InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Will Be Kids ❯ Shippo's First Bath! ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Hey! I don't, haven't, and will NEVER own InuYasha! Okay? Okay.
Chapter 11:Shippo's First Bath!
Kagome opened her eyes only to, shut them again, and then open them back up half way. The light burned her sensitive eyes at first but then she got used to it. Kagome noticed she was a bit warmer than usual.
Kagome slowly looked up to come face to face with a sleeping hanyou. He had his arms wrapped around her. Well, that explained the extra warmth. Kagome felt herself blush. Then she remembered last night.
Oh, that. Well whatever I can do to help I suppose. She thought as she looked over him to the alarm clock. This was new; it was a few minutes until they had to wake up for school. Well that never happened. Weird. Then her eyes shifted slightly to the left to reveal Shippo peeking at them over the side of his bed with an amused little smile on his face. She could tell that he was enjoying this.
Kagome sighed. She might as well wake him up now. “InuYasha, it's time to wake up for school.” Kagome quietly said as she put her hands against his chest and started to nudge him a bit. InuYasha opened his eyes groggily. “Hm? What?” Then he made the mistake at looking down at her. He was… H-Holding her.
His eyes widened and a blush spread across his face. Then he shot out of bed to the other side of the room. Shippo was snickering the whole time. At one point he was on his stomach and pounding the nightstand, laughing so hard he was crying. That is until InuYasha smacked him on the head still completely embarrassed. He growled at Shippo and then went to his baggage to get his things, like always.
Kagome sat up and looked at him. “InuYasha, are you feeling better?” She asked softly.
“What are you talking about?” He inquired not looking up from his bags. Kagome looked down at her lap. “You know, from the bad dream you had last night.”
“Yeah.” With that InuYasha made his way to the bathroom.
Kagome sighed. He can have it first today. She looked up at her ceiling. I just hope he feels better soon. InuYasha says that he feels better but I still think he's sad… Maybe even… Scared? He didn't look scared but he could be considering how badly that dream frightened him. Poor InuYasha, that dream totally freaked him out. Kagome sighed again. I hope that maybe I can help in some way.
She got out of bed and started to make her way to the closet until Shippo lifted his arms up. That meant he wanted to be picked up. Kagome giggled and picked up the little kitsune. “To lazy for words today, aren't we?” Shippo just looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes. “Gosh, you're acting just like my brother. Come on, say something Shippo.” Kagome said while tickling the tiny fur ball in her arms. Shippo started laughing which was making Kagome a bit happier.
“There, now can you say something?” She asked looking down at him.
“Like what?” Kagome raised Shippo over her head and twirled him. She giggled. “See? I knew you could say something.” Then she walked the remainder of the way to her closet and got her school uniform.
Kagome came back to her bed and set Shippo down on it. “I'm going to the bathroom now, okay.” Shippo nodded his head as he watched her walk out of the room. But wait, didn't InuYasha no come out of bathroom? His answer came from a scream, a slam, Kagome running in, slamming the door, and sliding down it so she was sitting on the floor. “What happen?” Shippo asked coming over.
Judging by the fact that Kagome's heart was beating really fast and there was a bright red blush on her face things didn't look good. Even Shippo knew that and he was two. “Kagome, what happen?!” Shippo demanded more than asked. Kagome didn't answer, she was traumatized.
Shippo shook her best he could. She seemed to snap out of it. Kagome gulped. “H-He… Bathroom… Ew.” She murmured. Uh-oh. Shippo knew exactly what happened but had absolutely no idea what to do about it.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, InuYasha was freaking out.
God, has that girl ever heard of knocking? He was sitting on the ground with his back against the door, not unlike Kagome in her room. InuYasha was really embarrassed. He had a blush across his face also a lot like Kagome's though if you said he was way more embarrassed that morning when they first woke up it would be a lie.
If Miroku ever finds this out he'll never leave me alone. Though if he were in my situation he'd probably be all “Hey Sango! Do you like?” Even though the situation was pretty bad for him at the moment he couldn't help but laugh at that thought.
But seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do here?! I can't just go up to her and say “Hey Kagome, I'm sorry that you burst in and saw me like that, can you forgive me?” Well, I could do that but it wouldn't really be the best idea. Actually my life as I know it would probably be over if I said that. InuYasha sighed. What a dilemma.
“Kagome, InuYasha an idiot. Everyone knows that. Do you want me to talk to him? Me a lot better with small words.” Shippo asked trying to calm the still freaked out Kagome on the floor. “I d-don't know. I d-definitely don't want to talk to him, if that's what you're asking.” Kagome answered shakily.
She looked at the clock. “Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late if I don't get ready!” Kagome got dressed never minding Shippo since he was a baby… A toddler… Okay, fine! A big boy. Gosh.
Despite Kagome's embarrassment she had to get InuYasha out of the bathroom. She would feel bad if he got in trouble because he was late. Plus, she wasn't about to leave without him.
