InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, The Prized Possession ❯ Show Down! ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 18: Show Down!

Inuyasha watch Sesshomaru step aside to allow him and Miroku to enter with their luggage.

Inuyasha's eyes widened at the sight of the living room.

Interesting, Inuyasha admired. The place looks great.

Sesshomaru locked the door behind them and only looked at them in the corner of his eye as they marveled the place.

"Hey Sesshomaru," Inuyasha dropped his bag, "You have a nice pad. I hate to say it, but you do have taste."

"Taste," Miroku gripped his stomach, "about that..."

"You're my brother's friend Miroku, correct" Sesshomaru asked.

"Yea," Miroku dropped his bag and gave out his hand. "Nice meeting you. I heard a lot about you."

Sesshomaru glanced at his hand and looked up at him again, "That'll be quite all right I assure you."

Miroku brought his hand back and grimaced.

Sesshomaru...what a rude son of a...

"Could you show us to our room," Inuyasha asked while breaking the dead cold silence between his brother and friend. "I didn't sleep so I'm pretty exhausted."

"Sitting down, doing nothing on a plane ride," Sesshomaru winced, "that exhausts you? How is that different from any other day of the week?"

Don't feed into him...

"Show us," Inuyasha stated coldly as he and his brothers eyes met.

"Maybe it's up here," Miroku charged up the stairs.


Inuyasha followed.

"Excuse you," Sesshomaru began and both of them stopped. "My bedroom is up stairs and I have company mind you. I know you don't know anything about respect, so I won't scold you for your lacking. No, your beds are not in there. They are sadly by my daughter's room to which I may rearrange to save her virgin ears from your ghastly forms of entertainment."

If only he knew I've seen enough porn to last a lifetime.

Inuyasha and Miroku came down the stairs.

"Ok point it out," Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru's finger pointing west. "Gee thanks."

Fucking cock-head...

Inuyasha walked to the room with Miroku behind him.

Ok...everything else is nice about this place - my guess is that everything is nice but the room me and Miroku are going into; one way to find out.

Inuyasha twisted the knob slowly and pushed open the door.

Sesshomaru did this...fuck...I wouldn't go through this trouble.

The room was large with two queen size beds at each end of the center pushed back against the wall containing thick red comforters and pillows on one bed, while having lavender comforters and pillows on the other. In front of the bed, at the end of it; a fifty-inch screen TV stood by a stand having a Direct TV box, VCR with DVD on top of it. There were two windows and each one matching one of the colors of the bed, and one had an air-conditioner installed - ten-thousand BTU. The room even had dressers for their clothing and a walk in closet.

"This room" Miroku stood in awe, "looks better than anything I've ever owned in my entire life."

"Hey unpack will ya," Inuyasha dropped his bag and turned around.

I got a bone to pick with this guy. That room is supposed to look like shit...

"Sesshomaru," Inuyasha started as he shut the door behind him.

"What do you want?" Sesshomaru asked from the kitchen.

Ok, he's in there.

Inuyasha stormed towards the kitchen and sat down on one of the tall back chairs by the cutting board.

Why does everything he owns look great?
Sesshomaru still had sleep in his eyes as he wore a dark robe tied tight around his waist, currently pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"What," Sesshomaru yawned.

"Why doesn't that room look horrible?"

Sesshomaru looked up at him with dazed eyes and grimaced.

"So..." Inuyasha was impatient. "Cough it up."

"You're a poor bastard," Sesshomaru said simply before he drunk his juice. "What's nothing to me is astounding to you. I figure the more comfortable you are, the less you'll be in my hair. It's an even trade."

"Oh," Inuyasha shrugged, "it couldn't have been from the kindness of your heart to have me live you, eh."

Sesshomaru almost choked on his juice as he laughed.

Keh, that's what I figured...

"Let my laughing be the further assurance you need," Sesshomaru laughed some more. "I suppose you were always good for a laugh."

"So, who's your company," Inuyasha glared at him, "a nice little man with a tight ass."

Sesshomaru glared back at him, "A woman you could never get even if you made as much money as I do. Besides that, you're a fuck up. So I can only assume you're a fuck up in bed as well - why ever else do you sleep alone."


"You don't know shit," Inuyasha knocked down Sesshomaru's orange juice and stormed out of the kitchen.

He's such an arrogant bitch.

Sesshomaru looked at the spilled orange juice and smirked, "Arrogant bitch."


Inuyasha came back into the kitchen, "I want to take a shower. Where's the bathroom."

