InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Kaori’s Plan and Sesshoumaru’s Shock ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: Thanks to my friend, vbollman, for reviewing!

Kaori: I am finally gonna kick ass today!

Turtlequeen2: Yep! ^.^

Kaori: Took you long enough…

Turtlequeen2: I know. I’m sorry for the wait! I do not own Inuyasha and characters, but Rumiko Takahashi does! I only own Kaori!

WARNING: SPOILIERS! The battle contains a lot of elements from the manga. I suggest you read the manga, before reading this or you‘ll be a little confused (or translations to which you can find at: http: / / www. Wot-club . Org . uk/ Inuyasha/). This is between scrolls 406 and 407 in Volume 41.


Last time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

I charge at him again until I smell her scent: Kaori.

“Mouryoumaru, our time meeting has been long overdue, wouldn’t you say,” I heard her voice say.

Me and that pathetic excuse for a demon, look up to see her riding on a feather and holding her fan.

I smirked at Mouryoumaru’s expression. His face paled in shock. “Kagura, you’re still alive,” he growled out. My half-breed brother looked on in confusion. He knew too about Kaori too.

I see her sneer. “I’m surprised, really. Your plan to get rid of me was rather disappointing.”

“In my new form, I shall gladly get rid of you for your betrayal. PREPARE TO DIE,” he shouts, unleashing many of my brother’s stolen diamond spears. She flicks open her fan and smirks.

This time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Chapter 5

Kaori’s Plan and Sesshoumaru’s Shock

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

That sad excuse for a youkai, Mouryoumaru, unleashed my brother’s stolen diamond spears towards Kaori. She smirks and flicked her fan expertly, like she was her previous incarnate. The wind flowed from the push of her fan and surprisingly, sent the spears flying away from her. True I did say that I liked her determination, however, fighting my battles was not on the list.

I did not like a woman fighting my enemies when I should be. I decided to play along in her little game. Naraku finding out about his incarnation’s reincarnation would not go over well. “Kagura, stand aside. I shall kill him. This is not your concern,” I say smoothly.

She stopped wringing out attacks and stared at me in confusion. She nodded and only hovered in silence above the transpiring battle.

“Now Mouryoumaru, you die,” I growl, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Oh, so it is true. You do protect that wench,” Mouryoumaru sneered. I simply ignore him, unsure on how to answer him.

I charge at him with Toukijin raised high. I stare intently at my target; the place where Inuyasha’s wench said the Shikon fragment was located. I struck it against his armor and the light flickered around the spot.

“What is a matter Sesshoumaru? Did I harm your woman,” the disgusting youkai asked.

That made me loose my last nerve. I pushed my blade deeper within him, more energy pulsing off of the blade. Toukijin wanted his blood and This Sesshoumaru was not going to deny it.

******Kaori’s POV******

What’s wrong with Sesshoumaru? I knew that he was angry with what Mouryoumaru said earlier about Kagura’s death, but now he is acting like he’s angry at the fact that Mouryoumaru mentioned the fact that he did love her. I thought that Sesshoumaru liked Kagura. Might it be that he thinks of love as a weakness? That fool!

I looked down and saw that stupid toad running up the path by himself. Surely he didn’t leave Rin alone?! I then my full attention to the battle below. Sesshoumaru kept pressing into Mouryoumaru with his sword.

“Sesshoumaru! Pull out your damn sword,” Inuyasha shouted. Of course his half-brother ignored him, completely absorbed in trying to kill that bastard, Mouryoumaru.

“Sesshoumaru, this isn’t like you. I can feel your scattered thoughts coming from your sword,” Mouryoumaru taunted.

“Can’t you hear me Sesshoumaru?! Pull out your sword, I’m telling you,” Inuyasha warned the Taiyoukai. He was thinking as the rest of us were thinking: if he kept pressing into Mouryoumaru’s armor, Toukijin would break.

“But Inuyasha, where Sesshoumaru is cutting through, is to the Shikon shard! If he goes a little further, he’ll be able to reach the fragment,” Kagome shouted to Inuyasha.

“I smell burning! If he keeps pushing, Toukijin will…” the hanyou trailed off. ‘Sesshoumaru should know this at least,’ Inuyasha growled inside his mind.

“If you don’t feel for Kagura, then why are you sacrificing your sword? Do you think that it can crack through my armor,” Mouryoumaru sneered. Sesshoumaru, being the stubborn bastard he is, didn’t answer, but kept going at it. To our horror and shock, we heard a loud crack.

