InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Kaori Meets Mouryoumaru; The Battle Begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the wait! I knew you were all excited about the huge action scene! Please review please!

Sesshoumaru: They WILL be excited or face my wrath! *holds out Toukijin and smirks*

*readers huddle in the corner*

Turtlequeen2: NO! Stop scaring the readers or I’ll put you in horribly written fanfic where you are extremely OOC!

Sesshoumaru: Humph. You wouldn’t dare!

Turtlequeen2: Watch me. *pulls out keyboard and starts typing*

Sesshoumaru: Very well then. *sheathes Toukijin*

*readers go back to their normal lives*

Turtlequeen2: I do not own Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha for that matter. I can, however, torture them to my liking! Rumiko Takahashi owns them. I only own Kaori.

WARNING: SPOILERS! The battle contains a lot of elements from the manga. I suggest you read the manga, before reading this or you‘ll be a little confused (or translations to which you can find at: http: / / www. Wot-club . Org . uk/ Inuyasha/). This is about in the area of Scrolls 405 and 406 in Volume 41.


Last time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

“You shouldn’t get involved with this,” I call out to her over my shoulder.

“Too bad. I want to avenge Kagura’s death and whoever this guy is, he’s either Naraku or one of his buddies, therefore he’s going to die.” I can’t help, but smirk at her determination. I see Mouryoumaru standing in front of the cave, fighting the little troublemaker. Rin always calls him Kohaku. I also see Inuyasha’s undead miko wench, Kikyou. Inuyasha won’t be too far off. Mouryoumaru was about to launch spears that look suspiciously like Inuyasha’s at them both. I fly up to the youkai and send a blast out of Toukijin to catch him by surprise. It strikes the ground an inch away from him. Kikyou and the younger tajiya look up at me in shock.

This time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Chapter 4

Kaori Meets Mouryoumaru; The Battle Begins

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

Mouryoumaru looks up at me in surprise. It seemed that he transformed his body from the last time I saw him.

“Sesshoumaru, huh,” he asked, looking at me.

“So you transformed, Mouryoumaru. You’ve gotten even more hideous,” I comment.

His face looked in thought. “We’ve fought once before, haven’t we?” Then his face took a sterner look. “This time won’t be like the last time!”

I throw a sharp glance at him. “Humph. You want to try me again?” I create a blast with Toukijin and send it to him. The disgusting Naraku incarnate, put up tentacles to defend himself. Dust starts to form around him. Then I instantly caught the scent of my half-breed brother, Inuyasha. I just ignore him to fight the battle in front of me. There’s no reason to fight him if he’s not interfering.

After the dust clears, Mouryoumaru sneers,” Not even a scratch.”

******Kaori’s POV******

I was amazed at how strong Sesshoumaru was. I immediately caught guard of Inuyasha’s scent. The two humans I spotted earlier, were on the side. I decided not to get into the fight yet because it looked like he could handle himself. I ran towards them.

“Inuyasha! Kagome,” I shout, running to them. Sesshoumaru paid no notice to me going to them.

“Kaori-chan,” Kagome shouts, embracing me. “Are you ok?”

“Yea. Sesshoumaru-sama gave me weapons used by Kagura.” I showed her my fan and the feathers in my newly put up hairstyle.

“With that hair style, you look more like Kagura than before,” Shippou commented on Miroku‘s shoulder. I roll my eyes. He then looks at the two demons battling and says,” Sesshoumaru’s attack didn’t affect him at all!”

“It seems that he’s already absorbed Meioujuu’s armor-shell,” Miroku said in thought. (A/N: Scroll 400, volume 41: Meioujuu’s a youkai that has the strongest armor known. Mouryoumaru absorbs it to get stronger - to get the Ultimate Armor.)

“What’s wrong with Sango,” I ask. The tajiya was looking around frantically. Then I see who she’s looking at. It’s her brother and another miko.

“Kikyou,” Kagome murmurs. The woman now known as Kikyou, looked at Inuyasha and looked relieved. She must have been worried about him. For some reason, I could tell I wouldn’t like her. I slowly recognized that she was dead.

Meanwhile in the battle, Mouryoumaru shouts,” Now it’s your turn to witness my latest weapon!” Sesshoumaru looks in disgust at the spears coming out of the incarnate’s body.

“Kongousouha,” Inuyasha whispers in shock. The rest of them are in shock too. It was if it was painted on their faces.

“Humph. The spears you stole from my half-breed brother,” Sesshoumaru scoffs, showing no emotion. Mouyoumaru launches all of the diamond spears at Sesshoumaru, but the taiyoukai just swings his sword, sending blue light that breaks up the spears.

