InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's resolution, Sesshoumaru's heart ❯ Pleasure n Pain ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

After the short moment of toweling themselves dry, Rin wrapped hers around herself, feeling a little self conscious, still, facing him unclothed. There was an uneasy minute where neither spoke nor moved. Rin wondered if she should start heading back to the chamber or just to wait for her master's cue. She felt an instant wave of relief sweep through her when Sesshoumaru came forward and held her hand in his gently, leading her toward the bed, stopping at the edge of the mattress.
Sesshoumaru did not throw her down passionately as she had wildly imagined he would. Instead, he merely gazed upon her lovingly, admiring her whole being while landing his hand ever so slightly on her shoulder. He reached to feel the moisture in her ebony tresses and realizing that it was still substantially damp, he unhurriedly rubbed on them with his towel. Rin watched him as he went about his task so meticulously, touched by the thoughtfulness behind this simple little gesture. Never had she imagined that her master, the Great Lord of the West feared by all demons plus humans, was now assisting her in drying her hair. She took another peek at the huge inviting looking bed lined with silken blankets and pillows and couldn't help feel the pressure of the unknown once again.
“So, what do we do now?” Rin forced an innocent smile, trying to ease her own over blown imagination and anxiety.
“What would you like me to do, lovely?” Sesshoumaru tested her playfully, enjoying the deep flush on her cheeks now appearing so instantaneously after his last word.
It only took a couple of seconds for him to regret having done that. He swiftly attempted to calm her down again, affectionately wrap his arm round her waist, bringing her closer to him. He let his finger play and brush lightly on her lower lip, laughing internally at her nervously twitching glances.
Rin shun away from him, embarrassed. “Are you teasing me, Sesshoumaru-sama? You know I don't really have an idea what…”
Sesshoumaru cut her reply off by bringing her chin up to meet her eyes, putting a finger on her lips to silence her and proceeded to place a kiss on it.
“I'm sorry. It's not my intention to bring you undue distress but…………. I want you to know though, that it would hurt, just a little, your first time.” He finished though not really convinced himself that it would be JUST A LITTLE.
Rin's thoughts were flying wildly. She had heard before that there would be pain the first time a female mates but when those words came directly from her master, she suddenly felt the intense reality of it. She was going to lose her virginity, soon. There's no turning back, like her master had said. She had already followed him obediently to his bed. In the midst of all this fear cum tension, she was at least, well more than at least actually, glad that it was him that she was surrendering her innocence.
Her trains were broken by an insertion by Sesshoumaru. “But I'll be gentle with you. I promise. I'll not take you until you're truly ready.”
At such comforting and tender words, Rin wrapped her arms round his neck as a sign of submission.
He lowered her into the thick mattresses, his body followed down simultaneously, collapsing on top of her. He pushed her hair back and shifted forward to place a kiss on her temple then down to catch her lips eagerly. The kiss was pure and not filled with too much passion. She returned him with equal enthusiasm, now that she had gain a little experience of such. Sesshoumaru broke away and rolled casually to his side, running his fingers round her throat and along the edge of that damn towel that was still disturbingly in his way.
“I think we won't be needing this for the moment,” he whispered and without a sign or warning, he pulled it from her body, flinging it to the furthest end of the room. There, he mused smugly. That's much better.
Rin was just too shocked to utter a sound. She was completely bare again.
Sesshoumaru did not make his advances just yet. He paused to admire the girl's form more thoroughly. She was not of large build; well, not even medium really. She was so small, slender and fragile, yet ever filled with a sort of adventurous zest. Her long wavy hair was really distracting, flying and landing everywhere carelessly around her. She was so beautiful to him always. Sesshoumaru gulped silently, not wishing to tolerate any more delays.
He started moving small circles round the perimeters of her breasts with his nimble fingers and progressed further down to outline the dip in the centre of her belly. Rin gasped as the ticklish sensation coursed through her, causing her back to arch upwards meeting his fingers. With the narrowed proximity, he then further his claims by moving scandalously down to the curls between her thighs and lightly stroked them as he heard her shriek. The girl's thigh muscles had already tightened substantially with just that light contact.
“You like that, don't you?” A contented grin appeared on Sesshoumaru's stripped cheeks as he reached up to nuzzle her nose.
Rin blushed profusely, preferring to keep silent. Even though it WAS the truth, she just couldn't make herself say it aloud so shamelessly.
Seeing her indecision, Sesshoumaru kissed her tenderly. “You don't have to be shy. I wish to know what you prefer, what you would enjoy, everything.”
Not wishing to further this subject in fear that her mood would be soiled by these pressurizing questions, he moved his hand to cup her breasts, fondling and massaging them consecutively. Gosh, they were so smooth and delicate to the touch, so perfect. In fact, SHE was so perfect in every way to him now. Rin found that she could not breathe properly, her breaths hitched and erratic. When he felt her lean toward him in positive response, he pursued to explore downward. He caressed her inner thighs, tickling them lightly. Rin's legs gave way naturally under his teases and parted as she simultaneously felt a heated sensation running down from her belly. He parted her folds and began rubbing her on that strange sensitive spot which made her whole body scream out in loss. Her breaths became more and more labored as he persisted on with more pressure and speed. Just as she felt that she could no longer endure and she was pushed to the edge, his finger left to delve instead into her depth. Gosh. She's so tight. Rin groaned out loud uncontrollably at this new unfamiliar insertion, her hands clinging wildly to the silken pillows. She felt her inner muscles ache, her barrier pushed to the limit of tearing, as a second finger was pushed into her.
Sesshoumaru noticed the girl's discomfort and paused to ponder with genuine concern. She was already feeling the pain now. What more later when he actually made love to her?