Toukijin broke! The fragments flew up into the air and even Sesshoumaru had a look of shock on his face.

Miroku shouts,” Sesshoumaru’s sword shattered!” Thanks for stating the obvious, monk…

Naraku’s incarnation sent out more of his warped, diamond speared tentacles, towards Sesshoumaru while laughing.

The Taiyoukai dodged the tentacles with no expression written on his face, though it was evident that he was still recovering over the shock that Toukijin had broken.

“You will not escape,” Mouryoumaru shouted, sending out a group of Kongousouha. Another shocker came when one of them struck Sesshoumaru in the chest, piercing through his armor. To our horror, diamond tentacles wrapped around Sesshoumaru and closed up. This attack would have crushed anyone else.

I heard Jaken cry out,” Sesshoumaru-sama!”

“FUUJIN NO MAI,” I shout, sending out my wind blades. It only put light dentures into the tentacles. It was of no use. Mouryoumaru only laughed at my antics.

“You really think that your pathetic wind blades will pierce through my body,” he smirked.

“Damn you,” I shouted.

Me and Mouryoumaru look down at Inuyasha and see him hold out Tessaiga. Dragon-scales start to form on it.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome shouted.

“You’re going to use the Dragon-scaled Tessaiga,” exclaimed Miroku.

“You baka! The reverse flow of youki will cause you more injuries like last time,” Shippou reminded him.

“Keh! If I don’t use it now, when the hell will I,” Inuyasha demanded, charging up to Mouryoumaru and swinging his sword into the armor. The incarnation’s energy flows out of him and into the Tessaiga. I notice the hilt of Tessaiga turning red with heat and hear the crackling of burning. Inuyasha struggles holding it against the armor and finally Tessaiga bounces back. He skidded along the ground, the heat from the sword surrounding him.

Kagome rushed forward, shouting,” Inuyasha!”

Before Kagome reaches him, Inuyasha staggers up and shouts out,” I’m fine!”

Inuyasha faces Mouryoumaru with energy flowing around his sword. “You bastard! You tried to absorb my energy,” the incarnation shouted in fury.

“NEXT, I’LL DESTROY YOU,” the hanyou shouts.

I thought that Inuyasha would be able to rip the bastard apart, but Miroku’s next phrase scared me. “Right now, Dragon-scaled Tessaiga can’t even cut Mouryoumaru because he absorbed too much energy!”

Mouryoumaru cackled,” I’m not even scratched, but you can’t even stand.”

“SHUT UP,” Inuyasha shouts, rushing towards Mouryoumaru, but before he reaches him, out of nowhere a sacred arrow shows up from out of nowhere, striking Mouryoumaru.

I looked down at Kagome and found that it was not her. Everyone turns to the top of the mountain slope to see Kikyou holding a bow. The little tajiya was nowhere in sight. Earlier in the fight, Kohaku and the miko disappeared from the battle and Kikyou only appeared now. The arrow pierces the armor, turning the area around it into dust. The purification arrow was slowly purifying the armor.

“Kikyou,” Inuyasha exclaims.

“KILL HIM INUYASHA,” she commands.

“Damn you, Kikyou,” Mouryoumaru growled. He was about to attack Kikyou when Inuyasha stepped in.

“You bastard! I’m your opponent,” Inuyasha shouts.

“You really think that your sword will crack through my armor,” the incarnation laughed. Inuyasha dismissed the youkai’s claims and slammed Tessaiga into the armor again. Inuyasha strains to push Tessaiga on, surprisingly producing a crack through Mouryoumaru’s armor and face.

“It’s not just the armor-shell, its his arms too,” Miroku yells. When I see Jaken running up to the rest of the group, I land beside them, wanting to know what Jaken is trying to do.

“Could you please save Sesshoumaru-sama,” Jaken pleads with the group.

“It’s Jaken,” Shippou exclaims. Well no shit you damn kitsune!

“I did all I could try. I can’t crack that damn thing,” I growl.

“Kaori,” Shippou shouts.

“Shut the hell up,” I shout, throwing a glare his way. I whisper,” Remember what I said about not calling out my name?! You better be glad that bastard, Mouryoumaru, didn’t hear that or Naraku would have a field day with that news!”

The frightened kitsune ducked behind Miroku. “Sorry,” he mumbled in fear.