The spears start to fall like rain, around everyone. One falls down toward Kagome and Inuyasha runs towards Kagome.

“WATCH OUT,” he shouts, jumping away with Kagome to save her. I jump away with my youkai skills and use my wind to fling some of them away. I see the boy standing in front of Kikyou as if to defend her. She didn’t look bothered by the spears rained down around her. Her gaze, almost as cold as Sesshoumaru.

All of a sudden, I was broke out of my thoughts by Kagome shouting out Inuyasha’s name. The hanyou charged towards the battle and swung down his, creating the legendary Kaze no Kizu. “MOURYOUMARU,” he shouted to his attention.

The attack did nothing to affect the demon. “The Kaze no Kizu…you think that will work now,” Mouryoumaru asked. Sesshoumaru appeared behind Inuyasha.

With my demonic hearing, I could hear Sesshoumaru talk to Inuyasha. “You’re in my way, Inuyasha. This is none of your concern.”

“SHUT UP! He’s the one who picked the fight with me,” Inuyasha shouts angrily, turning to face Sesshoumaru.

“If you won’t move, then I’ll rip you apart together,” Sesshoumaru shouts,” Along with Naraku’s heart!” He brings down Toukijin, to unleash another attack, but Inuyasha jumps out of the way before it hits him. The rest of the group looks up at them in as much shock as me.

Mouryoumaru found the little squabble amusing and laughed,“ Even if you don’t fight, I’ll send you both to Hell!” Tentacles start coming out him, covered in diamond spears from the stolen Kongousouha.

Kagome shouts,” Those are…”

“Tentacles made from Inuyasha’s Kongousouha,” Miroku finished in surprise. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, both dodge the tentacles flying at them, by cutting at them with their swords.

Mouryoumaru faced Sesshoumaru and said in a truly evil way,” Choose Sesshoumaru…would you rather be crushed or pierced?” He then looks at Inuyasha,” You have nothing left to try Inuyasha. Wait until I’m finished with your brother.”

Inuyasha tightens the grip on Tessaiga out of anger and shouts,” You bastard, messing with my Kongousouha, I’ll NEVER forgive you! I‘ll destroy you, myself!” He dashed towards Mouryoumaru and strikes at him with Tessaiga. It collides with Mouryoumaru’s arm and the feedback from the force hits Inuyasha, causing him to wince in pain. Then a bright light flashes behind him.

Inuyasha turned around to see Sesshoumaru who sent another attack from Toukijin. He jumps out of the way before it hit its mark. Kagome runs to the hanyou, shouting,“ INUYASHA!”

He looks up Sesshoumaru and shouts angrily,” SESSHOUMARU, YOU BASTARD!”

Sesshoumaru sends a cold glance his way and simply says,” You’re a nuisance. If you get my way again, I’ll go after you instead.”

“Hmm…it seems that the elder brother is more sensible,” Mouryoumaru comments, before another round of spears are sent Sesshoumaru’s way. He cuts them down with Toukijin and the blast collides with Mouryoumaru’s armor.

“They’re even,” Kagome says.

“But if Toukijin can’t pierce through Mouryoumaru’s armor-shell, then…” Miroku trailed off. I then notice Sango looking at an empty area where Kikyou and Kohaku would have been. Where did they go?

I look back to Kagome, whom looked on in confusion. “Where Mouryoumaru's arm is connected to the armor-shell and Kongousouha, there’s a Shikon fragment.”

Inuyasha then asks her,” You can see it, Kagome?”

“It’s deep within the armor-shell,” she explains,” but I don’t know if my arrow will be able to reach it.” She draws back on her bow, where a arrow is in place.

“Just try to hit the place,” he orders. She lets go of the arrow and it flies towards Mouryoumaru. The arrow hit’s the mark, but doesn’t faze him. He turns to glare at her.

“A waste of time,” Mouryoumaru growls. He then fires a single spear, but Inuyasha knocks Kagome away before it hits her.

Kagome then says,” It’s no good. My arrow didn’t hit it.”

“That’s enough, now that I know the location,” Inuyasha shouts.

Sesshoumaru looks down at them in disgust. “Won’t you vermin learn your lesson,” he asks.

“Shut the hell up! Randomly slashing at him will get us nowhere,” Inuyasha yells back.

I hear Shippou mutter to Miroku,” But wasn’t he just doing that himself?”

Miroku shushes him up before Inuyasha could hear him. If I wasn’t in such a dangerous position, I would’ve laughed.

Inuyasha got ready to attack again, shouting,” Mouryoumaru, I’m gonna rip open your armor and take out Naraku’s hidden heart!”

