InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Kagome Meets the Youkai, Kaori ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: Hehehehe I’m back with another new story!

Kagura: I’m in this one now?

Turtlequeen2: You could say that…

Inuyasha: What the hell?

Sesshoumaru: Kagura?


Inuyasha, Kagura, & Sesshoumaru: O.O

Turtlequeen2: Finally! I do not own Inuyasha. Only Rumiko Takahashi does.

(NOTE: This takes place in the manga after Kagura dies. So some things might be spoilers, but mostly fiction by me…I’ll warn you of upcoming spoilers.



Kagome Meets the Youkai, Kaori

******No ones POV******

Kagome ran late to school as usual. She was late because of a certain hanyou who tried to drag her back to the feudal era again…*sigh* When she went up the steps, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi meet up with her.

“Hey Kagome-chan! Are you getting over your backaches?” Kagome sweat-drops from another excuse her grandfather gave her school.

“Eh…heheh…yea, much better,” she says, rubbing behind her head.

“You missed a lot this week. There’s this new exchange student here that’s got all of the guys drooling. Even Hojo stares! I heard that she‘s from France,” Ayumi says in absolute shock.

“I don’t mind,” Kagome responds.

“Of course, with your boyfriend and all…by the way how is he,” Yuka asks. All of her friends surround her for an answer, but were interrupted when the bell rang for them to start class.

Just then the door opened and a girl with the most beautiful black hair walks in, making an apparent entrance. All the boys stare at her. Her violet eyes look them over in un-interest.

“Do you have a tardy pass Miss Kagamuyo,” asks the teacher. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head no. She is given a detention and she walks to sit beside Kagome. Her friends glare at her. Kagome got a strange vibe about her.

‘That girl…it seems like I know her from somewhere…’ Kagome thought. The girl thought the same about Kagome.

While the teacher continued on with attendance, the girl said,” Are you that girl that everyone says is always absent because of illnesses,” the strange girl asked.

Kagome broken out of her thoughts, answered back,” Uh…yea. That’s me. Higurashi, Kagome. What’s your name?”

“Name’s Kagamuyo, Kaori. Are all the guys here like this?”

“Well there are some decent guys. They all seem to think you’re beautiful.”

“Thanks. That’s a first. I really don’t find interest in guys who only like girls for their looks. It sounds so vain.”

Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri start listening in. ‘Wow. She’s not as bad as my friends said. Then again, they always have gossip.’ Kagome smiles,” So when did you first come here?”

“Well a few days ago.”

Just then, Kagome caught sight of a beautiful golden fang necklace around Kaori’s neck. “Hey that necklace. Where’d you get it? It’s beautiful.”

“Oh, thanks. I’ve had it since forever. I guess it’s a family heirloom.” She fingers it absent- mindingly. The teacher started to pick partners for their math project and low and behold, Kagome and Kaori were picked to be together.

After school, Kaori asked to study at her house with her and Kagome agrees.

“So where do you live?”

“At the Higurashi Shrine.”

“That’s quite interesting. Are you a miko of some sort?”

“I guess you could say that.” All the sudden at the top of the steps, Kaori dropped her book bag on the floor and stared in shock at the sight she saw. It was no other than Inuyasha in a bandana, standing there staring back at Kaori in equal shock.

“Kagura,” Inuyasha asks in shock. Kaori looks back in utter confusion.

******Kaori’s POV******

I knew that girl Kagome was a weird girl. I sensed pure energy coming from her. Those human men disgust me. As if I, a demon, would date human men. Kagome doesn’t seem so bad though. I don’t hate humans, but I just can’t imagine being intimate with one. I wish I could find a youkai around here, but never can seem to find one. I wonder if I am one of the only ones left?

I asked to study with her and to my guess she was a miko. When we reached the top of the steps, I see the last thing I would never expect to see: a hanyou.

Then he turns to notice my true form through my concealment charm and asks a word,” Kagura?”

Kagome comes in, saying,” Inuyasha, what are you saying? Kagura’s dead.”

“She smells and looks exactly like her.”

“You are a hanyou yes,” I finally say.

“What of it?”

“Then you can see though my concealment spell. Only those with youkai blood can see through it.” I take off my necklace, revealing my true form: red eyes, black hair, pointing ears, claws, and fangs.

“You look just like her,” Kagome mumbles out of fascination.


To be continued…

Sorry for the shortness but I needed a good place to stop. Promise for next chappie to be longer!

READ AND REVIEW! I need to know if I should continue on…