"Up stairs," Sesshomaru quoted as he used a sponge to soak up the juice. "Don't go sight seeing either."

"Whatever, bitch," Inuyasha walked out of the kitchen.



Kagome reached for Sesshomaru, and looked up when she noticed she only touched his pillow.

Where did he go?

Kagome leaned up and blocked the sunlight from her eyes with her arm that was beaming through the window.

I wonder what time it is...

Kagome put on her clothes before she exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

This is a big place...I hate to just scream his name out loud - that would be rude especially if Rin is sleeping or something. I think looking for him is the best thing to do actually.

Kagome yawned as she saw a door at the end.

I should try all the doors up here and then if he's not there then try the doors down stairs so I won't get mixed up or something.

Kagome walked slowly to the door, rubbing her eyes as if to rub away the drowsiness.

What am I doing up at this time anyway? I should be home sleeping was nice having Sesshomaru beside me. His hard body lying there naked - ugh...I shouldn't be thinking like this, this early.

Kagome leaned her ear against the door and heard running water.

So...he's in there, huh. Kagome smiled devilishly. Taking a shower, I can only imagine how his body looks, while soap is running down his back and his silver hair is all soaked...

Kagome bit her bottom lip to hold back a smile as she lightly gripped the knob and turned it slowly.

I'm going to give him a little surprise. Show him he's still on my bad side for yesterday night.

Kagome wiped her mouth as if to remove any residue of slob she might've had from sleeping as she shut the door quietly behind her. he using only hot water...?

Kagome could see that the bathroom was fairly small, a mirror that was steamed up and a large glass shower booth with sliding doors, there she could see a burry nude image of a man with silver hair allowing the water to course down his back.

Let's see, Kagome smiled. I think I ought to do something to bring out more heat then that shower could ever give off.

Kagome kicked off her sandals and lifted up her blouse.

You wanted me bare last night; let's see how you react to me in the morning.

Kagome took off her bra and then slid down her panties.

Heh, I can't believe I'm smiling so much. Maybe Sesshomaru awakened a part of me that I never knew I had.

Kagome walked slowly to the glass door and pressed her hand against it.

Now this I won't turn around for...

Kagome slid the glass door open with her hand slowly and caught an image of the man's wet silver hair; water leaked from the strands and ran down his back and over his buttocks, while he leaned his head down.


Kagome stepped in the shower behind him, and slid the glass door shut which made a sound, causing the man to lean up.

"It's me, Kagome," Kagome wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing her hard nipples against his back. "Did I scare you?"

"Kagome," His eyes widened, "Kagome!"

Kagome let go of him and he turned around.

Oh no...

"Oh my god," Kagome's jaw dropped as she quickly slid the door open to the shower to exit. "Get away from me!"

Why is he here? Why wasn't it Sesshomaru in there?

Inuyasha turned the water off and came out the shower as is, "Kagome, please, let me tell you everything."

No, not again.

Kagome pulled up her panties and put on her skirt as she rushed out of the bathroom.

What the fuck is he doing here? I don't understand...why is this happening?

Kagome had on her sandals and shirt now as she raced down the stairs, despite her wet hair that stained her blouse.

I can't believe it.

"Kagome," Inuyasha rushed down the stairs behind her, "I'm not a porn star. I was porn director. I only cast people and helped in directing it with Kikyo. Please, please wait!"

Porn director...casting...I can't hear this...

Kagome was fidgeting with the locks on the door as Inuyasha came up behind her repeating himself.

"Kagome listen to me," Inuyasha yelled, "I am not a porn star. I was never a porn star!"

"Stop it," Kagome screamed as she fought with the locks, tears suddenly running down her face. "Just get away..."

Inuyasha grabbed her by her arms and forcefully turned her around to face him where he shook her, "Listen, I am not a porn star, I was a porn director. I spoke to Kikyo in our bedroom because I didn't want to discuss the business proposition over the phone. That's all I did. I was so unhappy when you left - that's why I'm here. I left Japan to forget you."

Kagome stood there staring into his golden eyes.

What the hell...he's telling me this now!

"Kagome..." Inuyasha let go of her arms. "Please, please let me-"

"Get the hell away from her," Sesshomaru came out of the kitchen glaring at him, his eyes momentarily widened at the sight of his naked brother standing in front of his girlfriend, "Ugly son-of-a-bitch!"

Inuyasha turned around and glared back at his brother, "What is she doing here?"

