it didn't matter how she felt about InuYasha now. Dog-boy couldn't get it up. (She blushed at thinking that way, but couldn't help it.)
Or could he?
Her rational mind began to take hold. Evidently he had responded to her…and very recently, too. What could have affected InuYasha so badly that it would cripple him (gulp) this way?
Her eyes narrowed. Kikyo.
All those time InuYasha had run off to Kikyo had done something to him. Kikyo wouldn't mind. In fact, she would welcome it if InuYasha couldn't respond to her “poor imitation.” It would be easier to drag him to hell if the hanyou felt like there was nothing holding him here.
But was the effect irreversible? What could she do to find out?
Kagome thought back to her experiences in school and the angry girl who had dragged her boyfriend off by the ear when she caught him ogling the miko. Kagome had promised herself not to “flaunt it” after that, but this was an emergency. If she didn't do something, the effect Kikyo was having on InuYasha would depress him so much that he would actually welcome going to hell with her.
She had to do something.
But what could she do?
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
First she would have to determine how bad it really was. But how could she do that?
Obviously she would have to get InuYasha to (Kagome gulped) respond. Her new, youkai enhanced sense of smell would let her know when she had succeeded in doing that.
Again, Kagome wished she had never acquired the youkai-enhanced sense in the first place. But she had it now and would have to deal with it. Now, how could she determine the extent of the damage without revealing to InuYasha that she could smell things as well as he could. Well, not quite as well. He had had a lifetime to learn all the nuances of his sense of smell. She was still learning.
Kagome gulped again. It had to be done.
She would start small. Maybe show a little more leg. She reconsidered that one. The person who had designed the school uniform she wore was probably related to Sensie Nakimoto, the hentai! If she tried showing more leg, she might as well just take the skirt off.
The miko frowned and looked around Kaede's hut. There, there were the bandages Kaede kept on hand. Kagome carefully stuffed the bandages into her bra in such a way that it pushed her (Kagome blushed again) “assets” together, creating more cleavage.
“There,” she thought. “All I have to do now is lean towards InuYasha the right way and we'll see if he really has a problem.”
She got out a mirror she had in her backpack and examined her work. “I can't believe I'm doing this.” She walked to the door of Kaede's hut and pulled the door open a bit, sticking her head out.
“Oh, InuYasha…?”
A/N: What's this? Kagome thinks InuYasha's impotent, and she thinks Kikyo's to blame? What will she do about it and how far will she go?
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