InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Kouga Meets Kaori and Kagura’s Fan ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the wait guys! I had the worst case of writer’s block!

Kaori: Wow, way to leave us all hanging…

Turtlequeen2: I know, I know! Gomenasai!

Inuyasha: Keh! Slow wench.

Kagome: Don’t be rude Inuyasha. We have to rescue Kaori!

Inuyasha: Whatever…Just get this disclaimer over with.

Turtlequeen2: Right! I do not own any of the other characters except Kaori (yay). Rumiko Takahashi owns the rest. WARNING: FLUFF BETWEEN INUYASHA AND KAGOME! This is chapter 3! Sorry I made the typo in the last chapter and put that as 3, that was chapter 2!

*note* I have decided to use all Japanese spelling of all of the names from here on out…so no flaming. I am aware of the English spelling, but this is more so of the Japanese version.


Last time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

He just stares with more coldness (if that’s possible) and answers,” I never said you were. You may serve useful to me in the future. You should know better than to defy one of more power than yourself. But assuming that you‘re Kagura‘s reincarnation, I‘m guessing that you don‘t know any better.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” I was getting pissed now. He didn’t answer, but instead turned and started to walk away. Hmmm…maybe I should follow him, just so he could tell me more about this Kagura person. He seems to now her well. I start walking behind him. The girl follows behind me on a two-headed dragon. This might be interesting…

This time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Chapter 3

Kouga Meets Kaori and Kagura’s Fan

******No one’s POV******

Kagome walked in the hut to check up on Inuyasha’s condition. After Kaori was kidnapped, Inuyasha collapsed out of loss of blood. The rest of them had to rush him to Kaede’s the hut to let Kaede, Sango, and Kagome tend to his wounds. A day and a half has passed since then.

He was currently lying on a mat in the middle of the hut in pain. He was unconscious still and Kagome had just changed the bandages on him. She put a damp cloth to his head to keep him from fever. She couldn’t help, but think of the condition that Kaori might be in with Sesshoumaru. Tears sprung to her eyes watching Inuyasha’s face. She knew he survived worse than this, but she hated seeing him in this condition and with Kaori missing, she thought it was her fault for bringing her here.

“Kagome-sama, what do you think we should do,” Miroku asks, walking into the hut. He immediately stiffened up at the sudden contact of Kagome crying on him.

“Oh Miroku! It’s all my fault that Kaori is kidnapped and Inuyasha is in this condition,” she wailed on his shoulder. He knew better to not take advantage of this situation, so he only patted her back and tried to comfort her.

“Don’t cry Kagome-sama. Inuyasha has gone through worse and it’s not your fault that Kaori-sama was kidnapped. That was Sesshoumaru’s doing, not yours.” Sango was standing in the doorway and tears threatened to fall. She hated seeing one of her friends in this state.

All of the sudden, they heard groaning from the mat where Inuyasha lay. All eyes turned towards the area. Inuyasha was opening his eyes and rubbing his head in pain.

Kagome scrambled to his side too fast for eyes to see. “Inuyasha? How are you feeling,” she inquired of the hanyou.

“I feel like hell,” he muttered trying to sit up.

“Ye should get some more rest child. Ye lost a lot of blood,” Kaede’s voice called out to him.

“How long have I been out,” he asked.

“About a day and a half,” sniffled Kagome. Her eyes still brimmed with tears. He noticed and felt bad for making her worry.

“Then I’ve slept enough. I’m not some weak human,” he said, trying to make Kagome feel better. He sat up, but had to hold in a groan, for pain of the sudden movement.

“You should be careful. You might reopen your wounds,” Kagome said with concern. The others decided to go outside for some ‘fresh air‘, to leave Kagome and Inuyasha to themselves.

“My wounds probably closed up by now.”

“But you’re still in pain. I can see it on your face.”

“Keh,” came his only reply as he slowly crossed his arms. “Why were you crying?”

Her expression turned from one of relief to one of sadness. “I was worried about you and Kaori. We need to help her. Who knows what Sesshoumaru will do to her? If she gets hurt, it’ll be all my fault,” she trailed off and looked away from him.

He gripped her arm, forcing her to look at him. He smelled her fresh tears. Her face revealed her crying. “Dammit Kagome! It’s not your fault!”