Mouryoumaru laughed,” Hidden you say? I never tried to hide it. Simply knowing what’s inside won’t help you, since you’ll never be able to reach it. I already planned to construct this ultimate armor even before that woman found out about the heart.”

Woman? Was he talking about Kagura? He continued,” For the mere sake of being free, she betrayed Naraku and betrayed me. The woman who told you about the location of Naraku’s heart.” I see Sesshoumaru looking at Mouryoumaru in interest.

“Such a stupid woman. If she’d only retrieved that shard from Kohaku, I would’ve let her live a bit longer. Due to her pathetic heart, she died miserably. It was a wasted death since nobody shall carry out her will, ” the incarnate finished. I instantly sensed Sesshoumaru’s anger. I felt anger as well.

He glanced at me for a mere second, before Inuyasha ran towards Mouryoumaru, shouting,” YOU BASTARD! DON’T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD!” Then Sesshoumaru sent a massive blast from Toukijin, just missing Inuyasha. Mouryoumaru is knocked to the side powerfully. “Sesshoumaru,” the hanyou murmurs in shock.

Half of Mouryoumaru’s face was in ruins. “His armor-shell weakened,” Sango shouts in awe. Sesshoumaru charges at Mouryoumaru at high speed, who moves to block by firing one of his diamond spears. The taiyoukai knocks them to the side. I’ve never seen him this angry. He must’ve really cared about Kagura. I felt the wind whip around me. I was prepared to go fight.

Miroku looks at me. “Kaori-sama,” he whispers. “Do you think it’s wise to go out to battle?”

“That bastard said too much,” I growl.

“But if he or Naraku found out about you-”

I cut him off. “They won’t. They’ll only know that Kagura survived.”

“Are you sure this is wise,” Sango asked.

“Yea. I have a plan. Tell Inuyasha and the rest not to call out my name when they see me.”

“Ok,“ she says. I pluck a feather out of my hair, as I think Kagura would’ve done. I look at it for a while. “What’s wrong?”

“How do you use this thing,” I ask. They all sweat-drop, anime style.

“Well she usually throws it up in the air and it turns into a giant feather. She controls the wind to push her in any direction she wishes to go,” the monk explains.

“Ok…I’ll try.” I throw the feather up into the air and just as they say, it turned into a giant feather. I jump onto and feel the wind pick up around me. I use my mind to steer the feather where I wanted it.

I keep myself hidden amongst the cliffs and rocks until the perfect moment.

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

Why was I angry? Why was I defending the wind wench? It was not as if I cared for her. I was just in as much shock as the weaklings who stared at me with the obvious emotions on their faces. I try to regain my calm. I am not supposed to loose my concentration, but here I am, striking at Mouryoumaru - the vile worm, senselessly.

Even if I don’t care about Kagura, what he said was dishonorable to This Sesshoumaru. I was going to pierce at his armor, when his voice stops me. “What’s wrong Sesshoumaru? Don’t tell me you cared for the woman?”

“Rubbish,” I scoff, while inwardly, my mind is in turmoil. I charge at him again until I smell her scent: Kaori.

“Mouryoumaru, our time meeting has been long overdue, wouldn’t you say,” I heard her voice say.

Me and that pathetic excuse for a demon, look up to see her riding on a feather and holding her fan.

I smirked at Mouryoumaru’s expression. His face paled in shock. “Kagura, you’re still alive,” he growled out. My half-breed brother looked on in confusion. He knew too about Kaori too.

I see her sneer. “I’m surprised, really. Your plan to get rid of me was rather disappointing.”

“In my new form, I shall gladly get rid of you for your betrayal. PREPARE TO DIE,” he shouts, unleashing many of my brother’s stolen diamond spears. She flicks open her fan and smirks.

********************************************************** < p>To be continued…

Sorry for the wait! I had to update my other fanfics. Note: I cannot take ALL of the credit for the idea of this awesome action scene. This was based on the manga: Rumiko Takahashi’s work. I only wrote it out in words, reworded some of the phrases (so I don’t get sued for plagiarism), added in Kaori and Sesshoumaru’s thoughts, and Kaori’s actions. So the basis idea of this scene, the credit goes to Takahashi, but the Kaori involvement, you can thank me for. Just thought I would straighten that out before I get flamed. SO NO FLAMING for these reasons stated!

So did how’d you like that action?! I’ll continue the next chapter with more original ideas and some spoilers. (sorry for those who don’t like spoilers)

Next time on Kagura’s Reincarnation: Kaori’s plan goes into action. What are Sesshoumaru’s thoughts? Who will come out the victor from this battle? Where are Kikyou and Kohaku?! Find out next time!


Ja ne!