"She's my girlfriend," Sesshomaru smiled wickedly, "why else would I have her spend the night."

Inuyasha's jaw dropped and his eyes widened at the sound of Sesshomaru's words. Kagome spending the night could only mean one thing to him.

"Bastard," Inuyasha snarled as he charged him.

Kagome's eyes widened as she saw Sesshomaru dodge a right-hook to the face, and then slammed his fist into Inuyasha's gut.


"Stop," Kagome gasped as she saw Inuyasha fall to his knees on the floor only to get back up and slam his fist into Sesshomaru's face. "No... Stop it!"

Sesshomaru licked the blood that fell to the side of his lip and chuckled when he saw Inuyasha threw another punch that he dodged, "Still fighting like a wild beast I see."

"Fuck you! You woman-stealing-son-of-a-bitch," Inuyasha yelled and threw a punch that would have landed on the left side of Sesshomaru's face, but Sesshomaru caught Inuyasha's wrist and twisted it behind his back. Inuyasha snarled, "Get the fuck off of me!"

"Didn't you hear me?" Kagome placed a hand on her chest as Sesshomaru threw Inuyasha into his sofa causing it to flip over. "I said stop fighting!"

They completely ignored her.

Inuyasha got up from the sofa and punched Sesshomaru so hard that he stumbled back into the TV set causing it to fall to the ground.


Inuyasha charge Sesshomaru again, but Sesshomaru grabbed him by his throat and threw him against the wall.

Kagome shook her head at the sight of them going at each other strong before she turned around to face the door.

They're, they're killing each other...

Kagome could feel more tears run down her eyes and she finally got the door open.

Is Inuyasha Sesshomaru's little brother...the one that was supposed to be coming to live with him? It must be the case or else...

Kagome heard the door slam behind her as she ran to the elevator, pressing the down signal button repeatedly.

I just want to get out of here. I can't believe they would be so primal to each other like that.

They're fighting over you...

Could it really be?

Kagome wiped her tears as she saw the elevator door open, she wasted no time rushing inside of it as she pressed the door close behind her.

I can't believe it. Inuyasha there and I'm getting in the shower thinking it's Sesshomaru and Inuyasha telling me he's not a porn star and their fighting like that...

Kagome wiped more tears away from her eyes as the door opened at the first floor.

I can't stake this...I thought everything was going fine and then this happens and...

Kagome opened the door and raised her hand to hail a cab.

They wouldn't stop fighting - couldn't we talk about this? Couldn't there be away we could figure something out. They just wouldn't listen to me!

Kagome hopped in the first cab that stopped for her, and slammed the door behind her, telling the cabby her destination.

The best thing I can do is just leave right? Kagome turned her eyes to the window to see Sesshomaru's apartment building getting further and further away.

"What could I have said to," Kagome said aloud and suddenly stopped when the cabby looked at her in the rearview mirror.

I shouldn't talk out loud or else someone will think I'm crazy. I should've left. I did the right thing. If I stayed it wouldn't have made a difference. I guess by thinking that, I agree that I'm the one who caused the fight, but...

"You know," The cabby said, "No need to be alarmed. You can talk to yourself - just don't answer yourself."


"Thanks," Kagome replied briefly.

Kagome turned her face away from the window.

I feel so weak right now. Maybe I should've done more to try and stop it but if I got between them I would've gotten pulverized. Leaving is the right thing to do...

What about what Inuyasha said...?

What of it! There's been so much time between us. If that was the case and he wasn't fucking some woman's brains out then he should've have tried harder to tell me that all he did was...

You disappeared...

I didn't give him a chance to explain, I'll admit that but...

Kagome put her face into her hand and shook her head.

I won't feel guilty for that. I found him in our bedroom talking to another woman and the porn thing - what could he have said! I wasn't out of line. I didn't do the wrong thing then and I didn't do it now.

What did Sesshomaru do?

He's caught in the middle of this shit...I can't leave. I can't...

"Could you turn around please," Kagome turned her face to the side so the cabby couldn't see tears falling. "I left something behind. You don't have to wait outside either."

"That'll be extra," The cabby warned.

"Fuck it; fine just take me, shit!" Kagome snapped.

Hungry fucking fat bastard cabby!


"Get off of me," Inuyasha snarled as Sesshomaru held him over the kitchen table by his throat.

"Did you really think you can fuck me up?" Sesshomaru mocked wickedly, "Dirty son of a bitch."

He took Kagome away from he...he fucked her. I know he did, Inuyasha thought. I can't stand this.

