InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo, Kagome's Sister ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kikyo, Kagome’s sister!

My name is Kagome, and my sister’s name is Kikyo. We are twins.
My mom is dead, she die in a fair. And my father’s name is Myôga!
My mom was a human, a really cute human. And she’s name was Rin.
Today is my and my sister’s birthday, we are 15 years old.
My boyfriend is Sesshomaru, and my sister’s boyfriend is InuYasha.
Sesshomaru is 17 years and InuYasha is 16 years.
Today is my first school day on Jewel High school! I am new girl in the city, and we living in a temple. One day, my father give me a dolls, she was really cute. Yellow hair, blue eyes, and a dress by gold. But it’s a one tgin about this girl she was sad. She’s eyes beginning crying. ‘What’s going on’ I’m thinking.

“Kagome, what are you doing?” Kikyo said
“Ah, nothing! Eh, Kikyo?”
“Yeah, what is it?” Kikyo asked
“Can you pleas help me?”
“We have mat tomorrow!”
“yeah, sow?”
“Eh, I can’t nothing about mat, and my teacher will be so angry if I don’t..”
“of course I will help you, you are my sister, and I is really like you” Kikyo say.
“Thank you sister, I like you too!”

Next day, I come home and told my sister.
“Kikyo, my teacher was not angry, thanks for help” Kagome say.
“its was nothing” Kikyo say.

5 hours later!

“Kagome, is dinner. Can you pleas came now?” Kikyo asked.
“I’m coming, wait a moment” Kagome say.
“It’s okay”

Next Chapter will come!
Pleas R&R and next chapter will come to you.!

Love from Rukiia!!