“But if I never brought her here, she would’ve been kidnapped in the first place,” she sobbed.

“How would you have known that my bastard brother would’ve done that?!”

“But I still feel responsible! She’s my friend and-” she was cut off by his arms embracing her and her face muffled in his chest. She started sobbing into him. His eyes showed concerned and sadness as he tried to console her.

“Shhh…Kagome. We’ll get her from Sesshoumaru. Don’t worry. She’s powerful in own rite so I doubt that she’ll go down that easily.” He pulled her tighter against him and rubbed her back like his mother used to do to him when he ran to her.

She eventually stopped crying and reluctantly pulled away to look at him. She blushed, embarrassed. “T...thank you Inuyasha,” she stammered.

He blushed after he realized fully what he done. “I…it was nothing.” All of the sudden a quiet thump was heard and Inuyasha stood up abruptly to see what caused it. He pulled back the flap of the door, to find everyone fall over. They had been caught listening in on their conversation.

“What the hell are you doing, spying on us,” he growled out, obviously angry. Kagome followed him out. She sighed,‘ I think he’s back to normal.’

“Shouldn’t you be resting Inuyasha,” Sango asked nervously.

“Don’t give me that shit,” he barked out. He picked up Shippo by his tail and snarled,” If you or any other person here ever mentions this again, you’ll get this,” he demonstrated by sending Shippo flying yards away from them. Shippo, meanwhile, screaming insults out at Inuyasha as he flew.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome said sternly. The rest of them winced at his threat.

Miroku was the first to recover by asking with a sly grin on his face,” So Inuyasha, what exactly were you doing with Kagome-sama in there?” Both, the hanyou and miko blushed dark red.

“You better start running monk, or you’ll have no legs to run on,” Inuyasha growled, preparing to pounce on him any moment.

“I…Inuyasha, aren’t you still injured,” the monk stuttered, backing up.

“Inuyasha,” shouted Kagome. Inuyasha stopped advancing to look back at Kagome. A look of relief came on Miroku’s face, expecting her to save him from peril. “Just don’t be too hard on him,” she smirked. His look turned to horror as the hanyou smirked also.

“You heard her Miroku, I wonder what is ‘too hard’ anyways,” Inuyasha mutters with a thoughtful looking face, before jumping up in the air and diving down to swipe at Miroku.

Miroku turned and started running at top speed,” Surely we can talk this over,” he shouted.

“Too late for that monk,” came Inuyasha’s reply. The rest of them sighed and looked at Kagome in horror, her laughing at the monk’s demise.

******Kaori’s POV******

Sesshoumaru’s little group is starting to annoy me. As much as that little girl is adorable, she is constantly talking about Sesshoumaru is great, which is annoying to me, considering that he has me as his captive. Jaken is constantly threatening to fry me alive. Rin is right on one thing, Jaken is funny…

Sesshoumaru hasn’t said much. He looks like he’s in thought, even though his face holds no emotion. He explained that we were searching for Naraku as well. We were walking down a path until suddenly, a large force of wind and a smell of ookami-youkai broke through.

The wolf growled dangerously at me. “I thought the mutt said that you were dead.”

“Dead,” I said in disbelief.

“Move wolf,” Sesshoumaru said to the wolf on a cold demeanor.

“I am here to finish off the job that wasn’t finished. Kagura, today you die,” the wolf says, swiping at me with his claws.

For some reason, I felt like being cocky towards the wolf. I easily dodged the strike and back-flipped away from him. “Humph, is that all you got puny wolf?! You were right, Kagura was killed. I am not the Kagura you seek. Though I think she did make a lot of enemies.”

“What the hell do you mean?! You are Kagura,” he denied.

“No I’m not. Inuyasha was right when he told you. I am her reincarnation. If you do not stop your tactics, I’ll be forced to fight.” He continued to fight me and Sesshoumaru stepped to the side, looking annoyed.

“Even if you’re not her, the fact that you look and smell like her so damn much makes me want to kill you,” the wolf growls.

“Have it your way then! FUUJIN NO MAI!” The wind blades come out of my claws and seem to startle him.

“You have new abilities now?!” He jumped out of the way to avoid a number of them, but some still hit him.