"You know I hate to do this but," Inuyasha snarled as he suddenly slammed his leg between Sesshomaru's legs and immediately Sesshomaru released his grip and fell forward on top of him, "There's no honor in a street fight."

Inuyasha bent his leg back and kicked Sesshomaru off of him.

Ok I got that one in...Now for a...

"So it's like that then," Sesshomaru weakling leaned up from his slouch and slammed his fist into Inuyasha's private.

"Ah!" Inuyasha fell to his knees gripping his package, "Son of a bitch!"

Miroku came out of his room rubbing the sleep from his eyes and saw both of them on the floor holding their privates, "Ew!"


"What a nightmare," Miroku gasped as he rushed back in his room and closed the door.

Fucking bastard!

"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru glared at him, "I'll never look at my hand the same because of you."

"Don't act as if it's the first time you touched a man's dick," Inuyasha barked.

"For that..." Sesshomaru slowly got up, "I'll beat you to the ground."

"Sesshomaru-sama," Rin stood in the doorway wide-eyed holding her teddy bear as Sesshomaru was going to slam his fist into Inuyasha's face.

"You've been saved," Sesshomaru brought his fist back and turned to Rin, "Rin, cover your eyes - if you see the horror that is your uncle surgeon in the world can make you see again."

Rin nodded as she rushed into her room shutting the door behind her.

Fucking ass hole...

Sesshomaru kicked the sofa back up straight again and sat down.

Inuyasha leaned up from the floor and glared at him.

"Do everyone with eyes a favor," Sesshomaru began, "and put some clothes on. There are virgin eyes in this house."

"Damn right there is," Miroku yelled from the room.

Inuyasha ignored them and snarled, "Kagome is my girlfriend."

"Kagome, would you explain to him-"Sesshomaru turned to the doorway and saw no one.

Inuyasha turned to the doorway as well, "She's gone...again..."

Sesshomaru got up and walked towards the stairs, "Whatever you and Kagome had before - forget about it. She's with me now. I won't let her leave me alone."

I let her leave me that what Sesshomaru's implying?

"Fuck you," Inuyasha spat, "you being with Kagome is nothing more than a mistake. She should've never left Japan because she was with me. She's probably using you to mend her old wounds."

Sesshomaru stopped at the staircase and turned around halfway, "Why did she break up with you Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha hesitated.

I don't think it's none of his fucking business, but...

"She heard me discussing business with a partner of mine in our bedroom," Inuyasha began. "She misunderstood our dialect, thinking I was a porn star when I'm really a porn director. She didn't let me explain - she ran out on me that day. I haven't seen her till now."

Sesshomaru golden eyes flashed almost like the edge of a knife against light when he looked at Inuyasha.

If he wants a fight then I'll gladly face him...

"Oh," Inuyasha got into a fighting stance, "you got something ya wanna say?"

"I thought I was special," Sesshomaru turned around and continued up the stairs, "thinking that I was the only one who suffered from your presence, cringing at your lack of understanding, and disgusted by your explanations for it all."

Inuyasha's jaw dropped at Sesshomaru's words.

"The truth is," Sesshomaru turned around one last time before he entered his bedroom, "I am not special, and I am not alone. Just tell me this, how come the lives that you ruin are hardly ever your own?"

"I didn't ruin Kagome's life!"

"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru lightly chuckled, "Before I go and retrieve my girlfriend there is something you need to know. When you are with someone you love, the shameful things you do unto you are transferred to them. Who wants to date a man who directs porn videos? The porn business is a degrading industry whether you actually do the videos or not. Being as though you just directed it doesn't make you innocent from taking the full responsibility of acknowledging you had something to do with the actual acts itself. Did you ask Kagome if she'd like to date a man that tells woman in a shooting to suck cock from a certain angle?"

Inuyasha snapped his jaw shut and turned around.

I don't have to listen to him...

"You didn't give Kagome a choice," Sesshomaru twisted the knob to his bedroom door. "You kept her in the dark and you know what they say about that in the English language."

"Oi, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha turned around and saw Sesshomaru had stopped, "Listen, I'm going to take Kagome back. She should be with me, that's all there is to it."

"Still, little brother," Sesshomaru shook his head, "you again deny her of her choice, but if you think you can take Kagome away from me..." Sesshomaru suddenly turned around and smiled, "I'd have to say, I'd love to see you try!"

"You're on bitch!" Inuyasha stormed towards his room.