Even as he felt in control of the situation, he was in fact not quite so. As he teased and fondled her, he had gradually become hard and the tautness between his hips was getting more and more uncomfortable, unresolved. Even as he knew that the girl would inevitably feel much pain and soreness, there was no way he would give this up. Not for anything. He was bent on taking her as his. Today!
He instantly removed one finger leaving the other within. Then, he proceeded to sooth her with its gentle circling motion, fervently hoping that this little stretching exercise would help her accept his entrance later with more ease.
Sesshoumaru finally let his finger slid out of her and turned to shift his body above her, nudging her legs apart and settle his hips in between. She was just about to get a little relief from all these mind-blowing intimacies when suddenly, his lips sought to seal hers again kissing her fiercely as he forced his tongue deep into her mouth. Rin surrendered powerlessly to his possessive claims, welcoming it with her own tongue. Sesshoumaru broke away with a growl and with impatient haste, he moved lower to tease the rosy tips of her bulges, licking and flicking it roguishly. Rin's back stiffened at the enticing sensation but he did not stay there long either. Before she knew it, he had changed his target yet again. This time, he headed purposefully for her entrance, pulling her folds tautly apart as he licked and pressed his tongue at that strange spot once again. Rin cried out hysterically, unable to vanquish the throbbing fire within her body. Waves after waves of intoxication were drowning her over and over and she felt wild, wanting something badly.
Abandoning her inner thighs, Sesshoumaru had returned to gaze upon her. He planted a brief kiss on her lips. “Are you ready for me, my love?”
Rin closed her eyes in anticipation.
Upon this silent approval, Sesshoumaru lifted to bend her legs as he tilted her hips upward, his hard tip brushing at her entrance and he rhythmically gave inched pushes into her. When he felt her muscles tensed that these slight stretches, he knew he could not take her in one quick plunge. The pain would be just too excruciating. He had no intention to ruin and scar the memories of her first experience making love. He wanted it to be perfect and sweet for her.
Rin held her breath as he drove into her slowly, feeling how absolutely tight she was. As he reached her maiden barrier, he broke through it by pushing with slightly more force. A tear drop rolled down the corner of Rin's eye as she felt the searing pain also unbearable.
“Wait,” she whispered, sobbing. “Please wait.”
Sesshoumaru stopped to give her time to adjust to his thickness as he observed her with a gravely worried expression. His predictions were sadly true. The girl appeared to be in immense pain and he could not do anything to help relieve it.
After several moments, the girl had calmed down significantly as the pain eased a little. She fixed him a grateful gaze as she lifted her hips to welcome him. This time, Sesshoumaru shoved the rest of himself into her relentlessly in one deep thrust. Rin cried out, grabbing his shoulders tightly. Sesshoumaru then began to move in and out of her in a steadily slow tempo, watching out intently for any signs of pain from the girl. Strangely enough, instead of more agony, Rin felt every nerve in her body tingled in pleasure at this strange new irresistible friction.
“Faster,” she pleaded him softly. The girl had no idea what she was asking for.
With an agitated scowl, Sesshoumaru swore to take it a personal egotistical challenge to satisfy her. He began thrusting into her with increased speed and intensity. By now, his pace was turning almost brutal, his hips slamming and beating audibly reddening the delicate skin of her inner thighs. But he was too far gone to care. His needs were just too immense. She asked for it, he mused with a smirk. Well, Rin was no different. Her passionate moans filled the room; her desires had way surpassed any sensation of pain left. She could not do anything else but to wrap her legs around his waist, inviting him to deepen his pumps.
At a sudden realization, Sesshoumaru slid his fingers to rub on her spot again as he gave her his final pushes, crooning her with loving words and urging her to let go. Rin groaned aloud, struggling wildly, feeling an intensity growing rapidly inside her as it attempted to push her over the edge once again. This time, she could no longer hold it back. And for one moment, she felt everything blurred in front of her as deep shudders coursed through her whole body. She was not quite sure where she was, her master's voice was like a muted echo in her ears. Sesshoumaru felt her slick muscles contract rhythmically on his hard flesh and the pleasure was just too great. He let out a loud frenzied howl, sinking his fangs into her neck, marking her as his. Rin screamed helplessly at the sting, being caught off guarded. He whimpered in loss as he gave one final thrust, heaving deep pants as he reached his climax.
When Rin finally came back to herself and regained some sense of where she was, she found her lord fixing her with a most contented and tender gaze. He had already rolled to her side and was looking absolutely exhausted.
“How are you feeling, my love?” he enquired, his expression tinted with a hint of regret as his glance landed on the wound he had caused.
“I'm alright. Don't worry.” Rin whispered weakly, still unable to move.
“Are you sure?” he reached to lick at the telling mark on her throat somewhat apologetically. “Does it hurt still?”
“Yes, everywhere.” Rin answered truthfully with a dizzy sort of smile. After all the intensified waves were over, she had come to realize the throbbing pain and soreness she was currently feeling. “But I'll be alright. I think.” She finished and bravely attempted to get up from her lying position. But the soreness was just too intense. She writhed in agony and started to fall backward. Sesshoumaru caught her in his arm and cushioned her descent, hoping fervently that it would lessen her pain. Then, he waited patiently for her to recover enough to climb out of bed.
When Rin eventually got up, he had decided that he was not convinced that the girl could make the way to the bath house by herself. He carried her despite her struggles and her I'm-alright-let-me-go statements as the two made their way to clean themselves.
This is my first time attempting a lemon… did lots of research…
What do you guys think?
Let me know… please review…
Thanks a million. ^___^