“Hmmm…new. You could say that,” I say, wringing out more wind blades. Sesshoumaru, finally having enough, stepped in the middle.

“You are in my way wolf and if you don’t move, then I shall be forced to kill you,” Sesshoumaru says sternly, his eyes narrowing at him.

The wolf must have sensed his power so he shrugged it off. “Whatever, but I’ll be back Kagura.”

As he ran off in a tornado back down the path he came, I shouted after him,” I AM NOT KAGURA!”

We continued walking after Rin, Jaken, and Ah-Un came out of hiding. Jaken slipped over a rock and jumped back up shouting after us,” Wait for me Sesshoumaru-sama!” His ‘lord’ didn’t even throw him a second glance and kept walking.

“I demand to know where we are going! I smell no great youki as of right now,” I say, walking right beside him, matching his speed.

“We are going to Kagura’s grave. I mean to fetch something from there,” he explains calmly. His eyes stay on the road as he talks. I can tell he’s in thought, but I know better than to ask. Last time Jaken tried to ask what was bothering him, he got kicked a few hundred yards.

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

We are nearing Kagura’s gravesite. When I think of that woman, I can’t help but think about her demise. I can’t to look at her reincarnation, Kaori. She reminds me too much of Kagura. Its almost as though I miss her. But that’s impossible, I’m a powerful taiyoukai. I have no time for such pathetic emotions.

After a few hours, we arrive there and I walk over to the grave marker in the field of flowers. After she died here, and my brother’s friends came and left, I came back to make her grave. I kept her fan on the top of her grave. I lied to Jaken, saying I was going on important business so I wouldn’t be ridiculed by other youkai if they were to find out. The Lord of the West, burying a lower demon than himself. Not to mention the fact that she was born from my enemy, Naraku.

How ironic: Kagura’s reincarnation peering down on the grave of her previous incarnate. I pick up the fan that surprisingly no one touched since I left it here. Youkai and humans must have picked up my youki and feared me to go after them. I threw it to her, along with a few feathers plastered on Kagura’s grave marker. The ones that helped her fly on that giant feather of hers.

Kaori caught them and looked at me in confusion. “What are these for,” she asked.

I cover up my look of sadness, I may have had looking at Kagura’s grave, to look at Kaori. “They are Kagura’s weapons. It may help serve you as well, if not more so when fighting.”

She nods and gets a flower to put a flower on Kagura’s grave. I turn away before I see the tears from Kaori. “Thank you Kagura for giving me this life and for blessing me with your grace and strength. I promise to slay Naraku as you would’ve liked him to be.” I start to walk away, looking off towards the horizon. Jaken and Rin, on Ah-Un follow behind. After we are about a few feet from her, Kaori finished her prayers and caught up after me.

“Thank you Sesshoumaru-sama,” she says lightly. I nod at her and then suddenly sense a strong familiar youki: Mouryoumaru. I grip he hilt of Tokijin and run off to where he is. I don’t look back at the others. I know that they sense it too. I sense only Kaori running after me, therefore, Jaken must have been smart enough to hide Rin.

“You shouldn’t get involved with this,” I call out to her over my shoulder.

“Too bad. I want to avenge Kagura’s death and whoever this guy is, he’s either Naraku or one of his buddies, therefore he’s going to die.” I can’t help, but smirk at her determination. I see Mouryoumaru standing in front of the cave, fighting the little troublemaker. Rin always calls him Kohaku. I also see Inuyasha’s undead miko wench, Kikyou. Inuyasha won’t be too far off. Mouryoumaru was about to launch spears that look suspiciously like Inuyasha’s at them both. I fly up to the youkai and send a blast out of Tokijin to catch him by surprise. It strikes the ground an inch away from him. Kikyou and the younger tajiya look up at me in shock.


To be continued…

A GREAT BATTLE SHALL BEGIN! Also the next chapter will be MOSTLY ALL spoilers! You have been warned. You should know that this version will be a little different considering Kaori…

For those who don’t care: Next time on Kagura’s Reincarnation: The battle with Mouryoumaru begins and what will his reaction be if he sees “Kagura” after finding out she was supposed to be dead. Also when Inuyasha and the rest get there, what will they think when they see Kaori use her fan for the first time?!


Youki - Demonic aura


Ja ne!