Sesshomaru, you ain't got a clue who you're up against!


Kagome waited for the elevator and frowned.

I hope they didn't kill each other, Kagome hoped. Still, the worst thing I could ever do is get between two men fighting.

The elevator opened.

"Kagome," Sesshomaru came out of the elevator fully dressed to Kagome's surprise since she last saw him in his robe fighting. "We need to talk."

"Yes," Kagome lowered her head. "We do."

Sesshomaru walked past her to the door and held it for her as they made their exit.

He's so quiet; I wonder what happened up there. I should hope nothing horrible; I hope no one needs to see a doctor.

Sesshomaru had his hands in his leather jacket pocket as they walked down the block side-by-side.

I wonder what he's going to say...Inuyasha must've told him the situation, and maybe he's going to break up with me because he doesn't want to fight with his brother anymore. I don't know what to say. Possibly, he's going to ask me what I'm going to do now since Inuyasha is back...

"You know Sesshomaru," Kagome swallowed, "I didn't mean to leave it's just you guys were fighting and I didn't know what to do."

Sesshomaru didn't respond.

I can't take this...

Kagome stopped, "Could you at least say something? I am so frustrated right now and I came back to sort of clear things up."

Sesshomaru turned around and said simply, "Kagome, would I be asking you the world if I asked who it is you wanted to be with right here and right now?"

"W-what," Kagome caught her breath, "how is that a discussion?"

"I asked you a simple question and you couldn't give me a simple answer," Sesshomaru's golden eyes burned through her dark ones. "Do you wish to be with my brother again?"

I...god damn it!

"No!" Kagome shook her head, "No, I'm with you."

"If you hesitant," Sesshomaru looked away from her, "then you aren't actually sure. So-"

Kagome suddenly caught her breath.

He's going to break up with me...

"Maybe you need time to decide," Sesshomaru continued. "I won't wait forever, but I can see why a situation like this can be discomforting."

"No," Kagome snapped, "what do you mean? I already told you who I wanted and it's you. Inuyasha don't you get it!"

Kagome suddenly clamped her hand over her mouth.


I said Inuyasha!

"Wait," Kagome saw Sesshomaru walking away, "listen to me-"

"I want to give you time," Sesshomaru stopped and turned around to face her again. "Since he resurfaced it's only understandable that he might be going through your head and what he said to you."

Weren't you listening...?

"Sesshomaru," Kagome's eyes watered as she said lowly, "don't you understand?"

"I do," Sesshomaru leaned down and kissed her forehead, it was that same moment that Kagome felt the tears roll down her eyes. "That's why I want to make sure that it's me you want."

Fuck this...

"I am telling you, that it's you," Kagome angrily wiped her tears away, "and you're standing there thinking I am some lost puppy who don't know shit. You're making it seem as though you know so much that if something needs to be decided then it should be by you, but fuck that. If I want to be fucked then that's my decision and if I choose to be with you then it's my decision as well. How dare you say you're going to give me time as though I am unsure and stupid?"

"That's not what I meant-"

"That's how I feel," Kagome snapped. "What I want is what I want and right now - I can't even say I want anyone."

Kagome hailed a cab and went to the first one that stopped.

Sesshomaru suddenly blocked the door, "So the idea is to make me feel awful is that it?"

Kagome suddenly pushed him roughly out of the way, "The idea is you don't fucking get it!"

Sesshomaru eyes widened when he realized Kagome almost pushed him into a parked car, "Well, maybe I would if you remember to call my name when referring to me."

"Well," Kagome mocked as she opened the cab door, "me, calling you and looking at you is the last of your worries ain't it? If I were you," Kagome got into the cab and shut the door, rolling down the window she finished, "I wouldn't hold my breath."

The car drove off with Sesshomaru's watchful eyes.

"As if it's that easy to get rid of me," Sesshomaru suddenly hailed a cab himself. "This Sesshomaru doesn't back down that easily."

A/N: I said no later then Sunday, but I read someone's review who wanted to read one more chapter before she had to leave for a week or something. I had some free time so I figured I give my faithful reviewers a long chapter. It may seem like a cliffy, but I had to end it here. There's a lot of stuff that's going to happen from here on end so don't put away your oxygen masks just yet. This is not the last you'll hear of Inuyasha - he meant what he said hehe. Aitu, I know Inuyasha didn't walk in on Sess and Kag going at it, but don't think it won't happen just because it didn't on the first meeting. I am not saying anything lol...just keep reading to find out.