Jaken continued,” It may already be too late, but it’s pitiful to have him in there like that.”

“He can’t be dead,” Shippou responds in disbelief.

“Baka! He’s been crushed and pierced by diamond arms! There’s no way he would’ve survived,” Jaken shouts. I hear a sound from the tentacles that held Sesshoumaru and the rest follow my lead and stares at it.

“It moved,” Sango exclaims. The tentacles had light shining out of the cracks. Then to everyone’s relief (maybe excluding Inuyasha), the tentacles were pushed aside by Sesshoumaru, using Tensaiga.

“He came out,” I shout.

“Sesshoumaru-sama,” Jaken croaks in happiness.

“That’s Tensaiga’s barrier,” Kagome murmured.

“So Tensaiga protected Sesshoumaru,” Miroku thought out loud.

******No one’s POV******

While everyone was ogling over the fact that Sesshoumaru was still alive, Inuyasha was still pushing Tessaiga into Mouryoumaru. ’A little further and the armor will crack,’ Inuyasha thought, thinking that victory was on the way.

Kikyou looked on from the same spot she was found on. ‘The Shikon shard is coming out,’ she thought. She notches another arrow onto her bow.

She shoots it and it flies towards Mouryoumaru.

“Damn,” the incarnate cursed. Miasma shoots out of his body, surrounding the area.

“Miasma,” Kagome shouts. The group jumps away from the shouki before they have the chance of getting poisoned. Mouryoumaru, surrounded by miasma, rises up and makes his escape.

Before his form disappeared, he laughed,” Next time will not be like this.”

“Dammit! He got away,” Inuyasha growled. Kagome rushes towards the hanyou.

“Inuyasha, are you ok,” Kagome asks.

“Yea,” he answers, though his hands are completely burned, from holding the hilt of Tessaiga for too long. “Oww…” he murmurs so quietly that no one could hear him. He holds out the now untransformed Tessaiga, with the heat still radiating off of it.

“The youki didn’t flow back,” Miroku says in astonishment.

“Does that mean that Inuyasha already mastered the Dragon-scaled Tessaiga,” Shippou asked, excited.

Inuyasha sheathes the sword and responds,” It’s not that simple.” His face has a expression of disappointment on it. He stares at the mountaintop where Kikyou was standing only a few minutes ago. She was nowhere to be found. ‘So she’s already gone,’ he thought sadly.

He thought back to when she shot that arrow. ‘It was because Kikyou purified Mouryoumaru’s youkai energy. It is wasn’t for that, I would be dead,’ he thought with a grimace.

Kagome stared at Inuyasha with sadness in her eyes. ‘He’s thinking about Kikyou again,’ she mentally sighed.

Sango looked around to see if Kohaku was around. ‘Did Kohaku go with Kikyou,’ the tajiya asked herself.

The group turned their attention to the side, where Jaken was talking to his lord. “Sesshoumaru-sama, I’m so glad that you’re alive!”

Sesshoumaru clearly looked annoyed by his servant. Even though he was covered in scratches and bruises, he responded,” Humph. Did you think that This Sesshoumaru would get killed by the likes of Mouryoumaru?”

‘Geez, he’s back to his royal arrogant self so soon,’ Kaori thought with a sigh, though she smiled, glad that he wasn’t dead.

“He’s covered in scratches,” Kagome whispered to the others.

Kaori sighed,’ What’s it with these humans stating the obvious?’ She restrained herself from rolling her eyes.

“I guess we could treat them,” Shippou suggested.

Sesshoumaru threw them a glare that said,’ Touch me and die, pathetic weaklings.’

“Ahh! He’s glaring at us,” Kagome said in fear. Shippou and Kagome cower behind Inuyasha.

“We were just worried about him,” Shippou mumbled, frightened.

Jaken yells angrily,” Stupid fools! There’s no way that Sesshoumaru-sama would get killed by the likes of Mouryoumaru!”

“Say what,” Shippou exclaimed. “Saying that Sesshoumaru was dead, was you, Jaken!”

“What?! I never said anything of the sort,” Jaken argued back. The terrified imp demon notices Sesshoumaru walking off and ignoring him. “Sesshoumaru-sama, wait for me!” The bumbling toad scurries after his lord. Before they get very far, however, Inuyasha stops them.

“Sesshoumaru! Wait,” the hanyou called. The ice prince glances back from the corner of his eye. Inuyasha held out the remains of Toukijin. “Toukijin. Aren’t you going to take it?”