“Um… InuYasha, it's time for breakfast. We'll have to leave pretty soon or we'll be late for school.” Kagome stated very nervously through the door. To her dismay he opened the door and stepped out. She was surprised that he wasn't wearing his firerat kimono, it was the first time she ever saw him in regular clothes. InuYasha was wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. What's with him and red anyway?
Kagome looked down at her shoes. They were pretty nice shoes. “Uh… I'm so sorry about what happened.” She turned her head to the side a little. “Can you forgive me?” Then she looked up at him a bit hopefully with a small smile on her lips.
InuYasha couldn't help but smile back at her. “Yeah.” Kagome's head went all the way back up. “Really? We're still friends, right?”
InuYasha snorted. “Of course, what are you stupid?” Kagome was about to respond to that but InuYasha grabbed her hand and started dragging her down the stairs before she could. “Come on, breakfast time.”
The walk to school was pretty quiet. Sango wasn't a big fan of awkward silence so she started a conversation. “Um… So… What happened guys? You're always really talkative.”
Another silence.
“Nothing.” InuYasha and Kagome answered in unison. Sango and Miroku exchanged looks. “Seriously, what happened?”
“NOTHING!” InuYasha and Kagome yelled back at them, really wanting to change the subject. Someone had to change the subject. “Uh… Who likes puppies?” Kagome asked.
Sango and Miroku raised their eyebrows at her while InuYasha just gave her a blank look. Miroku started to laugh. “Yeah, I like puppies! Especially the one in front of me!” He said as he caught InuYasha in a headlock and gave him a noogy between his ears.
“Hey you jackass! Let go of me!” InuYasha shouted as he tried to get Miroku off of him. The girls started laughing of course. “Are you finding this funny?” InuYasha growled. Sango and Kagome looked at each other and started laughing again. “Oh yeah!” They answered in between their laughs.
InuYasha pushed Miroku off of him and continued walking not even looking back at his still laughing friends. Kagome ran up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Ah, come on cheer up. You have to admit it was funny.” She said with a big goofy grin on her face.
School was a humongous bore. It was just… Learning. Absolutely nothing interesting happened. Math was horrible as always. They were multiplying again, Kagome hated multiplying. Why couldn't they just stick to addition? What was even worse was division.
She was so happy when she got home. But unfortunately, Sango and Miroku had a ton of homework so they couldn't play together today. At least the incident, or should I say incidents, that morning was long forgotten.
InuYasha, Kagome, and Shippo sat in front of the TV watching Hamtaro. InuYasha stared at the screen with complete boredom. “I hate homework. Homework is my worst enemy.” InuYasha mumbled obviously referring to Sango and Miroku's absence which had occurred because of the loathed homework.
“Me too.” Kagome agreed with a small nod. Shippo looked from InuYasha to Kagome in confusion. “I don't even know what that is.” InuYasha and Kagome looked at each other then down at Shippo. “It's only the most evil thing on this planet.” Kagome explained. “Well you know, except Kinky-ho.” InuYasha added with a smile in Kagome's direction.
InuYasha and Kagome fell over laughing while Shippo just stared at them with a blank and confused look on his face. “You two are crazy, you know that right?”
InuYasha and Kagome sat up, looked at Shippo, looked at each other, and then an evil smile curled their lips as an idea formed in their heads. “Dude Shippo, you stink.” InuYasha stated fanning his nose with his hand. “Yeah Shippo, when was the last time you had a bath?” Kagome asked innocently.
“I… Uh… Bath? Well… I…” Shippo muttered not really knowing how to answer. Kagome shook her head. “Tsk, tsk, Shippo. Just as I thought.” She smiled over at InuYasha. Shippo was getting nervous. If they teamed up on him, he didn't stand a chance. “Come on Shippo let's get you in the tub. Trust me; you'll feel a lot better afterwards.” She said scooping him up in her arms and starting to walk up the stairs followed by InuYasha.
“Why he following?” Shippo asked. “Oh, he's going to help, of course.” Kagome said smiling down at him sweetly. Shippo got a frightened look on his face and when InuYasha saw it he smiled in amusement. “Oh don't worry Shippo; I'm not going to dunk your head under the water repeatedly or anything.” He put his hand to his chin in thought. “Although now that I think about it, that sounds like a really good idea.”
That didn't help at all. Shippo was trembling with fear now. Kagome cuddled him closer. “He's just kidding. He won't be able to do anything to you while I'm here.” She whispered into his ear. That made him calm down, a lot.
Kagome placed little Shippo in the bath tub and started the water. “Hey, do you want bubbles?” She asked holding up a pink bottle. “Huh?” He asked studying the bottled. “Bubble bath. It makes bubbles in the tub. It's really fun, just try it.” Kagome persuaded and when Shippo nodded she happily poured it into the tub now filled with water.
As the bubbles started to form Shippo stared at them like they were magical and started to play with them. Kagome giggled at Shippo's cuteness. She turned to InuYasha who was kneeled beside her. “Isn't he so cute?” She asked with a smile.
InuYasha looked at Shippo who was playing with the pink bubbles that were floating all around him in the water. “Maybe, just a little.”
Kagome gave him a disbelieving look. “A little?” InuYasha sighed. “Okay, fine. He's really cute. There, you happy?” Kagome gave him a big grin. “Yeah.”
“You right Kagome, these bubbles fun!” Shippo squealed with excitement. Kagome smiled at him. “The washing part is even funer.” Shippo looked up at her. “Washing?”
“Yeah, that's the main point of a bath, you know?” Kagome stated squirting some shampoo into her hand and rubbing it together with the other. Then she started scrubbing his head. Shippo sniffed the air. “Hey, that stuff smell good.”
“I'm glad you like it. It's green apple and you'll probably smell like it for awhile.” She explained with a giggle. “Kagome, can't I dunk his head under the water? Please, I'll only do it once.” InuYasha begged in her ear. “No.” Was her simple reply.
InuYasha pouted. “Why not?” Kagome sighed. “Well, one because that's mean and two because I promised him I wouldn't let you, okay.” InuYasha smirked. “And how exactly would you stop me if I decided I was going to dunk his head under the water, huh?” Kagome raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, I have my ways.”
“OH THAT FEELS SO… GOOD!” Kagome laughed. She knew that he actually enjoyed it but he'd always told her to get lost before. “Ha! I knew you liked ear rubs!” She shouted in victory. “I don't! I HATE IT! …Oh, a little more to the right.”
“Hey, can me try?!” Shippo shouted in excitement. “Yep.” Kagome answered lowering InuYasha's head for him. “NO YOU CAN'T YOU LITTLE… Ah. DAMN YOU ALL!” InuYasha screamed in frustration.
“Now that we're done torturing InuYasha, which was really fun might I add, we can finish your bath Shippo.” Kagome explained with a smile and a scoff from InuYasha. “You both suck.”
“Thank you InuYasha, that was really sweet.” Kagome said sarcastically as she began putting conditioner on Shippo's head. “Ew… What this?” Shippo asked in disgust. “It's conditioner. It gets the tangles out, though you don't have a whole lot of hair. But you still have enough to put in that little ponytail, ne?”
“Yeah, but it goopy.” He stated sticking his tongue out. “I have no idea where I'd be if there wasn't conditioner. It really comes in handy, especially with people who have longer hair. Right InuYasha?”
InuYasha nodded. “Yeah, my hair would be a total mess.”
Shippo sighed. “Okay.” Kagome ran her fingers through Shippo's hair. “See? No tangles at all.” She reached to get the bar of soap and shoved it into InuYasha's hand. “This' where you come in. Help him wash up.” Kagome yawned as she walked out of the room. “I'm going downstairs to get a snack, you want something?” Shippo and InuYasha looked at each other then they both gave Kagome a blank look.
Kagome sighed. “Let me guess, a ramen cup for InuYasha and a lollipop for Shippo.” The boys looked at each other then looked back at Kagome with nods and smiles on their faces. “You want a pink lollipop Shippo?” Shippo nodded again. “Okay, see you guys later then.” She said walking out the door with a smile.
When Kagome got back Shippo and InuYasha were waiting in her room for the snacks. “Hey guys. Did you enjoy your… First bath Shippo?” She asked handing InuYasha his ramen and Shippo his lollipop.
“Yeah, it fun. Kind of.” He answered happily sticking the lollipop in his mouth. Kagome had gotten an apple for herself and stared at InuYasha as he shuddered while just looking at it. “What's your problem?” She asked raising her eyebrow at him. InuYasha slurped his noodles. “Num dab du nata ba dapales.”
Kagome blinked. “Okay, suggestion. You need to swallow before you answer because I didn't understand a word you just said.” InuYasha swallowed and then sighed. “I SAID… Nothing, I just hate apples.” Kagome smirked. “Oh, so would it annoy you… If I did this?” As she said that she slowly took a huge bite out of her apple. InuYasha shuddered with disgust. Kagome laughed, quite amused that he was that disgusted by an apple while Shippo almost choked on his lollipop.
“You so weird!” Shippo managed to shout through his laughs. InuYasha sighed. “You people laugh way too often.”
A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter was sort of random. Bear with me here people. The chapters are getting harder and harder to write. I've still got to get through the week you know (in the story). I might as well explain why I'm updating as fast as I am. I've been a klutz and have dislocated my knee so pretty much all I have to do all day is work on this story, listen to music, or do some other stuff on the computer or something.
I'd like to recognize my second anonymous reviewer TIAANN!
Along with:
Phoebe-My first anonymous reviewer
hopelessromatic 16
miley-Remember to check out her story “My Will”
Kantana Kiba 63
im inuyashas dirty little secret-Remember to check out her poem “Let Me Love You”
xPimx-Remember to check out her story “A Killer In Hindsight”
I love you guys. Thanks so much!