“Humph. This Sesshoumaru has no use of a broken sword. I shall look for a replacement.” The Taiyoukai walks off with the nervous Jaken following close behind.

Kaori starts to follow behind the pair. “Kaori-chan, why are you following them,” Kagome asked.

“I think I better follow, just so he doesn't strain himself if he decides to kidnap me again. We really wouldn't want that to happen,” she responded.

Inuyasha just snorted in response. “Keh! It’s your life.”

“Are you sure,” Sango asked.

“Yes. Don’t worry I’ll be fine. I got my fan and I’m sure it’s not the last time I’ll see you guys,” Kaori smiled.

“But…” Kagome protested.

“I’m going Kagome-chan. You don’t need to be endangered by him. Besides I have a feeling that he won’t want to kill me,” she smirked. She hugged everyone except Inuyasha, who stood there with his arms crossed. “Have it your way then, Inuyasha. You are all good friends.” Kaori waved and ran off after Sesshoumaru and Jaken.

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

Damn that Mouryoumaru! I almost let that lowly creature kill me. Ironic, that the sword I don’t even desire, still protects me. Curse it all, my sword was too pathetic to defend myself against Mouryoumaru. Toukijin is broken, so what shall I do on finding a replacement? Shall I go after Tessaiga again?

I was still walking with Jaken, whom I was irate with, since he once again, left Rin alone. Then I caught Kaori’s scent. I stopped and she stopped a few meters behind me.

“Why are you following,” I ask in my cold manner.

“Well excuse me, for being nice and checking on a certain arrogant Taiyoukai’s condition,” I hear her yell, angry.

“Are you not better off traveling with my half-breed brother,” I ask, rudely. Like I gave a damn what anyone else thought about me or anyone else for that matter.

“And this is coming from the same guy who kidnapped me only a day ago,” she retorts.

“I will not stop you nor grant you privilege to travel with me,” I respond, not particularly in one of my better moods to waste time squabbling with an inferior demon.

“Are you sure that is wise milord,” Jaken asks.

Ah yes, I still was not over what he has said about me earlier. Nor was I any happier that he abandoned Rin, so I decided to be lenient and punch him on the head. Rather harder than usual I would say. As he lay there in the dirt cursing his luck, I continued walking ahead. I think I heard Kaori walk over him, following me.

I located Rin and Au-Un’s scent and found her, luckily, in a field, unharmed. Not that I cared about humans, but I guess Rin is an exception. I don’t ask her to follow me, she just does.

“Rin, we are leaving,” I say simply.

“Sesshoumaru-sama,” squealed Rin in happiness as she greets me. How does this human girl stay so happy in my presence, I do not know. But it is better than most other human children who cry all the time out of fear. “Kaori-sama,” she exclaims as she greets Kaori as well.

“Hey, Rin-chan,” Kaori greeted, smiling at the little girl.

“Are you traveling with us now,” Rin asked.

“Hai.” Rin grins and hops onto Au-Un. I see Jaken finally catching up to us, shouting out my name. Sometimes I wonder how I put myself through this annoyance.

We continue walking through the forest until night approaches. “We will stop here for the night. Jaken, prepare camp,” I command in my ‘no nonsense’ tone. Jaken hurriedly scurries off to do what he is told, presuming because he is still scared of my punishment from earlier. Kaori went off to the river to bathe. I decided to get some rest to replenish my strength and give time for my injuries to heal.


To be continued…

Sorry for the wait! I had to update my other fanfics. Note: I cannot take ALL of the credit for the idea of this awesome action scene. This was based on the manga: Rumiko Takahashi’s work. I only wrote it out in words, reworded some of the phrases (so I don’t get sued for plagiarism), added in Kaori and Sesshoumaru’s thoughts, and Kaori’s actions. So the basis idea of this scene, the credit goes to Takahashi, but the Kaori involvement, you can thank me for. Just thought I would straighten that out before I get flamed. SO NO FLAMING for these reasons stated!

I promise a lot of fluff in the next chapter between Kaori and Sesshoumaru and maybe a little bit of comedy. Much thanks to vbollman, who helped me on this chapter. She also co-writes our new story A Night Both Would Remember so please read that! Awesome!

Next time on Kagura’s Reincarnation: Sesshoumaru and his group are taking a break from that battle to heal their wounds (mainly Sesshoumaru and Kaori) and some things develop…

Please Review!

Ja ne!